II.1 情報ソリューション部門
本部門は,情報システム工学,計算機システム工学,知識情報処理,感性情報処理, 情報数理科学の5大講座から構成されており,構成員数は47名である. 情報ソリューション部門の研究活動は,部門発足以来数年間非常に活発 であり,学術論文・国際会議論文発表,等の件数に顕著に表れている. 本部門の特徴としては,特に国際会議の発表件数が年間一人当たり 4.27件と他部門の2倍程度の件数を各構成員が発表している.
II.1.1 情報システム工学
光を利用した生体計測技術,医療分野における多次元イメージング 技術・肺癌診断システム,立体映像システムの研究開発,新機能ディスプレイ, フォトニックネットワーク,音声認識,ヒューマンセンシング,画像センシング・ 画像処理,顔検出と追跡,など.
II.1.1.1 教員組織
(1) 氏名,(2) メールアドレス,(3) 職名・学位,(4) 専門分野,(5) 所属学会(役職名),(6) 社会活動(役職名),(7) 主要研究テーマ,(8) キーワード,(9) 共同研究可能テーマ
(1) 仁木 登, Noboru Niki,
(2) ņīkī (@) ōpt ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・工学博士,
(4) 医用画像,
(5) 電子情報通信学会 (医用画像研究専門委員会 委員長, 医用画像特集号 編集委員長, 和文論文誌D編集委員会 編集委員, 顧問)・日本医用画像工学会 (幹事)・呼吸機能イメージング研究会 (幹事)・日本CT検診学会 (理事, 第24回大会長)・日本VR医学会 (評議員)・SPIE (Medical Imaging Program Committee)・IEEE (IEEE EMB West Japan Chapter Chair),
(6) (株)医用科学研究所 (代表取締役)・独立行政法人日本学術振興会 (「最先端・次世代研究開発支援プログラム」書面レビュー, 科学研究費専門委員)・独立行政法人日本学術振興会 (「最先端・次世代研究開発支援プログラム」書面レビュー, 科学研究費専門委員)・独立行政法人 産業技術総合研究所・独立行政法人科学技術振興機構 (研究成果最適展開支援プログラム専門委員),
(7) X線CTに関する研究,コンピュータ支援診断・治療の研究,デジタル診断環境の構築,
(8) CTイメージング, 画像処理, コンピュータグラフィックス, パターン認識,
(9) 医用画像一般
(1) 福見 稔, Minoru Fukumi,
(2) fūkūmī (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) ソフトコンピューティング, ヒューマンセンシング,
(5) 電気学会・計測自動制御学会・電子情報通信学会・IEEE・信号処理学会 (副編集長)・社団法人 人工知能学会,
(6) 計測自動制御学会・徳島県収納システム選定委員会・電気学会,
(7) 進化システムに基づく知識獲得·規則生成,画像理解·検索,知的パターン認識, 筋肉電位に基づくポインティングデバイスの開発, ヒューマンセンシングに基づく知的インタフェース&信号処理,
(8) ニューラルネットワーク, 進化システム, 知識獲得, 規則生成, 画像理解, 知的システム, ヒューマンセンシング, ディジタル信号処理, 適応ディジタルフィルタ,
(9) 画像パターン認識,理解,高速顔検出, ニューロ·データマイニング,大量データからの規則発見,概念抽出,音声·画像からの規則性抽出, ヒューマンセンシング, 統計的学習アルゴリズム, 脳波,筋電の認識
(1) 寺田 賢治, Kenji Terada,
(2) tėŗāđā (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) コンピュータビジョン,
(5) 電子情報通信学会 (和文論文誌A編集委員会常任査読委員)・電気学会・画像電子学会・システム制御情報学会・計測自動制御学会 四国支部 (学術講演会 プログラム委員会 幹事(2013, 2014, 2015))・IEEE・精密工学会 動的画像処理実利用化ワークショップ(DIA) (プログラム委員(2012,2013,2014), プログラム委員長(2015), プログラム委員(2016,2017))・The Korea-Japan joint Workshop on Computer Vision (Committee Member(2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015))・電気関係学会四国支部連合大会 (プログラム編集委員(2013, 2014))・International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (Technical Program Committee(2012, 2014))・France-Japan and Europe-Asia Congress on Mechatronics (Scientific committee(2010,2012,2014))・画像センシングシンポジウム (組織委員会 委員(2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016), 運営委員会 出版部会 委員(2013), 20周年記念事業 タスクフォース委員会 幹事)・電気学会 産業応用部門 (論文委員会 D2 委員, 論文委員会主査会 副編修長, 役員会 委員, 英文論文誌委員会 委員)・電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会 (大会委員会 委員, 大会論文委員会 委員)・電気学会 全国大会・電気学会 (知覚情報技術委員会 2号委員)・精密工学会 外観検査アルゴリズムコンテスト (実行委員長(2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016))・精密工学会 ビジョン技術の実利用ワークショップ(ViEW) (プログラム委員長(2013), プログラム委員(2014, 2015, 2016))・第53回自動制御連合講演会・日本教育工学会・電気学会 (JICEE日本編修委員会 委員)・精密工学会 画像応用技術専門委員会 (運営委員, WG10主査, 副委員長)・電気学会 (スマートビジョン実利用化協同研究委員会 委員長, スマートビジョンの適用範囲拡大協同研究委員会 委員長, スマートビジョン技術の多様化協同研究委員会 委員長)・電気学会 (高度センサ応用による人・環境親和システムに関する協同研究委員会, 高度センサ応用による環境・機械・生体の計測制御技術創生に関する協同研究委員会, 学際的技術融合による高度センサ応用に関する協同研究委員会)・電気学会 産業応用部門大会・International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision (Program Committee(2013), Scientific Committee(2015, 2017))・知能メカトロニクスワークショップ (論文委員長(2012, 2013), 論文委員(2014, 2015, 2016))・IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics・電気学会・電子情報通信学会・電気学会 電子情報システム部門 (論文委員会 C2委員, 役員会 編修担当, 論文委員会 副編修長, 上級会員推薦検討委員会 委員)・電子情報通信学会 (2014ソサイエティ大会実行委員会 幹事)・電気学会 (非整備環境現場に駆動されたパターン認識技術協同研究委員会 委員)・The Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronic s Society (Track co-chair(2015))・電気学会・電気学会 (編修専門第1部会究委員会 委員, 英文論文誌編修委員会)・The 19th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS2016) (Technical Program Committee),
(6) 徳島健康科学総合センター・財団法人 徳島県地域産業技術開発研究機構・財団法人 徳島県地域産業技術開発研究機構・財団法人 日本消防設備安全センター・ICT未来フェスタ2008 in とくしま実行委員会・NPO徳島インターネット市民塾 (理事長)・徳島県 (徳島県ホームページ運営アドバイザー)・徳島県 (徳島県ホームページシステム再構築に係る業務委託事業者選定委員会 委員),
(7) 人のセンシング, 3次元計測, 動画像処理, カラー画像処理,
(8) 個人識別, 3次元計測, パターン認識, 画像処理,
(9) 人のセンシング, 3次元計測
(1) 陶山 史朗, Shiro Suyama,
(2) śūyāmā ₍.₎ śhīŗō (@) ōpt ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・工学博士,
(4) 3D映像入出力技術,
(5) 映像情報メディア学会立体映像技術研究会 (幹事)・映像情報メディア学会情報ディスプレイ研究会 (委員)・高臨場感ディスプレイフォーラム (幹事,2004年プログラム委員長,2007年代表幹事)・立体映像産業推進協議会 (副会長 (2003-2005 運営委員,2005-2006 代表幹事))・光産業技術振興協会 光技術動向調査委員会 (委員)・映像情報メディア学会 編集委員会 論部門委員,
(6) ,
(7) 疲労感のない自然な立体映像システムの研究開発,
(8) 3D, 立体, 疲労感, DFD, 可変焦点,
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 後藤 信夫, Nobuo Goto,
(2) ġōtō ₍.₎ ņōbūō (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・工学博士,
(4) 光情報処理,
(5) 電気学会 (A部門電磁界理論技術委員会委員)・IEEE (名古屋支部Student Activities 委員会委員長(2007年1月∼2007年3月))・日本レーザー医学会東海支部会 (評議員(2004年7月∼2007年3月))・電子情報通信学会 (光エレクトロニクス研究専門委員会専門委員),
(6) 豊橋・田原テレトピア計画策定委員会 (策定委員)・国際協力事業団 (マレイシア・マルチメディア協力センター開発プロジェクトの調査, 調査員)・国際協力事業団 (マレイシア マルチメディアネットワーク教育プロジェクト, 無線・衛星システム技術の長期専門家),
(7) フォトニックネットワークに関する研究,
(8) フォトニックネットワーク, 光集積回路, 光機能素子, 光情報処理,
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 河田 佳樹, Yoshiki Kawata,
(2) kāwātā (@) ōpt ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 准教授・博士(工学),
(4) 医用イメージング,
(5) 日本医用画像工学会・電子情報通信学会 (ソサイエティ論文誌編集委員会·査読委員, 医用画像研究専門委員会·専門委員)・電子情報通信学会 (幹事),
(6) ,
(7) 医用イメージング技術,
(8) 医用イメージング, 3次元画像処理,
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) カルンガル ステファン, Stephen Karungaru,
(2) kāŗūņġā (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 講師・博士(工学)情報システム工学,
(4) 情報工学, 情報工学,
(5) 電気学会・The institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
(6) 社団法人 精密工学会 (動的画像処理実利用化ワークショップ2011(DIA2011)の実地実行委員会委員)・The Asian Conference on Engineering Education (2nd Asian Conference on Engineering Education (ACEE2011), Local Executive Committee),
(7) 自動的な顔画像の検出認識に関する研究, Abandoned object Detection and Recognition, Online character recognition for mobile devices,
(8) 顔検出認識, ニューラルネットワーク, GA, 顔検出認識, ニューラルネットワーク, GA, Character Recognition, Aerial image processing,
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 水科 晴樹, Haruki Mizushina,
(2) mīżūśhīņā ₍.₎ hāŗūkī (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 講師・博士(工学),
(4) (@.field),
(5) 電子情報通信学会 (ヒューマン情報処理研究専門委員会幹事)・日本光学会 (光みらい奨励金(コニカミノルタ科学技術振興財団賞)審査委員, 日本光学会会誌「光学」編集委員)・Three Dimensional Systems and Applications (Technical Program Committee)・日本視覚学会 (2015年冬季大会実行委員, 2016年冬季大会実行委員)・International Conference on Next Era Information Networking・映像情報メディア学会・日本感性工学会・情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT) (2014年実行委員,担当委員, 2015年担当委員, 2016年担当委員)・3次元画像コンファレンス (実行委員),
(6) 超臨場感コミュニケーション産学官フォーラム (超体験デザイン・評価部会 3D映像評価WG メンバー),
(7) (@.theme),
(8) (@.keyword),
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 伊藤 桃代, Momoyo Ito,
(2) mōmōītō (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 助教・博士(工学),
(4) 知的画像処理,
(5) IEEE・電子情報通信学会・情報処理学会・社団法人 自動車技術会,
(6) ,
(7) ドライバの運転動作を用いた危険運転予測システム, 医用画像における構造情報を反映した高精度な領域抽出,
(8) 進化的画像処理, 医用画像処理,
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 鈴木 秀宣, Hidenobu Suzuki,
(2) hīđėņōbū-ś (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 助教・博士(工学),
(4) 医用画像,
(5) 電子情報通信学会・日本医用画像工学会 (日本医用画像工学会編集委員会・編集委員)・日本CT検診学会・SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering,
(6) ,
(7) コンピュータ支援診断, 医用情報システムに関する研究,
(8) 画像処理, パターン認識,
(9) 医用画像一般
(1) 岸川 博紀, Hiroki Kishikawa,
(2) kīśhīkāwā ₍.₎ hīŗōkī (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 助教(学位名称),
(4) (@.field),
(5) 電子情報通信学会・IEEE,
(6) ,
(7) (@.theme),
(8) (@.keyword),
(9) (@.collaborate)
II.1.1.2 研究業績
【著 書】
一般社団法人 電気学会, 寺田 賢治 : 34編3章4.知能化, 電気学会, (都市), 2013年9月.
一般社団法人 電気学会, 寺田 賢治 : C10編 知覚情報処理 2-4 スマートビジョンの人のセンシングへの応用, 電気学会, (都市), 2013年10月.
陶山 史朗 : 「光」の制御技術とその応用事例集, --- プリズム現象の発生原理 ---, (発行所), (都市), 2014年5月.
Misaki Takahashi, Hiroki Kishikawa, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : All-Optical Waveguide-Type Switch Using Saturable Absorption in Graphene, in " Optoelectronics", edited by Sergei L. Pyshkin and John M. Ballato, Intech, (都市), (month)2015.
高橋 英治, 鈴木 秀宣, 河田 佳樹, 仁木 登, 中野 恭幸, 上野 淳二, 原田 雅史, 森山 紀之 : 胸部マルチスライスCT 画像を用いた骨粗鬆症診断支援システム, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D), Vol.J96-D, No.4, 892-900頁, 2013年.
松廣 幹雄, 鈴木 秀宣, 河田 佳樹, 仁木 登, 上野 淳二, 中野 恭幸, 小川 惠美子, 室 繁郎, 大松 広伸, 森山 紀之 : 胸部マルチスライスCT画像における葉間裂抽出法, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D), Vol.J96-D, No.4, 834-843頁, 2013年.
三好 真人, 柘植 覚, 福見 稔 : エネルギー変化の線形予測符号化に基づくリズム特徴量を用いた音楽印象識別, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.54, No.4, 1275-1287頁, 2013年.
Kengo Mizote, Hiroki Kishikawa, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : Optical Label Routing Processing for BPSK Labels Using Complex-Valued Neural Network, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol.31, No.12, pp.1867-1876, 2013.
Stephen Githinji Karungaru, Nakano Hitoshi and Minoru Fukumi : Road Traffic Signs Recognition using Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks, International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol.3, No.3, pp.313-317, 2013.
Kensuke Inoshita, Hiroki Kishikawa, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : Proposal of Optical Waveguide Circuits for Recognition of Optical QAM Codes, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol.31, No.13, pp.2271-2278, 2013.
豊田 修一, 片貝 智恵, 仁木 登 : 保健医療分野における情報視覚化, 情報処理学会デジタルプラクティス, Vol.4, No.3, 251-259頁, 2013年.
Shin-ichi Ito, Yasue Mitsukura, Takafumi Saito, Katsuya SATO and Shoichiro Fujisawa : Visualization Method to Confirm Relationships among Optimal Solutions, INFORMATION, Vol.16, No.7(B), pp.4893-4906, 2013.
Sano Akihide, Takara Hidehiko, Kobayashi Takayuki, Kawakami Hiroto, Hiroki Kishikawa, Nakagawa Tadao, Miyamoto Yutaka, Abe Yoshiteru, Ono Hirotaka, Shikama Kota, Nagatani Munehiko, Mori Takayoshi, Sasaki Yusuke, Ishida Itaru, Takenaga Katsuhiro, Matsuo Shoichiro, Saitoh Kunimasa, Koshiba Masanori, Yamada Makoto, Masuda Hiroji and Morioka Toshio : 409-Tb/s + 409-Tb/s crosstalk suppressed bidirectional MCF transmission over 450 km using propagation-direction interleaving, Optics Express, Vol.21, No.14, pp.16777-16783, 2013.
Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato and Minoru Fukumi : A Study of Safety Driving Support System focusing on Driver's Head Posture Categorization, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Vol.2, No.9, pp.2702-2711, 2013.
Misaki Takahashi, Wakiko Ueda, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : Saturable Absorption by Vertically Inserted or Overlaid Monolayer Graphene in Optical Waveguide for All-Optical Switching Circuit, IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol.5, No.5, pp.6602109-1-9, 2013.
Elmarhomy Ahmed and Kenji Terada : A Distance-Based Method for Counting Passersby using Space-Time Imagery, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol.9, No.10, pp.4113-4129, 2013.
Ahmed Shawky Maklad, Mikio Matsuhiro, Hidenobu Suzuki, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Mitsuo Satake, Noriyuki Moriyama, Toru Utsunomiya and Mitsuo Shimada : Blood vessel-based liver segmentation using the portal phase of an abdominal CT dataset, Medical Physics, Vol.40, No.11, p.113501(17pp.), 2013.
Atsuhiro Tsunakawa, Tomoki Soumiya, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : Perceived depth change of depth-fused 3-D display by changing distance between front and rear plane, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Vol.E96-C, No.11, pp.1378-1383, 2013.
中野 昭雄, 新田 和馬, 寺田 賢治, 渡邊 丈夫 : 画像処理によるネギアザミウマの自動識別, 植物防疫, Vol.67, No.12, 24-28頁, 2013年.
Hiroki Kishikawa, Takeshi Kawai, Kohki Shibahara and Mitsunori Fukutoku : Experimental demonstration of simultaneous SPM and XPM mitigation using combined techniques of optical compensation and multichannel single-stage DBP, Electronics Letters, Vol.49, No.25, pp.1627-1628, 2013.
金子 寛彦, 浅野 拓也, 南 明宏, 水科 晴樹 : 三次元実物体とその二次元画像に対する大きさ知覚の違い, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(A), Vol.97, No.1, 45-52頁, 2014年.
Toshihiro Ishihara, Tatsushi Kobayashi, Naoya Ikeno, Takayuki Hayashi, Masahiro Sakakibara, Noboru Niki, Mitsuo Satake and Noriyuki Moriyama : Evaluation of a near-infrared-type contrast medium extravasation detection system using a swine model, Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, Vol.38, No.2, pp.285-292, 2014.
Masaki Fujikawa, Mori Hikaru and Kenji Terada : Study of the Detection System for Onscreen Contents Shooting (Countermeasure against Information Leakage by Video Recording/Photo Shooting), International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, Vol.4, No.3, pp.256-263, 2014.
Kensuke Inoshita, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : Recognition of 16QAM Codes by Maximum Output with Optical Waveguide Circuits, Thresholders, and Post-Processing Logic Circuit, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Vol.E97-C, No.5, pp.448-454, 2014.
山本 裕紹, 内田 景太朗, 高橋 昌史, 陶山 史朗 : 3層液晶パネルによる3視点表示 及びセキュア2視点表示, 映像情報メディア学会誌, Vol.68, No.10, J460-J463頁, 2014年.
Nobuo Goto and Yasumitsu Miyazaki : Noise Tolerance in Wavelength-Selective Switching of Optical Differential Quadrature-Phase-Shift-Keying Pulse Train by Collinear Acoustooptic Devices, Applied Optics, Vol.53, No.16, pp.3379-3387, 2014.
Kenta Takase, Rie Uehara, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : Optical Flip-Flop Operation in Orthogonal Polarization States with a Single Semiconductor Optical Amplifier and Two Feedback Loops, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Vol.E97-C, No.7, pp.767-772, 2014.
Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito, Katsuya SATO, Shoichiro Fujisawa and Minoru Fukumi : Preference Classification Method Using EEG Analysis Based on Gray Theory and Personality Analysis, The Online Journal on Computer Science and Information Technology, OJCSIT, Vol.4, No.3, pp.276-280, 2014.
Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito, Katsuya SATO, Shoichiro Fujisawa and Minoru Fukumi : Preference Analysis Method Applying Relationship between Electroencephalogram Activities and Egogram in Prefrontal Cortex Activities, --- How to collaborate between engineering techniques and psychology ---, International Journal of Advances in Psychology, Vol.3, No.3, pp.86-93, 2014.
Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Yuka Tomiyama and Shiro Suyama : Floating aerial LED signage based on aerial imaging by retro-reflection (AIRR), Optics Express, Vol.22, No.22, pp.26919-26924, 2014.
Misaki Takahashi, Hiroki Kishikawa, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : All-Optical Switch with Cascaded Two-Stage Mach-Zehnder Interferometers Using Saturable Absorption Accompanied by Refractive-Index Change in Graphene, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol.32, No.21, pp.3624-3630, 2014.
Kazuhito Sato, Sakura Kadowaki, Hirokazu Madokoro, Momoyo Ito and Atsushi Inugami : Unsupervised Segmentation of MR Images for Brain Dock Examinations, International Journal of Health Science, Vol.4, No.5, pp.113-129, 2014.
浮田 浩行, 吉田 敦也, 寺田 賢治, 藤澤 正一郎 : 大学生主体の小中学生向けロボット教室「徳島ロボットプログラミングクラブ」における科学技術教育, 日本ロボット学会誌, Vol.33, No.3, 22-31頁, 2015年.
Takako Ikuno, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Lost Property Detection by Template Matching using Genetic Algorithm and Random Search, Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Vol.3, No.2, pp.59-64, 2015.
Peng Zhang, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Development of Eye Mouse Using EOG signals and Learning Vector Quantization Method, Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Vol.3, No.2, pp.52-58, 2015.
Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito, Shoichiro Fujisawa and Minoru Fukumi : Method to Classify Matching Patterns between Music and Humans Mood Using EEG Analysis Technique Considering Personality, The Online Journal on Computer Science and Information Technology, OJCSIT, Vol.5, No.3, pp.341-345, 2015.
Shin-ichiro Yanagiya, Aiko Takahashi and Nobuo Goto : Mechanical properties of stratum corneum in glycerin solution by atomic force microscopy, e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, Vol.13, (号), pp.461-464, 2015.
Stephen Githinji Karungaru, Daikoku Masayuki and Kenji Terada : Multi Cameras Based Indoors Human Action Recognition Using Fuzzy Rules, Journal of Pattern Recognition Research, Vol.10, No.1, pp.61-74, 2015.
Rina Ando, Hiroki Kishikawa, Nobuo Goto, Shin-ichiro Yanagiya and Chen R. Lawrence : Performance Analysis of All-Optical Wavelength-Shift-Free Format Conversion from QPSK to Two BPSK Tributaries Using FWM and Interference, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Vol.E99-C, No.2, pp.219-226, 2016.
寺田 賢治 : 画像処理で煙検知するシステム開発, O plus E, Vol.35, No.6, 623-627頁, 2013年6月.
山本 裕紹 : 高輝度高速フレームレートLEDディスプレイの開発と応用, 光学, Vol.23, No.8, 413-419頁, 2013年8月.
服部 宏祐, 寺田 賢治, 平岡 忠志, 森本 真理, 武知 康逸, 長尾 綾子, 脇田 美幸, 後藤 仁 : 画像処理を用いたダストサンプラー上の異物計測, クリーンテクノロジ, Vol.23, No.10, 44-47頁, 2013年10月.
金子 俊一, 中島 慶人, 寺田 賢治, 山下 淳 : 画像技術の実利用の現状と展望, 精密工学会誌, Vol.79, No.11, 977-980頁, 2013年11月.
河田 佳樹, 仁木 登 : 計算解剖モデルに基づく診断支援―肺がんのコンピュータ支援予後予測―, Medical Imaging Technology, Vol.31, No.5, 287-291頁, 2013年11月.
後藤 信夫, 宮崎 保光 : 音響光学素子による光位相変調パルス列ルーティング --高速光QPSKパケットルーティングにおける位相変化の検討--, 超音波テクノ, Vol.25, No.6, 89-92頁, 2013年11月.
寺田 賢治 : 徳島大学工学部知能情報工学科寺田研究室紹介, 計測と制御, Vol.53, No.2, 151-152頁, 2014年2月.
鈴木 秀宣, 河田 佳樹, 仁木 登 : [研究室訪問]徳島大学大学院ソシオテクノサイエンス研究部情報ソリューション部門 仁木研究室, Medical Imaging Technology, Vol.32, No.2, 147-150頁, 2014年3月.
寺田 賢治 : 画像処理による煙検知システム, 画像ラボ, Vol.25, No.4, 1-5頁, 2014年4月.
仁木 登, 河田 佳樹, 鈴木 秀宣, 松廣 幹雄 : 計算解剖モデルに基づく診断支援, インナービジョン, Vol.29, No.11, 19-21頁, 2014年11月.
水科 晴樹, 高木 康博, 安藤 広志 : 超多眼表示と人の視覚機能 (特集 裸眼立体表示技術), 映像情報メディア学会誌, Vol.68, No.11, 850-854頁, 2014年11月.
山本 裕紹, 陶山 史朗 : 最新3Dディスプレイのからくり ー見える気がする3Dから確実に見える空中表 示までー, 3D合同シンポジウム (映像情報メディア学会立体映像技術研究会 3Dコンソーシアム 共催), (巻), (号), (頁), 2015年3月.
寺田 賢治 : 研究グループ紹介, 産業応用部門ニュースレター, Vol.135, 8頁, 2015年6月.
河田 佳樹, 鈴木 秀宣, 仁木 登 : 胸部CT検診のCADシステムにおける3次元表示, 医学物理, Vol.35, No.3, 211-216頁, 2015年11月.
仁木 登, 河田 佳樹, 鈴木 秀宣 : 肺がんCT検診のコンピュータ支援診断の現状と課題, MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY, Vol.34, No.2, 128-131頁, 2016年3月.
鈴木 秀宣 : がんの先制医療のための画像診断技術, MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY, Vol.34, No.2, 59-60頁, 2016年3月.
【国際会議 Proceedings】
Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Aerial 3D LED Display by use of Crossed-mirror Array, Digital Holography & 3-D Imaging, (頁), Kohala Coast, April 2013.
Shiro Suyama, Hiroshi Sonobe, Tomoki Soumiya, Atsuhiro Tsunakawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Hidenori Kuribayashi : Edge-Based Depth-Fused 3D Display, Digital Holography & 3-D Imaging, (頁), Kohala Coast, April 2013.
Yasumitsu Miyazaki, Koichi Takahashi and Nobuo Goto : Filtering and transmission characteristics of optical wave in lattice grid with lossy clad for optcal CT, Proc. of the 2013 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS 2013), Hiroshima, No.24PM1C-02, pp.991-994, (都市), May 2013.
Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection (AIRR), SID 2013 DIGEST, pp.895-897, Vancouver, May 2013.
Haruki Mizushina, Junya Nakamura, Yasuhiro Takaki and Hiroshi Ando : Vergence and accommodation responses to super multi-view display, 3DSA 2013 (5th International Conference on Three Dimensional Systems and Applications), Osaka, June 2013.
Noboru Niki : Human pulmonary acinar analysis through 3D SRμCT images, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), June 2013.
Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Keitaro Uchida and Shiro Suyama : Computational Multifunctional Display Based on Polarization Processing, Imaging and Applied Optics, (頁), Arlington, June 2013.
Shibahara Kohki, Sakamaki Yohei, Kawai Takeshi, Mori Kunihiko, Hiroki Kishikawa and Fukutoku Mitsunori : Improving nonlinear degradation by combining optical and digital compensation techniques, 18th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC2013), Vol.WR4_6, (都市), July 2013.
Kensuke Inoshita, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : Recognition of 16QAM Codes by Maximum Output with Optical Waveguide Circuits, the 10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, and the 18th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference / Photonics in Switching 2013 (CLEO-PR OECC/PS 2013), Kyoto, No.TuPO-5, (頁), Kyoto, July 2013.
Kenta Takase, Rie Uehara, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : Optical Flip-Flop Operation with a Single SOA in Orthogonal Polarization States, the 10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, and the 18th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference / Photonics in Switching 2013 (CLEO-PR OECC/PS 2013), Kyoto, (巻), No.TuPO-7, (頁), Kyoto, July 2013.
Misaki Takahashi, Wakiko Ueda, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : Saturable Absorption in Multiple Sheets of Monolayer Graphene for Optical Switching, the 10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, and the 18th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference / Photonics in Switching 2013 (CLEO-PR OECC/PS 2013), Kyoto, (巻), No.ThB2-1, (頁), Kyoto, July 2013.
Noboru Niki : Multi-scale organ modeling: from macro to micro, IEEE-EBMC, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), July 2013.
Nobuo Goto and Yasumitsu Miyazaki : Noise Tolerance in Wavelength-Selective Switching of Optical DQPSK Pulse Train by Collinear Acoustooptic Devices, 2013 IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp. (IUS), Prague, No.IUS3-C-6, (都市), July 2013.
Shang Ke, Stephen Githinji Karungaru, Feng Zuren, Ke Liangjun and Kenji Terada : Periodic Re-optimization based Dynamic Branch and Price Algorithm for Dynamic Multi-UAV Path Planning, Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation(IEEE ICMA2013), No.MP1-6(3), pp.581-586, Takamatsu, Aug. 2013.
Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato and Minoru Fukumi : Analysis of Safety Verification Behavior and Classification of Drivers Head Posture, Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, pp.884-889, Takamatsu, Aug. 2013.
Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : Development of Glassess 3D Display by Use of Full-Color LED Panel, IMID 2013 DIGEST, p.31, Daegu, Aug. 2013.
Ryousuke Kujime, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Configuration of crossed-mirror array made of one-side mirrors for dual-view aerial LED signage, IMID 2013 DIGEST, p.287, Daegu, Aug. 2013.
Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : DFD (Depth-Fused 3D) Display and Our Recent Development, IMID 2013 DIGEST, p.154, Daegu, Aug. 2013.
Junnosuke Kawakami, Kengo Sato, Atsuhiro Tsunakawa, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Depth-Fused 3D Display wiith a Long Viewing Distance by Use of LED Panels, IMID 2013 DIGEST, p.155, Daegu, Aug. 2013.
Keitaro Uchida, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : Multi-functional display by use of three-layered LCD panels, IMID 2013 DIGEST, p.228, Daegu, Aug. 2013.
Misaki Takahashi, Wakiko Ueda, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : Saturable Absorption in Vertically Inserted and Overlaid Monolayer-Graphene in Optical Waveguide for All-Optical Switching, IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC2013), Seattle, No.WB2.4, pp.382-383, Seattle, Sep. 2013.
Akito Ihara, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : Scalability of Optical Passive Waveguide Circuits for Recognition of 8-bit BPSK Labels, IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC2013), Seattle, (巻), No.WG2.4, pp.521-522, Seattle, Sep. 2013.
Iwase Masashi, Takahashi Keisuke, Minoru Fukumi and Koji Kashihara : Development of an Android Application for Imaging of Superficial Veins, Proc. of SICE Annual Conference 2013, pp.1515-1517, Nagoya, Sep. 2013.
Masayuki Daikoku, Stephen Githinji Karungaru and Kenji Terada : Automatic Detection of Suspicious Objects Using Surveillance Cameras, Proceedings of the International conference on Instrumentation, Control, Information Technology and System Integration(SICE Annual Conference 2013), No.MoAT3.6, Nagoya, Sep. 2013.
Junpei Yamamoto, Stephen Githinji Karungaru and Kenji Terada : Japanese Road Signs Recognition Using Neural Networks, Proceedings of the International conference on Instrumentation, Control, Information Technology and System Integration(SICE Annual Conference 2013), No.MoAT3.3, Nagoya, Sep. 2013.
Kengo Sato, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Hand-waving decodable steganography by use of 960 Hz LED panel, JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2013, p.111, 京田辺市, Sep. 2013.
Yukiko Yoshida, Shiro Suyama, 石井 抱 and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Measurement of vibration distribution by use of a high-speed camera, JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2013, p.112, 京田辺市, Sep. 2013.
Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Hiroki Bando, Ryousuke Kujime and Shiro Suyama : Multi-layered aerial LED display with occlusions between layeres, JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2013, p.116, 京田辺市, Sep. 2013.
Junnosuke Kawakami, Atsuhiro Tsunakawa, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Perceived depth by viewing distance change in LED DFD display, JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2013, p.117, 京田辺市, Sep. 2013.
Tomoki Soumiya, Hiroshi Sonobe, Atsuhiro Tsunakawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shiro Suyama and Hidenori Kuribayashi : Perceived depth in Edge-based DFD (Depth-fused 3-D) display by changing edge width, JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2013, p.118, 京田辺市, Sep. 2013.
Keitaro Uchida, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Horizontal and vertical triple-view display by use of three-layered LCD panels, JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2013, p.129, 京田辺市, Sep. 2013.
Noboru Niki : Multiscale image analysis of lung CT images, MICCAI2013, (巻), (号), (頁), Nagoya, Sep. 2013.
Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato and Minoru Fukumi : Classification of Driver's Head Posture by using Unsupervised Neural Networks, Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies, pp.50-57, Porto, Oct. 2013.
Toyotaro Tokimoto, Kengo Sato, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : High-frame-rate LED Display with Pulse-width Modulation by Use of Nonlinear Clock, Proceedings of 2013 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Consumer, pp.83-84, 幕張市, Oct. 2013.
Aiko Takahashi, Shin-ichiro Yanagiya and Nobuo Goto : Effects of ethanol solution on the stiffness of skin cells, 12th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures (ACSIN-12)/21th International colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM21), Tsukuba, Vol.7PN-19, つくば, Nov. 2013.
Hiroshi Katayama, Shin-ichiro Yanagiya and Nobuo Goto : Cantilever-assisted interference microscopy for small transparent medium, 12th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures (ACSIN-12)/21th International colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM21), Tsukuba, Vol.8PN-94, (号), (頁), Tsukuba, Nov. 2013.
Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : 3D LED Signage Based on AIRR (Aerial imaging by Retro-Reflection), Proc. DHIP2013, (頁), Deajeon, Nov. 2013.
Ryousuke Kujime, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Three-dimensional temperature distributions in a thermal 3D display by use of a crossed-mirror array, Proc. DHIP2013, p.005, Deajeon, Nov. 2013.
Kengo Sato, Akinori Tuji, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : LED Module Integrated with Microcontroller, Sensors, and Wireless Communication, Proc. of The International Display Workshops, Vol.20, pp.1504-1507, Sapporo, Dec. 2013.
Keitaro Uchida, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Triple-View and Secure Dual-View Display by Use of Three-Layered LCD Panels, Proc. of The International Display Workshops, Vol.20, pp.610-613, Sapporo, Dec. 2013.
Junnosuke Kawakami, Atsuhiro Tsunakawa, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Depth-Fused 3D (DFD) Display with Non-Overlapped Pixels Using Layered LED Displays, Proc. of The International Display Workshops, Vol.20, pp.1082-1085, Sapporo, Dec. 2013.
Masaru Takahashi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : DFD Viewer Composed of Two DFD Images with a Large Gap for Estimating Background Effect on Perceived Depth of 2D/3D Image, Proc. of The International Display Workshops, Vol.20, pp.1086-1089, Sapporo, Dec. 2013.
Takafumi Kurokawa, Risa Tanimoto, Yuuya Okada, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : Reduction of Ghost 3D Image in the Volumetric 3D Display by Using a Half-Wave Plate to Polarization-Switching Device, Proc. of The International Display Workshops, Vol.20, pp.1094-1097, Sapporo, Dec. 2013.
Kazuki Tatehata, Kengo Sato, Shintaro Yamada, Shiro Suyama, I Ishii and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Influence of Latency on Perceived Depth with a 3D Display Based on Monocular Motion Parallax, Proc. of The International Display Workshops, Vol.20, pp.1120-1121, Sapporo, Dec. 2013.
Yukiko Yoshida, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Analysis of the Depth of Field by Lens-Tilt Imaging, Proc. of The International Display Workshops, Vol.20, pp.1122-1123, Sapporo, Dec. 2013.
Tomoki Soumiya, Atsuhiro Tsunakawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shiro Suyama and Hidenori Kuribayashi : Perceived Depth Change in Edge-Based DFD Display by Shifting Edge Pattern outside from Overlapped Position, Proc. of The International Display Workshops, Vol.20, pp.1124-1125, Sapporo, Dec. 2013.
Kengo Sato, A. Tsuji, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : LED Module Integrated with Microcontroller, Sensors, and Wireless Communication, Proc. of The International Display Workshops, Vol.20, pp.1504-1507, Sapporo, Dec. 2013.
Takako Ikuno, Yohei Takeuchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Abandoned Object Detection by Genetic Algorithm with Local Search, Proceeding of 2013 International Conference on System, Process, and Control, pp.113-116, Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2013.
Zhang Peng, Yohei Takeuchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Implementation of EOG Mouse Using Learning Vector Quantization and EOG-feature Based Methods, Proceeding of 2013 International Conference on System, Process, and Control, pp.98-102, Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2013.
Takahiro Horiuchi, Yohei Takeuchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Creation of a Panoramic Image by Genetic Algorithm, Proceeding of 2013 International Conference on System, Process, and Control, pp.113-116, Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2013.
Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Keiju Aokage, Mitsuo Satake, Masahiko Kusumoto, Takaaki Tsuchida, Kenji Eguchi, Masahiro Kaneko and Noriyuki Moriyama : Potential usefulness of a topic model-based categorization of lung cancers as quantitative CT biomarkers for predicting the recurrence risk after curative resection, Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Vol.9035, (号), pp.90352N-1-6, (都市), Feb. 2014.
Hidenobu Suzuki, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Yasutaka Nakano, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Masahiko Kusumoto, Takaaki Tsuchida, Kenji Eguchi, Masahiro Kaneko and Noriyuki Moriyama : Longitudinal follow-up study of smoking-induced emphysema progression in low-dose CT screening of lung cancer, Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Vol.9035, (号), pp.90352M-1-6, (都市), Feb. 2014.
Yasunori Fukuoka, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Keiji Umetani, Yasutaka Nakano, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Noriyuki Moriyama and Harumi Itoh : Microstructure analysis of the pulmonary lung of the secondary lobules by a synchrotron radiation CT,, Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Vol.9035, (号), pp.90352F-1-7, (都市), Feb. 2014.
