II.9 フロンティア研究センター
II.9.1 光ナノテクノロジー研究部門
II.9.1.1 教員組織
(1) 氏名,(2) メールアドレス,(3) 職名・学位,(4) 専門分野,(5) 所属学会(役職名),(6) 社会活動(役職名),(7) 主要研究テーマ,(8) キーワード,(9) 共同研究可能テーマ
(1) 原口 雅宣, Masanobu Haraguchi,
(2) hāŗāġūċhī ₍.₎ māśāņōbū (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) 微小光学, ナノフォトニクス, プラズモニクス, 量子光学,
(5) 応用物理学会・日本物理学会 (支部長)・電子情報通信学会・ナノ学会・SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering・社団法人 レーザー学会 (中国四国支部支部長)・日本光学会,
(6) 徳島県LEDバレイ構想推進協議会 産業振興部会 (部会長),
(7) プラズモンを利用したナノ光学, 非線形光学材料による微小球の光学特性, プラズモン導波路デバイス, フォトニック結晶, 微小球,
(8) プラズモニクス, ナノ光学, 表面プラズモンポラリトン, 局在プラズモン, 非線形光学, 誘電体微小球, 光学モード, フォトニックバンド, フォトニック結晶, 光局在, 光学特性,
(9) プラズモンを用いた新奇デバイス, ナノ光学素子開発, 薄膜の光学的評価, 光導波構造等複雑な形状での光伝搬特性, フォトニック結晶の光学的特性評価, 誘電体周期構造での光伝搬特性
(1) 橋本 修一, Shuichi Hashimoto,
(2) hāśhīċhėm (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・理学博士,
(4) 光物理化学,
(5) 社団法人 日本化学会・社団法人 日本分光学会・アメリカ化学会・光化学協会・応用物理学会・日本放射線化学会・ゼオライト学会・光化学協会 (理事),
(6) ,
(7) ゼオライト光化学, 顕微分光, レーザー化学,
(8) (@.keyword),
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 古部 昭広, Akihiro Furube,
(2) fūŗūbė ₍.₎ ākīhīŗō (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) (@.field),
(5) 応用物理学会 (M&BE常任幹事)・光化学協会・日本化学会,
(6) ,
(7) (@.theme),
(8) (@.keyword),
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 永瀬 雅夫, Masao Nagase,
(2) ņāġāśė (@) ėė ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) 半導体デバイス物性,
(5) 応用物理学会・International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference・International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference・応用物理学会 (プログラム編集委員(合同セッションL/ナノカーボン))・応用物理学会・International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference・International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference・International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference・International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference・応用物理学会・International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference・International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2013 Program Vice Chair)・集積化MEMS技術研究会 (研究会委員)・応用物理学会 (プログラム編集委員(半導体A13.3))・International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2014 Organizing Committee)・The 6th IEEE International Nanoelectronics Conference 2014 (INEC 2014 Nanomaterials/Carbon related Program Committee)・International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2015 Program Chair),
(6) ,
(7) 半導体デバイスの開発とナノ物性評価技術の研究,
(8) 半導体デバイス, ナノ構造, シリコン, グラフェン, ナノ計測技術,
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 井須 俊郎, Toshiro Isu,
(2) (電子メール),
(3) 特任教授・工学博士,
(4) 半導体物理学, 光デバイス, 結晶成長学, 超高速フォトニクス, 光物性,
(5) 応用物理学会・電子材料シンポジウム・電気学会・日本真空協会 (関西支部幹事)・社団法人 レーザー学会,
(6) ,
(7) ナノ構造半導体の物性とデバイス応用,
(8) 結晶成長, 半導体光物性, 半導体量子構造, ナノテクノロジー, 超高速光学応答測定,
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 富田 卓朗, Takuro Tomita,
(2) tōmītā (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 准教授・博士(理学),
(4) 光物質科学, 光物性物理学, 半導体物理学,
(5) 日本物理学会 (2013年秋季大会実行委員会委員)・応用物理学会・American Physical Society・テラヘルツテクノロジーフォーラム,
(6) 独立行政法人 情報通信研究機構・社団法人 レーザー学会 (第37回実行委員会委員(会計係委員))・2013 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会 (現地実行委員(会場担当),プログラム編集委員会委員(材料部門))・日本物理学会中国支部・四国支部, 応物物理学会中国四国支部 学術講演会・2014 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会 (プログラム編集委員会委員(材料部門))・2015年度 応用物理・物理系学会 中国四国支部 合同学術講演会 (プログラム委員)・2016 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会 (プログラム編集委員会委員(材料部門)),
(7) レーザー誘起物性改質, レーザー加工, レーザー誘起ナノ周期構造, ラマン散乱分光, 超高速時間分解分光, 磁気光学分光, ワイドバンドギャップ半導体における微視的分極理論, 半導体中の電子-格子相互作用,
(8) フェムト秒レーザー加工・改質, 光物性, 半導体物理,
(9) ラマン散乱分光法を用いた半導体の物性評価, 超高速時間分解分光法を用いた半導体の物性評価
(1) 岡本 敏弘, Toshihiro Okamoto,
(2) tōśhī-ōkāmōtō (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 准教授・博士(工学),
(4) 非線形光学, プラズモニクス, ナノフォトニクス, メタマテリアル,
(5) 応用物理学会・電気学会,
(6) 徳島県LED関連製品開発可能性調査検討会・徳島県LED関連製品開発可能性調査検討会・徳島県LED関連製品開発可能性調査検討会・LED関連製品商品化促進事業検討会・LED関連製品商品化促進事業検討会・LED関連製品商品化促進事業検討会・LED関連製品商品化促進事業検討会・LED新分野進出加速事業検討会 (委員)・LED新分野進出加速事業検討会 (委員),
(7) 全光学型光スイッチ及び光双安定現象の研究, 局在表面プラズモン特性を用いたナノ構造非線形光デバイスの研究, 電磁メタマテリアルの非線形光学応答に関する研究, プラズモン導波路に関する研究,
(8) 非線形光学, 光スイッチ現象, 光双安定現象, ナノ構造, 局在表面プラズモン, メタマテリアル, プラズモン導波路,
(9) 非線形光学デバイスの開発, プラズモンデバイスの開発
(1) 大野 恭秀, Yasuhide Ohno,
(2) ōhņō (@) ėė ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 准教授・(学位名称),
(4) 半導体工学,
(5) ,
(6) ,
(7) ナノカーボン材料の応用,
(8) (@.keyword),
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 北田 貴弘, Takahiro Kitada,
(2) kītāđā (@) fŗċ ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 准教授・博士(工学),
(4) 半導体量子工学,
(5) 応用物理学会・日本物理学会・IEEE,
(6) ,
(7) 分子線エピタキシー法による半導体ナノ構造の作製に関する研究,
(8) 半導体ナノ構造, 分子線エピタキシー,
(9) 半導体ナノ構造の電気的,光学的特性評価
(1) 熊谷 直人, Naoto Kumagai,
(2) (電子メール),
(3) 特任講師・博士(工学),
(4) 半導体量子工学,
(5) ,
(6) ,
(7) 分子線エピタキシーによる半導体ナノ構造の作製,
(8) 分子線エピタキシー, 半導体ナノ構造,
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 盧 翔孟, Xiangmeng Lu,
(2) xm-lū (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 特任助教・博士,
(4) 半導体量子工学,
(5) 応用物理学会,
(6) ,
(7) III-V半導体成長,
(8) 量子ドット, 半導体デバイス, 半導体ナノ構造, 分子線エピタキシー,
(9) (@.collaborate)
II.9.1.2 研究業績
【著 書】
橋本 修一 : 無機固体の光加工・改質,, 株式会社 シーエムシー出版, 東京, 2013年4月.
原口 雅宣 : プラズモニクスを活用した研究開発テーマの発掘 (「技術シーズを活用した 研究開発テーマの発掘」のうち第10章第3節), 株式会社 技術情報協会, 東京, 2013年7月.
Akihiro Furube : Time Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy of Metal Oxides and Interface, Royal Society of Chemistry, (都市), Oct. 2013.
古部 昭広 : 過渡吸収分光法, 朝倉書籍, (都市), 2014年6月.
古部 昭広 : 第6章 光・電子物性および解析技術 6.6 超高速分光, (発行所), (都市), 2015年8月.
Masao Nagase, Hiroki Hibino, Hiroyuki Kageshima and Hiroshi Yamaguchi : Graphene-Based Nano-Electro-Mechanical Switch with High On/Off Ratio, Applied Physics Express, Vol.6, No.4, pp.055101-(3pp), 2013.
Yukinori Yasunaga, Hyuga Ueyama, Ken Morita, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : Strongly Enhanced Four-Wave Mixing Signal from GaAs/AlAs Cavity with InAs Quanynm Dots Embedded in Strain-Relaxed Barriers, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.52, No.4, p.04CG09, 2013.
Shinpei Tanabe, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshiro Isu and Genichi Shinomiya : Fabrication and evaluation of photonic metamaterial crystal, Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing, Vol.112, (号), pp.613-619, 2013.
Takahiro Kitada, Sho Katoh, Toshikazu Takimoto, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Ken Morita and Toshiro Isu : Terahertz Waveforms Generated by Second-Order Nonlinear Polarization in GaAs/AlAs Coupled Multilayer Cavities Using Ultrashort Laser Pulses, IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol.5, No.3, p.6500308, 2013.
Takahiro Kitada, Sho Katoh, Toshikazu Takimoto, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Ken Morita and Toshiro Isu : Terahertz emission from a GaAs/AlAs coupled multilayer cavity with nonlinear optical susceptibility inversion, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.102, No.25, p.251118, 2013.
Takahiro Kitada, Hyuga Ueyama, Ken Morita and Toshiro Isu : Ultrafast photocarrier relaxation processes in Er-doped InAs quantum dots embedded in strain-relaxed InGaA sbarriers, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol.378, (号), pp.485-488, 2013.
Toshihiro Okamoto, Hiroki Koizumi, Masanobu Haraguchi, Masuo Fukui and Akira Otomo : Complex third-order nonlinear optical susceptibility spectrum of a CdS film coat on a silver nanoparticle, Optical Materials Express, Vol.3, No.9, pp.1504-1515, 2013.
Naoto Kumagai, Shunsuke Ohkouchi, Katsuyuki Watanabe, Satoshi Iwamoto and Yasuhiko Arakawa : Rim formation on non-elongated InAs quantum dots grown by partial cap and annealing process at low temperature, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol.378, pp.558-561, 2013.
Shunsuke Ohkouchi, Naoto Kumagai, Katsuyuki Watanabe, Satoshi Iwamoto and Yasuhiko Arakawa : Shape evolution of low density InAs quantum dots in the partial capping process by using As2 source, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol.378, pp.549-552, 2013.
Takahiro Kitada, Yukinori Yasunaga, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Ken Morita and Toshiro Isu : Wavelength conversion via four-wave mixing in a triple-coupled multilayer cavity, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.103, No.10, p.101109, 2013.
Kenji Setoura, Yudai Okada, Daniel Werner and Shuichi Hashimoto : Observation of Nanoscale Cooling Effects by Substrates and the Surrounding Media for Single Gold Nanoparticles under CW-laser Illumination, ACS Nano, Vol.7, No.9, pp.7874-7885, 2013.
松尾 繁樹, 遠所 慶, 橋本 修一 : フェムト秒レーザー支援エッチングにおけるエッチャント加熱の効果, レーザー研究, Vol.41, No.10, 827-829頁, 2013年.
Takahiro Kitada, Chiho Harayama, Ken Morita and Toshiro Isu : Two-color lasing in a coupled multilayer cavity with InAs quantum dots by optical pumping, Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics, Vol.10, No.11, pp.1434-1437, 2013.
Shin-ichi Nakashima, Takuro Tomita, Natsuki Kuwahara, Takeshi Mitani, Ken Tomobe, Shin-ichi Nishizawa and Hajime Okumura : Raman intensity profiles of zone-folded modes in SiC: Identification of stacking sequence of 10H-SiC, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.114, No.19, pp.193510-1-193510-7, 2013.
Salah E. El-Zohary, Abdulilah Azzazi, Hiroyuki Okamoto, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi and Mohamed A. Swillam : Resonance-based integrated plasmonic nanosensor for lab-on-chip applications, Journal of Nanophotonics, Vol.7, No.1, pp.073077-1-073077-9, 2013.
Hiroyuki Kageshima, Hiroki Hibino, Hiroshi Yamaguchi and Masao Nagase : Stability and reactivity of steps in the initial stage of graphene growth on the SiC(0001) surface, Physical Review B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Vol.88, No.23, pp.235405-(7pp), 2013.
Kenzo Yamaguchi, Masamitsu Fujii, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Electrically driven plasmon chip: Active plasmon filter, Applied Physics Express, Vol.7, No.1, pp.012201-1-012201-4, 2014.
Hiroyuki Okamoto, Kenzo Yamaguchi, Masanobu Haraguchi and Toshihiro Okamoto : Characteristics of nano-plasmonic resonators with a gap structure, Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing, Vol.115, No.1, pp.19-23, 2014.
Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Akihiro Furube, Ryuzi Katoh, Pratap Samarendra Singh, Prashant Sonar, Laurence Evan Williams, Chellappan Vijila, Sandhya Gomathy Subramanian, Sergey Gorelik and Jonathan Hobley : Excited-state dynamics in diketopyrrolopyrrole-based copolymer for organic photovoltaics investigated by transient optical spectroscopy, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.53, No.1, pp.01AB11-1-01AB11-5, 2014.
Hironori Suzuki, Yoko Iizumi, Masayoshi Tange, Soon-Kil Joung, Akihiro Furube, Takaaki Wada, Tomoyuki Tajima, Yutaka Takaguchi and Toshiya Okazaki : Spectroscopic Characterization of Nanohybrids Consisting of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes and Fullerodendron, Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, Vol.22, No.1-3, pp.75-87, 2014.
Manato Deki, Takahiro Makino, Naoya Iwamoto, Shinobu Onoda, Kazutoshi Kojima, Takuro Tomita and Takeshi Ohshima : Linear energy transfer dependence of single event gate rupture in SiC MOS capacitors, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Vol.319, pp.75-78, 2014.
Manato Deki, Tomoki Oka, Shodai Takayoshi, Yoshiki Naoi, Takahiro Makino, Takeshi Ohshima and Takuro Tomita : Temperature Dependence of Electric Conductivities in Femtosecond Laser Modified Areas in Silicon Carbide, Materials Science Forum, Vol.778-780, pp.661-664, 2014.
Manato Deki, Takahiro Makino, Kazutoshi Kojima, Takuro Tomita and Takeshi Ohshima : Single Event Gate Rupture in SiC MOS Capacitors with Different Gate Oxide Thicknesses, Materials Science Forum, Vol.778-780, pp.440-443, 2014.
Hiroyuki Kageshima, Hiroki Hibino, Hiroshi Yamaguchi and Masao Nagase : Stability and Reactivity of [11-20] Step in Initial Stage of Epitaxial Graphene Growth on SiC(0001), Materials Science Forum, Vol.778-780, pp.1150-1153, 2014.
Bin-Bin Xu, Dan-Dan Zhang, Xue-Qing Liu, Lei Wang, Wei-Wei Xu, Masanobu Haraguchi and Ai-Wu Li : Fabrication of microelectrodes based on precursor doped with metal seeds by femtosecond laser direct writing, Optics Letters, Vol.39, No.3, pp.434-437, 2014.
Daisuke Tanaka, Yoko Inuta, Masanori Sakamoto, Akihiro Furube, Mitsutaka Haruta, Yeong-Gi So, Koji Kimoto, Ikutaro Hamada and Toshiharu Teranishi : Strongest pi-metal orbital coupling in a porphyrin/gold cluster system, Chemical Science, Vol.5, No.5, pp.2007-2010, 2014.
Yusuke Yamashiro, Koichi Inoue, Yasuhide Ohno, Kenzo Maehashi and Kazuhiko Matsumoto : Enhancement of ElectronPhonon Interaction by Band-Gap Opening in Bilayer Graphene, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.83, No.3, p.034703, 2014.
Kazuhiko Matsumoto, Kenzo Maehashi, Yasuhide Ohno and Koichi Inoue : Recent advances in functional graphene biosensors, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol.47, No.9, p.094005, 2014.
Takahiro Kitada, Yukinori Yasunaga, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Ken Morita and Toshiro Isu : Four-wave mixing in a GaAs/AlAs triple-coupled multilayer cavity for novel ultrafast wavelength conversion devices, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.53, No.4S, p.04EG03, 2014.
Chiho Harayama, Sho Katoh, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Ken Morita, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : Wafer-bonded coupled multilayer cavity with InAs quantum dots for two-color emission, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.53, No.4S, p.04EG11, 2014.
Ran Zhang, Xiao-Wen Cao, 徐 微微, 原口 雅宣, Bing-Rong Gao : Research on the fabrication and property of hydrophobic antireflective infrared window, Acta Physica Sinica, Vol.63, No.5, 054201-1-054201-6頁, 2014年.
Kohei Seike, Yusuke Fujii, Yasuhide Ohno, Kenzo Maehashi, Koichi Inoue and Kazuhiko Matsumoto : Floating-gated memory based on carbon nanotube field-effect transistors with Si floating dots, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.53, No.4S, p.04EN07, 2014.
Masaki Hasegawa, Yuki Hirayama, Yasuhide Ohno, Kenzo Maehashi and Kazuhiko Matsumoto : Characterization of reduced graphene oxide field-effect transistor and its application to biosensor, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.53, No.5S1, p.05FD05, 2014.
Toshio Kawahara, Satarou Yamaguchi, Yasuhide Ohno, Kenzo Maehashi, Kazuhiko Matsumoto, Kazumasa Okamoto, Risa Utsunomiya, Teruaki Matsuba, Yuki Matsuoka and Masamichi Yoshimura : Raman spectral mapping of self-aligned carbon nanowalls, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.53, No.5S1, p.05FD10, 2014.
Fan Yang, A.A. Taskin, Satoshi Sasaki, Kouji Segawa, Yasuhide Ohno, Kazuhiko Mastumoto and Yoichi Ando : Top gating of epitaxial (Bi1-xSbx)2Te3 topological insulator thin films, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.104, No.16, p.161614, 2014.
Toshio Kawahara, Satarou Yamaguchi, Yasuhide Ohno, Kenzo Maehashi, Kazuhiko Matsumoto and Kazumasa Okamoto : Carbon Nanowall Field Effect Transistors Using a Self-Aligned Growth Process, e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, Vol.12, pp.225-229, 2014.
Takashi Ikuta, Kenta Gumi, Yasuhide Ohno, Kenzo Maehashi, Koichi Inoue and Kazuhiko Matsumoto : Direct graphene synthesis on a Si/SiO2 substrate by a simple annealing process, Materials Research Express, Vol.1, No.2, p.025028, 2014.
Haruyoshi Katayama, Michito Sakai, Junpei Murooka, Masafumi Kimata, Takahiro Kitada, Toshiro Isu, Mikhail Patrashin, Iwao Hosako and Yasuhiro Iguchi : Development Status of Type II Superlattice Infrared Detector in JAXA, Sensors and Materials, Vol.26, No.4, pp.225-234, 2014.
Akihiro Takezawa, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto and Mitsuru Kitamura : Cross-Sectional Optimization of Whispering-Gallery Mode Sensor With High Electric Field Intensity in the Detection Domain, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol.20, No.6, pp.1-10, 2014.
Yuusuke Takashima, Ryo Shimizu, Masanobu Haraguchi and Yoshiki Naoi : Polarized emission characteristics of UV-LED with subwavelength grating, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.53, No.7, pp.072101-1-072101-6, 2014.
Takuro Tomita, Masaharu Nishikino, Noboru Hasegawa, Yasuo Minami, Ryota Takei, Motoyoshi Baba, Takashi Eyama, Shodai Takayoshi, Takeshi Kaihori, Toshimasa Morita, Yusuke Hirano, Tetsuya Kawachi, Mitsuru Yamagiwa and Tohru Suemoto : Time-resolved soft x-ray imaging of femtosecond laser ablation processes on metals, Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, Vol.9, No.2, pp.137-142, 2014.
Motoyoshi Baba, Masaharu Nishikino, Noboru Hasegawa, Takuro Tomita, Yasuo Minami, Ryota Takei, Mitsuru Yamagiwa, Tetsuya Kawachi and Tohru Suemoto : Submicron scale image observation with a grazing incidence reflection-type single-shot soft X-ray microscope, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.53, pp.080302-1-080302-4, 2014.
Tetsuro Katayama, Kenji Setoura, Daniel Werner, Hiroshi Miyasaka and Shuichi Hashimoto : Picosecond-to-Nanosecond Dynamics of Plasmonic Nanobubbles from Pump-Probe Spectral Measurements of Aqueous Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles, Langmuir, Vol.30, No.31, pp.9504-9513, 2014.
Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, N. Takurou Murakami, Naruhiko Masaki, Akihiro Furube, Mutsumi Kimura and Shogo Mori : Dye Aggregation Effect on Interfacial Electron-Transfer Dynamics in Zinc Phthalocyanine-Sensitized Solar Cells, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol.118, No.31, pp.17205-17212, 2014.
Takeshi Tajiri, Shuzo Matsumoto, Toshihiko Imato, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Optical Characterization of the Antigen Antibody Thin Layer Using the Whispering Gallery Mode, Analytical Sciences, Vol.30, No.8, pp.799-804, 2014.
関根 佳明, 日比野 浩樹, 小栗 克弥, 岩本 篤, 永瀬 雅夫, 影島 博之, 佐々木 健一, 赤崎 達志 : 金微粒子によるSiC上グラフェンの表面増強ラマン散乱, レーザー研究, Vol.42, No.8, 652-657頁, 2014年.
Ryuzi Katoh and Akihiro Furube : Electron injection efficiency in dye-sensitized solar cells, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews, Vol.20, (号), pp.1-16, 2014.
Michael Strasser, Kenji Setoura, Uwe Langbein and Shuichi Hashimoto : Computational Modeling of Pulsed Laser-Induced Heating and Evaporation of Gold Nanoparticles, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol.118, No.44, pp.25748-25755, 2014.
Kenji Setoura, Yudai Okada and Shuichi Hashimoto : CW-Laser-Induced Morphological Changes of a Single Gold Nanoparticle on Glass: Observation of Surface Evaporation, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol.16, No.48, pp.26938-26945, 2014.
Akihiro Furube, Ryuzi Katoh and Kohjiro Hara : Electron injection dynamics in dye-sensitized semiconductor nanocrystalline films, Surface Science Reports, Vol.69, No.4, pp.389-441, 2014.
Hiyoyuki Okamoto, K. Kusaka, Kenzo Yamaguchi, Ohtsu T, Masanobu Haraguchi and Toshihiro Okamoto : Self-imaging confirmed in plasmonic channel waveguides at visible wavelengths, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.105, No.22, pp.221106-1-2211060-3, 2014.
Hiroyuki Okamoto, Kosuke Kusaka, Kenzo Yamaguchi, Tomoya Ohtsu, Masanobu Haraguchi and Toshihiro Okamoto : Self-imaging confirmed in plasmonic channel waveguides at visible wavelengths, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.105, No.22, pp.221106-1-221106-3, 2014.
Akira Fukuda, Daiju Terasawa, Yasuhide Ohno and Kazuhiko Matsumoto : Effect of the Inert Gas Adsorption on the Bilayer Graphene to the Localized Electron Magnetotransport, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.568, No.5, p.052009, 2014.
Balia Rupashree Singh, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Yohichi Suzuki, Kazuhiko Seki, Tsutomu Minegishi, Takashi Hisatomi, Kazunari Domen and Akihiro Furube : Trapped State Sensitive Kinetics in LaTiO2N Solid Photocatalyst with and without Cocatalyst Loading, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol.136, No.49, pp.17324-17331, 2014.
Subrata Mahanta, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, N. Takurou Murakami, Ryuzi Katoh, Hajime Matsumoto and Akihiro Furube : Modulation of Electron Injection Dynamics of Ru-Based Dye/TiO2 System in the Presence of Three Different Organic Solvents: Role of Solvent Dipole Moment and Donor Number, ChemPhysChem, Vol.16, No.8, pp.1657-1662, 2015.
Shigeki Matsuo and Shuichi Hashimoto : Spontaneous formation of 10-μm-scale periodic patterns in transverse-scanning femtosecond laser processing, Optics Express, Vol.23, No.1, pp.165-171, 2015.
Tomoyuki Ueki, Kazuki Morimoto, Hiroki Yokota, Takuro Tomita and Tatsuya Okada : Application of femtosecond laser irradiation to low-temperature diffusion at the Ni/SiC interface, Applied Physics Express, Vol.8, No.2, pp.026503-1-026503-4, 2015.
O Ryongsok, Takamura Makoto, Furukawa Kazuaki, Masao Nagase and Hiroki Hibino : Effects of UV light intensity on electrochemical wet etching of SiC for the fabrication of suspended graphene, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.54, No.3, pp.036502-(5pp), 2015.
Salah E. El-Zohary, Mohamed A. Shenashen, Ashraf M. Abdel_Haleem, Akinori Tuji, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Heterojunction of poly (o-toluidine) and silicon nanowires, Journal of Nanophotonics, Vol.9, No.1, pp.093093-1-093093-12, 2015.