Noboru Niki, Yoshiki Kawata, Hidenobu Suzuki, Masafumi Harada, Hideki Otsuka, Junji Ueno, Mitsuo Shimada, Tetsuji Takayama, Masahiro Abe, Haruimi Itoh, Kenji Eguchi, Masahiko Kusumoto, Takaaki Tsuchida, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Masashi Takahashi, Yasutaka Nakano, Hiroaki Sakai and Yuichi Takiguchi : Computer-aided diagnosis based on computational anatomical models:Progress overview FY2009-2013, The 5th International Symposium on the Project ``Computational Anatomy'', (巻), (号), pp.39-43, (都市), March 2014.
Jun Fukumoto and Kenji Terada : Motion analysis of an aquarium fish using a Web camera, Proceedings of the 2014 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing(NCSP'14), No.1AM1-3-2, pp.45-48, Honolulu, March 2014.
Daiki Konishi, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Comparison of Poolong Methods in a Deep Neural Network, Proceeding of 2014 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, pp.285-288, Honolulu, March 2014.
Tomoaki Chika, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Personal authentication system by using Kinect, Proceeding of 2014 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, pp.289-292, Honolulu, March 2014.
Akiko Sugiyama, Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Analysis of Driving Behavior Caused by Hiyari-Hatto Event Focusing on Head Motion, Proceeding of 2014 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, pp.705-708, Honolulu, March 2014.
Masayuki Daikoku, Stephen Githinji Karungaru and Kenji Terada : Human Action Recognition using Multi Cameras, Proceedings of the 2014 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing(NCSP'14), No.3AM2-3-1, pp.641-644, Honolulu, March 2014.
Stephen Githinji Karungaru, Kenji Terada and Minoru Fukumi : Vehicle Extraction from Aerial Images Captured using an UAV, Proceedings of the 2014 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing(NCSP'14), pp.313-316, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March 2014.
Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : Stereoscopic model for depth-fused 3-D (DFD) display, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.9011, (号), p.90111L, (都市), March 2014.
Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Atsuhiro Tsunakawa, Junnosuke Kawakami and Shiro Suyama : Principle and recent developments on depth- fused 3D (DFD) display, SPIE DSS, Vol.9117, (号), p.9117-17, Baltimore, April 2014.
Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Keiju Aokage, Masahiko Kusumoto, Takaaki Tsuchida, Mitsuo Satake, Kenji Eguchi, Masahiro Kaneko and Noriyuki Moriyama : Recurrence-free survival prediction of non-small cell lung cancer based on a nonparametric Bayesian analysis of CT histograms, CARS International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, (巻), (号), p.S308, (都市), June 2014.
Ahmed Shawky Maklad, Mikio Matsuhiro, Hidenobu Suzuki, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Mitsuo Satake, Noriyuki Moriyama, Toru Utsunomiya and Mitsuo Shimada : Automatic extraction of abdominal blood vessel through the portal phase of a CT dataset, CARS International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, (巻), (号), pp.S38-S39, (都市), June 2014.
Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Kengo Sato, Syahmi Farhan and Shiro Suyama : Hand-Waving Steganography by Use of a High-Frame-Rate LED Panel, SID 2014 DIGEST, (巻), (号), pp.915-917, San Diego, June 2014.
Aiko Takahashi, Kensuke Inoshita, Yoshimitsu Hama, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : Bit-Error-Rate Performance in Optical 16QAM Recognition with Integrated-Optic Circuit, 17th European Conf. on Integrated Optics and Technical Exhibition / 19th Microoptics Conf.(ECIO-MOC 2014), Nice, No.P028, Nice, June 2014.
Noboru Niki : invited talk CADe and CADx for lung cancer CT images, CARS International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, (巻), (号), (頁), Fukuoka, June 2014.
Haruki Mizushina and Hiroshi Ando : Relationship between maximum screen disparity for viewing stereoscopic images without discomfort and individual variation in visual function, APCV 2014 (10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision), i-Perception, Vol.5, No.4, p.259, Takamatsu, July 2014.
Rina Ando, Hiroki Kishikawa, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : Format conversion from QPSK to BPSK using wavelength-shift-free FWM and interference, Optoelectronics and Communication Conference (OECC2014) / Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT2014), Melbourne, No.TUPS1-8, pp.440-441, Melbourne, July 2014.
Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Yuka Tomiyama and Shiro Suyama : Directivity of floating LED formed with aerial imaging by retro-reflection (AIRR), Digital Holography & 3-D Imaging, (巻), (号), p.DW4B.6, Washington, D.C., July 2014.
Ryousuke Kujime, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Bidirectional Visual and Thermal 3D Information Display by Use Crossed-Mirror Array, OSA Technical Digest, Seattle, July 2014.
Shin-ichiro Yanagiya, Saki Honjo, Kana Horiuchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Shuichi Hashimoto and Nobuo Goto : Fabrication of Bead Probe AFM Cantilever Modified with Gold Nanoparticles for Photothermal Processing, IEEE NANO 2014, No.TuDPS13, pp.396-397, Toronto, Aug. 2014.
Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato and Minoru Fukumi : Driver Body Information Analysis with Near-miss Events, Proceedings of AMBIENT 2014: The Fourth International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies, pp.43-46, Rome, Aug. 2014.
Risa Tanimoto, Takafumi Kurokawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : Suppression of ghost 3-D image and luminance calibration for multi-focal-lens volumetric 3-D display, The 14th International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2014), p.37-4, Daegu, Aug. 2014.
Akinori Tuji, Kengo Sato, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : Development of Smart LED Tiles for Scalable and Real-time Large Display, IMID 2014, (号), p.29, Daegu, Aug. 2014.
Yuka Tomiyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : LED aerial-image size dependence on floating distance by Retro-Reflection, The 14th International Meeting on Information Display, (巻), (号), p.6-1, Daegu, Aug. 2014.
Shintaro Yamada, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Idaku Ishii : Motion direction dependence of perceived depth by monocular motion parallax, iMiD'14, Daegu, Aug. 2014.
Ryousuke Kujime, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Crossed-mirror array configuration with one-side mirrors for four-view aerial LED signage, IMID 2014, p.6-4, Daegu, Aug. 2014.
Tsuji Akinori, Kengo Sato, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Development of Smart LED Tiles for Scalable and Real-Time Large Display, IMID 2014, (巻), (号), p.6-3, Daegu, Aug. 2014.
Fumito Kimura, Takuya Yamamoto, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : Dynamic wavefront changes in high-speed LC prism by using LED flashing, IMID 2014, (巻), (号), p.P1-88, Daegu, Aug. 2014.
Yuka Tomiyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : Comparison of retroreflective elements directivity of aerial imaging by retroreflection (AIRR), JSAP-OSA Joint Symposium 2014, (巻), (号), p.18-114, Sapporo, Sep. 2014.
Ryousuke Kujime, Kouhei Miyamoto, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : System of crossed-mirror array to converge illumination light for culturing chlorella, JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2014, pp.20p--C4-3, Sapporo, Sep. 2014.
Shang Ke, Stephen Githinji Karungaru, Feng Zuren, Ke Liangjun and Kenji Terada : A GA - ACO Hybrid Algorithm for the Multi - UAV Mission Planning Problem, Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Communication s and Information Technologies(ISCIT2014), No.R3-B-3, Incheon, Sep. 2014.
Zhang Peng, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Development of EOG Mouse Using Learning Vector Quantization, Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2014, pp.38-43, Kitakyushu, Sep. 2014.
Takako Ikuno, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Lost Property Detection by Genetic Algorithm with Local Search, Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2014, pp.245-249, Kitakyushu, Sep. 2014.
Yutaka Kameda, Minoru Fukumi and Koji Kashihara : Development of a Healthcare Monitoring System Based on Pulse Wave Analysis, Proceedings of 2014 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2014), pp.44-46, Tokyo, Oct. 2014.
Misaki Takahashi, Hiroki Kishikawa, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : All-Optical Switching with Cascaded Two-Stage MZIs Using Saturable Absorption Accompanied by Refractive-Index Change in Graphene, IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC2014), San Diego, Vol.ThB1.3, San Diego, Oct. 2014.
Mitsuharu Mihara, Yui Shinohara, Hiroki Kishikawa, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : Modulation Format Conversion from BPSK to QPSK Using Delayed Interferometer and Pulse Shaping Filter, IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC2014), San Diego, Vol.MD2.5, San Diego, Oct. 2014.
Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Yuka Tomiyama and Shiro Suyama : Multi-layered floating display by use of retro-reflector, IWH (International Workshop on Holography and Related Technologies) 2014 Digest, (巻), (号), pp.34-35, Beijing, Oct. 2014.
Ryousuke Kujime, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Viewing angle of aerial image by use crossed-mirror array, IWH (International Workshop on Holography and Related Technologies) 2014 Digest, No.16p06, pp.86-87, Beijing, Oct. 2014.
Aiko Takahashi, Shin-ichiro Yanagiya and Nobuo Goto : Viscoelasticity of Corneocytes in Aqueous Solution, Abstracts book of ISSS-7, p.4PN-93, Matsue, Nov. 2014.
Kosuke Takeuchi, Shin-ichiro Yanagiya and Nobuo Goto : Growth and optical properties of PbS crystals, Abstracts book of ISSS-7, p.4PN-93, Matsue, Nov. 2014.
Risa Tanimoto, Takafumi Kurokawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : Floating depth-fused 3D image using multi-focal lens 3D system for image data reduction, International Display Workshops 2014 (IDW'14), Vol.21, pp.898-901, Niigata, Dec. 2014.
Tomoki Soumiya, Hidenori Kuribayashi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : Wide Viewing Zone by Dynamic Head Movement in Edge-Based DFD Display, Proc. of The International Display Workshops, Vol.21, pp.902-905, Niigata, Dec. 2014.
Shintaro Yamada, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Idaku Ishii : Perceived depth degradation by delay time and discontinuous image flipping in monocular motion parallax display, IDW'14, pp.910-913, Niigata, Dec. 2014.
Ryousuke Kujime, Kouhei Miyamoto, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Crossed-Mirror Array (CMA) converges sound wave in 3D space, IDW'14, pp.3Dp1-7, Niigata, Dec. 2014.
Kengo Sato, Akinori Tuji, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Development of column-parallel LED screen with flexible shape, Proc. of The International Display Workshops, Vol.21, (号), pp.1139-1142, Niigata, Dec. 2014.
Yuka Tomiyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : Fabrication of special glass-beads retroreflector for AIRR, The 21th International Display Workshops (IDW'14), Vol.21, (号), pp.395-398, Niigata, Dec. 2014.
Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : Floating Digital Signage Based on Aerial Imaging Techniques, Proc. IDW, (巻), (号), p.3D2-2, Niigata, Dec. 2014.
Stephen Githinji Karungaru, Minoru Fukumi and Kenji Terada : Human Action Recognition using Normalized Cone Histogram Features, Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (CIMSIVP 2014), (巻), (号), pp.12-16, Florida, Dec. 2014.
Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Yasui Masahiro, Alvissalim Sakti M., Takahashi Masashi, Yuka Tomiyama, Shiro Suyama and Masatoshi Ishikawa : Floating display screen formed by AIRR (Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection) for interaction in 3D space, Proc. 2014 International Conference on 3D Imaging (IC3D 2014), Vol.Paper 40, (号), pp.1-5, Belgium, Dec. 2014.
Masayuki Daikoku, Stephen Githinji Karungaru and Kenji Terada : Indoor Human Action Recognition using Multi Camera, Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia, Signal and Vision Processing (CIMSIVP'14), No.Wed-S1B8-4, Florida, Dec. 2014.
Junpei Yamamoto, Stephen Githinji Karungaru and Kenji Terada : Road Surface Marking Recognition Using Neural Network, Proceedings of the2014 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration(SII2014), No.SuA1C.5, Tokyo, Dec. 2014.
Yukiko Yoshida, Shiro Suyama, 石井 抱 and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Observation of Vibrating Object by Interference Fringe Projection and Lens-Tilt Imaging, (誌名), (巻), (号), pp.102-103, Okinawa, Dec. 2014.
Risa Tanimoto, Takafumi Kurokawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : The multifocal lens system be adapted to the depth fused 3D display, The Fourth Japan-Korea Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics, Okinawa, Dec. 2014.
Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Ryousuke Kujime and Shiro Suyama : Aerial Display of Light, Heat, and Sound, Proc. of DHIP2014 (The Fourth Japan-Korea Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics), (巻), (号), pp.48-49, Okinawa, Dec. 2014.
Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Ryousuke Kujime and Shiro Suyama : Aerial Display of Light, Heat, and Sound, Proc. of DHIP2014 (The Fourth Japan-Korea Workshop on Digital Holography, (巻), (号), pp.48-49, Okinawa, Dec. 2014.
Kazuo Noma, Hidenobu Suzuki, M Miyazaki, Mikio Matsuhiro, Yoshiki Kawata, Hiroaki Sakai, Yasutaka Nakano and Noboru Niki : Assessing respiration-induced lobe volume change and emphysematous lesions using four-dimensional CT for radiotherapy of lung cancer, Joint Conference of IWAIT and IFMIA 2015, (巻), (号), p.PS.1-416, (都市), Jan. 2015.
Takako Ikuno, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Object Search by Template Matching using Genetic Algorithm and Random Search, Proceeding of the 2015 Joint Conference of the International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT) and the International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA), No.OS.25, pp.1-4, Tainan, Jan. 2015.
Suginohara Hidetsugu, Sakamoto Hirotaka, Yamanaka Satoshi, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Multi-layer 3D imaging using multiple viewpoint images and depth map, 2015 Electronic Imaging, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVI, (巻), (号), p.9391-37, San Francisco, Feb. 2015.
Noboru Niki, Yoshiki Kawata, Hidenobu Suzuki, Mitsuo Shimada, Masafumi Harada, Issei Imoto, Masahiro Abe, Keiji Umetani, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Genichirou Ishii, Gen Iinuma, Keiju Aokage, Yuji Matsumoto, Yasutaka Nakano, Michiaki Mishima and Hiroaki Sakai : Cancer diagnosis and prognosis assistance based on multidisciplinary computational anatomy -Plan of five years and progress overview FY2014-, he First International Symposium on the Project ``Multidisciplinary Computational Anatomy'', (巻), (号), pp.40-44, Fukuoka, Feb. 2015.
Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Keiju Aokage, Masahiko Kusumoto, Takaaki Tsuchida, Kenji Eguchi and Masahiro Kaneko : Nonlinear dimensionality reduction of CT histogram based feature space for predicting recurrence-free survival in non-small-cell lung cancer, Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Vol.9414, (号), pp.94141N1-7, (都市), Feb. 2015.
Hidenobu Suzuki, Ryuji Mizuguchi, Mikio Matsuhiro, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Yasutaka Nakano, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Masahiko Kusumoto, Takaaki Tsuchida, Kenji Eguchi, Masahiro Kaneko and Noriyuki Moriyama : Quantitative assessment of smoking-induced emphysema progression in longitudinal CT screening for lung cancer, Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Vol.9414, (号), pp.94142O-1-6, (都市), Feb. 2015.
Mikio Matsuhiro, Hidenobu Suzuki, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Yasutaka Nakano, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Masahiko Kusumoto, Takaaki Tsuchida, Kenji Eguchi and Masahiro Kaneko : Peripleural lung disease detection based on multi-slice CT images, Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Vol.9414, (号), pp.94142W-1-6, (都市), Feb. 2015.
Yoshitaka Tokumoto, Kouichi Minami, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Keiji Umetani, Yasutaka Nakano, Hiroaki Sakai, Hironobu Ohmatsu and Harumi Itoh : Microstructure analysis of the pulmonary acinus using a synchrotron radiation CT, Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Vol.9417, (号), pp.94172P-1-7, (都市), Feb. 2015.
Yamazaki Yusaku, Kenji Terada and Stephen Githinji Karungaru : Input Interface using Air Character Recognition, Proceedings of the 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing(NCSP'15), No.28PM2-1-1, Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 2015.
Shuhei Koyanagi, Kenji Terada and Stephen Githinji Karungaru : Elderly Monitoring System using Surveillance Cameras, Proceedings of the 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing(NCSP'15), No.1AM1-1-4, Kuala Lumpur, March 2015.
Taito Mori, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Analysis of Driver's Eye-gaze Movements at Near-miss Events, Proceeding of the 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), (号), pp.330-333, Kuala Lumpur, March 2015.
Koji Miyai, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Fundamental study for driving scene classification using Bag of Keypoints, Proceeding of the 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), (号), pp.342-345, Kuala Lumpur, March 2015.
Takuma Ogawa, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Detection of Abandoned Object by Pan-Tilt Camera, Proceeding of the 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), (号), pp.278-281, Kuala Lumpur, March 2015.
Nao Tsuzuki, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi : A Method to Detect Uncomfortable Feeling of Listeners by Biological Information, Proceeding of the 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), (号), pp.481-484, Kuala Lumpur, March 2015.
Daiki Hiraoka, Minoru Fukumi and Koji Kashihara : Estimation of physical burden in daily living activity by wearable sensors, Proceeding of the 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), (号), pp.473-476, Kuala Lumpur, March 2015.
Stephen Githinji Karungaru : Feature Extraction from Wearable Sensors for Human Action Recognition, Proc. of 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing, (巻), (号), pp.131-134, KuaLa Lumpur, March 2015.
Rina Ando, Hiroki Kishikawa, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : Modulation Format Conversion from QPSK to BPSK Using Four-Wave-Mixing for Elastic Optical Networking, International Forum on Advanced Technologies (IFAT2015), Tokushima, Vol.P12, Tokushima, March 2015.
Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Feeling Evaluation Detection for Auto-skip Music using EEG Analysis Technique, International workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2015), Vol.IS3-2-3, pp.1-4, Nagoya, March 2015.
Nozomi Maitani, Kenji Terada and Stephen Githinji Karungaru : Tire Cracks Detection using Image Processing, Proceedings of the first IEEJ international workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion CONtrol(SAMCON2015), No.TT1-2-3, Nagoya, March 2015.
Noboru Niki : CADe/CADx for multi-disease thoracic CT images, The 54th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, (巻), (号), p.IS1-4, Nagoya Congress Center, May 2015.
Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Method to Detect Impression Evaluation Patterns on Music Listened to Using EEG Analysis Technique, The 10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2015), (号), pp.1848-1853, Kota Kinabalu, May 2015.
Takahide Funabashi, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : On-line Recognition of Finger Motions Using Wrist EMG and Simple-PCA, Proc. of Asian Control Conference 2015 (ASCC'2015),, (号), pp.2182-2186, Kota Kinabalu, June 2015.
Stephen Githinji Karungaru : Human Action Recognition using Wearable Sensors and Neural Networks, Proc. of 2015 ASCC Emerging Control Techniques for a Sustainable World, (巻), (号), (頁), Kota Kitabalu, June 2015.