N. A. Inogamov, V. V. Zhakhovsky, Noboru Hasegawa, Masaharu Nishikino, Mitsuru Yamagiwa, Masahiko Ishino, M. B. Agranat, S. I. Ashitkov, A. Ya. Faenov, V. A. Khokhlov, D. K. Ilnitsky, Yu. V. Petrov, K. P. Migdal, T. A. Pikuz, Shodai Takayoshi, Takashi Eyama, Naoya Kakimoto, Takuro Tomita, Motoyoshi Baba, Yasuo Minami, Tohru Suemoto and Tetsuya Kawachi : Hydrodynamics driven by ultrashort laser pulse: simulations and the optical pump X ray probe experiment, Applied Physics. B, Lasers and Optics, Vol.119, pp.413-419, 2015.
Keisuke Kobayashi, Shinichi Tanabe, Takuto Tao, Toshio Okumura, Takeshi Nakashima, Takuya Aritsuki, Ryong-Sok O and Masao Nagase : Resistivity anisotropy measured using four probes in epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide, Applied Physics Express, Vol.8, No.2, pp.036602-(3pp), 2015.
Yohichi Suzuki, Akihiro Furube, Balia Rupashree Singh, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Tsutomu Minegishi, Takashi Hisatomi, Kazunari Domen and Kazuhiko Seki : Kinetics of Distance-Dependent Recombination between Geminate Charge Carriers by Diffusion under Coulomb Interaction, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol.119, No.10, pp.5364-5373, 2015.
Masanori Ogarane, Yukinori Yasunaga, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Ken Morita, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : Four-wave mixing in GaAs/AlAs triple-coupled cavity with InAs quantum dots, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.54, p.04DG05, 2015.
Kohei Seike, Yusuke Fujii, Yasuhide Ohno, Kenzo Maehashi, Koichi Inoue and Kazuhiko Matsumoto : Floating-gated memory based on carbon nanotube field-effect transistors with Si floating dots, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.53, No.6S1, p.04EN07, 2015.
Chiho Harayama, Sho Katoh, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Xiangmeng Lu, Naoto Kumagai, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : Effect of cavity-layer thicknesses on two-color emission in coupled multilayer cavities with InAs quantum dots, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.54, p.04DG10, 2015.
Fan Yang, A.A. Taskin, Satoshi Sasaki, Kouji Segawa, Yasuhide Ohno, Kazuhiko Matsumoto and Yoichi Ando : Dual-Gated Topological Insulator Thin-Film Device for Efficient Fermi-Level Tuning, ACS Nano, Vol.9, No.4, pp.4050-4055, 2015.
Manato Deki, Takahiro Makino, Kazutoshi Kojima, Takuro Tomita and Takeshi Ohshima : Instability of Critical Electric Field in Gate Oxide Film of Heavy Ion Irradiated SiC MOSFETs, Materials Science Forum, Vol.821-823, pp.673-676, 2015.
Satoshi Horikoshi, Hideya Tsutsumi, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Akihiro Furube, V. Alexei Emeline and Nick Serpone : In situ picosecond transient diffuse reflectance spectroscopy of opaque TiO2 systems under microwave irradiation and influence of oxygen vacancies on the UV-driven/microwave-assisted TiO2 photocatalysis, Journal of Materials Chemistry. C, Materials for Optical and Electronic Devices, Vol.3, No.23, pp.5958-5969, 2015.
Masatoshi Nakamura, Yasushi Kanai, Yasuhide Ohno, Kenzo Maehashi, Koichi Inoue and Kazuhiko Matsumoto : Graphene-FET-based gas sensor properties depending on substrate surface conditions, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.54, No.6S1, p.06FF11, 2015.
F. Brendan Wright, Kenji Sunahara, Akihiro Furube, Andrew Nattestad, M. Tracey Clarke, C. Guillermo Bazan, D. Jason Azoulay and J. Attila Mozer : Driving Force Dependence of Electron Transfer Kinetics and Yield in Low-Band-Gap Polymer Donor-Acceptor Organic Photovoltaic Blends, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol.119, No.23, pp.12829-12837, 2015.
Guijun Ma, Yohichi Suzuki, Balia Rupashree Singh, Aki Iwanaga, Yosuke Moriya, Tsutomu Minegishi, Jingyuan Liu, Takashi Hisatomi, Hiroshi Nishiyama, Masao Katayama, Kazuhiko Seki, Akihiro Furube, Taro Yamada and Kazunari Domen : Photoanodic and photocathodic behaviour of La5Ti2CuS5O7 electrodes in the water splitting reaction, Chemical Science, Vol.6, No.8, pp.4513-4518, 2015.
Xiangmeng Lu, Shuzo Matsubara, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : Suppression of photoluminescence from wetting layer of InAs quantum dots grown on (113)B GaAs with AlAs cap, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol.425, pp.106-109, 2015.
Masanori Ogarane, Sho Katoh, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Ken Morita, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : Terahertz emission from a coupled multilayer cavity with InAs quantum dots, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol.425, pp.303-306, 2015.
Yuusuke Takashima, Ryo Shimizu, Masanobu Haraguchi and Yoshiki Naoi : Influence of low-contrast subwavelength grating shape on polarization characteristics of GaN-based light-emitting diode emissions, Optical Engineering, Vol.54, No.6, pp.067112-1-067112-5, 2015.
Kazuhiko Seki, Akihiro Furube and Yuji Yoshida : Theoretical limit of power conversion efficiency for organic and hybrid halide perovskite photovoltaics, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.54, No.8, pp.08KF04-1-08KF04-5, 2015.
Yunjeong Choi, Yoshiki Naoi and Takuro Tomita : Self-organization of highly ordered honeycomb buckling patterns in crystalline thin films, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.54, No.10, pp.105502-1-105502-5, 2015.
谷川 紘太, 岡本 敏弘, 原口 雅宣 : 剥離可能な分割リング共振器フィルムの作製, 電気学会論文誌E (センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌), Vol.135, No.11, 445-449頁, 2015年.
山口 堅三, 藤井 正光, 石井 智, 鈴木 孝明, 岡本 敏弘, 原口 雅宣 : NEMS技術を利用した可変プラズモンデバイスの開発, 電気学会論文誌E (センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌), Vol.135, No.11, 439-444頁, 2015年.
Yusuke Takidani, Kazuki Morimoto, Kenta Kondo, Tomoyuki Ueki, Takuro Tomita, Yasuhiro Tanaka and Tatsuya Okada : Low-Temperature Diffusion at Ni/SiC Interface with the Aid of Femtosecond Laser-Induced Strain, Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, Vol.10, No.3, pp.314-319, 2015.
Tomohiro Higashino, Tomoki Yamada, Masanori Yamamoto, Akihiro Furube, V. Nikolai Tkachenko, Taku Miura, Yasuhiro Kobori, Ryota Jono, Koichi Yamashita and Hiroshi Imahori : Remarkable Dependence of the Final Charge Separation Efficiency on the Donor-Acceptor Interaction in Photoinduced Electron Transfer, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Vol.55, No.2, pp.629-633, 2016.
Shuichi Hashimoto, Tetsuro Katayama, Kenji Setoura, Takayuki Uwada and Hiroshi Miyasaka : Laser-driven phase transitions in aqueous colloidal gold nanoparticles under high pressure: Picosecond pump-probe study, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol.18, No.6, pp.4994-5004, 2016.
Naoya Kakimoto, Takashi Eyama, Rui Izutsu and Takuro Tomita : The Shape of The Exfoliated Surface during Femtosecond Laser Ablation, Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, Vol.11, No.1, pp.91-94, 2016.
Tomohiro Mori, Kenzo Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro Tanaka, Yoshifumi Suzuki and Masanobu Haraguchi : Optical characteristics of rounded silver nanoprisms, Optical Review, Vol.23, No.2, pp.260-264, 2016.
Matthias Enders, Shinya Mukai, Takayuki Uwada and Shuichi Hashimoto : Plasmonic Nanofabrication through Optical Heating, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol.120, No.12, pp.6723-6732, 2016.
Sho Kawakami, Atsushi Mori, Ken Nagashima, Shuichi Hashimoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Nanostrucure for Hybrid Plasmonic-Potonic Crystal Formed on Gel-Immobilized Colloidal Crystal Observer by AFM after Drying, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, Vol.89, No.3, pp.385-393, 2016.
Hiroto Ota, Xiangmeng Lu, Naoto Kumagai, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : Fabrication of two - color surface emitting device of a coupled cavity structure with InAs QDs formed by wafer - bonding, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.55, No.4S, p.04EH09, 2016.
Keisuke Murakumo, Yuya Yamaoka, Naoto Kumagai, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : Photoconductivity of Er-doped InAs quantum dots embedded in strain-relaxed InGaAs layers with 1.5mm cw and pulse excitation, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.55, No.4S, p.04EH12, 2016.
関根 佳明, 日比野 浩樹, 小栗 克也, 赤崎 達志, 影島 博之, 永瀬 雅夫, 佐々木 健一, 山口 浩司 : SiC上グラフェンの表面増強ラマン散乱, NTT技術ジャーナル, Vol.25, No.6, 22-26頁, 2013年6月.
富田 卓朗 : 固体物性からみたレーザーアブレーション, --- 講座:レーザー生成プラズマの新しい温度,密度領域における物性とシミュレーション ---, プラズマ・核融合学会誌, Vol.89, No.7, 493-499頁, 2013年7月.
橋本 修一, 瀬戸浦 健仁 : 金ナノ粒子とレーザーの相互作用による光熱効果, 光化学, Vol.45, No.1, 9-16頁, 2014年4月.
橋本 修一, 瀬戸浦 健仁 : 単一金ナノ粒子を用いた光熱効果, ケミカルエンジニアリング, Vol.59, No.5, 339-345頁, 2014年5月.
永瀬 雅夫 : 高品質単結晶グラフェンの作製技術, --- 大学発!次世代を担うR&D特集 ---, 月刊機能材料, Vol.34, No.5, 28-35頁, 2014年5月.
岡本 敏弘, 谷川 紘太, 原口 雅宣 : パーティクルリソグラフィで作製したスプリットリング共振器と光メタマテリアル, 月刊 オプトロニクス, Vol.34, No.392, 70-74頁, 2014年8月.
古部 昭広 : 過渡吸収法によるナノ構造太陽電池界面の光誘起電子移動反応ダイナミクス分析技術, 光学, Vol.44, No.3, 105-110頁, 2015年3月.
永瀬 雅夫 : 各種顕微鏡法によるSiC上グラフェンの観察, THE HITACHI SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT NEWS, Vol.58, No.2, 5027-5034頁, 2015年9月.
【国際会議 Proceedings】
Shigeki Matsuo, Kei Enjo, Yoshifumi Umeda and Shuichi Hashimoto : Observation of Quill Effect induced by Distortion of Spatial Beam Profile, Progress in Ultrafast Laser Modifications of Materials (PULMM2013), Cargèse, April 2013.
Takahiro Kitada, Chiho Harayama, Ken Morita and Toshiro Isu : Two-Color Lasing in a Coupled Multilayer Cavity with InAs Quantum Dots by Optical Pumping, The 40th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS2013), No.TuC1-5, Kobe Convention Center, Kobe, Japan, May 2013.
Akihiro Takezawa, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto and Mitsuru Kitamura : Topology optimization of dielectric ring resonators in application on laser resonators and optical sensors, 10th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, (巻), (号), pp.5079-1-5079-9, Orlando, May 2013.
Kenji Setoura, Daniel Werner and Shuichi Hashimoto : Interaction of lasers with gold nanoparticles: remarkable effects on the particles and the surrounding medium, Molecular Plasmonics 2013, (巻), (号), (頁), Jena, May 2013.
Toshihiro Okamoto, Yohei Kurata, Yuuki Imada and Masanobu Haraguchi : Magnetic excitation of LC resonance in single split-ring resonator, The 6th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP6), (巻), p.461, Ottawa, May 2013.
Hirotoshi Okade, Toru Miyata, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Compact demultiplexer in V-groove plasmonic waveguide, The 6th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP6), (巻), p.459, Ottawa, May 2013.
Hiroyuki Okamoto, Kenzo Yamaguchi, Masanobu Haraguchi and Toshihiro Okamoto : Characteristics of Nanoring Resonators with a Gap Structure, The 6th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP6), (巻), p.460, Ottawa, May 2013.
Haruyoshi Katayama, Junpei Murooka, Ryota Sato, Masafumi Kimata, Takahiro Kitada, Toshiro Isu, Mikhail Patrashin and Iwao Hosako : Development of Type II Superlattice Detector for Future Space Applications in JAXA, CLEO-PR & OECC/PS 2013, No.TuC1-3, Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan, July 2013.
Kenzo Yamaguchi, Masamitsu Fujii, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Active plasmon devices, CLEO-PR & OECC/PS 2013, p.WI4-4, Kyoto, July 2013.
Hiroaki Suzuki, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Koji Oshodani, Toshiro Isu and Masuo Fukui : Emission from metal slit array on Laser Diode electrode through evanescent field scattering process, The 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO2013), (巻), p.132, Singapore, July 2013.
Noboru Hasegawa, Takuro Tomita, Masaharu Nishikino, Yasuo Minami, Motoyoshi Baba, Ryota Takei, Takeshi Kaihori, Yusuke Hirano, Toshimasa Morita, Tetsuya Kawachi, Mitsuru Yamagiwa and Tohru Suemoto : A study of the femto-second laser ablation process in metals by using a single shot soft x-ray laser probe, The 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference, Chiba, July 2013.
Kenji Setoura, Tetsuro Katayama, Shuichi Hashimoto and Hiroshi MIyasaka : Plasmonic nanobubble dynamics on excitation of aqueous colloidal gold nanoparticles observed by picosecnd transient spectroscopy, Book of abstracts: Symposium on plasmon-assisted chemistry and physics, (巻), (号), (頁), Leuven, July 2013.
Soh Uenoyama, Yuya Kagoshima, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Split ring resonator fabrication and evaluation by using nano poles structure, Asia Student Photonics Conference 2013 (ASPC2013), (巻), No.O-12, p.42, Osaka, July 2013.
Yuya Yokoyama, Toshiki Taniguch, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Consideration of surface plasmon sensor by in-plane rotation angle scanning of a metal grating, Asia Student Photonics Conference 2013 (ASPC2013), (巻), No.O-8, p.38, Osaka, July 2013.
Hirotoshi Okade, Toru Miyata, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Compact demultiplexer in V-groove plasmonic waveguide, Asia Student Photonics Conference 2013 (ASPC2013), (巻), No.P-39, p.69, Osaka, July 2013.
Toru Miyata, Hirotoshi Okade, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Improvement of fabrication method for Plasmon waveguide, Asia Student Photonics Conference 2013 (ASPC2013), (巻), No.P-34, p.64, Osaka, July 2013.
Hiroaki Suzuki, Koji Oshodani, Masanobu Haraguchi, Masuo Fukui, Toshiro Isu and Toshihiro Okamoto : The light extraction control of the semiconduct or light-emitting devices using plasmonic structure, Asia Student Photonics Conference 2013 (ASPC2013), (巻), No.P-40, p.70, Osaka, July 2013.
Masaharu Nishikino, Noboru Hasegawa, Takuro Tomita, Yasuo Minami, Ryota Takei, Motoyoshi Baba, Takashi Eyama, Shodai Takayoshi, Tetsuya Kawachi, Mitsuru Yamagiwa and Tohru Suemoto : (Invited) Observation of the nano-scale surface dynamics of femtosecond laser ablation by time-resolved soft x-ray imaging technique, SPIE Optics + Photonics 2013, p.8849-13, San Diego, Aug. 2013.
Takuto Tao, Toshio Okumura, Nakashima Takeshi, O Ryongsok and Masao Nagase : Highly uniform mono-layer graphene on SiC, 5th International Conference on Recent Progress in Graphene Research 2013 (RPGR 2013), No.12a-P3-29, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 2013.
Takashi Eyama, Takuro Tomita, Masaharu Nishikino, Noboru Hasegawa, Yasuo Minami, Ryota Takei, Motoyoshi Baba, Yusuke Hirano, Toshimasa Morita, Tetsuya Kawachi, Mitsuru Yamagiwa and Tohru Suemoto : Femtosecond laser ablation process on platinum and gold observed by plasma-based soft x-ray laser, The Eighth International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications, p.402, Nara, Sep. 2013.
Masaharu Nishikino, Noboru Hasegawa, Takuro Tomita, Yasuo Minami, Ryota Takei, Motoyoshi Baba, Takashi Eyama, Shodai Takayoshi, Tetsuya Kawachi, Mitsuru Yamagiwa and Tohru Suemoto : Observation of the surface dynamics of femtosecond laser ablation by time-resolved soft x-ray imaging techinique, The Eighth International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications, p.401, Nara, Sep. 2013.
Takahiro Kitada, Yukinori Yasunaga, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Ken Morita and Toshiro Isu : Four-wave mixing in a GaAs/AlAs triple-coupled multilayer cavity for novel ultrafast wavelength conversion devices, 2013 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2013), No.K-5-3, Fukuoka, Sep. 2013.
Chiho Harayama, Sho Katoh, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Ken Morita, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : GaAs/AlAs Coupled Multilayer Cavity by Wafer-Bonding for Two-Color Emission Devices, 2013 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2013), No.K-4-4, Fukuoka, Sep. 2013.
Yuusuke Takashima, Ryo Shimizu, Masanobu Haraguchi and Yoshiki Naoi : Optical characteristics of UV-LED with subwavelength grating, The 18th Microoptics Conference, p.H62, Tokyo, Sep. 2013.
Shodai Takayoshi, Manato Deki, Yoshiki Naoi, Takahiro Makino, Takeshi Ohshima and Takuro Tomita : Temperature Dependence of Electric Conductivities in Femtosecond Laser Modified Areas in Silicon Carbide, The International Conference on Silicon CArbide and Related Materials, p.Mo-P-29, Miyazaki, Sep. 2013.
O Ryongsok, Takamura Makoto, Furukawa Kazuaki, Masao Nagase and Hiroki Hibino : Effects of UV light on electrochemical wet etching of silicon carbide for suspended graphene fabrication, 26th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2013), No.8P-11-20, Sapporo, Japan, Nov. 2013.
Kenji Setoura, Daniel Werner and Shuichi Hashimoto : Ensemble and SIngle Particle Measurements of Photothermal Response for Gold Nanoparticles, 2013 Korea-Japan Symposium on Frontier Photoscience Abstract, (巻), (号), p.IL-14, Seoul, Nov. 2013.
Masao Nagase : Nano-electrical and mechanical properties of graphene on SiC substrate, --- [Invited] ---, Quantum Science Symposium ASIA-2013 Meeting, Tokyo, Nov. 2013.
Hirotoshi Okade, Toru Miyata, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Compact Demultiplexer in V-groove Plasmonic Waveguide, Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC) 2013, (巻), No.2013-SAT-P0102-P009, (頁), Taoyuan, Dec. 2013.
Masanobu Haraguchi and Toshihiro Okamoto : Photonic Metamaterial Crystal, International Symposium on Nanophotonics and Nanomaterials 2014, (巻), No.I07, pp.24-25, Beijing, Jan. 2014.
Soh Uenoyama, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : SRR Fabrication by Using Nano Poles Strucrure, International Symposium on Nanophotonics and Nanomaterials 2014, (巻), No.P-20, p.69, Beijing, Jan. 2014.
Salah E. El-Zohary, Abdulilah Azzazi, Hiroyuki Okamoto, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi and Mohamed A. Swillam : Design optimization and fabrication of plasmonic nano sensor, Proc. SPIE 8994, Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures IV, Vol.8994, pp.89940V-1-89940V-6, San Francisco, Feb. 2014.
Takuro Tomita, Noboru Hasegawa, Masaharu Nishikino, Takashi Eyama, Yasuo Minami, Ryota Takei, Motoyoshi Baba, Takeshi Kaihori, Toshimasa Morita, Yusuke Hirano, Tetsuya Kawachi, Mitsuru Yamagiwa and Tohru Suemoto : Observation of the transient state of the femtosecond laser ablation phenomena on various metals, 8th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas 31st Symposium on Plasma Processing, p.6P-PM-S14-P34, Fukuoka, Feb. 2014.
Takashi Eyama, Naoya Kakimoto, Takuro Tomita, Noboru Hasegawa, Masaharu Nishikino, Yasuo Minami, Ryota Takei, Motoyoshi Baba, Takeshi Kaihori, Toshimasa Morita, Yusuke Hirano, Tetsuya Kawachi, Mitsuru Yamagiwa and Tohru Suemoto : Direct observation of femtosecond laser ablation on metals by plasma-based soft x-ray laser, International conference on HIGH ENERGY DENSITY SCIENCES 2014, p.HEDSp9-31, Yokohama, April 2014.
R Yamauchi, Xiangmeng Lu, M Koyama, H Sasakura, Y Nakata and S Muto : Volume distribution by quantum dot growth model with 2 kinds of diffusion atoms, 8th International Conference on Quantum Dots (QD 2014), No.M141, Pisa, Italy, May 2014.
Chiho Harayama, Sho Katoh, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : Effect of non-equivalent cavities on two-color lasing in a GaAs/AlAs coulpled multilayer cavity with InAs quantum dots, The 41th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS2014), No.P57, Montpellier, France, May 2014.
Xiangmeng Lu, Shuzo Matsubara, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : Enhanced photoluminescence form InAs quantum dots with a thin AlAs cap layer grown on (100) and (311)B GaAs substrate, The 41th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS2014), No.Tu-B3-4, Montpellier, France, May 2014.
Kenji Setoura, Yudai Okada and Shuichi Hashimoto : CW Laser-Induced Morphological Changes of Single Gold Nanoparticles Supported on a Glass Substrate, Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Laser in Liquids 2014, (巻), (号), (頁), Matsuyama, Japan, May 2014.
Michael Strasser and Shuichi Hashimoto : Computational study on pulsed-laser-induced size reduction of gold nanoparticles in water at high pressure, Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Laser in Liquids 2014, (巻), (号), (頁), Matsuyama, Japan, May 2014.
Tetsuya Kawachi, Masaharu Nishikino, Akira Sasaki, Makoto Ishino, Noboru Hasegawa, Takashi Imazono, Pikuz Tatian, Anatoly Faenov, M. Magnitskiy, M. Maruyama, Takuro Tomita, Tohru Suemoto, Pirozhhkov Alexander, Sergei Bulanov, Hiromitsu Kiriyama, Mitsuru Yamagiwa, Masaki Kando, Mitsuru Yamagiwa, K. Kondo, P. Bolton and Yoshiaki Kato : Progress and Prospects of Coherent X-ray Research using High Power Lasers in JAEA, 14th International Conference for X-Ray Lasers 2014, Colorado, May 2014.
Masaharu Nishikino, Noboru Hasegawa, Takashi Eyama, Naoya Kakimoto, Takuro Tomita, Daiki Hatomi, Naofumi Ohnishi, Atsushi M Ito, Yasuo Minami, Motoyoshi Baba, Tetsuya Kawachi, Mitsuru Yamagiwa and Tohru Suemoto : Observation of Weakly Excited Ablation Dynamics with Femtosecond Laser by using Time-Resolved Soft X-ray Imaging Technique, 14th International Conference for X-Ray Lasers 2014, Colorado, May 2014.
Sho Kawakami, Atsushi Mori, Yoshihisa Suzuki, Shuichi Hashimoto, Masanobu Haraguchi and Tsutomu Sawada : Nanostructure for Localized Surface Plasmon Coupled with Photonic Band of Gel-Immobilized Colloidal Photonic Crystal, Proceedings of the JSME/ASME 2014 International Conferenec on Materials and Processing, ICPM2014, (巻), (号), (頁), Detroit, June 2014.
Shuichi Hashimoto : Plasmonic Heating of Gold Nanoparticles by Lasers, 2014 Korea-Japan Symposium on Frontier Photosciences: Programs and Abstracts, (巻), (号), (頁), Seoul, June 2014.
Masao Nagase : Epitaxial graphene grown by infrared rapid thermal annealing, --- [invited] ---, The 6th IEEE International Nanoelectronics Conference (INEC2014), Sapporo, July 2014.
Kageshima Hiroyuki, Hiroki Hibino, Hiroshi Yamaguchi and Masao Nagase : Theoretical studies of graphene on SiC, --- [invited] ---, The 6th IEEE International Nanoelectronics Conference (INEC2014), Sapporo, July 2014.
Salah E. El-Zohary, Mohamed A. Shenashen, Akinori Tuji, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Heterojunction of nano-poly (O-toluidine) on Silicon nanowires is investigated as a candidate heterojunction diode, Proc. SPIE 9170, Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices XI, Vol.9170, pp.917006-1-917006-6, San Diego, Aug. 2014.
Shin-ichiro Yanagiya, Saki Honjo, Kana Horiuchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Shuichi Hashimoto and Nobuo Goto : Fabrication of Bead Probe AFM Cantilever Modified with Gold Nanoparticles for Photothermal Processing, IEEE NANO 2014, No.TuDPS13, pp.396-397, Toronto, Aug. 2014.
Wei-Wei Xu, Bin-Bin Xu, Dan-Dan Zhang, Xue-Qing Liu, Lei Wang, Masanobu Haraguchi and Ai-Wu Li : Fabrication of microelectrodes based on precursor doped with metal seeds by femtosecond laser direct writing, international symposium on photonics and optoelectronics (SOPO 2014), (巻), (号), p.20191, Suzhou, Aug. 2014.
Xiangmeng Lu, Shuzo Matsubara, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : Suppression of photoluminescence from wetting layer of InAs quantum dots grown on (113)B GaAs with AlAs cap, The 18th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy(MBE2014), No.TuA2-5, Flagstaff, Arizona, Sep. 2014.
Masanori Ogarane, Sho Katoh, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Ken Morita, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : Terahertz Emission from a Coupled Multilayer Cavity with InAs Quantum Dots, The 18th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy(MBE2014), No.TuA2-2, Flagstaff, Arizona, Sep. 2014.
Chiho Harayama, Sho Katoh, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Xiangmeng Lu, Naoto Kumagai, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : Effect of Cavity-Layer Thicknesses on Two-Color Lasing in a Coupled Multilayer Cavity with InAs Quantum Dots, 2014 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2014), No.B-3-3, つくば, Sep. 2014.
Masanori Ogarane, Yukinori Yasunaga, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Ken Morita, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : GaAs/AlAs triple-coupled cavity with InAs quantum dots for an ultrafast wavelength conversion device via the four-wave-mixing, 2014 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2014), No.PS-7-7, つくば, Sep. 2014.
Shuichi Hashimoto : Nanoscale Temperature Evolution Initiated by the Laser-heating of Plasmonic Nanoparticles, The 5th International Symposium of Advanced Energy Science, (巻), (号), (頁), Kyoto, Sep. 2014.
M. B. Agranat, S. I. Ashitkov, Motoyoshi Baba, Takashi Eyama, Anatoly Faenov, Noboru Hasegawa, Daiki Hatomi, D. K. Ilnitsky, N. A. Inorgamov, Tetsuya Kawachi, V. A. Khokhlov, Yasuo Minami, Masaharu Nishikino, Naofumi Ohnishi, Pikuz Tatian, V. V. Shepelev, Tohru Suemoto, Shodai Takayoshi, Ryota Takei, Takuro Tomita, Mitsuru Yamagiwa, V. V. Zhakhovsky and Yu V. Petrov : Hydrodynamics driven by ultrashort laser pulse, 9th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, p.30, Matsue, Sep. 2014.
Eizo Yanagita, Manato Deki, Yoshiki Naoi, Takahiro Makino, Takeshi Ohshima and Takuro Tomita : Shallow impurity levels in femtosecond laser modified areas on semi insulating 6H-SiC, 9th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, p.111, Matsue, Sep. 2014.
Naoya Kakimoto, Takashi Eyama, Takuro Tomita, Noboru Hasegawa, Masaharu Nishikino, Yasuo Minami, Ryota Takei, Motoyoshi Baba, Takeshi Kaihori, Toshimasa Morita, Yusuke Hirano, Tetsuya Kawachi, Mitsuru Yamagiwa and Tohru Suemoto : Observation of femtosecond laser ablation process in nano-seconds region by soft x-ray shadow graph, 9th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, p.119, Matsue, Oct. 2014.
Masao Nagase : Graphene on SiC substrates fabricated by an infrared rapid thermal annealer, --- [invited] ---, 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANOCON 014), Pune, India, Oct. 2014.
Yoshihiko Tezuka, Takumi Ito and Shuichi Hashimoto : Organic photovoltaic devices using electrodeposited polythiophene with nanoporous surface structures, 8th Asian Photochemistry Conference (APC 2014), p.272, トリバンドラム(インド), Nov. 2014.
Masaharu Nishikino, Noboru Hasegawa, Takuro Tomita, Takashi Eyama, Naoya Kakimoto, Naofumi Ohnishi, Atsushi M. Ito, Motoyoshi Baba, Yasuo Minami, Tetsuya Kawachi, Mitsuru Yamagiwa and Tohru Suemoto : Observation of Femtosecond Laser Ablation on Tungsten by using Soft X-ray Laser, Plasma Conference 2014, Niigata, Nov. 2014.
Noboru Hasegawa, Takuro Tomita, Masaharu Nishikino, Takashi Eyama, Naoya Kakimoto, Naofumi Ohnishi, Atsushi M. Ito, Motoyoshi Baba, Yasuo Minami, Tetsuya Kawachi, Mitsuru Yamagiwa and Tohru Suemoto : A study of the femto-second laser ablation process in metals by using a soft x-ray laser probe, Plasma Conference 2014, Niigata, Nov. 2014.
Toshihiro Okamoto, Takahiro Bando, Bongseok Choi, Masanobu Iwanaga, Hideki T. Miyazaki, Kenzo Yamaguchi and Masanobu Haraguchi : Second harmonic generation of reflective meta-surface with trench structures, The 4th Japan-Korea Metamaterials Forum, Vol.P7, (頁), Osaka, Dec. 2014.
Ran Saito, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Fabrication of quadruply split SRR by using nano-sphere and nano-hole structure, The 4th Japan-Korea Metamaterials Forum, Vol.P6, pp.46-47, Osaka, Dec. 2014.
Sho Kawakami, Atsushi Mori, Ken Nagashima, Shuichi Hashimoto, Masanobu Haraguchi and Tsutomu Sawada : Observation of nanostructure for hybrid plasmonic-photonic crystal formed on gel-immobilized colloidal crystal, International Forum on Advanced Technologies IFAT2015 Proceedings, (巻), (号), pp.140-142, Tokushima, March 2015.
Yuusuke Takashima, Ryo Shimizu, Masanobu Haraguchi and Yoshiki Naoi : Improvement of Polarization Characteristics of UV-LED by Using Sub-Wavelength Grating with Low Index Underlayer, 7th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials, p.B1-O-11, Nagoya, March 2015.
Shuichi Hashimoto : Plasmonic heating of single gold nanoparticles at multi-interfaces, Molecular Plasmonics 2015 Book of Anbstracts, (巻), (号), p.13, Jena, Germany, May 2015.
Shuichi Hashimoto : Laser-induced picosecond-to-nanosecond dynamics of aqueous colloidal gold nanoparticles, Program and Technical Digenst: The 7th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing, (巻), (号), p.157, Kokura, May 2015.
Shuichi Hashimoto : Picosecond time-resolved measurement of bubble and evaporation dynamics induced by photo-excitation of gold nanoparticles, The 11-th Korea Japan Symopsium on Frontier Photosciences (KJFP 2015) Book of Abstracts, (巻), (号), pp.30-31, Jeju, Korea, June 2015.
Yoshihiko Tezuka, Takumi Ito and Shuichi Hashimoto : Organic Solar Cells using Electrodeposited Polythiophene Filmsin Active Layer, The 11th Korea-Japan Symposium on Frontier Photoscience (KJFP2015), (巻), (号), p.75, Jeju, Korea, June 2015.
Xiangmeng Lu, Akihiro Kawaguchi, Naoto Kumagai, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : Temperature Dependence Photoluminescence From InAs Quantum Dots With AlAs Cap Grown on (311)B and (100) GaAs Substrate, The 42th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS2015), No.Mo3GN1.5, Santa Barbara, CA USA, June 2015.
Keisuke Murakumo, Naoto Kumagai, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : In-plane photoconductivity of InAs QDs embedded in strain-relaxed InGaAs layer, The 42th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS2015), No.Mo3GN1.2, Santa Barbara, CA USA, June 2015.
Kota Tanikawa, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Fabrication of peelable film containing split ring resonator, The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO10), Vol.P2-21, p.126, Hakodate, July 2015.
Ran Saito, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Fabrication of quadruply-split SRR by using nano-sphere and nano-hole structure, The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO10), Vol.P2-22, p.127, Hakodate, July 2015.
Toshihiro Okamoto, Takahiro Bando, Bong Seok Choi, Masanobu Iwanaga, Hideki T. Miyazaki and Masanobu Haraguchi : Second harmonic generation of metallic trench structures, The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO10), Vol.Contr 8-1, p.55, Hakodate, July 2015.
Hirotoshi Okade, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Dimultiplexter Based on Stubs in Plasmon Waveguide, The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO10), Vol.Contr 10-4, p.70, Hakodate, July 2015.
Naoto Kumagai, Keisuke Murakumo, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : Mobility of in-plane photocurrent of stacked InAs QDs layers in strain-relaxed InGaAs matrix, 17th International Conference on lated Semiconductor Structures(MSS17), No.Mo-PM-14, Sendai, July 2015.
Xiangmeng Lu, Akihiro Kawaguchi, Naoto Kumagai, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : Investigation of Carriers Thermal Transfer in Self-asssembled Quantum Dots Grown on (311)B GaAs by Temperature Dependence Photoluminescence, 17th International Conference on lated Semiconductor Structures(MSS17), No.Th-PM-13, 仙台, July 2015.
Shunicni Muto, Ryo Yamauchi, Osamu Muramatsu, Xiangmeng Lu, Masataka Koyama, Yoshiaki Nakata and Hirotaka Sasakura : 2D Islands by growth model with 2 kinds of diffusive atoms, 17th International Conference on lated Semiconductor Structures(MSS17), No.Th-PM-3, 仙台, July 2015.
Takahiro Kitada, Masanori Ogarane, Toshiaki Takamoto, Naoto Kumagai, Xiangmeng Lu, Ken Morita and Toshiro Isu : Enhancement of Terahertz Emission from GaAs/AlAs Coupled Multilayer Cavities by InAs Quantum Dots on (113)B-Oriented Substrates, The Second International Symposium on Frontiers in THz Technology (FTT2015), No.Pos1.24, Hamamatsu, Aug. 2015.
Keisuke Murakumo, Yuya Yamaoka, Naoto Kumagai, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : Photoconductivity with 1.55 m excitation of InAs QDs embedded in InGaAs barriers on GaAs substrate, 2015 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2015), No.PS-7-9, Sapporo, Sep. 2015.
Hiroto Ota, Chiho Harayama, Tomohisa Maekawa, Xiangmeng Lu, Naoto Kumagai, Takahiro Kitada and Toshiro Isu : Fabrication of Two-Color Surface Emitting Device of a Coupled Cavity Structure with InAs QDs Formed by Wafer-Bonding, 2015 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2015), No.A-7-6, Sapporo, Sep. 2015.
Koji Okuda, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Gap plasmon excitation into plasmonic waveguide using, The 20th MICROOPTICS CONFERENCE (MOC '15), (巻), No.H78, (頁), Hakata, Oct. 2015.
Aritsuki Takuya, Nakashima Takeshi, Kobayashi Keisuke, Yasuhide Ohno and Masao Nagase : High quality graphene on SiC formed by the surface structure control technique, 28th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2015), No.12P-7-16, Toyama, Japan, Nov. 2015.
Yasuhide Ohno, Masao Nagase and Matsumoto Kazuhiko : Top-gated graphene field-effect transistors by low-temperature synthesized SiNx insulator on SiC substrates, 28th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2015), No.12P-7-28, Toyama, Japan, Nov. 2015.
Yoshizumi D., Nishiguchi K., Yoshiaki Sekine, Furukawa K., Fujiwara A. and Masao Nagase : Electron emission using multilayered-graphene/SiO2/Si heterodevice driven with low-voltage supply in low vacuum, 28th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2015), No.13P-11-104L, Toyama, Japan, Nov. 2015.
Koji Okuda, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Channel plasmon polariton excitation by Si waveguide, Asian CORE Student Meeting 2015 (ACORE 2015 ), (巻), No.P-13, p.39, Osaka, Dec. 2015.
Kota Tanikawa, Toshihiro Okamoto, Syun Kamada and Masanobu Haraguchi : Fabrication of magnetic metamaterials consisting of split ring resonator fabricated by nano-sphere lithography, Asian CORE Student Meeting 2015 (ACORE 2015 ), (巻), No.P-15, p.41, Osaka, Dec. 2015.
Syun Kamada, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Anti-symmetric Mach- Zehnder interferometer in a layered plasmonic waveguide, Asian CORE Student Meeting 2015 (ACORE 2015 ), (巻), No.P-26, p.52, Osaka, Dec. 2015.
Akihiro Furube, Subrata Mahanta, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Takurou Murakami, Ryuzi Katoh and Hajime Matsumoto : Electron injection dynamics of Ru-based dye/TiO2 system in the presence of different organic solvents: Role of solvent dipole moment and donor number, Pacifichem 2015, (巻), (号), p.ENRG94, (都市), Dec. 2015.
Masato Kimura, Masanori Sakamoto, Akihiro Furube, Hiroyuki Adachi, Toshiki Sugimoto, Kazuya Watanabe, Yoshiyasu Matsumoto and Toshiharu Teranishi : Visible light-induced charge separation in heterostructured Au/ZnS nanoparticles, Pacifichem 2015, (巻), (号), p.PHYS649, (都市), Dec. 2015.
Takuya Hosokai, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Akihiro Furube, Katsumi Tokumaru, Tetsuo Tsutsui, Hajime Nakanotani, Masayuki Yahiro and Chihaya Adachi : Direct investigation of the excited-state dynamics of thermally-activated delayed fluorescence molecules: Pump-probe transient absorption spectroscopy, Pacifichem 2015, (巻), (号), p.MTLS1540, (都市), Dec. 2015.
Kazuhiko Seki, Yohichi Suzuki, Akihiro Furube, Rupashree Balia Singh, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Tsutomu Minegishi, Takashi Hisatomi and Kazunari Domen : Experimental and theoretical studies on transient kinetics of carriers in LaTiO2N solid photocatalyst affected by trap states, Pacifichem 2015, (巻), (号), p.PHYS1106, (都市), Dec. 2015.
Akihiro Furube, Rupashree Balia Singh, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Yohichi Suzuki, Kazuhiko Seki, Tsutomu Minegishi, Takashi Hisatomi and Kazunari Domen : Ultrafast spectroscopic study of trapped state sensitive kinetics in LaTiO2N solid photocatalys, Pacifichem 2015, (巻), (号), p.MTLS1032, (都市), Dec. 2015.
Masuki Kawamoto, Zha Li, Akihiro Furube, Kazuhiko Seki, Keisuke Tajima and Yoshihiro Ito : Self-assembled polythiophene-fullerene-single-walled carbon nanotube ternary nanocomposites showing pn heterojunction, Pacifichem 2015, (巻), (号), p.MTLS2134, (都市), Dec. 2015.
Wei Wei Xu, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto and Bin Bin Xu : Large-Area Silver Nanocrystals Arrays for Huigh Sensitive and Uniform Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, 6th International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics, p.M18, Singapore, Jan. 2016.
Yuusuke Takashima, Masato Tanabe, Masanobu Haraguchi and Yoshiki Naoi : Theoretical investigation for the polarization in control in UV wavelength region by using eigen mode within subwavelength grating, 10th International Conference on Optics-photonics Design and Fabrication, p.1S2-08, Weingarten, March 2016.
Hisatomo Matsumura, Shin-ichiro Yanagiya, Nobuo Goto, Hiroki Kishikawa, Masao Nagase, Akihiro Furube and Hsu Shih-Hsiang : SERS study of gold nanoparticles deposited on graphene epitaxially grown on SiC, International Forum on Advanced Technologies (IFAT2016), Tokushima, Vol.P2-20, (頁), Tokushima, March 2016.
Yasuhiko Kawamura, Fumitoshi Yagishita, Hirokazu Hashizume, Yoshihiko Tezuka, Shoko Ueta and Shuichi Hashimoto : Reactions of Cumulated Double Bonds: Building Higher Organinc Molecules Leading to Functionalized Materials, 2nd International Forum on Advanced Technologies, (巻), (号), pp.141-142, Tokushima, March 2016.
Masanobu Haraguchi, Koji Okuda, Takahiro Kaji and Toshihiro Okamoto : Development of Plasmon-Si wire hybrid optical integrated circuit, 2nd international forum on Advanced technologies, pp.169-170, Tokushima, March 2016.
Naoki Tamura, Toshihiro Okamoto, Akiko Nagasawa and Masanobu Haraguchi : Optical magnetic-field response in a single split ring resonator, 2nd international forum on Advanced technologies (IFAT2016), (巻), (号), p.263, Tokushima, March 2016.
Shun Kamada, Toshihiro Okamoto and Masanobu Haraguchi : Optical properties of anti-symmetric Mach-Zehnder interferometer in a slab plasmonic waveguide, The 9th international conference on nanophotonics, (巻), (号), p.P-02-26, Taipei, March 2016.
Masanobu Haraguchi, Koji Okuda, Shun Kamada and Toshihiro Okamoto : Polymer core channel plasmonic waveguide for Si-Plasmon hybrid photonic integrated circuit, The 9th international conference on nanophotonics, p.IN-38, Taipei, March 2016.
上原 信知, 釜野 勝, 原口 雅宣 : 基板内部検査装置,基板内部検査方法,及び基板の製造方法, 特願2009158448 (2009年7月), 特開201113130 (2011年1月), 特許第5419080号 (2013年11月).
大河内 俊介, 熊谷 直人, 荒川 泰彦 : 量子ドット構造製造方法および量子ドット構造, 特願2009-287212 (2009年12月), 特開2011-129733 (2011年6月), 特許第5493124号 (2014年3月).
齋藤 伸吾, 溝口 幸司, 富田 卓朗 : 単結晶シリコンカーバイドの評価方法, 特願2009-296356 (2009年12月), 特開2011-149698 (2011年8月), 特許第5712456号 (2015年3月).
釜野 勝, 下野 雄輝, 上原 信知, 柳田 勝之, 山田 信治, 原口 雅宣 : ドラゴンフルーツ果実の製造方法,及びドラゴンフルーツ果実, 特願2010069911 (2010年3月), 特開2011200159 (2011年10月), 特許第5704627号 (2015年3月).
永瀬 雅夫 : グラフェンおよびその製造方法, 特願PCT/JP2013/054466 (2013年2月), 特開WO2013/125669 (2013年8月), (番号) ((年月日)).
II.9.2 医工連携研究部門
II.9.2.1 教員組織
(1) 氏名,(2) メールアドレス,(3) 職名・学位,(4) 専門分野,(5) 所属学会(役職名),(6) 社会活動(役職名),(7) 主要研究テーマ,(8) キーワード,(9) 共同研究可能テーマ
(1) 安井 武史, Takeshi Yasui,
(2) yāśūī ₍.₎ tākėśhī (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学)・博士(医学),
(4) 知的テラヘルツ計測, 生体医用光学, 量子光学,
(5) 応用物理学会 (第54,55期代議員, フォトニクス分科会幹事)・日本光学会 (国際協力幹事)・社団法人 レーザー学会・社団法人 日本生体医工学会 (生体医工学シンポジウム2004 組織委員およびプログラム委員, 生体医工学シンポジウム2005 組織委員会幹事およびプログラム委員, 生体医工学シンポジウム2006 プログラム委員会副委員長, 生体医工学シンポジウム2007 プログラム委員, 生体医工学シンポジウム2008 プログラム委員, 生体医工学シンポジウム2013 編集委員(コエディタ),プログラム委員, 生体医工学シンポジウム2014 編集委員(コエディタ), 生体医工学シンポジウム2015 編集委員(コエディタ),プログラム委員, 刊行誌(和文・英文) 編集委員)・日本機械学会 (中国四国支部 商議員)・Optical Society of America (Faculity Adviser of Student Chapter)・バイオメックフォーラム21研究会・応用光学懇談会 (幹事)・テラヘルツ電磁波産業利用研究会・テラヘルツ技術動向調査委員会・International Workshop on Terahertz Technology 2009・テラヘルツテクノロジーフォーラム (研究交流委員会 標準部門 委員, 総務委員会 委員)・International Symposium on Frontiers in THz Technology・The 10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim(CLEO-PR 2013) (Technical Program Committee member)・35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS (EMBC2013) (Local Arrangement Committee Member)・SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering (Faculity Adviser of Student Chapter, Program Committee Member, SPIE/OSJ Biophotonics Japan)・1st Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference (BISC2014) (PROGRAM COMMITTEE Member)・5th Asian and Pacific-Rim Symposium on Biophotonics (APBP`15) (International Steering Committee Member)・The Eleventh Finland-Japan Joint Symposium on Optics in Engineering (International Program Committee)・The Second International Symposium on Frontiers in THz Technology (Program Committee)・2nd Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference 2016 (BISC2016) (PROGRAM COMMITTEE Member)・Nature Publishing Group (Editorial Board of Scientific Reports),
(6) 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO) (産業技術研究助成事業 事前書面審査評価レビュアー, イノベーション推進事業 事前評価レビュアー),
(7) 高分解テラヘルツ分光, 実時間テラヘルツ・イメージング, テラヘルツ周波数標準, テラヘルツ周波数コム, テラヘルツ応用計測, 生体の非線形光学を用いた生体コラーゲン顕微鏡, 光コム,
(8) (@.keyword),
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 宇都 義浩, Yoshihiro Uto,
(2) ūtō ₍.₎ yōśhīhīŗō (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(情報工学),
(4) 生物有機化学,
(5) 日本薬学会・日本癌学会・国際癌治療増感研究協会・バイオ治療法研究会 (運営委員)・日本酸化ストレス学会・ビタミンE研究会 (幹事)・日本放射線腫瘍学会,
(6) ,
(7) 低酸素細胞放射線増感剤の開発, フェノール性脂質過酸化阻害剤の開発,
(8) スレーディングインターカレータ, 低酸素細胞, 脂質過酸化阻害剤,
(9) 分子設計と合成
(1) 任 福継, Fuji Ren,
(2) ŗėņ (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) 言語理解とコミュニケーション, 感性情報処理, 計算機科学, 知能ロボット, ソーシャル·コンピューティング,
(5) International Journal of Advanced Intelligence (Editor in Chief)・International Interdisciplinary Journal of Information (Area Editors-in-Chief)・Editor International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making (IJITDM) (Editor)・International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (Associate Editor)・Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (Editor)・Journal of Chinese Information Processing (Editor)・The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications (Editor)・International Journal of Information Acquisition (Editor)・Journal of Science & Technology Review (Editor)・情報処理学会・Artificial Intelligence Society of Japan・The Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation・The Association for Chinese Scientists in Japan・言語処理学会・LASSO(Linguistic Association of the Southwest, USA)・The Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society・Chinese Academy of Science and Engineering in Japan・ACL(The Association for Computational Linguistics USA)・IASTED(The International Association of Science and Technology for Development USA)・IEEE Computer Society・SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering・教育システム情報学会 (会員)・電子情報通信学会 (会員)・社団法人 人工知能学会 (会員)・IEEE・Journal of Chinese Information Processing (Editor)・Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (Editor)・International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (Associate Editor)・International Journal of Informayion Acquisition, Word Scientific (Editor)・Asian Information-Science-Life (Associate Editor)・International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making (Editor)・International Journal of INFORMATION (Area Editors-in-Chief)・the IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control, ISC 2007 (International Program Committee)・IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, 2007 (Conference Chair)・the IASTED International Conference on Computational Intelligence (CI) 2007 (International Program Committee)・the International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science (NLPCS-2007) (Program Committee)・the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2007) (International Program Committee)・Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (Program Committee)・International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Affective Computing (General Chair)・the IASTED International Conference on Computational Intelligence (CI 2006) (International Program Committee)・15th International Conference on Computing (Program Committee Member)・5th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Program Committee Member)・The 3th Students' workshop on Computational Linguistics (Vice-Chairmen of Advisory Board)・the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ASC 2006) (International Program Committee)・the IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC 2006) (International Program Committee)・The Fourth International Conference on Information (Co-Chair of Conference)・Proceedings of the WSEAS international Conference (Associate Editor)・The Third International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science (Program Committee)・Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (Program Committee)・the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2006) (International Program Committee)・Sixth IEEE International Symposium and School on Advance Distributed Systems ISSADS (Scientific Committee)・IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (Conference Chair)・the IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC 2005) (International Program Committee)・International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (Program Committee)・the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ASC 2005) (International Program Committee)・Fourth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (Program Committee)・the IASTED International Conference on Computational Intelligence (CI 2005) (International Program Committee)・IEEE International Conference on Information Acquisition (Program Committee)・11・the International Conference on Chinese Computing 2005 (ICCC2005) (Member of Conference Committees)・IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA2005) (International Program Committee)・Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (International Program Committee)・Fifth IEEE International Symposium and School on Advance Distributed Systems, ISSADS 2005 (SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE)・International Conference on Information 2004 (Organizing Committee Chair)・The International Conference on Knowledge Sharing and Collaborative Engineering (KSCE 2004) (International Program Committee)・The Eighth IASTED international Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ASC 2004 (International Program Committee)・The 6th IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (SIP 2004) (Technical Committee)・4th International Workshop on Natural Language and Information Systems (Program Committee)・International Symposium on Science and Technology in the Twenty-First Century (ISST-2004) (Conference Chair)・IEEE International Conference on Information Technology Coding & Computing (Program Committee)・International Workshop on Machine Translation and Multilingual Information Retrieval (MTMIR 2004) (Chair)・The IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2004) (International Program Committee)・Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computacional Linguistics (Program Committee)・Fourth IEEE International Symposium and School on Advance Distributed Systems (SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE)・2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics (Program Committee)・Andrei Ershov Fifth International Conference, PERSPECTIVES OF SYSTEM INFORMATICS (PROGRAMME COMMITTEE MEMBER)・7th IASTED International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (International Program Committee)・Second Sighan Workshop on Chinese Language Processing (Program committee)・IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (Conference Chair)・IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA-2003) (International Program Committee)・IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ASC-2003) (International Program Committee)・20th International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (International Program Committee)・Chinese Academy of Sciences Symposium on Data Mining and Knowledge Management (Program Committee)・The IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems & Control, ISC 2003 (International Program Committee)・"Natural Language Engineering for Machine Translation and Knowledge Management Systems" in MLMTA'03 (Program Committee)・The 17th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (Program Committee)・CICLing-2003, Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (Program Committee)・IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (大会委員長)・The 1st International Conference on Advanced Intelligence (ICAI-08) (顧問委員会委員長)・情報ソリューション部門 感性情報処理・IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (Conference Chair)・IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (Conference Chair)・8th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (Conference Chair)・2nd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems (Program Committee Co-Chair)・2011 International Conference on Information Theory and Information Security (General Co-Chair)・IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (Conference Chair)・Multi-Conference on Advanced Intelligence (PC Co-Chair)・Multi-Conference on Advanced Intelligence (PC Co-Chair)・The 9th International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology (133.Advisory Board)・3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems (Program Committee Co-Chairs)・The Second IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Systems (Program Committee)・9th International Conference on Naturanl Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (Chair)・10th International Conference on Naturanl Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (Chair),