Rakkappan Balasubramanian, Yasumitsu Miyazaki and Nobuo Goto : FDTD Analysis of Optical Functional Characteristics of Transverse A-O Waveguide Using SAW, 15th Int. Symp. on Microwave and Optical Technology (ISMOT2015), Dresden, pp.94-97, Dresden, July 2015.
Daiki Hiraoka, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Hand Motion Discrimination by Support Vector Machine Based on Electromyography of Wrist, Proceeding of the 2015 International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, (号), pp.358-366, Sapporo, July 2015.
Ryo Hada, Kenji Terada and Stephen Githinji Karungaru : 3-Dimensional Space Modeling using Kinect, Proceedings of the 34th Chinese Control Conference and SICE Annual Conference2015(CCC&SICE2015), No.WeC01-7, Handzhou, China, July 2015.
Kazuki Yoshioka, Shingo Nishiyama, Haruki Mizushina and Shiro Suyama : Arc DFD (Depth-fused 3D) Display by fuing Arc DFD Display and DFD Display, IMID2015, p.74, Daegu, Aug. 2015.
Hironori Nakamura, Ryousuke Kujime, Haruki Mizushina, Teppei Kobayashi and Shiro Suyama : Aperture Size Dependence in Crossed Mirror Array for Converging Ultrasonic Wave, IMID2015, p.272, Daegu, Aug. 2015.
Kazuya Oko, Shintaro Yamada, Haruki Mizushina and Shiro Suyama : Perceived depth by monocular motion parallax in passive head movement, IMID2015, p.32-5, Daegu, Aug. 2015.
Shingo Nishiyama, Haruki Mizushina and Shiro Suyama : New Arc 3D display for changing various 3D images., IMID2015, p.265, Daegu, Aug. 2015.
Ryosuke Ozaki, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama : Stereoscopic display with radial parallax barrier, IMID2015, (巻), (号), p.237, Daegu, Aug. 2015.
Naoto Fujiwara and Shiro Suyama : Liquid-crystal device scattering characteristics for switchable arc 3D display, IMID2015, (巻), (号), p.238, Daegu, Aug. 2015.
Ryousuke Kujime, Nakamura Hironori, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Wave form of converged sound by Crossed-mirror array, IMID2015, (巻), (号), p.523, Daegu, Aug. 2015.
Ryousuke Kujime, Haruki Mizushina, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Converging light, thermal and sound wave by 2 types crossed mirror array, JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2015, p.04-116, Nagoya, Sep. 2015.
Keiji Umetani, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki and Harumi Itoh : Development of 36M-pixel micro-CT using digital single-lens reflex camera, IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, (巻), (号), pp.11-15, (都市), Sep. 2015.
Haruki Mizushina and Hiroshi Ando : Individual difference in comfort range of stereoscopic screen disparity and its relationship with visual function, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium of Visual Image Safety (VIMS 2015), pp.31-32, Tokyo, Sep. 2015.
Takahiro Kamidai, Kenta Takase, Hiroki Kishikawa, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : Proposal of Optical Flip-Flop Operation between Two Phase States with a Single SOA and a Feedback Loop, Photonics in Switching 2015 (PS2015), Florence, Italy, No.Poster.6, pp.220-222, Florence, Sep. 2015.
Hiroshi Masuoka, Yuta Maruo, Hiroki Kishikawa, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : Autonomous Optical Buffer System for Synchronous Packets with Priority Control, Photonics in Switching 2015 (PS2015), Florence, Italy, No.Poster.4, pp.214-216, (都市), Sep. 2015.
Hiroki Kishikawa and Nobuo Goto : Optical Switch With Cascaded Two-Stage Mach-Zehnder Interferometers Using Optical Signal Amplitude and Phase Control, Photonics in Switching 2015 (PS2015), Florence, Italy, No.Poster.5, pp.217-219, Florence, Sep. 2015.
Kazuhito Sato, Momoyo Ito, Hirokazu Madokoro and Sakura Kadowaki : Facial Part Effects Analysis using Emotion-evoking Videos: Smile Expression, Proceedings of The Tenth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, pp.30-39, St. Julians, Malta, Oct. 2015.
Hisatomo Matsumura, Shin-ichiro Yanagiya, Hiroki Kishikawa and Nobuo Goto : Microscopic Raman spectroscopy of graphene enhanced by gold nanoparticles and micro glass bead, MOC15 Technical Digest, pp.120-121, Hakata, Oct. 2015.
Shu Tamura, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Method to Evaluate Similarity of Music by Music Features, 42st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2015), (巻), (号), pp.2574-2577, Yokohama, Nov. 2015.
Hisatomo Matsumura, Shin-ichiro Yanagiya, Hiroki Kishikawa and Nobuo Goto : Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Graphene by Gold Nanoparticles with Micro Beads, MNC2015 Program, (頁), Toyama, Nov. 2015.
Rina Ando, Hiroki Kishikawa, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : Noise Tolerance in Modulation Format Conversion from QPSK to BPSK Using Four-Wave-Mixing in Highly Nonlinear Fiber, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP)2015, Hong Kong, (巻), No.ASu4H.4, (頁), Hong Kong, Nov. 2015.
Naho Yoshioka, Rina Ando, Hiroki Kishikawa and Nobuo Goto : Polarization-Diversity All-Optical Modulation Format Conversion from QPSK to BPSK Using FWM, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP)2015, Hong Kong, (巻), No.ASu1E.2, (頁), Hong Kong, Nov. 2015.
Tadashi Kondo, Hiroki Kishikawa and Nobuo Goto : High-Contrast Recognition of QPSK Coded Labels by OpticalWaveguide CircuitWith Nonlinear Thresholders, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP)2015, Hong Kong, No.AM3F.5, (都市), Nov. 2015.
Hanayo Fujimoto, Hiroki Kishikawa, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : Dependence of Noise Tolerance on Depth of Learning in BPSK Label Processing Using Complex-Valued Neural-Network, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP)2015, Hong Kong, No.AM3F.6, Hong Kong, Nov. 2015.
Teppei Kobayashi, Akinori Tuji, Haruki Mizushina, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Development of High-speed LED Display System on FPGA, Proc. of The International Display Workshops, Vol.22, pp.1336-1337, Shiga, Dec. 2015.
Kazuki Yoshioka, Shingo Nishiyama, Haruki Mizushina and Shiro Suyama : Wide Vertical Viewing Zone in Arc DFD (Depth-Fused 3D) Display, IDW'15, p.133, Shiga, Dec. 2015.
Kazuya Oko, Shintaro Yamada, Haruki Mizushina and Shiro Suyama : Depth Evaluation from Monocular Motion Parallax by Passive Head Movement with Different Amplitudes, IDW'15, p.3Dp1-5, Shiga, Dec. 2015.
Shingo Nishiyama, Haruki Mizushina and Shiro Suyama : Multi-Image Arc 3D Display with Narrow Scratches by Using Non-Overlapping Method at Cross Points, IDW'15, pp.863-866, Shiga, Dec. 2015.
Ryousuke Kujime, Haruki Mizushina, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : How to converge long wave-length sound by small-aperture crossed-mirror array, IDW'15, pp.859-862, Shiga, Dec. 2015.
Ryosuke Ozaki, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Haruki Mizushina and Shiro Suyama : Stereoscopic display by using a new radial parallax barrier for all surrounding viewpoints, IDW'15, pp.871-874, Shiga, Dec. 2015.
Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Keiju Aokage, Masahiko Kusumoto, Takaaki Tsuchida, Kenji Eguchi and Masahiro Kaneko : Three-dimensional morphological analysis of spiculated pulmonary nodules in thoracic CT images, 1st Asia Oceania Workshop of Pulmonary Functional Imaging combined with 8th Japanese Society of Pulmonary Functional Imaging, (巻), (号), p.P4-1-3, (都市), Jan. 2016.
Hidenobu Suzuki, Mikio Matsuhiro, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Yasutaka Nakano, Masahiko Kusumoto, Takaaki Tsuchida, Kenji Eguchi and Masahiro Kaneko : Computer aided detection system for lung cancer, COPD, and osteoporosis in low-dose CT screening, 1st Asia Oceania Workshop of Pulmonary Functional Imaging combined with 8th Japanese Society of Pulmonary Functional Imaging, (巻), (号), p.4-1, (都市), Jan. 2016.
Mikio Matsuhiro, Hidenobu Suzuki, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Yasutaka Nakano, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Masahiko Kusumoto, Takaaki Tsuchida, Kenji Eguchi and Masahiro Kaneko : Extraction algorithm of bronchi and pulmonary artery and vein using anatomical features based on multi-slice CT images, 1st Asia Oceania Workshop of Pulmonary Functional Imaging combined with 8th Japanese Society of Pulmonary Functional Imaging, (巻), (号), p.P4-2-4, (都市), Jan. 2016.
Ahmed S.Maklad, Mikio Matsuhiro, Hidenobu Suzuki, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Toru Utsunomiya and Mitsuo Shimada : Automatic bone of torso segmentation using contrast enhanced CT, 1st Asia Oceania Workshop of Pulmonary Functional Imaging combined with 8th Japanese Society of Pulmonary Functional Imaging, (巻), (号), p.P7-2-4, (都市), Jan. 2016.
Kouichi Minami, Kouki Maeda, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Keiji Umetani, Yasutaka Nakano, Hiroaki Sakai, Hironobu Ohmatsu and Harumi Itoh : Analysis of the microstructure of the secondary pulmonary lobules by a synchrotron radiation CT, 1st Asia Oceania Workshop of Pulmonary Functional Imaging combined with 8th Japanese Society of Pulmonary Functional Imaging, (巻), (号), p.P3-4-4, (都市), Jan. 2016.
Kazuya Yoneda, Mikio Matsuhiro, Hidenobu Suzuki, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Yasutaka Nakano, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Masahiko Kusumoto, Takaaki Tsuchida, Kenji Eguchi and Masahiro Kaneko : Computer-aided diagnosis for osteoporosis using chest 3D CT images, 1st Asia Oceania Workshop of Pulmonary Functional Imaging combined with 8th Japanese Society of Pulmonary Functional Imaging, (巻), (号), p.P4-1-4, (都市), Jan. 2016.
Kouji Shimada, Mikio Matsuhiro, Hidenobu Suzuki, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Yasutaka Nakano, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Masahiko Kusumoto, Takaaki Tsuchida, Kenji Eguchi and Masahiro Kaneko : Longitudinal follow-up study of smoking-induced emphysema progressing using low-dose CT screening, 1st Asia Oceania Workshop of Pulmonary Functional Imaging combined with 8th Japanese Society of Pulmonary Functional Imaging, (巻), (号), p.P3-1-4, (都市), Jan. 2016.
Kaori Fujisawa, Mikio Matsuhiro, Hidenobu Suzuki, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Toshihiko Sugiura, Nobuhiro Tanabe, Yuuichi Takiguchi and Kouichirou Tatsumi : Quantitative analysis of thrombosis using CT images, 1st Asia Oceania Workshop of Pulmonary Functional Imaging combined with 8th Japanese Society of Pulmonary Functional Imaging, (巻), (号), p.P1-4, (都市), Jan. 2016.
Noboru Niki : [invited talk] Lung CAD, 1st Asia Oceania Workshop of Pulmonary Functional Imaging combined with 8th Japanese Society of Pulmonary Functional Imaging, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), Jan. 2016.
Noboru Niki : [invited talk] Lung 3D micro analysis using synchrotron radiation CT, 1st Asia Oceania Workshop of Pulmonary Functional Imaging combined with 8th Japanese Society of Pulmonary Functional Imaging, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), Jan. 2016.
Daiki Hiraoka, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Japanese Janken Recognition by Support Vector Machine Based on Electromyogram of Wrist, Proceeding of the 2016 8th International COnference on Knowlodge and Smart Technology, (号), pp.114-119, Chiang Mai, Feb. 2016.
Takuma Ogawa, Daiki Hiraoka, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Improvement in Detection of Abandoned Object by Pan-tilt Camera, Proceeding of the 2016 8th International COnference on Knowlodge and Smart Technology, (号), pp.152-157, Chiang Mai, Feb. 2016.
Noboru Niki, Yoshiki Kawata, Hidenobu Suzuki, Mitsuo Shimada, Masafumi Harada, Issei Imoto, Masahiro Abe, Keiji Umetani, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Genichirou Ishii, Gen Iinuma, Keiji Aokage, Yuuji Matsumoto, Yasutaka Nakano, Michiaki Mishima and Hiroaki Sakai : Cancer diagnosis and prognosis assistance based on multidisciplinary computational anatomy - Progress Overview FY2015 -, The 2nd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Computational Anatomy, (巻), (号), pp.83-89, (都市), Feb. 2016.
Takeshi Yasui, Eiji Hase, Shuji Miyamoto, Yi-Da Hsieh, Takeo Minamikawa and Hirotsugu Yamamoto : Scan-less, line-field confocal microscopy by combination of wavelength/space conversion with dual optical comb, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.9720, (号), p.972006, San Francisco, Feb. 2016.
Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Keiju Aokage, Masahiko Kusumoto, Takaaki Tsuchida, Kenji Eguchi and Masahiro Kaneko : Preliminary study of visualizing membrane structures of spiculated pulmonary nodules in three-dimensional thoracic CT images, Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Vol.9788, (号), pp.978819-1-6, Town & Country Resort and Convention Center (San Diego, California, USA), Feb. 2016.
Hidenobu Suzuki, Mikio Matsuhiro, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Katsuya Katou, Takumi Kishimoto and Kazuto Ashizawa : Computer aided diagnosis for severity assessment of pneumoconiosis using CT images, Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Vol.9785, (号), pp.978531-1-6, Town & Country Resort and Convention Center (San Diego, California, USA), Feb. 2016.
Kouichi Minami, Kouki Maeda, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Keiji Umetani, Yasutaka Nakano, Hiroaki Sakai, Hironobu Ohmatsu and Harumi Itoh : Microstructure analysis of the pulmonary acinus by a synchrotron radiation CT, Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Vol.9783, (号), pp.978355-1-6, Town & Country Resort and Convention Center (San Diego, California, USA), Feb. 2016.
Kazuya Yoneda, Mikio Matsuhiro, Hidenobu Suzuki, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Yasutaka Nakano, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Masahiko Kusumoto, Takaaki Tsuchida, Kenji Eguchi and Masahiro Kaneko : Computer-aided diagnosis for osteoporosis using chest 3D CT images, Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Vol.9785, (号), pp.97853A-1-6, Town & Country Resort and Convention Center (San Diego, California, USA), Feb. 2016.
Tseng Ching-Hsuan, Yu Yilin, Liaw Shien-Kuei, Hiroki Kishikawa and Shen Yulin : High-Power Hybrid EDFA/EYDFA Amplifiers, 2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on Photonics (ICP2016), No.Amp-1, (都市), March 2016.
Rina Ando, Hiroki Kishikawa, Nobuo Goto and Shin-ichiro Yanagiya : All-optical modulation format conversion from QPSK to two BPSK tributaries using four-wave-mixing in semiconductor optical amplifier, International Forum on Advanced Technologies (IFAT2016), Tokushima, Vol.P1-05, (頁), Tokushima, March 2016.
Shien-Kuei Liaw, Yi-lin Yu, Chai-Wen Lin, Hiroki Kishikawa, Mao Okada, Kazuto Takahashi and Nobuo Goto : Multi-Parameter Sensing using Optical Amplifier Based Fiber Laser Array (invited), International Forum on Advanced Technologies (IFAT2016), Tokushima, Vol.I5-2, (頁), Tokushima, March 2016.
Po-Jun Chen, Shien-Kuei Liaw, Jiun-Woei Huang, Hiroki Kishikawa and Nobuo Goto : Measurement and Evaluation of Fiber Optics Modules, International Forum on Advanced Technologies (IFAT2016), Tokushima, Vol.P2-07, (号), (頁), Tokushima, March 2016.
Hisatomo Matsumura, Shin-ichiro Yanagiya, Nobuo Goto, Hiroki Kishikawa, Masao Nagase, Akihiro Furube and Hsu Shih-Hsiang : SERS study of gold nanoparticles deposited on graphene epitaxially grown on SiC, International Forum on Advanced Technologies (IFAT2016), Tokushima, Vol.P2-20, (頁), Tokushima, March 2016.
Kai-Ming Chen, Yi-Lin Yu, Shien-Kuei Liaw, Zhang-Kuan Lee, Yin-Wen Lee and Nobuo Goto : BER and Q Factor Evaluation of Narrow-Linewidth Fiber Ring Laser, 2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on Photonics (ICP2016), Vol.Las-7, Sarawak, Malaysia, March 2016.
山岸 貴俊, 中野 主久, 寺田 賢治 : 煙検出装置, 特願2009-061811 (2009年3月), 特開2010-218046 (2010年9月), 特許第5286113号 (2013年6月).
山岸 貴俊, 中野 主久, 寺田 賢治 : 火災検出システム, 特願2009-086267 (2009年3月), 特開2010-238028 (2010年10月), 特許第5356094号 (2013年9月).
山岸 貴俊, 中野 主久, 寺田 賢治 : 煙検出装置, 特願2009-086277 (2009年3月), 特開2010-238032 (2010年10月), 特許第5518359号 (2014年4月).
山岸 貴俊, 中野 主久, 寺田 賢治 : 煙検出装置, 特願200910178153.4 (2009年10月), (開示), 特許第ZL200910178153.4号 (2014年1月).
山岸 貴俊, 中野 主久, 寺田 賢治 : 煙検出装置, 特願200910178153.4 (2009年10月), (開示), 特許第ZL200910178153.4号 (2014年1月).
山岸 貴俊, 中野 主久, 寺田 賢治 : Smoke detectiong apparatus, 特願European Patent/12151604.1 (2009年10月), (開示), 特許第2461300号 (2014年11月).
山岸 貴俊, 中野 主久, 寺田 賢治 : 煙検出装置, 特願2010-082658 (2010年3月), 特開2011-215806 (2011年10月), 特許第5302926号 (2013年6月).
山岸 貴俊, 中野 主久, 寺田 賢治 : 煙検出装置, 特願2010-082683 (2010年3月), 特開2011-215809 (2011年10月), 特許第5309069号 (2013年7月).
山岸 貴俊, 中野 主久, 寺田 賢治 : 煙検出装置, 特願2010-082651 (2010年3月), 特開2011-215804 (2011年10月), 特許第5356302号 (2013年9月).
寺田 賢治, 中野 昭雄 : 虫の画像処理装置,画像処理方法,画像処理プログラム及びコンピュータで読み取り可能な記憶媒体, 特願2011-023370 (2011年2月), 特開2012-161269 (2012年8月), 特許第5812321号 (2015年10月).
後藤 仁, 丸橋 美由紀, 長尾 綾子, 平岡 忠志, 寺田 賢治, 服部 宏祐 : 検出対象物の測定方法, 特願2012-187102 (2012年8月), 特開2014-044135 (2014年3月), (番号) ((年月日)).