(6) 2002 International Workshop on Natural Language and Information Systems, International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications・the IASTED International Conference on Computational Intelligence (CI 2005)・Fourth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences・the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ASC 2005)・the IASTED International Conference "Artificial Intelligence & Soft Computing・International Conference on Information・CICLing-2002: 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics・International Conference on Chinese Computing 2001・The 4th Conference of Young Scientists・IEEE International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering・IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics・IASTED International Conference: Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing・20000 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics・International Conference on Information'2000・International Conference on Chinese Language Processing・Third IASTED International Conference, Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing・Parallel and Distributed Methods for Image Processing IV, SPIE's International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology・1999 CASEJ Symposium of Japanese-Chinese Young Scientists・'99 International Conference on Scientific and Engineering Computing for Young Chinese Scientists・International Conference on Machine Translation & Computer Language Information Processing・International Journal of Communications of COLIPS・International Conference on Chinese Information Processing・International Journal of INFORMATION・Chinese Academy of Science and Engineering in Japan・Chinese Academy of Science and Engineering in Japan・Chinese Academy of Science and Engineering in Japan・International Journal of COLIPS・Journal of Science and Technology・International Conference for Young Sino-Japanese Scientists'95・The Association for Chinese Scientists in Japan・International Journal of Information Technology Decision Making・Asian Information-Science-Life: An International Journal・Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (Program Committee)・IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA2005) (International Program Committee)・Fifth IEEE International Symposium and School on Advance Distributed Systems, ISSADS 2005 (SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE)・International Conference on Information 2004 (Organizing Committee Chair)・The Eighth IASTED international Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ASC 2004 (International Program Committee)・The 6th IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (SIP 2004) (Technical Committee)・4th International Workshop on Natural Language and Information Systems(NLIS2004) (Program Committee)・International Symposium on Science and Technology in the Twenty-First Century (ISST-2004) (Conference Chair)・IEEEInternational Conference on Information Technology Coding & Computing(2004) (Program Committee, Chair of LUC)・International Workshop on Machine Translation and Multilingual Information Retrieval (MTMIR 2004) (Chair)・CICLing-2004, Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (Program Committee)・The IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2004) (Technical Committee)・Fourth IEEE International Symposium and School on Advance Distributed Systems(ISSADS2004) (SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE)・Speech Databases and Speech I/O System Assessment (International Coordinating Committee)・CICLing-2003,FourthInternationalConference onIntelligent Text Processing andComputational Linguistics (Program Committee)・The 17th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (Program Committee)・20th International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (ICCPOL2003) (INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE)・IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA-2003) (Technical Committee)・IEEE International Conference onNatural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (IEEENLPKE2003) (Conference Chair)・Second Sighan Workshop on Chinese Language Processing (Program committee)・7th IASTED International ConferenceArtificial Intelligence and Soft Computing(2003) (Program committee)・Andrei Ershov Fifth International Conference, PERSPECTIVES OF SYSTEM INFORMATICS (PSI03) (The Program Committee)・"Natural Language Engineering for Machine Translation and Knowledge Management Systems" in MLMTA'03 (The Program Committee)・The CAS Symposium on Information Acquisition (2004) (The organizing committee)・The IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems & Control, ISC 2003 (Technical Committee)・Chinese Academy of Sciences Symposium on Data Mining and Knowledge Management (Program Committee)・2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics (Program Committee)・IEEE International Symposium on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (NLPKE-2002) (Chair of Program Committee)・IEEE International Conference on Information Acquisition (Program Committee)・International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing・the IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC 2005)・IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering・IEEE International Symposium and School on Advance Distributed Systems ISSADS・the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2006)・Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics・The Third International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science・Proceedings of the WSEAS international Conference: 10th WSEAS International Conference on Computers・The Fourth International Conference on Information・the IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC 2006)・the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ASC 2006)・The 3th Students' workshop on Computational Linguistics・5th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence・15th International Conference on Computing・the IASTED International Conference on Computational Intelligence (CI 2006)・International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Affective Computing・Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics・the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2007)・the International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science (NLPCS-2007)・the IASTED International Conference on Computational Intelligence (CI) 2007・IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering・Joint Workshop on Intelligent Syatem and Information Processing 2007・6th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence・the IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control, ISC 2007・Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition, CCPR2007・9th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics・the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2008)・International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Affective Computing・LREC 2008 - 6th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference・The 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation(WCICA'08)・The 5th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science (NLPCS 2008)・the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, ICIA 2008・the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ASC 2008)・The 1st International Conference on Advanced Intelligence (ICAI-08)・IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering,
(7) 感情ロボット, 計算機援助作文, 自然言語処理と知識工学, 感性コンピュータと感性情報処理, 多言語多機能多メディア知的システム, 多言語機械翻訳と情報検索,
(8) 自然言語処理, 知識工学, 感性コンピュータ, 機械翻訳, 英語自動作文システム, 自動要約, 会話文自動翻訳, 情報検索,
(9) サービスロボット, 自動英作文システムの研究開発, 自動翻訳機能持つ携帯電話システム, 多機能携帯電話システム, うつ病の検出と癒し
(1) 北 研二, Kenji Kita,
(2) kītā (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) 計算機科学, 情報工学, 情報検索, 自然言語処理, 音声言語処理, メディア情報学,
(5) 情報処理学会・電子情報通信学会・言語処理学会・国際計算言語学会,
(6) 国立国語研究所・国際電気通信基礎技術研究所·音声言語コミュニケーション研究所・独立行政法人日本学術振興会・独立行政法人日本学術振興会・大阪大学サイバーメディアセンター,
(7) ベクトル空間情報検索モデル, 確率的言語モデル, マルチメディア情報検索, クロスメディア情報検索, オーディオ指紋に基づく音楽同定, 脳波による感性情報処理,
(8) 情報検索, 自然言語処理, 計算言語学, コーパス, 潜在的意味解析, 多次元検索, ハミング空間検索, オーディオ指紋, 音楽検索, 画像検索,
(9) 情報検索に関する研究, 自然言語処理に関する研究
(1) 泓田 正雄, Masao Fuketa,
(2) fūkėtā (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) 自然言語処理,
(5) 情報処理学会 (四国支部幹事)・言語処理学会・電子情報通信学会・IEEE・社団法人 人工知能学会・日本医療情報学会・ヒューマンインタフェース学会,
(6) 株式会社 言語理解研究所 (取締役)・徳島県消費生活審議会 (委員),
(7) 情報検索システム, 文書処理, マンマシンインターフェイス,
(8) 自然言語処理, 辞書検索,
(9) 音声対話システムの研究
(1) 青江 順一, Jun-ichi Aoe,
(2) (電子メール),
(3) 教授・工学博士,
(4) 感性情報処理,
(5) 日本医療情報学会・情報処理学会・言語処理学会・IEEE・電子情報通信学会・ヒューマンインタフェース学会・International Journal of Computer Mathematics,
(6) 株式会社 言語理解研究所 (代表取締役)・徳島県消費生活審議会,
(7) 情報検索システム, 医療情報処理, マンマシンインターフェイス,
(8) 対話理解, 辞書検索,
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 森田 和宏, Kazuhiro Morita,
(2) kām (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 准教授・博士(工学),
(4) 感性情報処理, 自然言語処理,
(5) 情報処理学会・IEEE (Shikoku Section Membership Development Chair),
(6) 社団法人発明協会徳島県支部,
(7) 情報検索システム, 文書処理, マンマシンインターフェイス,
(8) 自然言語処理, 辞書検索, 知識獲得,
(9) 音声対話システムの研究
(1) 白井 昭博, Akihiro Shirai,
(2) śhīŗāī (@) bīō ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 助教・博士(工学),
(4) 有機化学, 微生物学,
(5) 日本防菌防黴学会 (広報委員)・社団法人 日本化学会・徳島生物学会・公益社団法人 日本生物工学会・アメリカ微生物学会・社団法人 日本化学療法学会,
(6) ,
(7) 環境調和型微生物制御剤の開発に関する研究,
(8) (@.keyword),
(9) (@.collaborate)
II.9.2.2 研究業績
【著 書】
安井 武史 : 第5章 第2節 皮膚(真皮)のコラーゲン量を測定したい, 株式会社 技術情報協会, 東京, 2013年5月.
Fuji Ren and XIN KANG : Employing Hierarchical Bayesian Networks in Simple and Complex Emotion Topic Analysis, Computer Speech & Language, Vol.27, No.4, pp.943-968, 2013.
Naoyuki Shimomura, Masataka Nagahama, Kenji Teranishi, Yoshihiro Uto and Hitoshi Hori : Introduction of Embryonic Chick Assay on Experiment Applying Nanosecond Pulse Electric Fields on Solid Tumor, IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, Vol.133, No.4, pp.231-232, 2013.
Uwate Maki, Ichise Yu-ki, Akihiro Shirai, Takeshi Omasa, Nakae Taiji and Hideaki Maseda : Two routes of MexS-MexT-mediated regulation of MexEF-OprN and MexAB-OprM efflux pump expression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Microbiology and Immunology, Vol.57, No.4, pp.263-272, 2013.
Ryosuke Tanaka, Shuichiro Fukushima, Kunihiko Sasaki, Yuji Tanaka, Hiroyuki Murota, Takeshi Matsumoto, Tsutomu Araki and Takeshi Yasui : In vivo visualization of dermal collagen fiber in skin burn by collagen-sensitive second-harmonic-generation microscopy, Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol.18, No.6, p.061231, 2013.
Abdunabi UBUL, Atlam EL-Sayed, Hiroya Kitagawa, Masao Fuketa, Kazuhiro Morita and Jun-ichi Aoe : An Efficient Method of Summarizing Documents Using Impression Measurements, Computing and Informatics, Vol.32, No.2, pp.371-391, 2013.
Akihiro Shirai, Yasuko Fumoto, Tomoaki Shouno, Hideaki Maseda and Takeshi Omasa : Synthesis and biological activity of thiazolyl-acetic acid derivatives as possible antimicrobial agents, Biocontrol Science, Vol.18, No.2, pp.59-73, 2013.
Daisuke Kuchiike, Yoshihiro Uto, Hirotaka Mukai, Noriko Ishiyama, Chiaki Abe, Daichi Tanaka, Tomohito Kawai, Kentaro Kubo, Martin Mette, Toshio Inui, Yoshio Endo and Hitoshi Hori : Degalactosylated/Desialylated Human Serum Containing GcMAF Induces Macrophage Phagocytic Activity and In Vivo Antitumor Activity, Anticancer Research, Vol.33, No.7, pp.2881-2885, 2013.
Toshio Inui, Daisuke Kuchiike, Kentaro Kubo, Martin Mette, Yoshihiro Uto, Hitoshi Hori and Norihiro Sakamoto : Clinical Experience of Integrative Cancer Immunotherapy with GcMAF, Anticancer Research, Vol.33, No.7, pp.2917-2920, 2013.
Keiji Hirota, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Ryota Takeuchi, Yoshihiro Uto, Hitoshi Hori, Shinya Onizuka and Hiroshi Terada : Antitumor Effect of Degalactosylated Gc-Globulin on Orthotopic Grafted Lung Cancer in Mice, Anticancer Research, Vol.33, No.7, pp.2911-2915, 2013.
Elmarhoumy Mahmoud, Fattah Abdel Mohamed, Motoyuki Suzuki and Fuji Ren : A New Modified Centroid Classifier Approach for Automatic Text Classification, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), Vol.8, No.4, pp.364-370, 2013.
Yu Gu, Yusheng Ji, Ji Li, Fuji Ren and Baohua Zhao : EMS: Efficient Mobile Sink Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks, Ad Hoc Networks, Vol.11, No.5, pp.1556-1570, 2013.
Fuji Ren, Changqin Quan and Kazuyuki Matsumoto : ENRICHING MENTAL ENGINEERING, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol.9, No.8, pp.3271-3286, 2013.
Tetsuo Iwata, Shuji Yoshioka, Shota Nakamura, Yasuhiro Mizutani and Takeshi Yasui : Prediction of the Thickness of a Thin Paint Film by Applying a Modified Partial-Least-Squares-1 Method to Data Obtained in Terahertz Reflectometry, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Vol.34, No.10, pp.646-659, 2013.
Masataka Nagahama, Naoyuki Shimomura, Akito Nakagawa, Kenji Teranishi, Yoshihiro Uto and Hitoshi Hori : In Vivo Experimental Study of Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Field Effects on Solid Tumors, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol.20, No.4, pp.1266-1272, 2013.
Degen HUANG, Shanshan WANG and Fuji Ren : Creating Chinese-English Comparable Corpora, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E96-D, No.8, pp.1853-1861, 2013.
Qingmei Xiao, Saito Narumi, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Luo Xin, Yokota Yasushi and Kenji Kita : Index Compression for Audio Fingerprinting Systems Based on Compressed Suffix Array, International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET), Vol.3, No.4, pp.455-460, 2013.
Ji Li and Fuji Ren : Hybrid Approach for Word Emotion Recognition, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), Vol.8, No.6, pp.616-626, 2013.
Kunxia Wang, Lian Li, Jing Yang and Fuji Ren : Speech Emotion Recognition Using a Novel Feature Set, Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol.9, No.15, pp.6097-6104, 2013.
Masao Fuketa, Toshiyuki Tamai, Kazuhiro Morita and Jun-ichi Aoe : Effectiveness of an implementation method for retrieving similar strings by trie structures, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol.48, No.2, pp.130-135, 2013.
Kazuhiro Morita, Hiroya Kitagawa, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe : An incremental construction method of a large-scale thesaurus using co-occurrence information, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol.48, No.2, pp.120-129, 2013.
Takuki Ogawa, Kazuhiro Morita, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe : The Determination of Affirmative and Negative Intentions for Indirect Speech Acts by a Recommendation Tree, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol.4, No.8, pp.228-235, 2013.
Kazuhiro Morita, Takuki Ogawa, Hiroya Kitagawa, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe : A method of extraction and visualisation for relationships among objects on web, International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Vol.12, No.3/4, pp.316-327, 2013.
Masao Fuketa, Kazuhiro Morita and Jun-ichi Aoe : Agent based communication systems for elders using a reminiscence therapy, International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Vol.12, No.3/4, pp.254-267, 2013.
Yimin Tang and Fuji Ren : Universal Triple I Method for Fuzzy Reasoning and Fuzzy Controller, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol.10, No.5, pp.1-24, 2013.
Fuji Ren, Bo Li and Qimei Chen : Single Parameter Logarithmic Image Processing For Edge detection, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E96-D, No.11, pp.2437-2449, 2013.
Fuji Ren and Ye Wu : Predicting User-topic Opinions in Twitter with Social and Topical Context, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Vol.4, No.4, pp.412-424, 2013.
Akihiro Shirai, Toshiyuki Endo, Hideaki Maseda and Takeshi Omasa : Synthesis of thiazole derivatives and evaluation of their antiamoebic activity and cytotoxicity, Biocontrol Science, Vol.18, No.4, pp.183-191, 2013.
Haotao Yu and Fuji Ren : Automatic Role-explicit Query Extraction: A Divide-and-Conquer System Leveraging on Users' Reformulating Behaviors, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), Vol.9, No.1, pp.62-70, 2014.
Changqin Quan and Fuji Ren : Target Based Review Classification for Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol.10, No.1, pp.257-268, 2014.
Keranmu Xielifuguli, Akira Fujisawa, Yusuke Kusumoto, Kazuyuki Matsumoto and Kenji Kita : Pleasant/Unpleasant Filtering for Affective Image Retrieval Based on Cross-Correlation of EEG Features, Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing, Vol.2014, 2014.
Akihiro Shirai, Mutsumi Aihara, Akira Takahashi, Hideaki Maseda and Takeshi Omasa : Synergistic antimicrobial activity based on the combined use of a gemini-quaternary ammonium compound and ultraviolet A light, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, Vol.130, (号), pp.226-233, 2014.
Yi-Da Hsieh, Yuki Iyonaga, Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi, Shuko Yokoyama, Hajime Inaba, Kaoru Minoshima, Francis Hindle, Tsutomu Araki and Takeshi Yasui : Spectrally interleaved, comb-mode-resolved spectroscopy using swept dual terahertz combs, Scientific Reports, Vol.4, p.3816, 2014.
Ikuo Nakanishi, Tomonori Kawashima, Kei Ohkubo, Tsukasa Waki, Yoshihiro Uto, Tadashi Kamada, Toshihiko Ozawa, Ken-ichiro Matsumoto and Shunichi Fukuzumi : Disproportionation of a 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical as a model of reactive oxygen species catalysed by Lewis and/or Brønsted acids, Chemical Communications, Vol.50, No.7, pp.814-816, 2014.
中川 祥平, 鈴木 基之, 松本 和幸, 北 研二 : 合成音声を用いた特徴量の正規化による感情識別法, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D), Vol.J97-D, No.3, 533-539頁, 2014年.
Megumi Ueno, Minako Nyui, Ikuo Nakanishi, Kazunori Anzai, Toshihiko Ozawa, Ken-ichiro Matsumoto and Yoshihiro Uto : Scavenging of reactive oxygen species induced by hyperthermia in biological fluid, Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, Vol.54, No.2, pp.75-80, 2014.
Yuji Tanaka, Eiji Hase, Shuichiro Fukushima, Yuki Ogura, Toyonobu Yamashita, Tetsuji Hirao, Tsutomu Araki and Takeshi Yasui : Motion-artifact-robust, polarization-resolved second-harmonic-generation microscopy based on rapid polarization switching with electro-optic Pockells cell and its application to in vivo visualization of collagen fiber orientation in human facial skin, Biomedical Optics Express, Vol.5, No.4, pp.1099-1113, 2014.
Masayoshi Onitsuka, Miki Tatsuzawa, Ryutaro Asano, Izumi Kumagai, Akihiro Shirai, Hideaki Maseda and Takeshi Omasa : Trehalose suppresses antibody aggregation during the culture of Chinese hamster ovary cells, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Vol.117, No.5, pp.632-638, 2014.
Masahiro Yamanari, Satoko Nagase, Shinichi Fukuda, Kotaro Ishii, Ryosuke Tanaka, Takeshi Yasui, Tetsuro Oshika, Masahiro Miura and Yoshiaki Yasuno : Scleral birefringence as measured by polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography and ocular biometric parameters of human eyes in vivo, Biomedical Optics Express, Vol.5, No.5, pp.1391-1402, 2014.
Misao Miyagawa, Tetsuya Tanioka, Yuko Yasuhara, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Hirokazu Ito, Motoyuki Suzuki, Fuji Ren and Rozzano De Castro Locsin : Methodology for Developing a Nursing Administration Analysis System, Intelligent Information Management, Vol.6, No.3, pp.118-128, 2014.
Chiaki Abe, Yoshihiro Uto, Ayaka Kawasaki, Chiho Noguchi, Ryo Tanaka, Toru Yoshitomi, Yukio Nagasaki, Yoshio Endo and Hitoshi Hori : Evaluation of the in vivo antioxidative activity of redox nanoparticles by using a developing chicken egg as an alternative animal model, Journal of Controlled Release, Vol.182, pp.67-72, 2014.
Yunong Wu, Kenji Kita and Kazuyuki Matsumoto : Three Predictions are Better than One: Sentence Multi-Emotion Analysis from Different Perspectives, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), Vol.9, No.6, pp.642-649, 2014.
柘植 覚, 大橋 宏正, 市川 賢, 北岡 教英, 武田 一哉, 北 研二 : 音声ドキュメント検索における種々の検討および線形補間係数を自動決定する検索質問拡張, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.55, No.6, 1625-1636頁, 2014年.
Changqin Quan and Fuji Ren : Unsupervised Product Feature Extraction for Feature-oriented Opinion Determination, Information Sciences, Vol.272, pp.16-28, 2014.
Takeshi Yasui, Makoto Fujio, Shuko Yokoyama and Tsutomu Araki : Phase-slope and phase measurements of tunable CW-THz radiation with terahertz comb for wide-dynamic-range, high-resolution, distance measurement of optically rough object, Optics Express, Vol.22, No.14, pp.17349-17359, 2014.
Changqin Quan, Meng Wang and Fuji Ren : An Unsupervised Text Mining Method for Relation Extraction from Biomedical Literature, PLoS ONE, Vol.9, No.7, p.e102039, 2014.
Mami Ishikawa, Takahiro Inoue, Toshio Inui, Daisuke Kuchiike, Kentaro Kubo, Yoshihiro Uto and Takahito Nishikata : A novel assay system for macrophage-activating factor activity using a human U937 cell line, Anticancer Research, Vol.34, No.8, pp.4577-4581, 2014.
Tetsuo Iwata, Hiroaki Uemura, Yasuhiro Mizutani and Takeshi Yasui : Double-modulation reflection-type terahertz ellipsometer for measuring the thickness of a thin paint coating, Optics Express, Vol.22, No.17, pp.20595-20606, 2014.
Ryu Tada, Yoshihiro Uto, Shin-ichiro Masunaga, Yuko Kinashi, Koji Ono and Hitoshi Hori : An NDT Study of a Boron Tracedrug UTX-51 for Glycated BSA as an AGE Model, Anticancer Research, Vol.34, No.8, pp.4503-4507, 2014.
Hitoshi Hori, Ryu Tada, Yoshihiro Uto, Eiji Nakata, Takashi Morii and Kai Masuda : A Neutron Dynamic Therapy with a Boron Tracedrug UTX-51 Using a Compact Neutron Generator, Anticancer Research, Vol.34, No.8, pp.4557-4560, 2014.
Yoshihiro Uto, Dai Tamatani, Yusuke Mizuki, Yoshio Endo, Ikuo Nakanishi, Kei Ohkubo, Shunichi Fukuzumi, Masahiro Ishizuka, Toru Tanaka, Daisuke Kuchiike, Kentaro Kubo, Toshio Inui and Hitoshi Hori : Evaluation of the Sonosensitizing Activities of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid and Sn(IV) Chlorin e6 in Tumor-bearing Chick Embryos, Anticancer Research, Vol.34, No.8, pp.4583-4587, 2014.
Toshio Inui, Kaori Makita, Hirona Miura, Akiko Matsuda, Daisuke Kuchiike, Kentaro Kubo, Martin Mette, Yoshihiro Uto, Takahito Nishikata, Hitoshi Hori and Norihiro Sakamoto : Case Report: A Breast Cancer Patient Treated with GcMAF, Sonodynamic Therapy and Hormone Therapy, Anticancer Research, Vol.34, No.8, pp.4589-4593, 2014.
Masataka Oita, Yoshihiro Uto, Masahide Tominaga, Motoharu Sasaki, Yasuo Hara, Taro Kishi and Hitoshi Hori : Radiosensitivity Uncertainty Evaluation for the In Vitro Biophysical Modeling of EMT6 Cells, Anticancer Research, Vol.34, No.8, pp.4621-4626, 2014.
Masao Fuketa, Hiroya Kitagawa, Takuki Ogawa, Kazuhiro Morita and Jun-ichi Aoe : Compression of double array structures for fixed length keywords, Information Processing & Management, Vol.50, No.5, pp.796-806, 2014.
R Munakata, T Inoue, T Koeduka, F Karamat, A Olry, A Sugiyama, K Takanashi, A Dugrand, Y Froelicher, R Tanaka, Yoshihiro Uto, Hitoshi Hori, J Azuma, A Hehn, F Bourgaud and K Yazaki : Molecular cloning and characterization of a geranyl diphosphate-specific aromatic prenyltransferase from lemon, Plant Physiology, Vol.166, No.1, pp.80-90, 2014.
Xiaohua Wang, Chao Jin, 任 福継, Min Hu : Research on facial expression recognition based on pyramid Weber local descriptor and the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence, Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol.19, No.9, 1297-1305頁, 2014年.
Jun Wang, Fuji Ren and Lei Li : Recognizing Sentiment of Relations between Entities in Text, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), Vol.9, No.6, pp.614-620, 2014.
Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Kyosuke Akita, Xielifuguli Keranmu, Minoru Yoshida and Kenji Kita : Extraction Japanese Slang from Weblog Data Based on Script Type and Stroke Count, Procedia Computer Science, Vol.35, No.2014, pp.464-473, 2014.
Changqin Quan and Fuji Ren : Visualizing Emotions from Chinese Blogs by Textual Emotion Analysis and Recognition Techniques, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, Vol.13, pp.1-20, 2014.
Jun Liu, Xi Wu, Huaguo Liang, 任 福継 : 葉ノード数および3次元検査木におけるTSVsの最適化, SCIENCE CHINA, Vol.44, No.1, 1-13頁, 2014年.