遠藤 義英, 中野 主久, 寺田 賢治 : 煙検出装置, 特願2012-255194 (2012年11月), 特開2014-102736 (2014年6月), (番号) ((年月日)).
松本 吉雄, 美山 和宏, 寺田 賢治, 高橋 聡一郎 : 捕獲虫類の同定方法及び同定システム, 特願2013-11244 (2013年1月), 特開2014-142833 (2014年8月), 特許第5690856号 (2015年2月).
大志茂 純, 寺田 賢治, 中野 昭雄 : 画像読取方法,画像抽出方法,透明シート及び画像読取装置, 特願2013-059017 (2013年3月), 特開2014-183744 (2014年10月), (番号) ((年月日)).
岩藤 那留, 遠藤 義英, 寺田 賢治 : 炎検出装置および炎検出候補領域特定方法, 特願2013-250810 (2013年12月), 特開2015-108917 (2015年6月), (番号) ((年月日)).
岩藤 那留, 遠藤 義英, 寺田 賢治 : 炎検出装置および炎検出方法, 特願2013-250824 (2013年12月), 特開2015-108919 (2015年6月), (番号) ((年月日)).
岩藤 那留, 遠藤 義英, 寺田 賢治 : 炎検出装置および炎検出方法, 特願2013-250830 (2013年12月), 特開2015-108919 (2015年6月), (番号) ((年月日)).
岩藤 那留, 遠藤 義英, 寺田 賢治 : 炎検出装置および炎検出方法, 特願2013-250838 (2013年12月), 特開2015-108920 (2015年6月), (番号) ((年月日)).
岩藤 那留, 遠藤 義英, 寺田 賢治 : 炎検出装置および炎検出方法, 特願2013-250846 (2013年12月), 特開2015-108922 (2015年6月), (番号) ((年月日)).
岩藤 那留, 遠藤 義英, 寺田 賢治 : 炎検出装置および炎検出方法, 特願2013-250849 (2013年12月), 特開2015-108924 (2015年6月), (番号) ((年月日)).
荻内 康雄, 梅村 充一, 寺田 賢治 : 移動体追跡装置,移動体追跡方法,移動体追跡システムおよびカメラ, 特願2014-072555 (2014年3月), 特開2015-194911 (2015年11月), (番号) ((年月日)).
荻内 康雄, 梅村 充一, 寺田 賢治 : 移動体追跡装置,移動体追跡方法,移動体追跡システムおよびカメラ, 特願2014-072578 (2014年3月), 特開2015-194915 (2015年11月), (番号) ((年月日)).
中野 主久, 山岸 貴俊, 遠藤 義英, 寺田 賢治 : 層流煙検出装置および層流煙検出方法, 特願2014-075335 (2014年4月), 特開2015-197787 (2015年10月), (番号) ((年月日)).
中野 主久, 山岸 貴俊, 遠藤 義英, 寺田 賢治 : 層流煙検出装置および層流煙検出方法, 特願2014-075340 (2014年4月), 特開2015-197788 (2015年11月), (番号) ((年月日)).
中野 主久, 山岸 貴俊, 遠藤 義英, 寺田 賢治 : 層流煙検出装置および層流煙検出方法, 特願2014-075346 (2014年4月), 特開2015-197789 (2015年11月), (番号) ((年月日)).
岩藤 那留, 遠藤 義英, 寺田 賢治 : 煙検出装置および煙検出方法, 特願2014-244828 (2014年12月), 特開2016-110258 (2016年6月), (番号) ((年月日)).
岩藤 那留, 遠藤 義英, 寺田 賢治 : 煙検出装置および煙検出方法, 特願2014-244833 (2014年12月), 特開2016-110261 (2016年6月), (番号) ((年月日)).
岩藤 那留, 遠藤 義英, 寺田 賢治 : 煙検出装置および煙検出方法, 特願2014-244835 (2014年12月), 特開2016-110262 (2016年6月), (番号) ((年月日)).
岩藤 那留, 遠藤 義英, 寺田 賢治 : 煙検出装置および煙検出方法, 特願2014-244839 (2014年12月), 特開2016-110263 (2016年6月), (番号) ((年月日)).
安井 武史, 岩田 哲郎, 水谷 康弘, 謝 宜達, 長谷 栄治, 山本 裕紹 : 計測装置, 特願2015126427 (2015年6月), (開示), (番号) ((年月日)).
岩藤 那留, 遠藤 義英, 中野 主久, 寺田 賢治 : 炎検出装置および炎検出方法, 特願2015-235628 (2015年12月), (開示), (番号) ((年月日)).
岩藤 那留, 遠藤 義英, 中野 主久, 寺田 賢治 : 炎検出装置および炎検出方法, 特願2015-235641 (2015年12月), (開示), (番号) ((年月日)).
岩藤 那留, 遠藤 義英, 中野 主久, 寺田 賢治 : 炎検出装置および炎検出方法, 特願2015-235647 (2015年12月), (開示), (番号) ((年月日)).
松本 吉雄, 美山 和宏, 寺田 賢治 : 手洗い監視システム, 特願2016-015286 (2016年1月), (開示), (番号) ((年月日)).
仁木 登 : 画像処理装置,画像処理方法,画像処理装置の制御プログラム,記録媒体, (出願), (開示), 特許第2013-205014号 (2013年9月).
II.1.2 計算機システム工学
むだ時間を含む系の制御理論,高周波アナログ集積回路の設計,LSI レイアウト設計に対するCADアルゴリズムの研究, 論理回路の設計と 検査,非線形回路に発生するカオスの解析,集積回路の検査技術, 光信号処理および光通信ネットワーク, システム工学, 次世代動画像符号化標準H.264のVLSI化設計,など.
II.1.2.1 教員組織
(1) 氏名,(2) メールアドレス,(3) 職名・学位,(4) 専門分野,(5) 所属学会(役職名),(6) 社会活動(役職名),(7) 主要研究テーマ,(8) キーワード,(9) 共同研究可能テーマ
(1) 小中 信典, Shinsuke Konaka,
(2) kōņākā (@) ėė ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学)・理学修士・理学士,
(4) 高周波集積回路,
(5) 電子情報通信学会・電子情報通信学会・電子情報通信学会・電子情報通信学会・電子情報通信学会・電子情報通信学会・電子情報通信学会・電子情報通信学会・電子情報通信学会・電子情報通信学会・電子情報通信学会・電子情報通信学会・電子情報通信学会・IEEE・IEEE・IEEE・IEEE・IEEE・IEEE・IEEE (IEEE Shikoku Chapter, Chair)・平成26年度電気関係学会四国支部連合大会 (副委員長)・平成25年度電気関係学会四国支部連合大会 (副委員長)・IEEE (IEEE Shikoku Chapter, Past Chair)・IEEE (IEEE Shikoku Chapter, Past Chair)・応用物理学会,
(6) 徳島電気技術協会・徳島電気技術協会 (会長),
(7) 高周波アナログ集積回路の設計の研究と光通信/ワイヤレスシステムへの応用, 医用工学像処理および音声信号処理の研究,
(8) 高周波LSI設計, 高速バイポーラ/CMOS回路, アナログ集積回路, 内視鏡画像処理, 心音信号処理, 特徴抽出,
(9) 高周波集積回路とその光通信/ワイヤレスシステムへの応用, 医用工学における医療画像処理への応用
(1) 橋爪 正樹, Masaki Hashizume,
(2) tūmė (@) ėė ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) 電子回路工学,
(5) 電子情報通信学会 (査読委員)・IEEE CAS Society・社団法人 エレクトロニクス実装学会・社団法人 エレクトロニクス実装学会 (検査技術委員会委員)・社団法人 エレクトロニクス実装学会 (検査技術委員会委員)・The IEEE Seventh Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing(WRTLT'06)・The IEEE 15th Asian Test Symposium(ATS'06)・The IEEE 14th Asian Test Symposium(ATS'05)・IEEE Asian Test Symposium Sterring Coommittee・IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing Steerring Coommittee・IEEE Asian Test Symposium Sterring Coommittee・IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing Steerring Coommittee・IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing 2012・IEEE Asian Test Symposium 2012・IEEE Asian Test Symposium 2013 (Program Committee Member)・IEEE Asian Test Symposium 2014 (Program Committee Member)・IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing Steerring Coommittee (Steering Committee Member)・IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing 2014 Program Coommittee (Program Committee Member)・IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing 2012・IEEE Asian Test Symposium Steering Committee (Steering Committee Member)・IEEE Asian Test Symposium 2015 (Program Committee Member)・IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing Steerring Coommittee (Steering Committee Member)・IEEE Asian Test Symposium Sterring Coommittee (Steering Committee Vice Chair)・IEEE Asian Test Symposium Sterring Coommittee (Steering Committee Vice Chair)・IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing Steerring Coommittee (Steering Committee Member),
(6) ,
(7) CMOS回路の電流テストとその検査回路設計, 論理回路の設計と検査, CMOS回路の欠陥検査法, ミックスドシグナル回路のテスト, プリント基板上の論理回路の電気的検査,
(8) 電流テスト, 検査容易化設計, メモリテスト, アナログ回路テスト, 論理回路, リード浮きテスト,
(9) 論理回路の設計と検査
(1) 久保 智裕, Tomohiro Kubo,
(2) kūbō (@) ėė ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・工学博士,
(4) 制御理論,
(5) 計測自動制御学会 (四国支部顧問, 四国支部副支部長)・システム制御情報学会・電気学会 (論文委員会(C2グループ)委員, 四国支部協議員)・電子情報通信学会・IEEE,
(6) ,
(7) 状態に遅れ型むだ時間を含む系·状態に中立型むだ時間を含む系·入力にむだ時間を含む系におけるメモリーレスフィードバックによる最適レギュレータの構成法に関する研究, 集中定数部分と分布定数部分が結合した構造をもつ系における集中定数部分制御による最適レギュレータの構成法に関する研究,
(8) 線形システム, 制御理論, むだ時間を含む系, 分布定数系, 最適レギュレータ, 極配置,
(9) 線形制御理論
(1) 西尾 芳文, Yoshifumi Nishio,
(2) ņīśhīō (@) ėė ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) 非線形回路工学,
(5) 電子情報通信学会 (非線形理論とその応用サブソサイエティ 運営委員, 非線形問題研究専門委員会 専門委員, 複雑コミュニケーションサイエンス時限研究専門委員会 専門委員, NOLTA, IEICE, Secretary)・IEEE (Circuits and Systems Society, Board of Governor, Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems, Member, Circuits and Systems Society, Shikoku Chapter, Chair, Circuits and Systems Society Newsletter, Associate Editor, Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Associate Editor)・信号処理学会 (Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP) Steering Committee, Chair),
(6) ,
(7) 非線形回路に発生するカオスの解析と応用, 結合発振回路の同期現象の解析, 大規模非線形回路の解析手法の開発, セルラーニューラルネットワークの設計と画像処理への応用, ニューラルネットワーク·アーキテクチャの開発,
(8) 非線形回路, カオス, 結合発振回路, 同期現象, 複雑系, セルラーニューラルネットワーク, 回路設計, 自己組織化写像, ニューロダイナミクス,
(9) カオスの工学的応用に関する研究, カオスを利用したセキュリティ技術に関する研究, 非線形理論を用いた時系列解析に関する研究, セルラーニューラルネットワークを利用した画像処理に関する研究
(1) 高田 篤, Atsushi Takada,
(2) tākāđā (@) ėė ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) 通信工学,
(5) 電子情報通信学会・応用物理学会・IEEE (Technical Program Committee, Optical Amplifiers and Their Applications Topical Meeting, 1999-2001,, Technical Program Committee, Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics (CLEO) , 2004-2005,)・社団法人 レーザー学会 (レーザー学会第19回年次大会 プログラム委員会委員,1999年, レーザー学会第21回年次大会 プログラム委員会委員G部門主査,2001年, レーザー学会第24回年次大会 プログラム委員会委員,2004年, レーザー学会第30回年次大会 プログラム委員会委員,2009年)・応用物理学会・応用物理学会 (光学編集委員会委員)・電子情報通信学会 (2014年度 大会委員),
(6) 光産業技術振興協会・フェムト秒テクノロジー研究機構・2009年度徳島大学エンジニアリングフェスティバル 展示ブース・2009年度徳島大学工学体験大学講座・2013年度工学体験大学講座・2014年度徳島大学エンジニアリングフェスティバル展示ブース,
(7) 光ファイバ伝送技術, フォトニックネットワーク技術,
(8) 光ファイバ, 光伝送, 光増幅,
(9) 光伝送技術
(1) 島本 隆, Takashi Shimamoto,
(2) śīmāmōtō (@) ėė ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) 計算機援用設計,
(5) 電子情報通信学会 (編集顧問会,編集委員, 代議員会, 代議員, 四国支部, 支部委員, ソサイエティ大会,現地実行委員長)・信号処理学会・IEEE,
(6) ,
(7) LSIレイアウト設計に対するCADアルゴリズムの研究, 最適化問題の解法に関する研究, 遺伝的アルゴリズムやニューラルネットワークの応用に関する研究,
(8) LSI, CAD, レイアウト設計, アルゴリズム, 遺伝的アルゴリズム, ニューラルネットワーク,
(9) 上記の研究テーマに関連するもの
(1) 四柳 浩之, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi,
(2) yāņāġī4 (@) ėė ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 准教授・博士(工学),
(4) 計算機工学,
(5) 電子情報通信学会・IEEE,
(6) ,
(7) 順序回路の検査容易化に関する研究, 順序論理回路の簡単化に関する研究, 回路設計用CADに関する研究,
(8) 集積回路の検査技術, VLSI, フォールトトレラントコンピューティング, 設計自動化,
(9) VLSIの検査容易化設計
(1) 大屋 英稔, Hidetoshi Oya,
(2) (電子メール),
(3) 准教授・博士(工学),
(4) 制御工学, 生体信号処理, 生体信号処理, 生体信号処理,
(5) IEEE (査読委員)・電子情報通信学会 (和文論文誌査読委員, 英文論文誌査読委員)・計測自動制御学会 (四国支部庶務幹事)・電気学会 (産業計測制御研究会診断・監視技術の共通基盤に関する協同研究委員会委員長, 産業計測制御技術委員会2号委員, 活動推進員)・International Federation of Automatic Control (Reviewer)・システム制御情報学会・The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (International Program Committee of the 8th International Conf. on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies (CCCT2010) Jointly with the 16th International Conf. on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS 2010) in the Context of the International Multi-Conf. on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics (IMCIC 2010), International Program Committee of the SPRING 4th International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM2010), International Program Committee of the SPRING 9th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies (CCCT2011) Jointly with the 17th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS 2011) in the Context of the 2nd International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics (IMCIC 2011), The 10th International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications(CITSA2013))・The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (International Program Committee of the 31st IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control (MIC 2011), International Program Committee of the Third IASTED Asian Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, The 15th IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications, International Program Committee of the 33rd IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC2014), International Program Committee of the 34th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC2015))・日本機械学会・International Journal of Systems Science (査読委員)・Asian Control Association (査読委員),
(6) 一般社団法人目黒会 (理事),
(7) 適応的ロバスト制御系の構成法, Switched System に対するロバスト制御系設計法と安定性解析, 大規模複合システムに対する分散制御系の構成法, 心肺蘇生中の心電図解析に基づく抽出波形の早期認知システムの開発, 心肺蘇生中の心電図解析に基づく抽出波形の早期認知システムの臨床応用・実用化にむけた検証, ウェーブレット変換に基づく心電図波形の高精度識別システムの構築, 牛の膣内電気抵抗値データ,膣温データ,および体表温データに基づく受精適期判定アルゴリズムの開発,
(8) ロバスト制御, 適応制御, 分散制御, 未知パラメータを含む動的システム, 心電図解析, 除細動, 心肺蘇生, 心電図解析, 除細動, 心肺蘇生, 受精適期判定アルゴリズム, 膣内電気抵抗値, 膣温, 体表温,
(9) 制御系設計, システム解析, 計測信号処理システムの開発, 計測信号処理システムの開発, 生体センシング技術を利用した次世代精密家畜個体管理システムの開発
(1) 宋 天, Tian Song,
(2) tīāņśōņġ (@) ėė ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 准教授・博士(工学),
(4) 動画像圧縮アルゴリズム, VLSI設計,
(5) 電子情報通信学会 (電子情報通信学会四国支部会計幹事)・IEEE,
(6) 徳島電気技術協会 (庶務幹事),
(7) 動画像符号化標準H.264/AVCの最適化アルゴリズムとそのVLSI化設計, 動画像符号化標準HEVCの最適化アルゴリズムとそのVLSI化設計, GPUを用いた動画像符号化アルゴリズムの高速実装手法, スケーラブル動画像符号化アルゴリズム,
(8) VLSI, 動画像, 符号化, 低消費電力, H.264,
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 上手 洋子, Yoko Uwate,
(2) ūwātė (@) ėė ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 講師・博士(工学),
(4) 非線形回路ネットワーク,
(5) 電子情報通信学会・IEEE (Circuits and Systems Society, Board of Governor, Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, Associate Editor, 回路とシステムソサイエティ,四国チャプタ,会計幹事, Circuits and Systems Society, Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems, Member, Circuits and Systems Society, Technical Committee on Neural Systems and Applications)・信号処理学会 (NCSP運営委員会, 運営委員),
(6) ,
(7) ニューラルネットワーク,
(8) カオス, 脳情報処理,
(9) 同期現象,クラスタリング
(1) 岡村 康弘, Yasuhiro Okamura,
(2) ōkāmūŗā (@) ėė ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 助教・博士(工学),
(4) 通信工学,
(5) 電子情報通信学会・社団法人 レーザー学会・Optical Society of America・IEEE・電気関係学会四国支部連合大会 (プログラム編集委員),
(6) ,
(7) コヒーレント光通信技術,
(8) 多値光変調信号, 光信号処理, 光符号分割多重方式, 位相感応型光増幅, ディジタル信号処理, コヒーレント光検出, Green Optical Communications,
(9) 山梨大学
II.1.2.2 研究業績
【著 書】
Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Complex Patterns in a Chain of Coupled Maps Based on a Neuron Model with Space and Time-Varying Couplings, --- Nonlinear Maps and their Applications; Selected Contributions from the NOMA 2011 International Workshop, Clara Gracio, Daniele Fournier-Prunaret, Tetsushi Ueta and Yoshifumi Nishio (Ed.), pp. 155-166 ---, Springer, New York, March 2014.
Clara Gracio, Daniele Fournier-Prunaret, Tetsushi Ueta and Yoshifumi Nishio : Nonlinear Maps and their Applications; Selected Contributions from the NOMA 2011 International Workshop, Springer, New York, March 2014.
Ricardo López-Ruiz, Daniele Fournier-Prunaret, Yoshifumi Nishio and Clara Grácio : Nonlinear Maps and their Applications; Selected Contributions from the NOMA 2013 International Workshop, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, April 2015.