Yiming Tang and Fuji Ren : Fuzzy Systems Based on Universal Triple I Method and Their Response Functions, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, Vol.13, (号), pp.1-29, 2014.
Yan Sun, Changqin Quan, XIN KANG, Zuopeng Zhang and Fuji Ren : Customer emotion detection by emotion expression analysis on adverbs, Information Technology and Management, pp.1-9, 2014.
Changqin Quan and Fuji Ren : Feature-level sentiment analysis by using comparative domain corpora, Enterprise Information Systems, (巻), (号), pp.1-18, 2014.
Ubul ABDUNABI, Hidekazu Kakei and Jun-ichi Aoe : Research on Document Summary Geneeration Using Attribute Information, International Journal of Computing and Technology, Vol.1, No.11, pp.557-569, 2014.
Sun Yan, Fuji Ren, XIN KANG and Changqin Quan : Developing a Japanese Adverb-Emotion Corpus to Investigate the Effect of Adverbs in Japanese Sentence Emotion Classification, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence (IJAI), 2015.
Yu Gu, Fuji Ren, Yusheng JI and Ji Li : The Evolution of Sink Mobility Management in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, pp.1-19, 2015.
Min Hu, Jiang Hr, Xiaohua Wang, Hongbo Chen, Kun Li, 任 福継 : Precise local feature description for facial expression recognition, Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol.19, No.11, 1613-1622頁, 2015年.
Weiliang Chen, Xiao Sun, 任 福継 : Mandarin Speech Emotion Recognition Based on MFCCG-PCA, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis Beijingdaxue Xuebao, Vol.51, No.2, 269-274頁, 2015年.
Akihiro Shirai, Masayoshi Onitsuka, Hideaki Maseda and Takeshi Omasa : Effect of polyphenols on reactive oxygen species production and cell growth of human dermal fibroblasts after irradiation with ultraviolet-A light, Biocontrol Science, Vol.20, No.1, pp.27-33, 2015.
市川 賢, 北岡 教英, 柘植 覚, 武田 一哉, 北 研二 : 種々のテキスト検索モデルの頑健性向上による音声ドキュメント検索の高精度化, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.56, No.3, 1003-1012頁, 2015年.
Fuji Ren, Yu Wang and Changqin Quan : TFSM-based dialogue management model framework for affective dialogue systems, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), pp.1-7, 2015.
Jun Liu, Qingqing Qian, Xi Wu, Wei Wang, Tian Chen, 任 福継 : Optimizing pre-bond and post-bond test time for three dimension IP Cores, Computer Engineering and Applications, Vol.19, No.11, 1-7頁, 2015年.
Takeshi Yasui, Kenta Hayashi, Ryuji Ichikawa, Harsono Cahyadi, Yi-Da Hsieh, Yasuhiro Mizurani, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Tetsuo Iwata, Hajime Inaba and Kaoru Minoshima : Real-time absolute frequency measurement of continuous-wave terahertz radiation based on dual terahertz combs of photocarriers with different frequency spacings, Optics Express, Vol.23, No.9, pp.11367-11377, 2015.
Jun Liu, Qingqing Qian, Xi Wu, Wei Wang, Tian Chen, 任 福継 : Optimizing pre-bond and post-bond test time for three dimension, Computer Engineering and Applications, 2015年.
Takeshi Yasui, Yuki Iyonaga, Yi-Da Hsieh, Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi, Francis Hindle, Shuko Yokoyama, Tsutomu Araki and Mamoru Hashimoto : Super-resolution discrete Fourier transform spectroscopy beyond time-window size limitation using precisely periodic pulsed radiation, Optica, Vol.2, No.5, pp.460-467, 2015.
Fuji Ren, Mengni Chen and Yu Gu : WeWatch: An Application for Watching Video Across Two Mobile Devices, ZTE COMMUNICATIONS, Vol.13, No.2, pp.17-22, 2015.
Takeshi Yasui, Ryuji Ichikawa, Yi-Da Hsieh, Kenta Hayashi, Harsono Cahyadi, Francis Hindle, Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi, Tetsuo Iwata, Yasuhiro Mizurani, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Kaoru Minoshima and Hajime Inaba : Adaptive sampling dual terahertz comb spectroscopy using dual free-running femtosecond lasers, Scientific Reports, Vol.5, p.10786, 2015.
Yu Gu and Fuji Ren : Energy-efficient Indoor Localization of Smart Hand-held Devices Using Bluetooth, IEEE Access, Vol.3, (号), pp.1450-1461, 2015.
Yu Wang, Fuji Ren and Changqin Quan : Overview of Speech Synthesis in Development and Methods, Journal of Chinese Computer Systems, Vol.42, No.6, pp.1-8, 2015.
Min Hu, Kun Li, Xiaohua Eang, 任 福継 : Facial expression recognition based on histogram weighted HCBP, Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation, Vol.29, No.7, 953-960頁, 2015年.
Fuji Ren, XIN KANG and Changqin Quan : Examining Accumulated Emotional Traits in Suicide Blogs with an Emotion Topic Model, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2015.
Fuji Ren and Kazuyuki Matsumoto : Semi-automatic Creation of Youth Slang Corpus and Its Application to Affective Computing, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Vol.7, No.2, pp.176-189, 2015.
Yoshihiro Uto, Tomohito Kawai, Toshihide Sasaki, Ken Hamada, Hisatsugu Yamada, Daisuke Kuchiike, Kentaro Kubo, Toshio Inui, Martin Mette, Ken Tokunaga, Akio Hayakawa, Akiteru Go and Tomohiro Oosaki : Degalactosylated/Desialylated Bovine Colostrum Induces Macrophage Phagocytic Activity Independently of Inflammatory Cytokine Production., Anticancer Research, Vol.35, No.8, pp.4487-4492, 2015.
Toshio Inui, Kentaro Kubo, Daisuke Kuchiike, Yoshihiro Uto, Takahito Nishikata, Norihiro Sakamoto and Martin Mette : Oral Colostrum Macrophage-activating Factor for Serious Infection and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Three Case Reports., Anticancer Research, Vol.35, No.8, pp.4545-4549, 2015.
Yu Sumiya, Mami Ishikawa, Takahiro Inoue, Toshio Inui, Daisuke Kuchiike, Kentaro Kubo, Yoshihiro Uto and Takahito Nishikata : Macrophage Activation Mechanisms in Human Monocytic Cell Line-derived Macrophages., Anticancer Research, Vol.35, No.8, pp.4447-4451, 2015.
Takahiro Inoue, Mami Ishikawa, Yu Sumiya, Haruka Kohda, Toshio Inui, Daisuke Kuchiike, Kentaro Kubo, Yoshihiro Uto and Takahito Nishikata : Establishment of a Macrophage-activating Factor Assay System Using the Human Monocytic Cell Line THP-1., Anticancer Research, Vol.35, No.8, pp.4441-4445, 2015.
Ye Wu and Fuji Ren : Exploiting Opinion Distribution for Topic Recommendation in Twitter, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), Vol.10, No.5, pp.567-575, 2015.
Yiming Tang and Fuji Ren : Variable differently implicational algorithm of fuzzy inference, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol.28, No.4, pp.1885-1897, 2015.
Xiao Sun, Chongyuan Sun, 任 福継 : New Word Detection and Emotional Tendency Judgment Based on Deep Structured Model, Computer Science, Vol.42, No.9, 208-213頁, 2015年.
Fuji Ren and Zhong Huang : Facial expression recognition based on AAM-SIFT and adaptive regional weighting, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), (巻), (号), pp.1-10, 2015.
Masao Fuketa, Kazuhiro Morita and Jun-ichi Aoe : Double array structures based on byte segmentation for n-gram, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol.52, No.2/3, pp.110-116, 2015.
Kazuhiro Morita, Masao Fuketa, Jun-ichi Aoe and Kiyoshi Yasuda : Improved dialogue communication systems for individuals with dementia, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol.52, No.2/3, pp.127-134, 2015.
Changqin Quan and Fuji Ren : Weighted high-order hidden Markov models for compound emotions recognition in text, Information Sciences, Vol.329, pp.581-596, 2015.
Min Hu, Yihong Cheng, Xiaohua Wang, 任 福継, Liangfeng Xu, Xiaoyin Huang : Facial Expression Recognition Based on asymmrtric region local gradient coding, Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol.20, No.10, 1313-1321頁, 2015年.
Lei Wang, Fuji Ren and Duoqian Miao : Multi-Label Emotion Recognition of Weblog Sentence Based on Bayesian Networks, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), Vol.10, pp.1-7, 2015.
Fuji Ren and Haitao Yu : Role-explicit query extraction and utilization for quantifying user intents, Information Sciences, Vol.329, No.1, pp.568-580, 2015.
Xiaohua Wang, Dengyong Hou, Min Hu and Fuji Ren : Dual-modality emotion recognition of facial expressions and gestures, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence (IJAI), Vol.7, No.1, pp.24-34, 2015.
Jiaqi Ye, Xiao Sun, Fuji Ren and Fang Tian : Social Network Influenza Epidemic Detection Based on SVM and CRF, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence (IJAI), Vol.7, No.1, pp.66-79, 2015.
Min Hu, Xiaoyin Huang, Fuji Ren and Xiaohua Wang : Facial Expression Recognition Based on MBP and Sparse Representation, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence (IJAI), Vol.7, No.1, pp.95-102, 2015.
Yanqiu Li, Fuji Ren, Liangfeng Xu, Min HU and Zixi Yu : Face Recognition Based on ULBP and BP Neural Network, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence (IJAI), Vol.7, No.1, pp.103-114, 2015.
Akihiro Shirai, Masato Kajiura and Takeshi Omasa : Synergistic photobactericidal activity based on ultraviolet-A irradiation and ferulic acid derivatives, Photochemistry and Photobiology, Vol.91, No.6, pp.1422-1428, 2015.
Lianghu Quan, Yu Gu, Mengni Chen, 任 福継 : Research on pasive human activity recognition using WiFi ambient signals, Journal of University of Scinece and Technology of China, Vol.45, No.3, 101-106頁, 2015年.
Yu Gu, Lianghu Quan and Fuji Ren : AAH: accurate activity recognition of human beings using WiFi signals, Concurrency and Computation : Practice & Experience, Vol.45, 2015.
Tian Chen, Xin Yi, Liuyang Zheng, Wei Wang, Huaguo Liang, 任 福継, Jun Liu : Low Power Deterministic Test Scheme based on Viterbi, Journal of Compter-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, Vol.28, No.5, 2015年.
Akihiro Shirai, Masato Kajiura, Kyohei Matsumura and Takeshi Omasa : Improved photobactericidal activity of ultraviolet-A light in combination with isomerizable p-coumaric acid derivatives, Biocontrol Science, Vol.20, No.4, pp.231-238, 2015.
S. Okubo, Yi-Da Hsieh, Hajime Inaba, A. Onae, M. Hashimoto and Takeshi Yasui : Near-infrared broadband dual-frequency-comb spectroscopy with a resolution beyond the Fourier limit determined by the observation time window, Optics Express, Vol.23, No.26, pp.33184-339193, 2015.
Sho Okubo, Yi-Da Hsieh, Hajime Inaba, Atsushi Onae, Mamoru Hashimoto and Takeshi Yasui : Near-infrared broadband dual-frequency-comb spectroscopy with a resolution beyond the Fourier limit determined by the observation time window, Optics Express, Vol.23, No.26, pp.33184-33193, 2015.
Yu Gu, Fuji Ren and Jie Li : PAWS: Passive Human Activity Recognition Based on WiFi Ambient Signals, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2015.
Shunsuke Kanda, Masao Fuketa, Kazuhiro Morita, Akio Tomotoshi and Jun-ichi Aoe : A new compression method for double-array structures by a hierarchical representation, International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Vol.14, No.3/4, pp.221-236, 2015.
Masao Fuketa and Shunsuke Kanda : A construction method by divided double array structures, International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Vol.14, No.3/4, pp.273-283, 2015.
Tomohiro Osaki, Inoru Yokoe, Yoshihiro Uto, Masahiro Ishizuka, Tohru Tanaka, Nobuyasu Yamanaka, Tsukasa Kurahashi, Kazuo Azuma, Yusuke Murahata, Takeshi Tsuka, Norihiko Ito, Tomohiro Imagawa and Yoshiharu Okamoto : Bleomycin enhances the efficacy of sonodynamic therapy using aluminum phthalocyanine disulfonate., Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, Vol.28, (号), pp.161-168, 2016.
Bin Zhang, Changqin Quan, 任 福継 : Overview of Speech Synthesis in Development and Methods, Journal of Chinese Computer Systems, Vol.37, No.1, 186-192頁, 2016年.
Takeo Minamikawa, Kenta Hayashi, Tatsuya Mizuguchi, Yi-Da Hsieh, Dahi Ghareab Abdelsalam, Yasuhiro Mizurani, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Tetsuo Iwata and Takeshi Yasui : Real-time determination of absolute frequency in continuous-wave terahertz radiation with a photocarrier terahertz frequency comb induced by an unstabilized femtosecond laser, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Vol.37, No.5, pp.473-485, 2016.
Xiaohua Wang, Wei Huang, Chao Jin, Min Hu, 任 福継 : Facial Expression Recognition Based on the Optimal Matching of Multi-feature and Multi-classifier, Opto-Electronic Engineering, Vol.43, No.3, 73-79頁, 2016年.
安井 武史, 美濃島 薫 : フェムト秒増幅光カーゲートによる超高速イメージング, 光アライアンス, Vol.24, No.4, 30-35頁, 2013年4月.
橋本 守, 福島 修一郎, 荒木 勉, 安井 武史 : SHG顕微断層偏光イメージング, 光アライアンス, Vol.24, No.4, 21-29頁, 2013年4月.
安井 武史 : 光源としての光コム(1)~テラヘルツ領域~, 分光研究, Vol.62, No.3, 141-150頁, 2013年6月.
宇都 義浩, 堀 均 : 放射線療法と免疫反応/療法を組み合わせた統合的がん治療の基礎と臨床:マクロファージ活性化因子GcMAFの利用可能性, 放射線生物研究, Vol.48, No.2, 199-210頁, 2013年6月.
安井 武史, 荒木 勉 : 偏光分解SHG顕微鏡による真皮コラーゲン配向のイメージング, レーザー研究, Vol.41, No.8, 601-605頁, 2013年8月.
安井 武史 : ギャップレスTHzコム分光法, OplusE, Vol.35, No.10, 1137-1142頁, 2013年10月.
安井 武史 : SHG(第二高調波発生光)顕微鏡, 光アライアンス, Vol.25, No.3, 46-50頁, 2014年3月.
安井 武史, 謝 宜達 : ギャップレスTHzコム分光法, レーザー研究, Vol.42, No.9, 700-705頁, 2014年9月.
岩田 哲郎, 上村 裕明, 水谷 康弘, 安井 武史 : 塗装膜厚測定のための二重変調方式反射型THzエリプソメータ, 塗装工学, Vol.50, No.1, 13-24頁, 2015年1月.
Yu Wang, 任 福継, Changqin Quan : Review of Dialogue Management Methods in Spoken Dialogue System, Computer Science, Vol.42, No.6, 1-8頁, 2015年6月.
任 福継, Xiao Sun : 知能ロボットの現状及びその発展, Science & Technology Review, Vol.33, No.21, 32-38頁, 2015年11月.
安井 武史 : テラヘルツ・カラースキャナーを用いたバイオイメージング, 光アライアンス, Vol.27, No.1, 22-26頁, 2016年1月.
安井 武史 : デュアルフォトキャリアテラヘルツコムを用いたテラヘルツ波のリアルタイム絶対周波数計測, 応用物理学会誌, Vol.85, No.2, 123-126頁, 2016年2月.
Zhong Huang, 任 福継, Min Hu : 知能ロボットの現状及びその発展, ROBOT, Vol.38, No.2, 225-232頁, 2016年2月.
【国際会議 Proceedings】
Takeshi Yasui, Makoto Fujio, Shuko Yokoyama and Tsutomu Araki : Distance measurement of optically roughobject based on phase slope of tunable CW-THz wave, International Workshop on Terahertz Science and Technology (OTST2013), Kyoto, April 2013.
Yi-Da Hsieh, Yuki Iyonaga, Yoshiuyki Sakaguchi, Shuko Yokoyama, Hajime Inaba, Kaoru Minoshima, Tsutomu Araki, Francis Hindle and Takeshi Yasui : Gapless terahertz frequency comb spectroscopy of molecular gas, The 2nd Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS'13), Yokohama (Japan), April 2013.
Yu Gu, Yusheng Ji, Fuji Ren and Ji Li : Network lifetime optimization in wireless healthcare systems: Understanding the gap between online and offline scenarios, proceedings of Communications, (巻), pp.1774-1778, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.
Takeshi Yasui, Yuki Iyonaga, Yi-Da Hsieh, Hajime Inaba, Kaoru Minoshima, Shuko Yokoyama, Tsutomu Araki and Mamoru Hashimoto : Frequency-swept asynchronous-optical-sampling terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, CLEO: Science & Innovations 2013, San Jose (USA), June 2013.
Qingli Zhang, Ning An, Kunxia Wang, Fuji Ren and Lian Li : Speech emotion recognition using combination of features, Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, (巻), pp.523-528, Beijing, China, June 2013.
Satoru Tsuge, Ken Ichikawa, Norihide Kitaoka, Kazuya Takeda and Kenji Kita : Spoken Content Retrieval Using Distance Combination and Spoken Term Detection Using Hash Function for NTCIR10 SpokenDoc2 Task, Proceeding of the 10th NTCIR Conference, pp.597-603, (都市), June 2013.
Masayoshi Onitsuka, Tatsuzawa Miki, Noda Masahiro, Koguma Ichiro, Akihiro Shirai and Takeshi Omasa : Dynamical analysis of antibody aggregation in the CHO cell culture with thermo responsive protein A (TRPA) column, ESACT Meeting 2013 in Lille, No.A122, p.97, (都市), June 2013.
Noda Masahiro, Tatsuzawa Miki, Masayoshi Onitsuka, Akihiro Shirai and Takeshi Omasa : Chemical shaperon suppresses the antibody aggregation in CHO cell culture, ESACT Meeting 2013 in Lille, No.A121, p.97, Lille,France, June 2013.
Takeshi Yasui, Yi-Da Hsieh, Yuki Iyonaga, Yoshiyuki Sajaguchi, Shuko Yokoyama, Hajime Inaba, Kaoru Minoshima and Tsutomu Araki : Gapless THz comb spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Spectroscopy 2013 (Imaging and Applied Optics Congress), Arlington (USA), June 2013.
Takeshi Yasui, Yi-Da Hsieh, Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi, Francis Hindle, Shuko Yokoyama, Hajime Inaba, Kaoru Minoshima and Tsutomu Araki : Gapless THz comb spectroscopy, Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2013 (CLEO/Pacific Rim 2013), Osaka, July 2013.
Yuji Tanaka, Eiji Hase, Shuichiro Fukushima, Takeshi Yasui and Tsutomu Araki : Fast Polarization-resolved SHG Microscopy for in vivo Imaging of Collagen Orientation, Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics 2013 (CLEO/Pacific Rim 2013), Kyoto, July 2013.
Kenta Hayashi, Shuko Yokoyama, Hajime Inaba, Kaoru Minoshima and Takeshi Yasui : Precise Frequency Measurement of Continuous-Wave Terahertz Radiation Based on THz Comb, Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2013 (CLEO/Pacific Rim 2013), Kyoto, July 2013.
Xiao Sun, Chengcheng Li, Chenyi Tang and Fuji Ren : Mining Semantic Orientation of Multiword Expression from Chinese Microblogging with Discriminative Latent Model, 2013 International Conference on Asian Language Processing, (巻), pp.117-120, Urumqi, China, Aug. 2013.
Emanuel Abraham, Mukesh Jewariya, Tetsuo Iwata, Tsutomu Araki and Takeshi Yasui : Fast 3D computed tomography using intense terahertz pulses, 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves(IRMMW-THz2013), Mainz, Germany, Sep. 2013.
Yi-Da Hsieh, Yuki Iyonaga, Takeshi Yasui, Keiko Kitagishi and Tsutomu Araki : All-fiber-based, asynchronous-optical-sampling THz time-domain spectroscopy using dual mode-locked fiber lasers and fiber-coupled photoconductive antenna, 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves(IRMMW-THz2013), Mainz, Germany, Sep. 2013.
Kenta Hayashi, Shuko Yokoyama, Hajime Inaba, Kaoru Minoshima and Takeshi Yasui : Precise frequency measurement of continuous-wave terahertz radiation based on THz comb, 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves(IRMMW-THz2013), Mainz, Germany, Sep. 2013.
Takeshi Yasui and Emanuel Abraham : (invited talk) Fast THz computed tomography, 21st International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications (ICECom2013), Dubrovnik, Croatia, Oct. 2013.
Ken Ichikawa, Satoru Tsuge, Norihide Kitaoka, Kazuya Takeda and Kenji Kita : Spoken document retrieval using both word-based and syllable-based document spaces with latent semantic indexing, Proceedings of the APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (ASC) 2013, (都市), Oct. 2013.
Motoyuki Suzuki, Shohei Nakagawa and Kenji Kita : Emotion recognition method based on normalization of prosodic features, Proceedings of the APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (ASC) 2013, pp.1-5, (都市), Nov. 2013.
Mei Chen, Qingmei Xiao, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Minoru Yoshida, Xin Luo and Kenji Kita : A Fast Retrieval Algorithm Based on Fibonacci Hashing for Audio Fingerprinting Systems, Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Advanced Information Engineering and Education Science, pp.219-222, Beijing, Dec. 2013.
He Jiang, Min Hu, Hongbo Chen, Kun Li, Xiaohua Wang and Fuji Ren : Facial Expression Recognition Based on Multi-Scale Vector Triangle, proceedings of IEEE/SICE SII2013 The Sixth Symposium on System Integration, pp.82-87, Kobe, Japan, Dec. 2013.
Rui Li, Zhuguo Yu, Min Hu, Zhong Huang and Fuji Ren : Facial Expression Recognition Algorithm Based on Feature Fusion Adaptive Weighted HLAC, proceedings of IEEE/SICE SII2013 The Sixth Symposium on System Integration, pp.88-93, Kobe, Japan, Dec. 2013.
Zhong Huang and Fuji Ren : Facial Expression Recognition Based on Active Appearance Model & Scale-Invariant Feature Transform, proceedings of IEEE/SICE SII2013 The Sixth Symposium on System Integration, pp.94-99, Kobe, Japan, Dec. 2013.
Changqin Quan, Xiquan Wei and Fuji Ren : Combine Sentiment Lexicon and Dependency Parsing for Sentiment Classification, proceedings of IEEE/SICE SII2013 The Sixth Symposium on System Integration, (巻), pp.100-104, Kobe, Japan, Dec. 2013.
Changqin Quan, Dongyu Wan, Bin Zhang and Fuji Ren : Reduce the Dimensions of Emotional Features by Principal Component Analysis for Speech Emotion Recognition, proceedings of IEEE/SICE SII2013 The Sixth Symposium on System Integration, (巻), pp.222-226, Kobe, Japan, Dec. 2013.
Xiaohua Wang, Chao Jin, Wei Liu, Min Hu, Liangfeng Xu and Fuji Ren : Feature Fusion of HOG and WLD for Facial Expression Recognition, proceedings of IEEE/SICE SII2013 The Sixth Symposium on System Integration, (巻), pp.227-232, Kobe, Japan, Dec. 2013.
Ning Liu, Fuji Ren, Xiao Sun and Changqin Quan : Microblogging Hot Events Emotion Analysis Based on Ren-CECps, proceedings of IEEE/SICE SII2013 The Sixth Symposium on System Integration, (巻), pp.233-238, Kobe, Japan, Dec. 2013.
Yao Qian, Fuji Ren and Changqin Quan : A New Preprocessing Algorithm and Local Binary Pattern Based Facial Expression Recognition, proceedings of IEEE/SICE SII2013 The Sixth Symposium on System Integration, (巻), pp.239-244, Kobe, Japan, Dec. 2013.
Lei Wang, Fuji Ren and Duoqian Miao : A Novel Method for Recognizing Emotions of Weblog Sentences, proceedings of IEEE/SICE SII2013 The Sixth Symposium on System Integration, (巻), pp.358-363, Kobe, Japan, Dec. 2013.
Takuki Ogawa, Kazuhiro Morita, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe : Effects of an Algorithm with a Recommendation Tree for Indirect Speech Acts, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT2013), pp.113-117, Paris, Dec. 2013.
Masao Fuketa, Kazuhiro Morita and Jun-ichi Aoe : A Retrieval Method for Double Array Structures by Using Byte N-Gram, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT2013), pp.155-159, Paris, Dec. 2013.
Kazuhiro Morita, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe : A Cloud Based Communication System for Elders Using Dialogue Control, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT2013), (頁), Paris, Dec. 2013.
Qingmei Xiao, Chen Mei, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Minoru Yoshida and Kenji Kita : Improvement of Indexing Methods for Audio Fingerprinting Systems, International Conference Data Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineering (ICDMCME'2014), pp.65-71, (都市), Feb. 2014.
Fujisawa Akira, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Minoru Yoshida and Kenji Kita : Identifying who drew the illustration focusing on the eyes of the characters, Proceedings of 20th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, pp.82-89, (都市), Feb. 2014.
Takeshi Yasui, Ryosuke Tanaka, Eiji Hase, Shuichiro Fukushima and Tsutomu Araki : In vivo time-lapse imaging of skin burn wound healing using second-harmonic generation microscopy, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.8948, p.8948-81, San Francisco, USA, Feb. 2014.
Yoshia Bando, Hitoshi Tokushige, Jun Asatani, Kazuhiro Morita, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe : Soft-input and output Decoding using Minimum Distance Search for Reed-Solomon Codes, 2014 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, (頁), Honolulu, Feb. 2014.
Takeshi Yasui : Gapless THz comb spectroscopy, International Workshop on THz Technology (IWOTT2014), 日本・蔵王, March 2014.
Changqin Quan and Fuji Ren : Gene disease association extraction by text mining and network analysis, Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis (Loudi), (巻), pp.54-63, Gothenburg, Sweden, April 2014.
Minoru Yoshida, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Kenji Kita and Hiroshi Nakagawa : Unsupervised Analysis of Web Page Semantic Structures by Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling, Proceedings of the Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD) 2014, Part II, LNAI 8444, pp.572-583, Tainan, May 2014.
Haitao Yu and Fuji Ren : Subtopic Mining via Modifier Graph Clustering, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.8443, (号), pp.337-347, Tainan,Taiwan, May 2014.
Uwate Maki, Ichise Yu-ki, Nakae Taiji, Akihiro Shirai and Hideaki Maseda : The mechanism of mexT gene activation in the expression of the mexEF-oprN operon in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 114th General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, p.168, Boston, May 2014.
Ichise Yu-ki, Uwate Maki, Akihiro Shirai, Nakae Taiji and Hideaki Maseda : Role of MexEF-OprN efflux pump in wild type strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 114th General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, p.145, Boston, May 2014.
Hiroaki Uemura, Yasuhiro Mizutani, Takeshi Yasui and Tetsuo Iwata : Measurements of the thickness of a paint film on a metal surface by a double-modulation terahertz ellipsometer, 14th EUSPEN, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2014.
Akito Nakagawa, Masataka Nagahama, Kenji Teranishi, Yoshihiro Uto and Naoyuki Shimomura : Effects of Applied Ultrashort Pulsed Electric Fields on Solid Tumor, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference, pp.45-48, Santa Fe, June 2014.
Kenta Hayashi, Hajime Inaba, Kaoru Minoshima and Takeshi Yasui : Real-time absolute frequency measurement of CW-THz wave based on dual THz combs, CLEO: Science & Innovations 2014, San Jose, USA, June 2014.
Yi-Da Hsieh, Yuki Iyonaga, Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi, Shuko Yokoyama, Hajime Inaba, Kaoru Minoshima, Frank Hindle, Tsutomu Araki and Takeshi Yasui : Spectrally interleaved, comb-mode-resolved, dual-terahertz-comb spectroscopy, CLEO: Science & Innovations 2014, San Jose, USA, June 2014.
Yi-Da Hsieh, Hiroto Kimura, Hajime Inaba, Kaoru Minoshima, Tsutomu Araki and Takeshi Yasui : Low-pressure gas spectroscopy using terahertz frequency synthesizer traceable to microwave frequency standard via dual optical combs, CLEO:Science & Innovations 2014, San Jose, USA, June 2014.
Kiyoshi Yasuda, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe : An anime agent system for reminiscence therapy, The 9th World Conference of Gerontechnology(ISG 2014), (頁), Taipei, June 2014.
Tian Chen, Kai Liu, Xin Yi, Dandan Shen, Wei Wang, Fuji Ren and Jun Liu : A connected component-based distributed method for overlapping community detection, IEEE The Fifth International Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), (巻), (号), pp.1-7, Hefei, July 2014.
Tian Chen, Liuyang Zheng, Wei Wang, Fuji Ren, Xishan Zhang and Hao Chang : A low power BIST scheme based on block encoding, IEEE The Fifth International Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), (巻), (号), pp.1-7, Hefei, July 2014.
Jun Liu, Qingqing Qian, Xi Wu, Fuji Ren, Wei Wang and Tian Chen : Test wrapper optimization technique using BDF and GA for 3D IP cores, IEEE The Fifth International Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), (巻), (号), pp.1-6, Hefei, July 2014.
Wei Wang, Runfeng Li, Fang Fang, Tian Chen, Fuji Ren, Jun Liu and Xi Wu : Design and realization of 3D NOC multicast router base on multicast rotational routing arithmetic, IEEE The Fifth International Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), (巻), (号), pp.1-6, Hefei, July 2014.
Tian Chen, Bingdong Yang, Wei Wang, Birong Hao, Fuji Ren, Jun Liu and Yixin Wang : A test data compression scheme based on position information coding, Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2014 International Conference on, Hefei, China, July 2014.
Fuji Ren : Mental Health Sensing and Computing Based on Affective Interaction,, Harvard University(Medical School), Boston, USA, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), July 2014.
Fuji Ren : Affective Computing and Emotional Robot, Florida State University, Florida State University,Tallahassee, USA, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), July 2014.
Takeshi Yasui : (Invited Talk) Gapless dual THz comb spectroscopy, OSA Optical Sensors, Barcelona, Spain, July 2014.
Xiao Sun, Jiaqi Ye and Fuji Ren : Multi-strategy based Sina Microblog Data Acquisition for Opinion Mining, ICIC LNAI, Vol.8599, pp.551-560, (都市), Aug. 2014.
Yanwei Bao, Changqin Quan, Lijuan Wang and Fuji Ren : The Role of Pre-processing in Twitter Sentiment Analysis, ICIC LNAI, Vol.8599, pp.615-624, (都市), Aug. 2014.
Lijuan Wang, Changqin Quan, Yanwei Bao and Fuji Ren : Construction of a Chinese Emotion Lexicon from Ren-CECps, ICIC LNAI, Vol.8599, pp.625-634, (都市), Aug. 2014.
Lu Kong, Fuji Ren, Xiao Sun and Changqin Quan : Word Frequency Statistics Model for Chinese Base Noun Phrase Identification, ICIC LNAI, Vol.8599, pp.635-644, (都市), Aug. 2014.
Fuji Ren : 1.Emotional interaction and Advanced Intelligent Robot, Keynote Speaker, CRSSC-CWI-CGrC 2014,, , CRSSC-CWI-CGrC 2014, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), Aug. 2014.
Xiao Sun, Jiaqi Ye and Fuji Ren : Real Time Early-stage Influenza Detection with Emotion Factors from Sina Microblog, 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, (巻), (号), pp.80-84, (都市), Aug. 2014.
Yu Gu, Lianghu Quan and Fuji Ren : WiFi-Assisted Human Activity Recognition, IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile, pp.60-65, (都市), Aug. 2014.
Takeshi Yasui, Hiroto Kimura, Yi-Da Hsieh, Hajime Inaba and Kaoru Minoshima : Low-pressure gas spectroscopy using terahertz frequency synthesizer traceable to microwave frequency standard via dual optical comb, 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz2014), Tucson, USA, Sep. 2014.
Ryuji Ichikawa, Hiroto Kimura, Kenta Hayashi, Hajime Inaba, Kaoru Minoshima and Takeshi Yasui : Extraction of beat signal between dual THz combs using dual THz spectrum analyzers, 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz2014), Tucson, USA, Sep. 2014.
Akihiro Shirai, Matsumura Kyohei, Masayoshi Onitsuka, Hideaki Maseda and Takeshi Omasa : Application of photochromism to the molecular design of antimicrobial agents: synthesis of phenolic derivatives and their bactericidal activity based on a photo-reaction with ultraviolet-A light, III International Conference on Antimicrobial Research, No.T64, p.289, Madrid, Oct. 2014.
Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Fuji Ren, Qingmei Xiao, Minoru Yoshida and Kenji Kita : Emotion Predicting Method Based on Emotion State Change of Personae according to the Other's Utterance, Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems(CCIS2014), (都市), Nov. 2014.
Xiaohua Wang, Chao Jin, Wei Liu, Min Hu and Fuji Ren : Face recognition based on adaptive weighting and fuzzy fusion with single training sample, Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems(CCIS2014), (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), Nov. 2014.
Min Hu, Xiaoyin Huang, Fuji Ren, He Jiang and (著者) : Adaptive Facial expression recognition method based on MBP and HMOG feature, Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems(CCIS2014), (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), Nov. 2014.
Min Hu, Yaona Zheng, Fuji Ren, He Jiang and (著者) : Age estimation and gender classification of facial images based on Local Directional Pattern, Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems(CCIS2014), (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), Nov. 2014.
Haitao Yu and Fuji Ren : Search Result Diversification via Filling Up Multiple Knapsacks, Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, (巻), (号), pp.609-618, (都市), Nov. 2014.
Xiaohua Wang, Wei Huang, Chao Jin, Min Hu and Fuji Ren : Fruit recognition based on multi-feature and multi-decision, the 9th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, (巻), (号), (頁), Shen Zhen, China, Nov. 2014.
Fuji Ren, Mengni Chen, Yu Gu, (著者) and (著者) : WeWatch: Bi-Screen Video Watching Experience on Smart Devices, Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems (CCIS), 2014 IEEE 3rd International Conference on, (巻), (号), pp.265-270, (都市), Nov. 2014.
Changqin Quan, Bin Zhang, Fuji Ren, (著者) and (著者) : Joined cepstral distance features two-stage multi-class classification for emotional speech, Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems (CCIS), 2014 IEEE 3rd International Conference on, (巻), (号), pp.91-96, (都市), Nov. 2014.
Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Sasayama Manabu, Qingmei Xiao, Fujisawa Akira, Minoru Yoshida and Kenji Kita : Reranking the Search Results for Lyric Retrieval Based on the Songwriters' Specific Usage of Words, Electronics, Communications and Networks IV Proceedings of the 4TH Internationa Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks, 12 15 December 2014, Beijing, China, pp.1045-1052, Beijing, Dec. 2014.
Yu Haitao, XIN KANG and Fuji Ren : TUTA1 at the NTCIR-11 Temporalia Task, Proceedings of the 11th NTCIR Conference, pp.461-467, (都市), Dec. 2014.
Minoru Yoshida, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Qingmei Xiao, Xielifuguli Keranmu, Kenji Kita and Hiroshi Nakagawa : Extracting Corpus-Specific Strings by Using Suffix Arrays Enhanced with Longest Common Prefix, Proceedings of the 10th Asia Information Retrieval Society Conference (AIRS 2014), LNCS 8870, pp.360-370, Kuching, Dec. 2014.
Haitao Yu and Fuji Ren : TUTA1 at the NTCIR-11 IMine Task, The 11th NTCIR Conference, pp.41-48, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 2014.
Haitao Yu, Xin Kang and Fuji Ren : TUTA1 at the NTCIR-11 Temporalia Task, The 11th NTCIR Conference, (巻), (号), pp.461-467, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 2014.
Yu Gu, Lianghu Quan, Fuji Ren and Jie Li : Fast Indoor Localization of Smart Hand-held Devices Using Bluetooth, Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN), 2014 10th International Conference on, pp.186-194, Maui, Hawaii USA, Dec. 2014.
Shunsuke Kanda, Kazuhiro Morita, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe : Experimental Observations of Construction Methods for Double Array Structures using Linear Functions, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT2014), (頁), Barcelona, Dec. 2014.
Masao Fuketa, Kazuhiro Morita and Jun-ichi Aoe : Comparisons of Efficient Implementations for DAWG, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT2014), (頁), Barcelona, Dec. 2014.
Kazuhiro Morita, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe : A Method of Music Retrieval Using Impression Keywords, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT2014), (頁), Barcelona, Dec. 2014.
Eiji Hase, Katsuya SATO and Takeshi Yasui : In vivo visualization of collagen fiber produced by cultured osteoblasts using sensitive second-harmonic-generation microscopy equipped with a 10-fs mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser, BiOS 2015 (Photonic West 2015), San Francisco, Feb. 2015.
Harsono Cahyadi, Ryuji Ichikawa, Jérôme Degert, Eric Freysz, Takeshi Yasui and Emmanuel Abraham : Terahertz wavefront assessment based on 2D electro-optic imaging, OPTO 2015 (Photonic West 2015), San Francisco, Feb. 2015.
Lei Hua, Changqin Quan and Fuji Ren : Gene-disease Relation Extraction and Gene Interaction Network Construction, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, (巻), (号), pp.1-8, (都市), March 2015.
Takashi Ogura, Kenta Hayashi, Kaoru Minoshima and Takeshi Yasui : Real-Time Absolute Frequency Measurement of CW-THz Wave Based on a Free-Running THz Comb, CLEO: Science & Innovations 2015, San Jose, May 2015.
Yi-Da Hsieh, Sho Okubo, Hajime Inaba, Mamoru Hashimoto and Takeshi Yasui : Discrete Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Using Precisely Periodic Pulse, CLEO:Science & Innovations 2015, San Jose, May 2015.
Ryuji Ichikawa, Yi-Da Hsieh, Kenta Hayashi, Kaoru Minoshima, Hajime Inaba and Takeshi Yasui : Adaptive Sampling Dual Comb Spectroscopy in Terahertz Region Using Unstabilized Dual Femtosecond Lasers, CLEO:Science & Innovations 2015, San Jose, May 2015.
Hirokazu Ito, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Misao Miyagawa, Yumi Kuwamura, Yuko Yasuhara, Fuji Ren, Tetsuya Tanioka and Rozzano De Castro Locsin : Professional Nurses Attitudes Towards the Introduction of Humanoid Nursing Robots (HNRs) to the Hospital, International Association for Human Caring 36th International Conference, New Orleans, May 2015.
Takeshi Yasui, Eiji Hase, Ryosuke Tanaka, Tetsuo Iwata, Shuichiro Fukushima and Tsutomu Araki : In situ visualization of dermal collagen dynamics during skin burn healing using second-harmonic-generation microscopy, SPIE Biophotonics South America 2015, Rio de Janeiro, May 2015.
Takehiro Hara, Masahide Tominaga, Hideaki Endo and Yoshihiro Uto : The effect of dose rate on radiation-induced in vitro antitumor activity by low-LET radiation., 15th International Congress of Radiation Research (ICRR2015), (都市), May 2015.
Ryu Tada, Hitoshi Hori, Shinichiro Masunaga, Yuko Kinashi, Koji Ono and Yoshihiro Uto : NDT-based Approach of Boron tracedrug UTX-51 to Glycated BSA as a AGE model., 15th International Congress of Radiation Research (ICRR2015), (都市), May 2015.
Shuzo Matsubara, Akito Nakagawa, Shota Kuniyasu, Kenji Teranishi, Yoshihiro Uto and Naoyuki Shimomura : Investigation of Effect of Applied Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields on Tumor, Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, pp.374-378, Austin, June 2015.
Takeshi Yasui : (Invited Talk) Adaptive sampling dual THz comb spectroscopy using unstabilized dual fs lasers, 3rd International Symposium on Microwave/Terahertz Science and Applications, Okinawa, June 2015.
Tian Chen, Xin Yi, Wei Wang, Jun Liu, Huaguo Liang and Fuji Ren : Low Power Multistage Test Data Compression Scheme, Proceedings of CFTC2015, pp.66-72, (都市), July 2015.
Zhao Han, Fuji Ren and Duoqian Miao : A SYNTHETIC AND COMPUTIONAL LANGUAGE MODEL FOR INTERACTIVE DIALOGUE SYSTEM, Proceedings of International Conferences Intelligent Systems and Agents 2015, (巻), (号), pp.73-80, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, July 2015.
Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Minoru Yoshida, Qingmei Xiao, Luo Xin and Kenji Kita : Emotion Recognition for Sentences with Unknown Expressions based on Semantic Similarity by Using Bag of Concepts, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'15), pp.1428-1433, (都市), Aug. 2015.
Xiaoming Xu, Changqin Quan and Fuji Ren : Facial Expression Recognition based on Gabor Wavelet Transform and Histogram of Oriented Gradients, Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, (巻), (号), pp.2117-2122, Beijing, China, Aug. 2015.
Abraham Emmanuel, Harsono Cahyadi, Degert Jerome, Freysz Eric and Takeshi Yasui : (Invited talk)Wavefront Measurement Of Terahertz Pulses Using A Hartmann Sensor Combined With 2D Electro-optic Imaging, 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz2015), Hong Kong, Aug. 2015.
Eiji Hase, Katsuya SATO and Takeshi Yasui : In situ visualization of collagen fiber produced by cultured osteoblasts using sensitive second-harmonic-generation microscopy equipped with a 10-fs mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser, CLEO Pacific Rim 2015, Busan, Aug. 2015.
Takashi Ogura, Kenta Hayashi, Kosuke Nagai, Yoshiaki Nakajima, Hajime Inaba, Kaoru Minoshima and Takeshi Yasui : Real-Time Absolute Frequency Measurement of CW-THz radiation Based on a Free-Running THz Comb, CLEO Pacific Rim 2015, Busan, Aug. 2015.
Abdelsalam Dahi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Takeshi Yasui : Digital holographic microscopyusing partially coherent, instantaneously bright, femtosecond pulse light, CLEO Pacific Rim 2015, Busan, Aug. 2015.
Tatsuya Mizuguchi, Ryuichi Ichikawa, Takuma Matsumoto, Yi-Da Hsieh, Kaoru Minoshima, Hajime Inaba and Takeshi Yasui : Adaptive Sampling, Terahertz Dual Comb Spectroscopy using Unstabilized Dual lasers, CLEO Pacific Rim 2015, Busan, Aug. 2015.
Harsono Cahyadi, Degert Jerome, Freysz Eric, Takeshi Yasui and Abraham Emmanuel : Terahertz Wavefront Characterization using a Hartmann Sensor Combined with 2D Electro-Optic Imaging, CLEO Pacific Rim 2015, Busan, Aug. 2015.
Kyuki Shibuya, Yasuhiro Mizurani, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Takeshi Yasui and Tetsuo Iwata : Optical Detection of Micro defect by single-pixel imaging, CLEO Pacific Rim 2015, Busan, Aug. 2015.
Yi-Da Hsieh, Kenta Hayashi, Hajime Inaba, Kaoru Minoshima and Takeshi Yasui : Gas-Phase Spectroscopy using THz Frequency Synthesizer based on Dual Optical Combs, CLEO Pacific Rim 2015, Busan, Aug. 2015.
Shuji Miyamoto, Yi-Da Hsieh, Kohei Kotani, Sho Okubo, Hajime Inaba and Takeshi Yasui : Dual Optical Comb Spectroscopy using Modified Adaptive Sampling Method, CLEO Pacific Rim 2015, Busan, Aug. 2015.
Kosuke Atsuta, Eiji Hase and Takeshi Yasui : Compact Probe Head of Second-Harmonic-Generation Microscopy for Dermatological Applications, CLEO Pacific Rim 2015, Busan, Aug. 2015.
Takayuki Ogawa, Dahi Ibrahim, Takashi Masuoka, Takeshi Yasui and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Off-Axis Terahertz Digital Holography using Continuous-Wave Terahertz Radiation, CLEO Pacific Rim 2015, Busan, Aug. 2015.
Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Kyosuke Akita, Minoru Yoshida, Kenji Kita and Fuji Ren : Estimate the Intimacy of the Characters Based on Their Emotional States for Application to Non-Task Dialogue, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2015), pp.327-333, Xi'an, Sep. 2015.
Xiao Sun, Fei Gao, Chengcheng Li and Fuji Ren : Chinese Microblog Sentiment Classification Based on Convolution Neural Network with Content Extension Method, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2015), pp.408-414, Xi'an, Sep. 2015.
Takeshi Yasui and Tsutomu Araki : (Invited talk)Real-Time Terahertz Color Scanner, 11th Finland-Japan Joint Symposium on Optics in Engineering, Joensuu, Finland, Sep. 2015.
Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Minoru Yoshida and Kenji Kita : Sensibility Estimation Method for Youth Slang by Using Sensibility Co-occurrence Feature Vector Obtained from Microblog, Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC2015), (都市), Oct. 2015.
Fuji Ren : Natural Language Understanding and Affective Computing, the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 2015.
Jiaqi Ye, Xiao Sun, Fuji Ren and Fang Tian : Real Time Influenza Detection based on Discriminative Model with Emotional Factors from Social Networks, the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 2015.
Min Hu, Xiaoyin Huang, Fuji Ren and Xiaohua Wang : Facial expression recognition based on MBP and sparse representation, the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 2015.
Yanqiu Li, Fuji Ren, Lianfeng Xu, Min Hu and Zixi Yu : Face Recognition Based on ULBP and BP Neural Network, the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 2015.
Xiaohua Wang, Dengyong Hou, Min Hu and Fuji Ren : Dual-modality emotion recognition of facial expressions and gestures, the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 2015.
Bin Zhang, Changqin Quan and Fuji Ren : Improvements in Convolutional Neural Network for Recognizing Emotion in Speech, the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 2015.
Lei Hua, Changqin Quan and Fuji Ren : A hybrid kernel based method for relation extraction and gene-disease interaction network construction, the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 2015.
Shihui Zhao, Xiao Sun, Fuji Ren and Fang Tian : Distinguish human translation and machine translation based on hybrid model, the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 2015.
Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Minoru Yoshida, Seiji Tsuchiya, Kenji Kita and Fuji Ren : Slang Analysis Based on Variant Information Extraction Focusing on the Time Series Topics, the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 2015.
Yu Gu, Lianghu Quan and Fuji Ren : Towards An Optimal Parameter Setting for Indoor Localization: An Empirical Study, the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 2015.
Shunsuke Kanda, Masao Fuketa, Kazuhiro Morita and Jun-ichi Aoe : Trie Compact Representation using Double-array Structures with String Labels, Proceedings of 2015 IEEE 8th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Applications (IWCIA), (頁), Hiroshima, Nov. 2015.
Yoshihiro Uto, Tomohito Kawai, Toshihide Sasaki, Ken Hamada, Saki Ikame, Eri Kuwada, Hisatsugu Yamada, Kentaro Kubo, Daisuke Kuchiike, Martin Mette, Toshio Inui, Ken Tokunaga, Akio Hayakawa, Akitetsu Go and Tomohiro Oosaki : Development of Macrophage Activating Glycoproteins by Using Bovine Colostrum as an Immunotherapeutic agent., 9th International Symposium on Nanomedicine (ISNM2015), (都市), Nov. 2015.
Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Minoru Yoshida, Kenji Kita and Fuji Ren : An Approach to Refine Translation Candidates for Emotion Estimation in Japanese-English Language, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Vol.2, pp.74-83, (都市), Nov. 2015.
Xiao Sun, Jiaqi Ye and Fuji Ren : Hybrid Model Based Influenza Detection with Sentiment Analysis from Social Network, Procedings of 4th Natioal Conference on Social Media Processing, pp.51-62, Guangzhou, China, Nov. 2015.
Takayuki Ogawa, Dahi Ghareab Abdelsalam, Takeshi Yasui and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Off-axis terahertz digital holography using continuous-wave terahertz quantum cascade laser, Asian CORE Student Meeting 2015, Osaka, Dec. 2015.
Tatsuya Mizuguchi, Ryu-ichi Ichikawa, Yi-Da Hsieh and Takeshi Yasui : Adaptive sampling, terahertz dual comb spectroscopy using unstabilized dual lasers, Asian CORE Student Meeting 2015, Osaka, Dec. 2015.
Junpei Hashimoto, Miyuki Oshimura, Tomohiro Hirano, Yoshihiro Uto and Koichi Ute : Stereospecific radical polymerization of methacrylamide derivatives in the presence of lithium salts, 14th Pacific Polymer Conference, Kauai, Dec. 2015.
Duo Feng, Shun Nishide and Fuji Ren : Automatic Facial Feature Points Extraction and Expression Recognition Based on Video Database, Proceedings of 4th National Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, pp.1525-1530, (都市), Dec. 2015.
Hisatsugu Yamada, Yoshinori Hasegawa, Yu Kimura, Hirohiko Imai, Tetsuya Matsuda, Yoshihiro Uto, Yasuhiro Aoyama and Teruyuki Kondo : Probe-Targeted Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Tumor with A Self-Traceable 1H-13C Polymeric Nanoprobe, Pacifichem 2015, (巻), (号), (頁), Honolulu, HI, Dec. 2015.
Yoshihiro Uto, Hisatsugu Yamada, Daisuke Kuchiike, Kentaro Kubo, Toshio Inui, Martin Mette, Ken Tokunaga, Akio Hayakawa, Akitetsu Go and Tomohiro Oosaki : Degalactosylated/desialylated human serum and bovine colostrum induces macrophage phagocytic activity., Pacifichem 2015, (巻), (号), (頁), Honolulu, HI, Dec. 2015.
Ryu Tada, Hisatsugu Yamada, Eiji Nakata, Kai Masuda, Takashi Morii and Yoshihiro Uto : Development of a PARP-inhibiting boron tracedrug for neutron dynamic therapy, Pacifichem 2015, (巻), (号), (頁), Honolulu, HI, Dec. 2015.
XIN KANG, Yunong Wu and Fuji Ren : KGO at the NTCIR-12 Temporalia Task: Exploring Temporal Information in Search Queries, Proceedings of the 12th NTCIR Conference, (巻), (号), pp.247-252, (都市), (month)2016.
Sun Zhuoran, Minoru Yoshida, Kazuyuki Matsumoto and Kenji Kita : A Study on the Review Analysis for the Automatic Evaluation of the Product, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Information Technology, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), Jan. 2016.
Zhang Guodong, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Minoru Yoshida and Kenji Kita : Pedestrian Re-identification using Color Feature in Multi Surveillance Video, Proceedings of 54th The IIER International Conference, pp.23-26, (都市), Jan. 2016.