Kazuo Kondo, Morihiro Kada, Kenji Takahashi, Hiroshi Takahashi, Senling Wang, Shuichi Kameyama, Yoshinobu Higami, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Masaki Hashizume, Shyue-Kung Lu, Zvi Roth and et .al : Three-Dimensional Integration of Semiconductors, --- Processing, Materials, and Applications ---, Springer, (都市), Dec. 2015.
Hironori Kumeno, Daniele Fournier-Prunaret, Abdel-Kaddous Taha and Yoshifumi Nishio : Two-Dimensional Coupled Parametrically Forced Map, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.23, No.2, pp.1350031_1-20, 2013.
大屋 英稔, 大畑 謙二, 岡井 貴之, 小原 真佐治, 川上 真一 : 高速道路上の交通規制材監視システムの開発, 電気学会論文誌C (電子,情報,システム部門誌), Vol.133, No.7, 1301-1308頁, 2013年.
Ayana Shimada, Yoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio and Jingmin Xin : Synchronization Phenomena of Two Simple RC Chaotic Circuits Coupled by a Capacitor, Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.17, No.4, pp.99-102, 2013.
Yuji Takamaru, Yoko Uwate, Thomas Ott and Yoshifumi Nishio : Dependence of Clustering Patterns on Density of Chaotic Circuits in Networks, Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.17, No.4, pp.103-106, 2013.
Nagai Shunya and Hidetoshi Oya : Synthesis of Decentralized Variable Gain Robust Controllers for Large-Scale Interconnected Systems with Structured Uncertainties, Journal of Control Science and Engineering, Vol.2014, No.Article ID 848465, 2013.
Takahiro Emoto, Shono Koichi, Udantha R. Abeyratne, Toshiya Okahisa, Hiromi Yano, Masatake Akutagawa, Shinsuke Konaka and Yohsuke Kinouchi : ARMA based spectral bandwidth for evaluation of bowel motility by the analysis of bowel sounds, Physiological Measurement, Vol.34, No.8, pp.925-936, 2013.
Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Hiroyuki Makimoto, Takanobu Nimiya and Masaki Hashizume : On Detecting Delay Faults Using Time-to-Digital Converter Embedded in Boundary Scan, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E96-D, No.9, pp.1986-1993, 2013.
LI Tsu-Lin, Masaki Hashizume and Shyue-Kung LU : An Efficient Test and Repair Flow for Yield Enhancement of One-Time-Programming NROM-Based ROMs, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E96-D, No.9, pp.2026-2030, 2013.
光原 弘幸, 三木 啓司, 角川 隆英, 宮下 純 : 物語分岐と競争を取り入れた実世界Edutainmentシステム, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D), Vol.J96-D, No.10, 2476-2487頁, 2013年.
橋爪 正樹, 小西 朝陽, 四柳 浩之 : 3次元実装IC内ダイ間論理信号線の断線に対する電気テスト用回路, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(C), Vol.J96-C, No.11, 361-370頁, 2013年.
Ishizawa Atsushi, Nishikawa Tadashi, Mizutori Akira, Takara Hidehiko, Atsushi Takada, Sogawa Tetsuomi and Koga Masafumi : Phase-Noise Characteristics of a 25-GHz-Spaced Optical Frequency Comb Based on a Phase- and Intensity-Modulated Laser, Optics Express, Vol.21, No.24, pp.29186-29194, 2013.
Jun Yamashita, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Masaki Hashizume and Kozo Kinoshita : SAT-Based Test Generation for Open Faults Using Fault Excitation Caused by Effect of Adjacent Lines, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E96-A, No.12, pp.2561-2567, 2013.
Yang Yi, Shinsuke Konaka, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto and Qinyu Zhang : Cognitive Engine Design for Cognitive Radio in LTE-Advanced Communication Frame Based on Modified Particle Swarm Optimization, ICIC Express Letters, Vol.8, No.3, pp.843-850, 2014.
Shintaro Arai, Yoshifumi Nishio and Takaya Yamazato : M-Ary Modulation Scheme Based on Separation of Deterministic Chaotic Dynamics for Noncoherent Chaos-Based Communications, Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, Vol.5, No.2, pp.210-221, 2014.
Yuki Shoji, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Polygonal Structure Models of Ring Inhibitory Neural Network, Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.18, No.4, pp.169-172, 2014.
Masaaki Kojima, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Multimode Oscillations in Coupled Oscillators with High-Order Nonlinear Characteristics, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Vol.61, No.9, pp.2653-2662, 2014.
Takahiro Emoto, Masato Kashihara, Udantha R. Abeyratne, Osamu Jinnouchi, Ikuji Kawata, Masatake Akutagawa, Shinsuke Konaka and Yohsuke Kinouchi : Signal shape feature for automatic snore and breathing sounds classification, Physiological Measurement, Vol.35, No.12, pp.2489-2499, 2014.
Songjun Zhang, Guoan Yang, Zhengxing Cheng, Huub van de Wetering, Chihiro Ikuta and Yoshifumi Nishio : A Novel Optimization Design Approach for Contourlet Directional Filter Banks, IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.11, No.17, pp.20140556_1-20140556_11, 2014.
Hidetoshi Oya and Kojiro Hagino : A Design Method of Variable Gain Robust Controllers with Guaranteed Gain Performance for a Class of Uncertain Switched Linear Systems, British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science, Vol.5, No.1, pp.13-27, 2014.
Haruna Matsushita, Yoshifumi Nishio and Chi K. Tse : Network-Structured Particle Swarm Optimizer That Considers Neighborhood Distances and Behaviors, Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.18, No.6, pp.291-302, 2014.
Okano Keizo, Kojiro Hagino and Hidetoshi Oya : Transformation of CLF to ISS-CLF for Nonlinear Systems with Disturbance and Construction of Nonlinear Robust Controller with L2 Gain Performance, Journal of Control Science and Engineering, Vol.2014, pp.1-8(ArticleID527893), 2014.
Keizo Okano, Kojiro Hagino and Hidetoshi Oya : Decreasing the Value of Specified Cost Function by Adaptive Controller Based on Modified ACLF for a Class of Nonlinear Systems, Journal of Control Science and Engineering, Vol.2014, pp.1-8(ArticleID280951), 2014.
Hidetoshi Oya and Yuhei Uehara : LQ Optimal Control-Based Variable Gain Controllers for Linear Systems with Structured Uncertainties and Its Performance Analysis, British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science, Vol.7, No.3, pp.197-208, 2015.
Wen Shi, Xiantao Jiang, Tian Song and Takashi Shimamoto : Edge Detector Based Fast Level Decision Algorithm for Intra Prediction of HEVC, Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.19, No.2, pp.67-73, 2015.
Hidetoshi Oya, Daisuke Yamasaki, Shunya Nagai and Kojiro Hagino : Synthesis of Adaptive Gain Robust Controllers for Polytopic Uncertain Systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol.2015, No.Article ID 854306, 2015.
Shyue-Kung Lu, Tsu-Lin Li, Masaki Hashizume and Jiann-Liang Chen : Address Scrambling and Data Inversion Techniques for Yield Enhancement of NROM-Based ROMs, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.64, No.5, pp.1230-1240, 2015.
Yizhong Liu, Tian Song, Yiqi Zhuang, Takashi Shimamoto and Xiang Li : Compressed Sensing Signal Recovery via Creditability-Estimation Based Matching Pursuit, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E98-A, No.6, pp.1234-1243, 2015.
Leu Jenq-Shiou, Hsu Kun-Che and Tian Song : Enhancing the Presence Service Efficiency of Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem-Based Web Services, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol.85, No.4, pp.2319-2331, 2015.
Wenjun Zhao, Takao Onoye and Tian Song : Hardware Architecture of the Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for H.265/HEVC, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E98.A, No.8, pp.1787-1795, 2015.
Zhao Wenjun, Onoye Takao and Tian Song : Hierarchical staucture based fast mode decision for H.265/HEVC, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol.25, No.10, pp.1651-1664, 2015.
Xiantao Jiang, Tian Song, Takashi Shimamoto, Wen Shi and Lisheng Wang : Spatio-Temporal Prediction Based Algorithm for Parallel Improvement of HEVC, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E98-A, No.11, pp.2229-2237, 2015.
Xiantao Jiang, Tian Song, Takashi Shimamoto, Wen Shi and Lisheng Wang : High Efficiency CU Depth Prediction Algorithm for High Resolution Applications of HEVC, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E98-A, No.12, pp.2528-2536, 2015.
Su KuanWu, Leu JenqShiou, Yu MinChieh, Wu YongTing, Lee EauChung and Tian Song : Design and Implementation of Various File Deduplication Schemes on Storage Devices, Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol.20, No.6, pp.1-11, 2015.
Ryo Nonaka, Takahiro Emoto, Udantha R. Abeyratne, Osamu Jinnouchi, Ikuji Kawata, Hiroki Ohnishi, Masatake Akutagawa, Shinsuke Konaka and Yohsuke Kinouchi : Automatic snore sound extraction from sleep sound recordings via auditory image modeling, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol.27, (号), pp.7-14, 2016.
Yasuhiro Okamura, Masafumi Koga and Atsushi Takada : First demonstration of phase-sensitive gain stabilization by using heterodyne Costas optical phase-locked loop, IEICE Communications Express, Vol.5, No.6, pp.152-157, 2016.
橋爪 正樹 : TSV故障解析・検査法・検査容易化技術, Electronic Journal Archives, No.727, 1-58頁, 2013年7月.
高田 篤, 岡村 康弘, 古賀 正文 : 光パラメトリック増幅と低雑音位相感応光中継増幅, O plus E, Vol.37, No.8, 628-635頁, 2015年8月.
【国際会議 Proceedings】
Masaki Hashizume, Masatake Akutagawa, Shyue-Kung Lu and Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi : Electrical Test Method of Open Defects at Bi-directional Interconnects in 3D ICs, Proceedings of ICEP2013, pp.13-18, Osaka, Japan, April 2013.
Akira Ono, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Masao Takagi and Masaki Hashizume : Open Defect Detection in Assembled PCBs by Supply Current Testing with Electrodes Embedded inside ICs, Proceedings of ICEP2013, pp.451-456, Osaka, Japan, April 2013.
Takuya Inoue, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Genetic Algorithm with Virus Infection for Finding Approximate Solution, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'13), (巻), (号), pp.1604-1607, Beijing, May 2013.
Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Frustrated Synchronization in Two Coupled Polygonal Oscillatory Networks, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'13), (巻), (号), pp.1781-1784, Beijing, May 2013.
Chihiro Ikuta, Yoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio and Guoan Yang : Multi-Layer Perceptron Including Glial Pulse and Switching between Learning and Non-Learning, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'13), (巻), (号), pp.2107-2110, Beijing, May 2013.
Muhammad Izzat bin Mohd Idrus, Yoshihiro Kato, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Image Processing by Three-Layer Cellular Neural Networks with a New Layer Arrangement, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'13), (巻), (号), pp.2315-2318, Beijing, May 2013.
Wenjun Zhao, Takao Onoe and Tian Song : High-Performance Multiplierless Transform Architecture for HEVC, Proceeding of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems(ISCAS'), pp.1668-1671, Beijing, May 2013.
Ishizawa Atsushi, Nishikawa Tadashi, Mizutori Akira, Takara Hidehiko, Atsushi Takada, Sogawa Tetsuomi and Koga Masafumi : Phase Noise Characterization of a 25-GHz-Spaced Optical Frequency Comb from a Phase-Modulated Laser, the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2013, Vol.CTu1I.7, No.1I, p.7, San Jose, June 2013.
Teppei Hoshiyama, Masatake Akutagawa, Mutsumi Aihara, Mario Hayashida, Akira Takahashi, Takahiro Emoto, Shinsuke Konaka and Yohsuke Kinouchi : Gene expression analysis of Vibrio parahaemolyticus for UV irradiation, BioEM2013, (巻), (号), p.94, Thessaloniki, June 2013.
Yasuhiro Okamura, Osamu Iijima, Satoshi Shimizu, Naoya Wada and Masanori Hanawa : Simultaneous detection of 10-Gbit/s QPSK x 4-channel FE-SOCDM signals, 18th Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2013), Kyoto, July 2013.
Osamu Iijima, Yasuhiro Okamura and Masanori Hanawa : Digital Compensation of Phase and Wavelength Errors in FBG Encoders for FE-SOCDM system, 18th Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2013), Kyoto, July 2013.
Hiroshi Mizukami, Yasuhiro Okamura and Masanori Hanawa : Self-homodyne Detection of Phase Modulated Signals using Quadrature-phase-modulated and Polarization-multiplexed Pilot Carrier, 18th Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2013), Kyoto, July 2013.
Sakai Yuya, Sugamoto Masamichi, Nakatani Eiki, Mizutori Akira, Atsushi Takada and Koga Masahumi : Experiment on Phase Sensitive Amplification of BPSK Signal Using Phase-lock Costas Loop Circuit, The 18th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Vol.TuPR-7, No.TuPR, p.7, Kyoto, July 2013.
Naruno Fujii, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Masaki Bandai, Mamoru Tanaka and Yoshifumi Nishio : Sound Creation Based on Nonlinear Cell Circuits, Proceedings of International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES'13), (巻), (号), p.6, Bari, July 2013.
Saori Fujioka, Yang Yang, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Synchronization and Wave Phenomena in Coupled Simultaneous Oscillators, Proceedings of International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES'13), (巻), (号), p.7, Bari, July 2013.
Yuta Yokoyama, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Investigation of Characteristics of Multi-Layer Perceptron with Neurogenesis, Proceedings of International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES'13), (巻), (号), p.41, Bari, July 2013.
Chihiro Ikuta, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Investigation of Four-Layer Multi-Layer Perceptron with Glia Connections of Hidden-Layer Neurons, Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'13), (巻), (号), pp.1523-1528, Dallas, Aug. 2013.
Tsuyoshi Sotetsumoto, Tian Song and Takashi Shimamoto : Low Complexity Algorithm for Sub-Pixel Motion Estimation of HEVC, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC 2013), No.SP P3.4(paper ID: 1533), pp.1-4, Kunming, Aug. 2013.
Ken Fukui, Tomohiro Kubo and Hidetoshi Oya : Inverse Linear Quadratic Regulator of Neutral Systems with Time-Varying Delay, Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, (巻), No.WA1-2(2), pp.1475-1480, Takamatsu, Aug. 2013.
Masanori Hanawa, Yasuhiro Okamura and Osamu Iijima : DSP-based multi-channel simultaneous detection of 10-Gbit/s Fourier encoded-synchronous optical code division multiplexing signals, 8th International Workshop on Optical Signal Processing and Optical Switching (IWOO2013), Edinburgh, Sep. 2013.
Kazushige Natsuno, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Two-Layer DT-CNN with Switching Template, Proceedings of International Workshop on Nonlinear Maps and their Applications (NOMA'13), (巻), (号), pp.24-27, Zaragoza, Sep. 2013.
Takuya Nishimoto, Yasuteru Hosokawa, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Synchronization of Switching Phenomena Observed in Discrete and Continuous Coupled Chaotic Systems, Proceedings of International Workshop on Nonlinear Maps and their Applications (NOMA'13), (巻), (号), pp.49-52, Zaragoza, Sep. 2013.
Takuya Inoue, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Consideration of Diverse Solutions Genetic Algorithm with Virus Infection for Traveling Salesman Problem, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'13), (巻), (号), pp.102-105, Santa Fe, Sep. 2013.
Masaaki Kojima, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Double-Mode Chaos with Hard Nonlinearities Coupled with an Inductor, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'13), (巻), (号), pp.146-149, Santa Fe, Sep. 2013.
Naoto Kageyama, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Investigation of Synchronizations in Five Cross-Coupled Chaotic Circuits, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'13), (巻), (号), pp.162-165, Santa Fe, Sep. 2013.
Haruna Matsushita, Daiki Matsumoto and Yoshifumi Nishio : Network-Structured Firefly Algorithm and its Behavior, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'13), (巻), (号), pp.310-313, Santa Fe, Sep. 2013.
Yuta Yokoyama, Chihiro Ikuta, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Investigation of Influences of Neurogenesis in Multi-Layer Perceptron, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'13), (巻), (号), pp.382-385, Santa Fe, Sep. 2013.
Naohiro Shibuya, Yuta Yokoyama, Chihiro Ikuta, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Back Propagation Learning of Neural Networks with Replicated Neurons, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'13), (巻), (号), pp.386-389, Santa Fe, Sep. 2013.
Chihiro Ikuta, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Multi-Layer Perceptron with Local Glia Connection, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'13), (巻), (号), pp.390-393, Santa Fe, Sep. 2013.
Saori Fujioka, Yang Yang, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Asynchronous Oscillations of Double-Mode and N-Phase in a Ring of Simultaneous Oscillators, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'13), (巻), (号), pp.459-462, Santa Fe, Sep. 2013.
Yoshihito Todani, Seiko Kunihiro, Masayuki Yamauchi and Yoshifumi Nishio : Analysis of Phase-Inversion Waves in In-and-Anti-Phase Synchronization on Coupled van der Pol Oscillators as a 2D Lattice by Using an Actual Circuit, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'13), (巻), (号), pp.463-466, Santa Fe, Sep. 2013.
Yoko Uwate, Thomas Ott and Yoshifumi Nishio : Clustering Phenomena in Coupled Chaotic Circuits with Different Coupling Strength, Proceedings of European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD'13), (巻), (号), (頁), Dresden, Sep. 2013.
Kazushige Natsuno, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Motion Picture Processing by Two-Layer Cellular Neural Networks with Switching Templates, Proceedings of European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD'13), (巻), (号), (頁), Dresden, Sep. 2013.
Shoichi Umezu, Masaki Hashizume, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi and Shyue-Kung Lu : Testability of Open Defects at Interconnections in 3D ICs with a Built-in Test Circuit for Supply Current Testing, International Test Conference 2013, p.PO29, Anaheim, Sep. 2013.
Hiroki Sakurai, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Masanori Nakamura and Masaki Hashizume : Time-to-Digital Converter Embedded in Boundary-Scan Circuit and Its Application to 3D iC Testing, International Test Conference 2013, p.PO30, Anaheim, Sep. 2013.
Yasuhiro Okamura, Osamu Iijima, Satoshi Shimizu, Naoya Wada and Masanori Hanawa : 10-Gbit/s QPSK x single-channel Fourier-encoded synchronous OCDM transmission over 50-km SMF, 18th Microoptics Conference (MOC 2013), Tokyo, Oct. 2013.
Xiang Cao, Jingmin Xin and Yoshifumi Nishio : Real Polynominal Form of MUSIC for Uniform Linear Array, Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS'13), (巻), (号), pp.366-370, Taipei, Oct. 2013.