Chao Li, Fuji Ren and XIN KANG : Verb-object Selectional Preferences in Chinese Based on Distributional Semantic Model, 18th International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Computational Techniques and Intelligent Systems (MAMECTIS '16), pp.59-62, Venice, Italy, Jan. 2016.
Shuji Miyamoto, Eiji Hase, Ryuji Ichikawa, Takeo Minamikawa, Takeshi Yasui and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : One shot confocal microscopy based on wavelength / space conversion by use of multichannel spectrometer, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.9720, (号), p.97201C, San Francisco, Feb. 2016.
Eiji Hase, Takeo Minamikawa, Katsuya SATO, Mitsuhiko Takahashi and Takeshi Yasui : Observation of tendon repair in animal model using second-harmonic-generation microscopy, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.9712, (号), p.97121R, San Francisco, Feb. 2016.
Takeshi Yasui, Eiji Hase, Shuji Miyamoto, Yi-Da Hsieh, Takeo Minamikawa and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Scan-less, line-field confocal microscopy by combination of wavelength/space conversion with dual optical comb, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.9720, (号), p.972006, San Francisco, Feb. 2016.
Oki MATSUBARA, Eiji HASE, Takeo Minamikawa, Takeshi Yasui and Katsuya SATO : In situ quantitative evaluation of osteoblastic collagen synthesis under cyclic strain by using second-harmonic-generation microscope, SPIE BiOS 2016, p.9712-71, San Francisco, Feb. 2016.
高麗 寛紀, 白井 昭博 : 抗菌性・抗黴性ケイ酸アルミニウムおよびその製造方法, 特願2010-013162 (2010年1月), 特開2011-148754 (2011年8月), 特許第5542460号 (2014年5月).
Yoshihiro Uto, Hitoshi Hori, 乾 利夫 and 久保 健太郎 : Pharmaceutical composition and method of preparing same, US 13/988,376 (Sep. 2012), (開示), US8,747,919 (June 2014).
宇都 義浩, 堀 均, 乾 利夫, 久保 健太郎 : 医薬組成物およびその製造方法, 特願2012-551822 (2012年9月), (開示), 特許第5860817号 (2015年12月).
白井 昭博, 延嶋浩文 (名) : 抗菌・抗黴性ピリジン化合物,抗菌・抗黴性樹脂組成物,及び樹脂成形品, 特願2015-087255 (2015年4月), (開示), (番号) ((年月日)).
安井 武史, 岩田 哲郎, 水谷 康弘, 謝 宜達, 長谷 栄治, 山本 裕紹 : 計測装置, 特願2015126427 (2015年6月), (開示), (番号) ((年月日)).
II.9.3 資源循環研究部門
II.9.3.1 教員組織
(1) 氏名,(2) メールアドレス,(3) 職名・学位,(4) 専門分野,(5) 所属学会(役職名),(6) 社会活動(役職名),(7) 主要研究テーマ,(8) キーワード,(9) 共同研究可能テーマ
(1) 中村 嘉利, Yoshitoshi Nakamura,
(2) yņākāmū (@) bīō ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・工学博士,
(4) 生物反応工学, バイオマス変換工学, 環境生物工学,
(5) 日本環境化学会・日本生物工学会・社団法人 化学工学会・植物工場学会・環境科学会・日本動物細胞工学会・日本木材学会,
(6) 三好市地域新エネルギービジョン策定委員会 (委員長 (2007年9月∼2008年2月))・三好市バイオマスタウン策定委員会 (委員長(2008年9月∼2009年2月))・中国四国バイオマス発見活用協議会,
(7) 生体触媒を用いた有用性物質の高効率生産プロセスの開発,バイオマスの総合的有効利用法の構築,汚染環境のバイオレメディエーション,
(8) バイオプロセス, バイオマス, 遺伝子組み換え, バイオリアクター, 白色腐朽菌,
(9) バイオマスの総合的有効利用
(1) 辻 明彦, Akihiko Tsuji,
(2) tśūjī ₍.₎ ākīhīkō (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・医学博士,
(4) 生化学, 酵素化学,
(5) 日本生化学会・日本分子生物学会・日本細胞生物学会・先天代謝異常学会・The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology・日本蛋白質科学会・日本生物工学会・International Proteolysis Society,
(6) ,
(7) 細胞増殖分化の制御におけるプロプロテインコンベルターゼの役割, 植物プロテアーゼの構造と機能, 動物セルラーゼの構造と応用,
(8) プロテアーゼ, プロセシング, 翻訳後修飾, 血清タンパク, 酵素補充療法,
(9) 酵素一般
(1) 杉山 茂, Shigeru Sugiyama,
(2) śūġīyāmā (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・工学博士,
(4) 反応工学,
(5) 社団法人 日本化学会・社団法人 化学工学会 (リエゾン委員会学情報リエゾンチーム委員, 中国四国支部幹事, 反応工学部会触媒反応工学分科会副代表, 代議員, 中国四国支部事務局長, 反応工学部会触媒反応工学分科会代表, 第17回化学工学会学生発表会[徳島大会(西日本地区)]実行委員, 反応工学部会副部会長, 戦略企画委員会委員)・触媒学会 (西日本支部幹事, 平成25年度触媒学会西日本支部触媒技術セミナー・第4回触媒科学研究発表会企画担当者)・石油学会 (中国四国支部支部長, 第7期正会員, 第8期正会員候補者推薦委員会委員, 中国四国支部幹事, 第8期正会員, 第9期正会員)・日本無機リン化学会 (産学官連携担当理事, 第9回無機リン材料に関する国際シンポジウム運営委員会委員)・日本セラミックス協会・社団法人 日本工学教育協会・日本吸着学会,
(6) 四国地区大学体育連盟・独立行政法人日本学術振興会・一般社団法人全国石油協会高松試験センター (技術顧問)・独立行政法人日本学術振興会 (特別研究員等審査会専門委員及び国際事業委員会書面審査委員)・(@.organization),
(7) 固体触媒によるアルカンの脱水素酸化反応, 様々なカチオンで修飾したメソポーラスシリカによる各種アルコールの接触変換, メタクリル酸メチル前駆体の接触合成, 固体触媒へのマイクロリアクタの応用, 未利用資源からのリン回収,
(8) アルカン, メソポーラスシリカ, アルコール類, マイクロリアクタ, リン回収, 未利用資源,
(9) 触媒, リン回収
(1) 外輪 健一郎, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa,
(2) śōtōwā ₍.₎ kėņ-īċhīŗō (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・工学博士,
(4) 化学工学, 化学工学,
(5) 社団法人 化学工学会 (マイクロ化学プロセス分科会副代表幹事, ビジョン推進委員, 論文誌編集委員会エディター, 中国四国支部事務局, 中国四国支部若手会代表幹事, 継続教育委員会委員, 反応工学部会庶務幹事, マイクロ化学プロセス分科会代表幹事, 戦略企画センター オープンイノベーション委員会委員, 徳島化学工学懇話会庶務理事, 論文誌副編集委員長)・化学とマイクロナノシステム研究会・日本海水学会 (西日本支部幹事, 若手会幹事, 若手会会長, 日本海水学会第65年会実行委員, 海水・生活・化学連携シンポジウム実行委員長, 日本海水学会第66年会実行委員, 第2回海水・生活・化学連携シンポジウム実行委員長)・American Institute of Chemical Engineers・触媒学会・近畿化学協会・分離技術会 (分離技術会年会2015実行委員, 分離技術会年会2016実行委員)・日本プロセス化学会 (東四国地区フォーラム幹事(2014年4月∼), 東四国地区フォーラムセミナー世話人, 2015ウインターシンポジウム世話人)・公益社団法人 日本化学会 (おもしろワクワク化学の世界'15徳島化学展(ミニ版)実行委員),
(6) ,
(7) マイクロ化学デバイスの開発, 晶析プロセスの最適設計,
(8) マイクロ流路, 化学工学, プロセスモデル開発, 晶析, ヒートインテグレーション, 遺伝的アルゴリズム,
(9) マイクロリアクタによるプロセス強化技術の開発
(1) 友安 俊文, Toshifumi Tomoyasu,
(2) tōmōyāśū (@) bīō ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 准教授・博士(医学),
(4) 病原微生物学, 蛋白質工学,
(5) 日本細菌学会 (評議員)・日本分子生物学会・日本生化学会・徳島生物学会・アメリカ微生物学会・日本細菌学会 (中国四国支部 評議員)・日本細菌学会 (中国四国支部 評議員)・日本細菌学会 (中国四国支部 評議員)・日本細菌学会 (評議員),
(6) ,
(7) 連鎖球菌の病原性発現機構, 分子シャペロンの機能に関する研究,
(8) 連鎖球菌, 細胞溶解毒素, インターメディリシン, コレステロール, 分子シャペロン, 熱ショック,
(9) 分子シャペロンを用いた蛋白質安定化剤の開発
(1) 佐々木 千鶴, Chizuru Sasaki,
(2) ċśāśākī (@) bīō ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 講師・博士(工学),
(4) バイオマス変換工学,
(5) 日本木材学会・社団法人 日本化学会・社団法人 高分子学会,
(6) とくしま環境県民会議ストップ温暖化部会(カーボン・オフセット推進検討会)・とくしま環境県民会議新・省エネルギー対策検討会・とくしま環境県民会議ストップ温暖化部会(カーボンオフセット推進検討会),
(7) 木質系・草本系バイオマスの総合的有効利用法に関する研究,
(8) 木質系・草本系バイオマス, 微生物変換,
(9) 未利用バイオマスの有用物質への変換
(1) 中川 敬三, Keizo Nakagawa,
(2) (電子メール),
(3) 講師・博士(エネルギー科学),
(4) 化学工学, 材料工学, 触媒反応工学,
(5) 社団法人 化学工学会 (化学工学会中国四国支部,広報, 反応工学部会触媒反応工学分科会,幹事(若手), 化学工学会中国四国支部若手の会,幹事, 第17回化学工学会学生発表会(徳島大会),実行委員)・日本膜学会 (The 10th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS10) 実行委員会委員)・触媒学会 (西日本支部 幹事)・社団法人 日本化学会・日本無機リン化学会・公益社団法人 石油学会・日本海水学会・日本吸着学会,
(6) 「青少年のための科学の祭典2008」徳島大会実行委員会,(財)日本科学技術振興財団・科学技術館,阿南市・阿南市科学センター,地域ICT未来フェスタあなん実行委員会,
(7) ボトムアップ法を利用した2次元ナノシート材料の開発, 多孔性シリカ被覆金属ナノ粒子の触媒反応への応用, 形状制御された酸化セリウムによるPM燃焼反応,
(8) 金属酸化物ナノシート, 光触媒, 色素増感太陽電池, シンタリング耐性, 有機ハイドライド脱水素反応, PM燃焼,
(9) 界面活性剤を用いた金属酸ナノシート複合体の光触媒材料への応用
II.9.3.2 研究業績
【著 書】
中川 敬三 : 触媒の設計·反応制御 事例集:第7章第2節 触媒表面のシリカ被覆によるシンタリング耐性の向上, 株式会社 技術情報協会, 東京, 2013年4月.
中村 嘉利, 佐々木 千鶴 : リグニン利用の最新動向, 第4章, 2 水蒸気爆砕法によるリグニンからの化学物質, (発行所), (都市), 2013年7月.
友安 俊文 : 病原性微生物の取扱い, 株式会社エヌ·ティー·エス, (都市), 2014年6月.
外輪 健一郎, 他43名共同執筆 : 分離技術のシーズとライセンス技術の実用化, --- 深溝型マイクロリアクタを利用した反応晶析 ---, 分離技術会, 川崎, 2014年10月.
Toshihide Horikawa, Noriyuki Sakao, Jun'ichi Hayashi, D.D. Do, Masahiro Katoh and Ken-Ichiro Sotowa : Preparation of nitrogen-doped porous carbon and its water adsorption behaviour, Adsorption Science & Technology, Vol.31, No.2+3, pp.135-144, 2013.
Chizuru Sasaki, Mio Wanaka, Hitoshi Takagi, Satoshi Tamura, Chikako Asada and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Evaluation of epoxy resins synthesized from steam-exploded bamboo lignin, Industrial Crops and Products, Vol.43, pp.757-761, 2013.
Masahiro Inoue, Kouichi Yasuda, Haruki Uemura, Natsumi Yasaka, Achim Schnaufer, Mihiro Yano, Hiroshi Kido, Daisuke Kohda, Hirofumi Doi, Toshihide Fukuma, Akihiko Tsuji and Nobuo Horikoshi : Trypanosoma brucei 14-3-3I and II proteins predominantly form a heterodimer structure that acts as a potent cell cycle regulator in vivo., The Journal of Biochemistry, Vol.153, No.5, pp.431-439, 2013.
Akihiko Tsuji, Keiko Tominaga, Nami Nishiyama and Keizo Yuasa : Comprehensive enzymatic analysis of the cellulolytic system in digestive fluid of the sea hare aplysia kurodai. efficient glucose release from sea lettuce by synergistic action of 45 kDa endoglucanase and 210 kDa ß-glucosidase., PLoS ONE, Vol.8, No.6, 2013.
Atsushi Tabata, Yukimasa Ohkubo, Masato Tamura, Toshifumi Tomoyasu, Kazuto Ohkura and Hideaki Nagamune : Construction of an improved drug delivery system tool with enhanced versatility in cell-targeting., Anticancer Research, Vol.33, No.7, pp.2905-2910, 2013.
川野 裕介, 大山 俊幸, 高橋 昭雄, 中村 嘉利 : 水蒸気爆砕リグニンを利用したエポキシ樹脂の合成とバイオマス由来エポキシ樹脂硬化物の作製, ネットワークポリマー, Vol.34, No.2, 77-84頁, 2013年.
Shigeru Sugiyama, Takuya Bando, Yusuke Seno, Emiko Watanabe, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Yuuki Katou, Shuji Akihara and Wataru Ninomiya : The Oxidative Esterification of Propionaldehyde to Methyl Propionate in the Liquid-phase Using a Heterogeneous Palladium Catalyst, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.46, No.7, pp.455-460, 2013.
Yuko Noda, Chikako Asada, Chizuru Sasaki, Saki Hashimoto and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Extraction method for increasing antioxidant activity of raw garlic using steam explosion, Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol.73, pp.1-4, 2013.
Junki Fukumoto, Mohd Nor Ismaliza Ismail, Masaki Kubo, Keita Kinoshita, Masahiro Inoue, Keizo Yuasa, Makoto Nishimoto, Hitoshi Matsuki and Akihiko Tsuji : Possible role of inter-domain salt bridges in oligopeptidase B from Trypanosoma brucei: critical role of Glu172 of non-catalytic -propeller domain in catalytic activity and Glu490 of catalytic domain in stability of OPB., The Journal of Biochemistry, Vol.154, No.5, pp.465-473, 2013.
Toshifumi Tomoyasu, Hidenori Imaki, Sachiko Masuda, Ayumi Okamoto, HyeJin Kim, Richard Waite, Robert Whiley, Ken Kikuchi, Keiichi Hiramatsu, Atsushi Tabata and Hideaki Nagamune : LacR mutations are frequently observed in Streptococcus intermedius and are responsible for increased intermedilysin production and virulence., Infection and Immunity, Vol.81, No.9, pp.3276-3286, 2013.
Shigeru Sugiyama, Yasuhiro Okada, Youhei Kosaka, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh, Yuuki Katou, Shuji Akihara, Toshiya Yasukawa and Wataru Ninomiya : The Catalytic Conversion of 1,2-Propandiol to Propanal on FSM-16 Molded by Wet-Treatment and Pressurization, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.46, No.9, pp.620-624, 2013.
Shigeru Sugiyama, Yoshihisa Nitta, Yukimi Furukawa, Ai Itagaki, Takuya Ehiro, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh, Yuuki Katou, Shuji Akihara and Wataru Ninomiya : Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Isobutane to Isobutene on FSM-16 Doped with Cr and Related Catalysts, Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Vol.7, No.11, pp.1014-1020, 2013.
Ken-Ichiro Sotowa : Fluid Behavior and Mass Transport Characteristics of Gas-Liquid and Liquid-Liquid Flows in Microchannels, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.47, No.3, pp.213-224, 2014.
Yasuko Kajiwara, Hideo Iwai, Keizo Nakagawa, Noriko Kodanie and Satoka Aoyagi : Evaluation of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles synthesized with phosphate surfactant by means of G-SIMS and g-ogram, Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol.46, pp.209-212, 2014.
Kouji Kinouchi, Masahiro Katoh, Keizo Nakagawa, Shigeru Sugiyama, Takushi Yoshikawa and Mamoru Wada : Effect of Reaction Temperature and Steam to Carbon Ratio on Hydrogen Production for Steam Reforming of Bio-Ethanol Using the Palladium Membrane Reactor, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.47, No.1, pp.14-20, 2014.
Atsushi Tabata, Kazuto Ohkura, Ohkubo Yukimasa, Toshifumi Tomoyasu, Ohkuni Hisashi, Whiley A. Robert and Hideaki Nagamune : The diversity of receptor recognition in cholesterol-dependent cytolysins, Microbiology and Immunology, Vol.58, No.3, pp.155-171, 2014.
Shigeru Sugiyama, Ippei Shinomiya, Ryuta Kitora, Keizo Nakagawa and Masahiro Katoh : Recovery and Enrichment of Phosphorus from the Nitric Acid Extract of Dephosphorization Slag, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.47, No.6, pp.483-487, 2014.
Chizuru Sasaki, Ryosuke Okumura, Chikako Asada and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Steam explosion treatment for ethanol production from pear tree prunings by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, Vol.78, No.1, pp.160-166, 2014.
Atsushi Tabata, Sato Yuji, Maya Kentaro, Nakano Kota, Kikuchi Ken, Whiley A. Robert, Kazuto Ohkura, Toshifumi Tomoyasu and Hideaki Nagamune : A streptolysin S homologue is essential for beta-haemolytic Streptococcus constellatus subsp. constellatus cytotoxicit, Microbiology, Vol.160, No.5, pp.980-991, 2014.
Keizo Nakagawa, Toshimasa Ogata, Kazuki Yamaguchi, Jun Jitoku, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Shigeru Sugiyama, Toshihiro Moriga and Motonari Adachi : Layered Titanate Nanosheets Prepared by a Surfactant-Templating Approach: Effects of Lamellar Mesostructure on Surface Functionality, Science of Advanced Materials, Vol.6, No.7, pp.1535-1541, 2014.
Chizuru Sasaki, Masaki Ichitani, Ko-Ki Kunimoto, Chikako Asada and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Extraction of arbutin and its comparative content in branches, leaves, stems, and fruits of Japanese pear Pyrus pyrifolia cv. Kousui, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, Vol.78, No.5, pp.874-877, 2014.
Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila, Gómez-Castro I. Fernando, Segovia-Hernández Gabriel J., Ken-Ichiro Sotowa and Toshihide Horikawa : Energy Minimization in Cryogenic Distillation Columns Through Intermediate Side Heat Exchangers, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol.33, pp.1501-1506, 2014.
Akihiko Tsuji, Nami Nishiyama, Miki Ohshima, Saori Maniwa, Shuji Kuwamura, Masataka Shiraishi and Keizo Yuasa : Comprehensive enzymatic analysis of the amylolytic system in the digestive fluid of the sea hare, Aplysia kurodai: Unique properties of two α-amylases and two α-glucosidases, FEBS Open Bio, Vol.4, pp.560-570, 2014.
Shinya Matsuda, Kyohei Komiyato, Shizuyo Koide-Yoshida, Kenji Miyamoto, Kinuka Isshiki, Akihiko Tsuji and Keizo Yuasa : PCTAIRE Kinase 3/Cyclin-dependent Kinase 18 Is Activated through Association with Cyclin A and/or Phosphorylation by Protein Kinase A, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol.289, No.26, pp.18387-18400, 2014.
Imaki Hidenori, Toshifumi Tomoyasu, Yamamoto Naoki, Taue Chiharu, Masuda Sachiko, Takao Ayuko, Maeda Nobuko, Atsushi Tabata, Whiley A. Robert and Hideaki Nagamune : Identification and Characterization of a Novel Secreted Glycosidase with Multiple Glycosidase Activities in Streptococcus intermedius, Journal of Bacteriology, Vol.196, No.15, pp.2817-2826, 2014.
Atsushi Tabata, Anyoji Natsuki, Ohkubo Takamasa, Toshifumi Tomoyasu and Hideaki Nagamune : Investigation on the Reaction Conditions of Staphylococcus aureus Sortase A for Creating Surface-modified Liposomes as a Drug-delivery System Tool, Anticancer Research, Vol.34, No.8, pp.4521-4527, 2014.
Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Takahiro Togawa, Yuika Shimizu, Masashi Kurashina, Toshihide Horikawa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : Effect of Mixing Methods on the Precipitation of Basic Copper Acetate, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.625, (号), pp.201-204, 2014.
Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila, Castro I. Gomez Fernando, Segovia-Hernandez Gabriel J., Ken-Ichiro Sotowa and Toshihide Horikawa : Optimal design of cryogenic distillation columns with side heat pumps for the propylene/propane separation, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, Vol.82, (号), pp.112-122, 2014.
Keizo Nakagawa, Tiantian Jia, Weiran Zheng, Simon Michael Fairclough, Masahiro Katoh, Shigeru Sugiyama and Shik Chi Edman Tsang : Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution from Water by Niobate Single Molecular Sheets and Ensembles, Chemical Communications, Vol.50, pp.13702-13705, 2014.
Chizuru Sasaki, Yohei Kushiki, Chikako Asada and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Acetone-butanol-ethanol production by separate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) methods using acorns and wood chips of Quercus acutissima as a carbon source, Industrial Crops and Products, Vol.62, (号), pp.286-292, 2014.
Kim Hyejin, Atsushi Tabata, Toshifumi Tomoyasu, Ueno Tomomi, Uchiyama Shigeto, Keizo Yuasa, Akihiko Tsuji and Hideaki Nagamune : Estrogen stimuli promote osteoblastic differentiation via the subtilisin-like proprotein convertase PACE4 in MC3T3-E1 cells., Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, Vol.33, No.1, pp.30-39, 2015.
Chikako Asada, Chizuru Sasaki, Tomoki Takamatsu and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Conversion of steam-exploded cedar into ethanol using simultaneous saccharification, fermentation and detoxification process, Bioresource Technology, Vol.176, (号), pp.203-209, 2015.
Shigeru Sugiyama, Takuya Ehiro, Yoshihisa Nitta, Ai Itagaki, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh, Yuuki Katou, Shuji Akihara, Toshiya Yasukawa and Wataru Ninomiya : Acidic Properties of Various Silica Catalysts Doped with Chromium for the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Isobutane to Isobutene, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.48, No.2, pp.133-140, 2015.
Shigeru Sugiyama, Haruka Kinoshita, Ippei Shinomiya, Ryuta Kitora, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh and Kohei Masumoto : Recovery of the Phosphorus from the Nitric Acid Extract of Powder Collected in a Bag Filter during the Recycling of Used Fluorescence Tubes, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.48, No.2, pp.99-103, 2015.
Toshihide Horikawa, Yonghong Zeng, D. D. Do, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : On the Isosteric Heat of Adsorption of non-Polar and Polar Fluids on Highly Graphitized Carbon Black, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol.439, (号), pp.1-6, 2015.
Chikako Asada, Sunita Basnet, Masaya Otsuka, Chizuru Sasaki and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Epoxy resin synthesis using low molecular weight lignin separated from various lignocellulosic materials, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Vol.74, pp.413-419, 2015.
Sunita Basnet, Masaya Otsuka, Chizuru Sasaki, Chikako Asada and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Functionalization of the active ingredients of Japanese green tea (Camellia sinensis) for the synthesis of bio-based epoxy resin, Industrial Crops and Products, Vol.73, pp.63-72, 2015.
Shigeru Sugiyama, Yasuhiro Okada, Yoshiki Yamane, Takuya Ehiro, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh, Yuuki Katou, Shuji Akihara, Toshiya Yasukawa and Wataru Ninomiya : Effects of the Acidic Properties of FSM-16 on the Catalytic Conversion of 1,2-Propandiol in the Presence and Absence of Hydrogen, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.48, No.3, pp.215-221, 2015.
Chikako Asada, Chizuru Sasaki, Takeshi Hirano and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Chemical characteristics and enzymatic saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass treated using high-temperature saturated steam: Comparison of softwood and hardwood, Bioresource Technology, Vol.182, pp.245-250, 2015.
Ai Asakawa, Misato Kohara, Chizuru Sasaki, Chikako Asada and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Comparison of choline acetate ionic liquid pretreatment with variouspretreatments for enhancing the enzymatic saccharification ofsugarcane bagasse, Industrial Crops and Products, Vol.71, pp.147-152, 2015.
Shoma Maruyama, Hitoshi Takagi, Yoshitoshi Nakamura, Antonio Norio Nakagaito and Chizuru Sasaki : Influence of alkali treatment on mechanical properties of poly lactic acid bamboo fiber green composites, Advanced Materials Research, Vol.1110, pp.56-59, 2015.
Keizo Nakagawa, Takuya Ohshima, Yoshiki Tezuka, Megumi Katayama, Masahiro Katoh and Shigeru Sugiyama : Morphological effects of CeO2 nanostructures for catalytic soot combustion of CuO/CeO2, Catalysis Today, Vol.246, pp.67-71, 2015.