Shohei Suenaga, Masaki Hashizume, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Tetsuo Tada and Shyue-Kung Lu : Built-in IDDT Appearance Time Sensor for Detecting Open Faults in 3D IC, Proc. of IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan(ICSJ2013), pp.247-250, Kyoto, Nov. 2013.
Ei Haraguchi, Masaki Hashizume, Katsuya Manabe, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Tetsuo Tada, Shyue-Kung Lu and Zvi Roth : Reduction Method of Number of Electromagnetic Simulation Times for Estimating Output Voltage at Hard Open TSV in 3D IC, Proc. of IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan(ICSJ2013), pp.251-254, Kyoto, Nov. 2013.
Masaki Hashizume, Tomoaki Konishi, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi and Shyue-Kung Lu : Testable Design for Electrical Testing of Open Defects at Interconnects in 3D ICs, Proc.of IEEE 22th Asian Test Symposium, pp.13-18, Yilan,Taiwan, Nov. 2013.
Shyue-Kung Lu, Hao-Cheng Jheng, Masaki Hashizume, Jiun-Lang Huang and Pony Ning : Fault Scrambling Techniques for Yield Enhancement of Embedded Memories, Proc.of IEEE 22th Asian Test Symposium, pp.215-220, Yilan,Taiwan, Nov. 2013.
Koji Yamazaki, Toshiyuki Tsutsumi, Hiroshi Takahashi, Yoshinobu Higami, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Masaki Hashizume and K. Kewal Saluja : Diagnosing Resistive Open Faults Using Small Delay Fault Simulation, Proc.of IEEE 22th Asian Test Symposium, pp.79-84, Yilan,Taiwan, Nov. 2013.
Shoichi Umezu, Masaki Hashizume, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Shyue-Kung Lu and Zvi Roth : Feasibility of Interconnect Tests of Open Defects in a 3D IC with a Built-in Supply Current Test Circuit, Digest of Papers of the 14-th IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing, pp.I.1.F-1-I.1.F-5, Yilan,Taiwan, Nov. 2013.
Akira Ono, Masao Takagi, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi and Masaki Hashizume : Supply Current Test Method for Pin Open Defects in Assembled PCB Circuits, Digest of Papers of the 14-th IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing, pp.I.3.S-1-I.3.S-4, Yilan,Taiwan, Nov. 2013.
Jun Yamashita, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Masaki Hashizume, Yoshinobu Higami and Hiroshi Takahashi : On SAT-based Test Generation for Observing Delay Variation Caused by a Resistive Open Fault and Its Adjacent Lines, Digest of Papers of the 14-th IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing, pp.IV.2.F-1-IV.2.F-6, Yilan,Taiwan, Nov. 2013.
Shohei Suenaga, Masaki Hashizume, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Shyue-Kung Lu and Zvi Roth : DFT for Supply Current Testing to Detect Open Defects at Interconnects in 3D ICs, Proc. of IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging & Systems (EDAPS) Symposium, pp.60-63, Nara, Dec. 2013.
Wenjun Zhao, Takao Onoe and Tian Song : Hardware-oriented Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Intra Prediction in HEVC, Proceedings of Picture Coding Symposium (PCS2013), pp.109-112, San Jose, Dec. 2013.
Chihiro Ikuta, Songjun Zhang, Yoko Uwate, Guoan Yang and Yoshifumi Nishio : A Novel Fusion Algorithm for Visible and Infrared Image Using Non-Subsampled Contourlet Transform and Pulse-Coupled Neural Network, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP'14), (巻), (号), pp.160-164, Lisbon, Jan. 2014.
Shunya Nagai and Hidetoshi Oya : Decentralized Variable Gain Robust Controllers for a Class of Uncertain Large-Scale Interconnected Systems, Proc. of The 33nd IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control (MIC 2014), pp.199-204, (都市), Feb. 2014.
Yuki Shoji, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Polygonal Structure Model of Ring Inhibitory Neural Network, Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), (巻), (号), pp.5-8, Honolulu, Feb. 2014.
Yoshio Nakayama, Yasuteru Hosokawa, Yoshifumi Nishio and Naomi Suzuki : Extraction of Intermediate Brightness by CNN Using Two Kinds of Cloning Templates, Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), (巻), (号), pp.9-12, Honolulu, Feb. 2014.
Tatsuya Masuoka, Kazushige Natsuno, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Cellular Neural Network with Preference Theory for Image Processing, Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), (巻), (号), pp.141-144, Honolulu, Feb. 2014.
Hayato Amo, Yasuteru Hosokawa and Yoshifumi Nishio : Chaotic Circuit Using a Colpitts Oscillator and a Resonator, Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), (巻), (号), pp.177-180, Honolulu, Feb. 2014.
Toshiaki Nishiumi, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Synchronization Phenomena in Chaotic Circuit with Stochastically Coupling, Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), (巻), (号), pp.181-184, Honolulu, Feb. 2014.
Yoshinori Doike, Yoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio and Jingmin Xin : Synchronization Phenomena of Two Chaotic Oscillators with Shifting Input Wave, Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), (巻), (号), pp.185-188, Honolulu, Feb. 2014.
Jun Shiomoto, Yoko Uwate, Thomas Ott and Yoshifumi Nishio : Synchronization of Coupled Chaotic Circuits Arranged in One-dimensional Coordinate Depending on Network Structures, Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), (巻), (号), pp.409-412, Honolulu, Feb. 2014.
Kenta Ago, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Influence of Bridge on Coupled Chaotic Circuit Network, Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), (巻), (号), pp.417-420, Honolulu, Feb. 2014.
Tatsuki Sobue, Yasuteru Hosokawa and Yoshifumi Nishio : Coupled Chaotic System Based on Shinriki-Mori Circuit, Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), (巻), (号), pp.529-532, Honolulu, Feb. 2014.
Mana Tanaka, Yasuteru Hosokawa and Yoshifumi Nishio : Relationship between a Number of Cells and Phenomena in Cellular Neural Networks Using Three Kinds of Cloning Templates, Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), (巻), (号), pp.533-536, Honolulu, Feb. 2014.
Yoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio and Ruedi Stoop : Propagation of Frustration in Three Coupled Oscillators as a Ring Topology, Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), (巻), (号), pp.545-548, Honolulu, Feb. 2014.
Naohiro Shibuya, Charles Unsworth, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Clustering and Synchronous Firing of Coupled Rulkov Maps with STDP, Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), (巻), (号), pp.606-609, Honolulu, Feb. 2014.
Naruno Fujii, Masaki Bandai, Yoshifumi Nishio and Mamoru Tanaka : Sound Creation Based on Different Chaos Attractors, Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), (巻), (号), pp.689-692, Honolulu, Feb. 2014.
Yasuteru Hosokawa and Yoshifumi Nishio : Chaotic Circuit Generating Two Main Frequency Band Oscillations, Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), (巻), (号), pp.697-700, Honolulu, Feb. 2014.
Wen Shi, Xiantao Jiang, Tian Song and Takashi Shimamoto : Edge Detector Based Fast Level Decision Algorithm for Intra Prediction of HEVC, Proceedings of International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), pp.129-132, Honolulu, March 2014.
Akira Ono, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi and Masaki Hashizume : Pin Open Detection of BGA IC by Supply Current Testing, Proceedings of International Conference on Electronics Packaging 2014, pp.231-234, Toyama, Japan, April 2014.
Shoichi Umezu, Masaki Hashizume and Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi : A Built-in Supply Current Test Circuit for Pin Opens in Assembled PCBs, Proceedings of International Conference on Electronics Packaging 2014, pp.227-230, Toyama, Japan, April 2014.
Yudai Shiraishi, Masaki Hashizume, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Tetsuo Tada and Shyue-Kung Lu : Electrical Test Method of Open Defects at Data Buses in 3D SRAM IC, Proc. of International Conference on Electronics Packaging 2014, pp.235-238, (都市), April 2014.
Xiantao Jiang, Tian Song, Takashi Shimamoto and Lisheng Wang : High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Motion Estimation Parallel Algorithms on GPU, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (2014 ICCE-Taiwan), pp.115-116, Taipei, May 2014.
Tsuyoshi Matsuki, Ken Fukui, Tomohiro Kubo and Hidetoshi Oya : Robust Stability of Inverse LQ Regulator for Neutral Systems with Time-Varying Delay, Proceedings of ADCONIP 2014 The 5th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, (巻), No.1B1-5, pp.190-195, Hiroshima, May 2014.
Nagai Shunya and Hidetoshi Oya : Decentralized Variable Gain Robust Controllers for a Class of Uncertain Large-Scale Interconnected Systems with State Delays, Proceedings of ADCONIP 2014 The 5th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, No.1B1-3, pp.68-72, Hiroshima, May 2014.
Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Effectiveness of Artificial Neural Network with Time-Varying Coupling System, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'14), pp.2005-2008, Melbourne, June 2014.
Takuya Nishimoto, Yoko Uwate, Yasuteru Hosokawa, Yoshifumi Nishio and Daniele Fournier-Prunaret : N-Phase Synchronization of Asymmetric Attractors in a Ring of Coupled Chaotic Circuits, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'14), pp.1780-1783, Melbourne, June 2014.
Yasuhiro Okamura and Atsushi Takada : Nonlinear Degradation in 10-Gbit/s Nyquist BPSK Signal Transmission Systems with In-Line Phase-Sensitive Amplifiers, OptoElectronics and Communication Conference and Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology 2014 (OECC/ACOFT 2014), (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), July 2014.
Atsushi Takada, Koryo Higashiyama, Eiji Hamada, Yasuhiro Okamura, Akira Mizutori and Masafumi Koga : Optical phase locking between pump and multiple-carrier signal lights in frequency-nondegenerate parametric phase-sensitive amplifier, OptoElectronics and Communication Conference and Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology 2014 (OECC/ACOFT 2014), (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), July 2014.
Masanori Hanawa, Hiroshi Mizukami and Yasuhiro Okamura : 10-Gbit/s QPSK self-homodyne transmission using a quadrature-phase-modulated and polarization-multiplexed pilot carrier, OptoElectronics and Communication Conference and Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology 2014 (OECC/ACOFT 2014), (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), July 2014.
Yutaro Tanida, Wen Shi, Tian Song and Takashi Shimamoto : Complexity Reduction Algorithm for Intra Prediction of HEVC, The 29th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC2014), pp.221-224, Phuket, THAILAND, July 2014.
Chihiro Ikuta, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Investigation of Multi-Layer Perceptron with Pulse Glial Chain Based on Individual Inactivity Period, Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'14), pp.1638-1643, Beijing, July 2014.
Naohiro Shibuya, Charles Unsworth, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Clustering and Synchronous Firing of Coupled Rulkov Maps with STDP for Modeling Epilepsy, Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'14), pp.4302-4307, Beijing, July 2014.
Yasuhiro Okamura, Atsushi Takada and Masanori Hanawa : Influence of I/Q imbalance on Multi-level modulated Signals Interleaved with Reference Light, International Conference on Optical Internet 2014 (COIN 2014), (巻), (号), (頁), Cheju, Aug. 2014.
Hidetoshi Oya, Tomohiro Kubo and Kojiro Hagino : Synthesis of Decentralized Variable Gain Robust Controllers for a Class of Large-Scale Serially Connected Systems with Nonlinear Perturbations Via Piecewise Lyapunov Functions, Preprints of the 19th IFAC World Congress (IFAC2014), pp.5808-5813, Cape Town, Aug. 2014.
Chihiro Ikuta, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Neuro-Glia Network with Neurogenesis, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'14), pp.508-511, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
Changnong Liu, Jingmin Xin, Yoshifumi Nishio, Nanning Zheng and Akira Sano : Modified Capon Beamformer for High-Resolution Direction-of-Arrival Estimation, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'14), pp.116-119, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
Takuya Inoue, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Effetiveness of Combination of Artificial Immune System and Virus Theory of Evolution for QAPs, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'14), pp.160-163, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
Masaaki Kojima, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Multimode Oscillations Coupled with an Inductor with High-Order Nonlinearities, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'14), pp.276-279, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
Yasuteru Hosokawa and Yoshifumi Nishio : Investigation of Asynchronous States in Chaotic Circuits Coupled by Resistors as a Ladder, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'14), pp.280-283, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
Yoshihito Todani, Masayuki Yamauchi and Yoshifumi Nishio : Phase-Inversion Waves in Simultaneously Existing Two Synchronization Modes of 2D Oscillator Network, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'14), pp.361-364, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
Vu Minh Thuan, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Synchronization Phenomena in van der Pol Oscillators with Different Amplitudes, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'14), pp.365-368, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
Honami Kume, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Synchronization Phenomena in Different Sizes of Rings of Coupled Oscillators, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'14), pp.369-372, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
Yoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio and Ruedi Stoop : Frustrations in Strongly Coupled Polygonal Oscillatory Networks, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'14), pp.377-380, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
Takuya Nishimoto, Yoko Uwate, Yasuteru Hosokawa, Yoshifumi Nishio, Daniele Fournier-Prunaret and Abdel-Kaddous Taha : Bifurcation and Basin in Two Coupled Cubic Maps, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'14), pp.435-438, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
Naohiro Shibuya, Charles Unsworth, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Examining the Effects of Noise Contamination during Epilepsy Using Low Complexity Coupled Rulkov Maps and Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'14), pp.590-593, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
Jun Shiomoto, Yoko Uwate, Thomas Ott and Yoshifumi Nishio : Breakdown of Inter-Cluster Synchronization of Coupled Chaotic Circuits Arranged in One-Dimensional Coordinate, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'14), pp.640-643, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
Kenta Ago, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Influence of Local Bridge on a Complex Network of Coupled Chaotic Circuits, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'14), pp.731-734, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
Toshiaki Nishiumi, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Synchronization Phenomena of Chaotic Circuits with Stochastically-Changed Network Topology, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'14), pp.811-814, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
Yuki Shoji, Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Synchronizations and Oscillations of Negative Coupled Neural Oscillators, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'14), pp.827-830, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
Masaki Hashizume, Shohei Suenaga and Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi : A Built-in Test Circuit for Detecting Open Defects by IDDT Appearance Time in CMOS ICs, Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering, (都市), Sep. 2014.
Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Hiroki Sakurai and Masaki Hashizume : Delay Line Embedded in Boundary Scan for Testing TSVs, Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Testing Three-Dimensional Stacked Integrated Circuits, Seattle, Oct. 2014.
Wenjun Zhao, Takao Onoe and Tian Song : Hardware Architecture of the Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for H.265/HEVC, Proceedings of International Conference of Image Processing (ICIP2014), pp.1258-1262, Paris, Oct. 2014.
Kousuke Nambara, Shoichi Umezu, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Masaki Hashizume and Shyue-Kung Lu : Threshold Value Estimation of Electrical Interconnect, Proc. of IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan 2014, pp.158-161, (都市), Nov. 2014.
Xiantao Jiang, Tian Song, Takashi Shimamoto, Wen Shi and Lisheng Wang : Temporal Prediction Improvement for Parallel Processing of HEVC, Proceedings of IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits & Systems(APCCAS2014), pp.515-518, Okinawa, Nov. 2014.
Xiantao Jiang, Tian Song, Takashi Shimamoto and Lisheng Wang : AMVP Prediction Algorithm for Adaptive Parallel Improvement of HEVC, Proceedings of IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits & Systems(APCCAS2014), pp.511-514, Okinawa, Nov. 2014.
Wen Shi, Xiantao Jiang, Tian Song and Takashi Shimamoto : Edge Information Based Fast Selection Algorithm for Intra Prediction of HEVC, Proceedings of IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits & Systems(APCCAS2014), pp.17-20, Okinawa, Nov. 2014.
Shyue-Kung Lu, Hao-Cheng Jheng, Hao-Wei Lin, Masaki Hashizume and Seiji Kajihara : Built-In Scrambling Analysis for Yield Enhancement of Embedded Memories, Proc. of 2014 IEEE 23rd Asian Test Symposium, pp.137-142, (都市), Nov. 2014.
Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Oscillation Death and Amplitude Change in Coupled van der Pol Oscillators with Strong Frustrations, Proceedings of IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS'14), pp.233-236, Ishigaki Island, Nov. 2014.
Masaki Hashizume, Yudai Shiraishi, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Tetsuo Tada and Shyue-Kung Lu : Threshold Setting of Electrical Test Method for Open Defects at Data Bus in 3D SRAM IC, Proc. of the 15th IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing, pp.64-68, (都市), Nov. 2014.
Jun Yamashita, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Masaki Hashizume, Yoshinobu Higami and Hiroshi Takahashi : On SAT-based Test Generation for Resistive Open Using Delay Variation Caused by Effect of Adjacent Lines, Proc. of the 15th IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing, pp.49-53, (都市), Nov. 2014.
Chih-Chan Fang, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi and Masaki Hashizume : A Test Pattern Matching Method on BAST Architecture for Test Data Reduction by Controlling Scan Shift, Proc. of the 15th IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing, pp.130-134, (都市), Nov. 2014.
Masaki Hashizume, Shoichi Umezu, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi and Shyue-Kung Lu : A Built-in Supply Current Test Circuit for Electrical Interconnect Tests of 3D ICs, Proc. of IEEE 3D System Integration Conference 2014, pp.O7-1-O7-6, (都市), Dec. 2014.
Yoshihide Onishi, Hidetoshi Oya, Nishida Yuki, Yoshihiro Ogino, Kazushi Nakano, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Miyauchi and Takayuki Okai : An Wavelet Transform-Based Discrimination Algorithm for Electrocardiogram, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Submit and Conference 2014 (APSIPA ASC 2014), p.USB(ID:1107), Siem Reap, Dec. 2014.
Yoko Uwate and Yoshifumi Nishio : Investigation of Oscillation Death in Strongly Coupled Polygonal Oscillatory Networks, Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'15), pp.413-416, Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 2015.
Naruno Fujii, Masaki Bandai, Yoshifumi Nishio and Mamoru Tanaka : Sound Creation Based on Multi-Oscillation Dynamics, Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'15), pp.409-412, Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 2015.
Masaki Hashizume : Electrical Interconnect Test Method of 3D ICs, 2015 UT and Taiwan Tech Joint Workshop on Advanced VLSI Design Technologies, Taipei, March 2015.
Jenq-Shiou Leu and Tian Song : Received Signal Strength Indication(RSSI) Prediction-based Adaptive H.264/SVC Video Service on Smartphone, Proceedings of International Forum on Advanced Technologies, pp.36-38, (都市), March 2015.
Xiantao Jiang, Tian Song, Jenq-Shiou Leu and Takashi Shimamoto : High Efficiency Inter CU Size Prediction Algorithm for HEVC, Proceedings of International Forum on Advanced Technologies (IFAT2015), pp.165-167, Tokushima, March 2015.
Wen Shi, Xiantao Jiang, Tian Song, Jenq-Shiou Leu and Takashi Shimamoto : Efficient Intra Coding for HEVC Based on Spatial Locality, Proceedings of International Forum on Advanced Technologies (IFAT2015), pp.168-170, Tokushima, March 2015.