Ichiro Mihara, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Kudo and Satoka Aoyagi : Evaluation and Comparison of Layerd Titanate Nanosheets using TOF-SIMS and g-ogram Analysis, Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol.47, pp.764-770, 2015.
Masahiro Katoh, Michisato Kimura, Mao Sugino, Toshihide Horikawa, Keizo Nakagawa and Shigeru Sugiyama : Modification of commercial NaY zeolite to give high water diffusivity and adsorb a large amount of water, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol.455, pp.220-225, 2015.
Tiantian Jia, Molly Meng-Jeng Li, Lin Ye, Sam Wiseman, Guoliang Liu, Jin Qu, Keizo Nakagawa and Shik Chi Edman Tsang : Remarkable Activity and Stability of Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production over Dye-Sensitized Single Molecular Layer MoS2 Ensemble, Chemical Communications, Vol.51, No.70, pp.13496-13499, 2015.
Atsushi Tabata, Ohkubo Yukihisa, Natsuki Anyhoji, Keiko Hojo, Toshifumi Tomoyasu, Youhei Tatematsu, Kazuto Ohkura and Hideaki Nagamune : Development of a Sortase A-mediated Peptide-labeled Liposome Applicable to Drug-delivery Systems, Anticancer Research, Vol.35, No.8, pp.4411-4417, 2015.
Keizo Yuasa, Reina Ota, Matsuda Shinya, Kinuka Isshiki, Masahiro Inoue and Akihiko Tsuji : Suppression of death-associated protein kinase 2 by interaction with 14-3-3 proteins, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol.464, No.1, pp.70-75, 2015.
Yuki Yoshikatsu, Yo-ichi Ishida, Haruka Sudo, Keizo Yuasa, Akihiko Tsuji and Masami Nagahama : NVL2, a nucleolar AAA-ATPase, is associated with the nuclear exosome and is involved in pre-rRNA processing, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol.464, No.3, pp.780-786, 2015.
Toshihide Horikawa, Masanori Takenouchi, Duong D. Do, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila and David Nicholson : Adsorption of Water and Methanol on Highly Graphitized Thermal Carbon Black and Activated Carbon Fibre, Australian Journal of Chemistry, Vol.68, (号), pp.1336-1341, 2015.
Takuya Ehiro, Ai Itagaki, Masashi Kurashina, Masahiro Katoh, Keizo Nakagawa, Yuuki Katou, Wataru Ninomiya and Shigeru Sugiyama : Effect of the Template Ion Exchange Behaviors of Chromium into FSM-16 on the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Isobutane, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, Vol.123, No.12, pp.1084-1089, 2015.
Kinuka Isshiki, Taishi Hirase, Shinya Matsuda, Kenji Miyamoto, Akihiko Tsuji and Keizo Yuasa : Death-associated protein kinase 2 mediates nocodazole-induced apoptosis through interaction with tubulin, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol.468, No.1-2, pp.113-118, 2015.
Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa and Toshihide Horikawa : Entropy production and economic analysis in diabatic distillation columns with heat exchangers in series, Energy, Vol.93, No.2, pp.1719-1730, 2015.
Toshihide Horikawa, Takahiro Muguruma, D. D. Do, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : Scanning Curves of Water Adsorption on Graphitized Thermal Carbon Black and Ordered Mesoporous Carbon will be published in Carbon, Carbon, Vol.95, pp.137-143, 2015.
Chizuru Sasaki, Yusuke Yoshida, Chikako Asada and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Total utilization of Japanese pear tree prunings: extraction of arbutin and production of bioethanol, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Vol.18, No.2, pp.385-392, 2015.
Masahiro Katoh, Ayaka Satoh, Toshihide Horikawa, Keizo Nakagawa and Shigeru Sugiyama : The effects of created mesopores in ZSM-5 zeolites by an alkali treatment on water adsorption, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.49, No.2, pp.120-125, 2016.
Takuya Ehiro, Ai Itagaki, Hisanobu Misu, Masashi Kurashina, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh, Yuuki Katou, Wataru Ninomiya and Shigeru Sugiyama : Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Isobutane to Isobutene on Metal-doped MCM-41 Catalysts, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.49, No.2, pp.136-143, 2016.
Shigeru Sugiyama, Ryuta Kitora, Haruka Kinoshita, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh and Kiyohiko Nakasaki : Recovery of Calcium Phosphates from Composted Chicken Manure, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.49, No.2, pp.224-228, 2016.
Takuya Ehiro, Ai Itagaki, Hisanobu Misu, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh, Yuuki Katou, Wataru Ninomiya and Shigeru Sugiyama : Effects of Acid Treatment on the Acidic Properties and Catalytic Activity of MCM-41 for the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Isobutane, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.49, No.2, pp.152-160, 2016.
Naotaka Ohtake, Yoshiki Yamane, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh and Shigeru Sugiyama : Hydrothermally Synthesized Ceria with a High Specific Surface Area for Catalytic Conversion of Ethanol to Ethylene, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.49, No.2, pp.197-203, 2016.
中村 嘉利, 佐々木 千鶴, 浅田 元子 : 超高温高圧水蒸気爆砕を用いた未利用植物資源の有効利用, 化学工学会バイオ部会News letter, No.33, 4-7頁, 2013年6月.
外輪 健一郎 : マイクロリアクタ分野で活用される気液・液液流れ, 混相流, Vol.27, No.3, 258-265頁, 2013年9月.
杉山 茂 : 化学工学年鑑2013 - 触媒反応工学 -, 化学工学, Vol.77, No.10, 705-706頁, 2013年10月.
杉山 茂 : 化学工学年鑑2014 - 触媒反応工学 -, 化学工学, Vol.78, No.10, 687-688頁, 2014年10月.
中川 敬三 : 触媒分野での活躍が期待される2次元ナノシート, 化学工学, Vol.79, No.1, 95頁, 2015年1月.
杉山 茂 : リン資源と元素戦略, Phosphorus Letter, No.83, 12-18頁, 2015年6月.
渡部 綾, 中川 敬三 : 化学工学年鑑2015 - 触媒反応工学 -, 化学工学, Vol.79, No.10, 754-755頁, 2015年10月.
外輪 健一郎 : マイクロ流路を利用した有機物の連続晶析技術, 化学工学, Vol.79, No.12, 909-911頁, 2015年12月.
中川 敬三, 杉山 茂 : 界面活性剤を利用したボトムアップ法による金属酸化物ナノシート合成, 触媒, Vol.57, No.6, 355-361頁, 2015年12月.
【国際会議 Proceedings】
Ichiro Mihara, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Kudo and Satoka Aoyagi : Evaluation of layerd titanate nanosheets using TOF-SIMS and g-ogram, The Scientific International Symposium on SIMS and Related Techniques Based on Ion-Solid Interactions (SISS), Tokyo, April 2013.
Toshihide Horikawa, Masanori Takenouchi, Takahiro Muguruma, D. D. Do and Ken-Ichiro Sotowa : Effects of Temperature on Water Adsorption on ACFs, 11th International Conference on the Fundamentals of Adsorption (FOA11), (巻), (号), (頁), Baltimore, May 2013.
Hiroyuki Kagawa, Yoshiaki Okabe, Chizuru Sasaki and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Correlation berween lignin properties and properties of epoxy resin hardened by cedar lignin, 17th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference, (巻), (号), (頁), Washington DC, June 2013.
Shigeru Sugiyama, Yasuhiro Okada, Youhei Kosaka, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh, Yuuki Katou, Shuji Akihara and Wataru Ninomiya : Preparation of Propionaldehyde from 1,2-Propanediol on FSM-16, 14th Japan-Korea Symposium on Catalysis, Nagoya, July 2013.
Toshihide Horikawa, Takuma Hasegawa and Ken-Ichiro Sotowa : Preparation of size controllability spherical mesoporous carbon with magnetite nanoparticles, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2013), (巻), (号), (頁), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2013.
Hiroyuki Kagawa, Yoshiaki Okabe, Chizuru Sasaki and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Correlation between lignin properties and properties of epoxy resin hardened by cedar lignin, Baekeland 2013, (都市), July 2013.
Ken-Ichiro Sotowa : Catalytic Reaction under Forced Temperature Cycling, Joint Symposium on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering between Leibnitz University Hannover and The University of Tokushima, Tokushima, Aug. 2013.
Shigeru Sugiyama, Takuya Ehiro, Yoshihisa Nitta, Ai Itagaki, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh, Yuuki Katou, Shuji Akihara and Wataru Ninomiya : The Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Various Alkanes on FSM-16 Doped with Chromium, XIth Europian Congress on Catalysis (EuropaCat XI), Lyon, France, Sep. 2013.
Satoshi Kubota, Toshihide Horikawa, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa and Ken Yoshida : Phase Transfer Mechanism of TiO2 nanoparticles by NMR diffusometry, Chemeca2013, (巻), (号), (頁), Brisbane, Sep. 2013.
Masanori Takenouchi, Toshihide Horikawa, D. D. Do and Ken-Ichiro Sotowa : Effects of surface chemistry and pore structure on the adsorption of polar molecules in carbonaceous solids, Chemeca2013, (巻), (号), (頁), Brisbane, Sep. 2013.
Yasuko Kajiwara, Keizo Nakagawa, Hideo Iwai, Noriko Kodani and Satoka Aoyagi : Evaluation of Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles by means of G-SIMS and g-ogram, 19th International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS 19), Jeju, Oct. 2013.
Ken-Ichiro Sotowa : Crystallization in deep microchannel reactors, Germany-Japan Forum for Innovative Products and Technology, 2013, Tokyo, Oct. 2013.
Yasuko Kajiwara, Hideo Iwai, Keizo Nakagawa, Noriko Kodani and Satoka Aoyagi : G-SIMS and g-ogram Analysis of Hydroxyapatite Nanostructure Change Depending on Sodium Dodecylphosphate, 6th International Symposium on Practical Surface Analysis (PSA-13), Okinawa, Nov. 2013.
Yusuke Seno, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh, Shigeru Sugiyama, Yuuki Katou, Shuji Akihara and Wataru Ninomiya : Preparation of Methyl Propionate from Oxidative Esterification of Propionaldehyde Using Palladium Catalysts, Pre-symposium of International Symposium on Catalysis and Fine Chemicals 2013 (C&FC2013), Himeji, Nov. 2013.
Ippei Shinomiya, Ryuta Kitora, Haruka Kinoshita, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh and Shigeru Sugiyama : Separation of Rare Earth and Phosphorus from Powders Obtained by Recovery Process of Used Fluorescent Tubes, 26th Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Busan, Dec. 2013.
Yoshihisa Nitta, Takuya Ehiro, Ai Itagaki, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh, Shigeru Sugiyama, Yuuki Katou, Shuji Akihara and Wataru Ninomiya : Effects of Preparation and Molding Procedures of FSM-16 Doped with Chromium on the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Isobutane, 26th Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Busan, Dec. 2013.
Tomiya Hoshinoo, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh, Shigeru Sugiyama, Vincent Dubois and Sophie Hermans : Effects of Mesoporous Silica Coverage of Pd/C Catalysts for Cyclohexane Dehydrogenation, 26th Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Busan, Dec. 2013.
Takuya Ohshima, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh and Shigeru Sugiyama : Catalytic Soot Combustion over Co3O4-CeO2 Nanorods Prepared by Surfactant Templating Method, 26th Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Busan, Dec. 2013.
Keiji Kume, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Toshihide Horikawa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : Evaluation of the gas absorption rate in microchannel using recirculation flow path, 26th International Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Busan, Dec. 2013.
Ryo Takagi, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Toshihide Horikawa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : Evaluation of separation performance of multi stage Pressure Driven Distillation System using acetone-water mixture, 26th International Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Busan, Dec. 2013.
Takahiro Togawa, Yuika Shimizu, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Toshihide Horikawa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : Reproducible synthesis of basic copper acetate, 26th International Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Busan, Dec. 2013.
Kengo Hiwasa, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Takuya Fukushige, Toshihide Horikawa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : Modeling of evaporation behavior from falling liquid film, 26th International Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Busan, Dec. 2013.
Kouhei Ito, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Toshihide Horikawa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : A new design method for pressure driven distillation system based on McCabe-Thiele method, 26th International Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Busan, Dec. 2013.
Miyazaki Atsushi, Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa and Toshihide Horikawa : Trade-off assessment between controllability and energy savings in internally and externally heat integrated distillation structures, The 5th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, (都市), May 2014.
Shigeru Sugiyama, Yasuhiro Okada, Yoshiki Yamane, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh, Yuuki Katou, Shuji Akihara, Toshiya Yasukawa and Wataru Ninomiya : Effects of Catalyst-molding on the Conversion of 1,2-Propandiol to Propanal on FSM-16, The Seventh Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT7), Kyoto, June 2014.
Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Takahiro Togawa, Yuika Shimizu, Masashi Kurashina, Toshihide Horikawa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : Effect of Mixing Methods on the Precipitation of Basic Copper Acetate, International Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials 2014, Kuala Lumpur, June 2014.
Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila, Gómez-Castro I. Fernando, Segovia-Hernández Gabriel J., Ken-Ichiro Sotowa and Toshihide Horikawa : Energy Minimization in Cryogenic Distillation Columns Through Intermediate Side Heat Exchangers, European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Budapest, June 2014.
Takahiro Togawa, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Masashi Kurashina, Toshihide Horikawa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : Basic Copper Acetate Synthesis using a Microchannel-Assisted Crystallizer, Joint Congress of ACTS-2014 and CGOM11, Nara, June 2014.
Hiroyuki Kagawa, Yoshiaki Okabe, Chizuru Sasaki and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Properties of epoxy resins hardened by woody lignins obtained by steam explosion, 18th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference, (都市), June 2014.
Hannah Kreissl, Keizo Nakagawa, Yung-Kang Peng and Shik Chi Edman Tsang : Catalytic Conversion of Sugar Molecule to Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) over Molecular Layers of Niobium Oxide in Water, Progress & Challenges in Environmental Catalysis, IChemE, Reading, June 2014.
Keizo Nakagawa, Takuya Ohshima, Megumi Katayama, Yoshiki Tezuka, Masahiro Katoh and Shigeru Sugiyama : Morphological effects of CeO2 nanostructures for catalytic soot combustion of CeO2 and CuO/CeO2, The 11th International Symposium on the "Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts", Louvain-la-Neuve, July 2014.
A. Sanhadji, D. Desmecht, Sophie Hermans, Keizo Nakagawa and Vincent Dubois : MCM-48 layer to prevent sintering of Pd/C catalysts for selective hydrogenation, The 11th International Symposium on the "Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts", Louvain-la-Neuve, July 2014.
Shoma Maruyama, Hitoshi Takagi, Yoshitoshi Nakamura, Antonio Norio Nakagaito and Chizuru Sasaki : Influence of alkali treatment on mechanical properties of poly lactic acid bamboo fiber green composites, Program and Abstract Book for 7th International Conference AMDP 2014, p.65, Busan, July 2014.
Hiroyuki Kagawa, Yoshiaki Okabe, Chizuru Sasaki and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Properties of epoxy resins hardened by woody lignins obtained by steam explosion, 5th International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry, (巻), (号), (頁), Durban, Aug. 2014.
Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa and Toshihide Horikawa : Energy and economic trade-off in partially adiabatic distillation columns, 10th International Conference on Distillation & Absorption, Friedrichshafen (Germany), Sep. 2014.
Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila, Shinji Hasebe, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa and Toshihide Horikawa : Environmental and economic assessment of extractive dividing wall distillation columns, 10th International Conference on Distillation & Absorption, Friedrichshafen (Germany), Sep. 2014.
Kohei Ito, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Toshihide Horikawa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF PRESSURE DRIVEN DISTILLATION SYSTEM FOR SEPARATION OF BIOETHANOL, 10th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICSST14), Nara, Oct. 2014.
Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa and Toshihide Horikawa : ITERATIVE PROCEDURE FOR UPDATING THE TEMPERATURE PROFILE IN DISTILLATION COLUMNS WITH HEAT-INTEGRATED STAGES, 10th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICSST14), Nara, Oct. 2014.
Takahiro Togawa, Yuika Shimizu, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Toshihide Horikawa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : Precipitation of basic copper acetate using a circulating-microreactor, 10th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICSST14), Nara, Oct. 2014.
Masahiro Katoh, Ayaka Satoh, Michisato Kimura, Keizo Nakagawa and Shigeru Sugiyama : Water Adsorption Properties of Alkali Treated ZSM-5 Zeolites, 10th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICSST14), Nara, Oct. 2014.
Atsushi Tabata, Nakano Kota, Sato Yuji, Maya Kentaro, Ohtani Hiromi, Ohkubo Yukimasa, Kazuto Ohkura, Kikuchi Ken, Whiley A Robert, Toshifumi Tomoyasu and Hideaki Nagamune : STREPTOLYSIN S HOMOLOGUES OF PEPTIDE HEMOLYSIN: NOVEL BETA-HEMOLYTIC FACTORS DISTRIBUTED AMONG BETA-HEMOLYTIC ANGINOSUS GROUP STREPTOCOCCI, XIX Lancefield International Symposium on Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Nov. 2014.
Hideaki Nagamune, Toshifumi Tomoyasu, 今木 英統, 山本 直輝, 田上 千遥, 増田 早智子, 高尾 亞由子, 前田 伸子, Atsushi Tabata and Whiley A. Robert : CHARACTERIZATION OF A NOVEL SECRETED GLYCOSIDASE WITH MULTIPLE GLYCOSIDASE ACTIVITIES, MSGA: A CANDIDATE KEY ENZYME REGULATING GROWTH AND PATHOGENICITY OF STREPTOCOCCUS INTERMEDIUS, XIX Lancefield International Symposium on Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases, (都市), Nov. 2014.
Hiroyuki Kagawa, Yoshiaki Okabe, Chizuru Sasaki and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Heat resistance epoxy resin from woody lignin obtained by steam explosion, The 10th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC2014), (巻), (号), (頁), Tsukuba, Dec. 2014.
Takuya Ehiro, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh, Shigeru Sugiyama, Yuuki Katou and Wataru Ninomiya : Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Isobutane on MCM-41 Modified by Metal-doping or Acid Treatment, 27th International Symposium on Chemical Engineering (ISChE 2014), Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2014.
Keiji Kume, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Toshihide Horikawa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : Evaluation of a batch reactor combined with a microchannel using a heterogeneous reaction, International Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2014.
Ryoko Miyawaki, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Toshihide Horikawa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : Analysis of interfacial mass transfer rate in gas-liquid slug flow in microchannel, International Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2014.
Yui Sangawa, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Toshihide Horikawa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : Conversion and selectivity of ethanol dehydration reaction under temperature cycling operation, International Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2014.
Ryo Takagi, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Toshihide Horikawa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : Development of a new vapor transfer system for multi stage Pressure Driven Distillation System, International Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2014.
Ayaka Satoh, Michisato Kimura, Masahiro Katoh, Keizo Nakagawa and Shigeru Sugiyama : Effects of introduced mesopores in ZSM-5 zeolites by alkali treatment on water adsorption and desorption, 27th International Symposium on Chemical Engineering (ISChE 2014), Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2014.
Akihiro Suzuki, Masaya Otsuka, Chizuru Sasaki, Chikako Asada and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Plant-Derived Resin, International forum on advanced technologies, (巻), (号), (頁), Toksuhima, March 2015.
Takeshi Hirano, Chizuru Sasaki, Chikako Asada and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : High-pressure steam pretreatment for increasing delignification and saccharification of woody biomass, International forum on advanced technologies, (巻), (号), (頁), Toksuhima, March 2015.
Sunita Basnet, Masaya Otsuka, Chizuru Sasaki, Chikako Asada and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Catechin from green tea: a potential candidate for biobased epoxy resin, International forum on advanced technologies, (巻), (号), (頁), Toksuhima, March 2015.
Hiroyuki Kagawa, Yoshiaki Okabe, Chizuru Sasaki and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Epoxy resin and its hardener from woody lignin obtained by steam explosion, IAWPS International Symposium on Wood Science and Technology 2015 (IAWPS 2015), (巻), (号), (頁), Tokyo, March 2015.
Matsuda Shinya, Kominato Kyohei, Akihiko Tsuji and Keizo Yuasa : PCTAIRE kinase 3/cyclin dependent kinase 18 is activated through association with cyclin A and/or phosphorylation by protein kinase A, Experimental Biology 2015, Boston, Massachusetts, March 2015.
Tatsuya Masuoka, Takuya Kawakami, T Kiyoshima, Chikako Asada, Yoshitoshi Nakamura, Kenji Teranishi and Naoyuki Shimomura : Effect of Pulsed Discharges on Mycelium Growth of Sparassis Crispa, Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, pp.67-71, Austin, June 2015.
Toshihide Horikawa, Takahiro Muguruma, D. D. Do, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : On the Explanation of Descending Scanning Curves of Water Adsorption Isotherms on Graphitized Thermal Carbon Black and Ordered Mesoporous Carbon, 7th Pacific Basin Conference on Adsorption Science and Technology (PBAST-7), (巻), (号), (頁), Xiamen, China, Sep. 2015.
Takuya Ehiro, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Katoh, Yuuki Katou, Wataru Ninomiya and Shigeru Sugiyama : Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Isobutane on Cr-doped Calcium Hydroxyapatite and Calcium Phosphate, 28th International Symposium on Chemical Engineering (ISChE 2015), Cheju, Dec. 2015.
Masaharu Hatano, Ryo Takagi, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Toshihide Horikawa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : Variation in the stability of the pressure-driven distillation system with the number of stages, The 28th International Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Jeju, Dec. 2015.
Shunsuke Miyai, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa, Toshihide Horikawa and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : Evaluation of mass transfer through the liquid-liquid interface in the micro space, The 28th International Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Jeju, Dec. 2015.
杉山 茂 : エチレンオキサイド製造用触媒及びエチレノキサイドの製造方法, 特願2010-176812 (2010年8月), 特開2012-035187 (2012年2月), 特許第5643931号 (2014年11月).
杉山 茂 : 酸化脱水素触媒の製造法およびアルケンの製造方法, 特願2013-011888 (2013年1月), 特開2014-140827 (2014年8月), (番号) ((年月日)).
杉山 茂 : 1,2-アルカンジオールからの飽和アルデヒド製造方法, 特願PCT/JP2014/052485 (2014年2月), 特開WO2014/123095 (2014年8月), (番号) ((年月日)).
加藤 雅裕, 真田 雅和, 中川 敬三 : 触媒構造体および水素製造装置, 特願2014-258550 (2014年12月), 特開2016-117028 (2016年6月), (番号) ((年月日)).
杉山 茂 : イソブチレンの製造方法, 特願2015-213170 (2015年10月), (開示), (番号) ((年月日)).
杉山 茂 : プロピオンアルデヒドの製造方法, 特願2016-016014 (2016年1月), (開示), (番号) ((年月日)).
(1) 安井 武史, Takeshi Yasui,
(2) yāśūī ₍.₎ tākėśhī (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学)・博士(医学),
(4) 知的テラヘルツ計測, 生体医用光学, 量子光学,
(5) 応用物理学会 (第54,55期代議員, フォトニクス分科会幹事)・日本光学会 (国際協力幹事)・社団法人 レーザー学会・社団法人 日本生体医工学会 (生体医工学シンポジウム2004 組織委員およびプログラム委員, 生体医工学シンポジウム2005 組織委員会幹事およびプログラム委員, 生体医工学シンポジウム2006 プログラム委員会副委員長, 生体医工学シンポジウム2007 プログラム委員, 生体医工学シンポジウム2008 プログラム委員, 生体医工学シンポジウム2013 編集委員(コエディタ),プログラム委員, 生体医工学シンポジウム2014 編集委員(コエディタ), 生体医工学シンポジウム2015 編集委員(コエディタ),プログラム委員, 刊行誌(和文・英文) 編集委員)・日本機械学会 (中国四国支部 商議員)・Optical Society of America (Faculity Adviser of Student Chapter)・バイオメックフォーラム21研究会・応用光学懇談会 (幹事)・テラヘルツ電磁波産業利用研究会・テラヘルツ技術動向調査委員会・International Workshop on Terahertz Technology 2009・テラヘルツテクノロジーフォーラム (研究交流委員会 標準部門 委員, 総務委員会 委員)・International Symposium on Frontiers in THz Technology・The 10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim(CLEO-PR 2013) (Technical Program Committee member)・35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS (EMBC2013) (Local Arrangement Committee Member)・SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering (Faculity Adviser of Student Chapter, Program Committee Member, SPIE/OSJ Biophotonics Japan)・1st Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference (BISC2014) (PROGRAM COMMITTEE Member)・5th Asian and Pacific-Rim Symposium on Biophotonics (APBP`15) (International Steering Committee Member)・The Eleventh Finland-Japan Joint Symposium on Optics in Engineering (International Program Committee)・The Second International Symposium on Frontiers in THz Technology (Program Committee)・2nd Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference 2016 (BISC2016) (PROGRAM COMMITTEE Member)・Nature Publishing Group (Editorial Board of Scientific Reports),
(6) 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO) (産業技術研究助成事業 事前書面審査評価レビュアー, イノベーション推進事業 事前評価レビュアー),
(7) 高分解テラヘルツ分光, 実時間テラヘルツ・イメージング, テラヘルツ周波数標準, テラヘルツ周波数コム, テラヘルツ応用計測, 生体の非線形光学を用いた生体コラーゲン顕微鏡, 光コム,
(8) (@.keyword),
(9) (@.collaborate)