Yuki Ikiri, Masaki Hashizume, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Tetsuo Tada and Shyue-Kung Lu : Switch Circuit for Repairing Defective TSVs in a 3D Stacked Memory IC, Proc. of International Forum on Advanced Technologies 2015, pp.160-161, Tokushima, March 2015.
Shyue-Kung Lu, Hao-Cheng Jheng, Hao-Wei Lin and Masaki Hashizume : Built-in Scrambling Analysis for Yield Enhancement of Embedded Memories, Proc. of International Forum on Advanced Technologies 2015, pp.44-45, Tokushima, March 2015.
Shyue-Kung Lu, Cheng-Ju Tsai and Masaki Hashizume : Integration of Hard Repair Techniques with ECC for Enhancing Fabrication Yield and Reliability of Embedded Memories, Proc. of International Forum on Advanced Technologies 2015, pp.68-69, Tokushima, March 2015.
Akihiro Odoriba, Shoichi Umezu, Masaki Hashizume, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Ali Ashikin Binti Fara and Shyue-Kung Lu : A Testable Design for Electrical Interconnect Tests of 3D ICs, Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Electronics Packaging and iMAPS All Asia Conference, pp.718-722, Kyoto, Japan, April 2015.
Yasuhiro Okamura, Koryo Higashiyama, Masafumi Koga and Atsushi Takada : Optical phase lock loop circuit for Non-degenerate optical parametric phase sensitive amplifiers with wide signal-idler optical frequency spacing, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015 (CLEO 2015), p.SM1M-2, San Jose, May 2015.
Kensaku Endo, Hidetoshi Oya, Tomohiro Kubo and Tsuyoshi Matsuki : Synthesis of Variable Gain Robust Controllers Based on Point Memory LQ Regulator for a Class of Uncertain Time-Delay Systems, Proceedings of the 10th Asian Control Conference 2015 (ASC2015), pp.2957-2961, Kota Kinabalu, June 2015.
Tsuyoshi Matsuki, Tomohiro Kubo and Hidetoshi Oya : Robust LQR Design of Neutral Systems with Time-Varying Delay and Polytopic Uncertainty, Proceedings of the 10th Asian Control Conference 2015 (ASCC2015), No.1570073759, Kota Kinabalu, June 2015.
Xiantao Jiang, Tian Song, Wen Shi, Lisheng Wang and Takashi Shimamoto : Merge Prediction Algorithm for Adaptive Parallel Improvement of High Efficiency Video Coding, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics(ICCE-Taiwan 2015), pp.310-311, Taipei, June 2015.
Wen Shi, Xiantao Jiang, Tian Song and Takashi Shimamoto : Spatial Locality Based Supplemental Modes for Intra Prediction of HEVC, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics(ICCE-Taiwan 2015), pp.298-299, Taipei, June 2015.
Takuya Hamada, Yutaro Tanida, Wen Shi, Tian Song, Jenq-Shiou Leu and Takashi Shimamoto : Original Pixel Based Parallel Algorithm for Intra Prediction of HEVC, The 30th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC2015), pp.400-401, Seoul, June 2015.
Jin Ikegita, Xiantao Jiang, Tian Song, Jenq-Shiou Leu and Takashi Shimamoto : Efficient Prediction Motion Vector Candidate Selection Algorithm for HEVC, The 30th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC2015), pp.402-403, Seoul, June 2015.
Yuki Ikiri, Masaki Hashizume, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Tetsuo Tada and Shyue-Kung Lu : Repair Circuit of TSVs in a 3D Stacked Memory IC, Proc. of International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications 2015, pp.431-434, Seoul, June 2015.
Daisuke Suga, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi and Masaki Hashizume : Electrical Test for Open Defects in CMOS ICs by Injected Charge, Proc. of International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications 2015, pp.653-656, Seoul, June 2015.
Yong-Ting Wu, Min-Chieh Yu, Jenq-Shiou Leu, Eau-Chung Lee and Tian Song : Design and Implementation of Various File Deduplication Schemes on Storage Devices, 11th EAI International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (QShine 2015), Taipei, Aug. 2015.
Wen Shi, Xiantao Jiang, Tian Song, Jenq-Shiou Leu and Takashi Shimamoto : Spatial Locality Based Parallel Scheme for Intra Coding of HEVC, Tenth International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2015), p.204, Dalian, Aug. 2015.
Masaki Hashizume, Singo Saijyo and Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi : Electrically Testable CMOS Image Pixel Circuit, Proc. of IEEE 2015 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, pp.1-4, Trondheim, Aug. 2015.
Kosuke Nanbara, Akihiro Odoriba, Masaki Hashizume, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi and Shyue-Kung Lu : Electrical Interconnect Test of 3D ICs Made of Dies without ESD Protection Circuits with a Built-in Test Circuit, Proc. of IEEE 3D System Integration Conference 2015, pp.TS8.22.1-TS8.22.5, 仙台, Sep. 2015.
Daisuke Suga, Masaki Hashizume, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi and Shyue-Kung Lu : Electrical Interconnect Test Method of 3D ICs by Injected Charge Volume, Proc. of IEEE 3D System Integration Conference 2015, pp.TS8.19.1-TS8.19.5, 仙台, Sep. 2015.
Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Akihiro Fujiwara and Masaki Hashizume : On TSV Array Defect Detection Method Using Two Ring-oscillators Considering Signal Transitions at Adjacent TSVs, Proc. of IEEE 3D System Integration Conference 2015, pp.TS8.24.1-TS8.24.4, (都市), Sep. 2015.
Wen Shi, Xiantao Jiang, Tian Song and Takashi Shimamoto : Segmental Downsampling Intra Coding Based on Spatial Locality for HEVC, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics Berlin(ICCE-Berlin 2015), pp.12-16, Berlin, Sep. 2015.
Masashi Tomida, Yutaro Tanida, Tian Song and Takashi Shimamoto : Small Area VLSI Architecture for Deblocking Filter of HEVC, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics Berlin(ICCE-Berlin 2015), pp.294-297, Berlin, Sep. 2015.
Akihiro Odoriba, Masaki Hashizume, Shoichi Umezu and Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi : A Design for Testability with nMOS Switches to Detect Open pins in Assembled PCBs, Proc. of International Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference 2015, pp.31-1-31-6, Tokushima, Sep. 2015.
Yasuhiro Okamura and Atsushi Takada : Degradation of Signal Quality Due to Pump-Phase Fluctuation on Non-Degenerated Fiber Parametric Phase-Sensitive Amplifier Repeaters, 20th Microoptics Conference (MOC 2015), (巻), (号), p.H-79, Fukuoka, Oct. 2015.
Yasuhiro Okamura, Naotaka Ishimura, Yusuke Mitsui, Masanori Hanawa and Atsushi Takada : Influence of Chromatic Dispersion on Optical Transmission of 16QAM Signals Interleaved with Reference Light, 20th Microoptics Conference (MOC 2015), p.H-80, Fukuoka, Oct. 2015.
Wen Shi, Tian Song and Takashi Shimamoto : High Efficiency Intra Coding Extension for HEVC/H.265, IEEE CASS Shikoku and Malaysia Chapters Joint Seminar, Tokushima, Oct. 2015.
Eiji Kondo, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Yoshio Kaji, Fumio Shichijo, Kazuhiko Furukawa, Hirofumi Nagashino, Shinsuke Konaka and Yohsuke Kinouchi : Syncronization analysis of EEG using the Hilbert Huang Coherence, International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (ICBHI 2015), p.19, Haikou, Oct. 2015.
Yasuhiro Okamura and Atsushi Takada : Frequency Nondegenerate Optical Parametric Phase-Sensitive Amplifiers with Optical Phase-Locked Loop Circuit for Multi-Span Transmission Systems, 10th International Workshop on Optical signal processing and Optical switching (IWOO 2015), (巻), (号), (頁), Beijing, Nov. 2015.
Xiantao Jiang, Tian Song, Wen Shi, Lisheng Wang and Takashi Shimamoto : High efficiency CU depth decision algorithm for high resolution application of HEVC, Proceedings of IEEE International Technical Conference TENCON 2015, pp.1-4, Macau, China, Nov. 2015.
Masaki Hashizume, Shoichi Umezu, Yuki Ikiri, Ali Ashikin Binti Fara, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi and Shyue-Kung Lu : Electrical Interconnect Test Method of 3D ICs without Boundary Scan Flip Flops, Proc. of IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan 2015, pp.136-139, Kyoto, Nov. 2015.
Masaki Hashizume, Shoichi Umezu, Yuki Ikiri, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi and Shyue-Kung Lu : Test Circuit for Electrical Interconnect Tests of 3D ICs without Boundary Scan Flip Flops, Proc. of the 16th IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing, pp.23-28, Mumbai, Nov. 2015.
Shyue-Kung Lu, Tsai Cheng-Ju and Masaki Hashizume : Integration of Hard Repair Techniques with ECC for Enhancing Fabrication Yield and Reliability of Embedded Memories, Proc. of 2015 IEEE 24th Asian Test Symposium, pp.49-54, (都市), Nov. 2015.
Takafumi Katayama, Wen Shi, Tian Song and Takashi Shimamoto : Low-Complexity Intra Coding Algorithm in Enhancement Layer for SHVC, Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), pp.457-460, Las Vegas, Jan. 2016.
Yasuhiro Okamura, Kotaro Kondo, Shingo Seki, Yuya Ohmichi, Masafumi Koga and Atsushi Takada : Frequency Nondegenerate Optical Parametric Phase-sensitive Amplifier Repeater by Using Recovered Pump Carrier Generated from Phase-conjugated Twin Waves, The Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition 2016 (OFC 2016), (巻), (号), p.Th2A.7, Anaheim, March 2016.
Alounsouliya Aly, Yasuhiro Okamura and Atsushi Takada : Noise characteristics of non-degenerate optical parametric phase-sensitive amplifier with gain saturation and distributed loss in gain medium, The 2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on Photonics (ICP2016), (巻), (号), (頁), Sarawak, Malaysia, March 2016.
Wen Shi, Xiantao Jiang, Tian Song, Jenq-Shiou Leu and Takashi Shimamoto : Downsampled Information Based Low Complexity Intra Coding for HEVC, Proceedings of 2nd International Forum on Advanced Technologies (IFAT2016), No.P1-17, pp.1-3, Tokushima, March 2016.
Takafumi Katayama, Wen Shi, Tian Song, Jenq-Shiou Leu and Takashi Shimamoto : Fast CU Size Decision for Intra Coding Algorithm in SHVC, Proceedings of 2nd International Forum on Advanced Technologies (IFAT2016), No.P1-18, pp.1-3, Tokushima, March 2016.
Shyue-Kung Lu, Shu-Chi Yu and Masaki Hashizume : Synergistic Built-in Self-Repair Techniques for Enhancing Fabrication Yield of Embedded Memories, Proc. of International Forum on Advanced Technologies 2016, pp.59-61, Tokushima, March 2016.
Masaki Hashizume, Yuki Ikiri, Shoichi Umezu, Ali Ashikin Binti Fara, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi and Shyue-Kung Lu : Feasibility of Electrical Test for Open Defects at Address Bus in 3D Memory IC, Proc. of International Forum on Advanced Technologies 2016, pp.51-53, Tokushima, March 2016.
Yuki Ikiri, Masaki Hashizume, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Tetsuo Tada and Shyue-Kung Lu : Die Design for Cost reduction of 3F Stacked Memory ICs, Proc. of International Forum on Advanced Technologies 2016, pp.79-80, Tokushima, March 2016.
Shyue-Kung Lu, Shu-Chi Yu and Masaki Hashizume : Hybrid Scrambling Technique for Increasing the Fabrication Yield of NROM-Based ROMs, Proc. of International Forum on Advanced Technologies 2016, pp.207-209, Tokushima, March 2016.
Ali Ashikin Binti Fara, Akihiro Odoriba, Masaki Hashizume, Shoichi Umezu, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi and Shyue-Kung Lu : Electrical Tests of Capacitive Open Defects at BGA ICs in Assembled PCB, Proc. of International Forum on Advanced Technologies 2016, pp.229-231, Tokushima, March 2016.
大屋 英稔, 大畑 謙二, 猪口 博幸, 土田 孝雄 : 標識具の状態監視システム及び方法, 特願2012-112195 (2012年5月), 特開2013-238058 (2013年11月), 特許第2013-238058号 (2013年11月).
橋爪 正樹 : 電子回路の双方向信号線の電気検査法, 特願2013-79766 (2013年4月), (開示), (番号) ((年月日)).
高田 篤, 岡村 康弘, 古賀 正文 : 増幅中継光ファイバ伝送システム及び光ファイバ伝送システム用増幅中継器, (出願) (2013年8月), (開示), (番号) ((年月日)).
高田 篤, 岡村 康弘, 古賀 正文 : 位相感応型光増幅器及び励起光位相同期回路, (出願) (2014年2月), (開示), 特許第P11134号 (2014年2月).
II.1.3 知識情報処理
多端子情報通信網の理論限界の解明に関する研究,生物の進化適応に 学ぶ工学システムの設計,アルゴリズミック・デバッギング,福祉機器 のインテリジェント化,教育・学習システム,自律分散適応制御,人間 とシステムの調和および人間相互の協調のためのシステム開発,モバイ ル・ユビキタスラーニング,階層構造学習オートマトンに関する研究, 線型符号に対する逐次型復号法,ウェブベース学習,マルチメディア情報検索,など.
II.1.3.1 教員組織
(1) 氏名,(2) メールアドレス,(3) 職名・学位,(4) 専門分野,(5) 所属学会(役職名),(6) 社会活動(役職名),(7) 主要研究テーマ,(8) キーワード,(9) 共同研究可能テーマ
(1) 小野 典彦, Norihiko Ono,
(2) ōņō (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・工学博士,
(4) 人工知能, 人工知能,
(5) 計測自動制御学会 (システム・情報部門 知能工学部会運営委員)・システム制御情報学会・日本ソフトウェア科学会・電子情報通信学会・社団法人 人工知能学会,
(6) ,
(7) 生物の進化適応に学ぶ工学システムの設計手法, 生物の進化適応に学ぶ工学システムの設計手法,
(8) ソフトコンピューティング, 機械学習, 強化学習, 進化的学習, ロボット学習, 自律エージェント, マルチエージェントシステム, ロボカップ, データマイニング, 金融工学, ソフトコンピューティング, 機械学習, 強化学習, 進化的学習, ロボット学習, 自律エージェント, マルチエージェントシステム, ロボカップ, データマイニング, 金融工学,
(9) 進化適応手法に基づく自律エージェントの設計, 進化適応手法に基づくゲーム開発支援, データマイニングの金融工学等への応用, 進化適応手法に基づく自律エージェントの設計, 進化適応手法に基づくゲーム開発支援, データマイニングの金融工学等への応用
(1) 藤澤 正一郎, Shoichiro Fujisawa,
(2) śfūjīśāwā (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) 福祉工学,
(5) 日本機械学会 (中四国支部第93期(2015年度)代表会員, 中四国支部平成27年度(第54期)商議員)・計測自動制御学会 (正会員, SI2003プログラム委員会委員, SI2004プログラム委員会委員, SI2005プログラム委員会委員, SI2006プログラム委員会委員, SI2008プログラム委員会委員, 第19回インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム(FAN2009)プログラム委員会委員, SI2010プログラム委員会委員, 2010年度計測自動制御学会四国支部学術講演会実行委員会幹事)・電気学会 (正会員, 平成21年度電子情報システム部門大会実行委員会副実行委員長, 先端制御技術とロボット技術の融合と産業応用に関する協同研究委員会委員, 制御技術委員会委員, 人と機械をつなぐ情報・制御技術調査専門委員会委員長, 制御委員会委員, 安心・安全な人と機械のための情報・制御技術調査専門委員会委員長, 先端制御システムの産業応用に関する協同研究委員会委員)・電子情報通信学会 (正会員)・日本教育工学会 (正会員)・日本リハビリテーション工学協会 (正会員)・社団法人 日本ロボット学会 (正会員)・IEEE (会員, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA2009) Program Committee Member, IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (IEEE ICIA2010) Program Committee Member, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA2011) Program Committee Member, EEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA2012) Program Committee Member)・社団法人 日本建築学会 (会員)・日本福祉のまちづくり学会 (会員)・日本生活支援工学会 (会員)・日本産業技術教育学会 (会員)・ヒューマンインタフェース学会 (正員)・バイオメカニズム学会 (正員)・社団法人 日本工学教育協会・日本知能情報ファジィ学会 (FAN2009 プログラム委員会委員)・社団法人 精密工学会,
(6) レスキューロボットコンテスト実行委員会・阿南市新庁舎建設設計業務プロポーザル審査委員会・四国移動型&自律型ロボットトーナメント2006(SMART2006)実行委員会・四国移動型&自律型ロボットトーナメント2007(SMART2007)実行委員会・四国移動型&自律型ロボットトーナメント SMART2008・四国移動型&自律型ロボットトーナメントSMART2002(秋)実行委員会・日本健康福祉用具工業会・四国移動型&自律型ロボットトーナメント2004(SMART2004)実行委員会・SMART2009・四国移動型&自律型ロボットトーナメント2011(SMART2011)実行委員会,
(7) 視覚障害者のための社会基盤整備に関する研究, 福祉機器のインテリジェント化, 視覚障害者誘導システムに関する研究,
(8) 学習制御, 福祉用具, 知能化, 評価システム,
(9) 電動車椅子の自律移動システム, 視覚障害者誘導システムの評価, ITバリアフリーに関する研究
(1) 獅々堀 正幹, Masami Shishibori,
(2) bōŗī (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) 情報検索, ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング, 知的映像検索, 知的音楽検索,
(5) 情報処理学会・電子情報通信学会・言語処理学会,
(6) ,
(7) 高速近傍検索アルゴリズムに関する研究, 知的映像検索技術に関する研究, 知的音楽検索技術に関する研究, 知的情報フィルタリング技術に関する研究,
(8) 情報検索システム, マルチメディア, 映像検索, 音楽検索, 情報フィルタリング,
(9) 大規模映像データに対するコンテンツ型映像シーン検索システムの開発, ハミングによる類似音楽検索システムの開発, 雑音環境下における類似音楽検索システムの開発
(1) 北岡 教英, Norihide Kitaoka,
(2) kītāōkā (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) 情報学,
(5) 情報処理学会・情報処理学会・情報処理学会・情報処理学会・情報処理学会・情報処理学会・電子情報通信学会・電子情報通信学会 (音声研究会 副委員長)・電子情報通信学会・電子情報通信学会 (英文論文誌(D) 幹事)・International Speech Communication Association・APSIPA,
(6) ,
(7) 音声言語情報処理,
(8) 音声認識, 音声, 対話型インタフェース, ヒューマンインタフェース, マルチモーダルインタラクション,
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 木下 和彦, Kazuhiko Kinoshita,
(2) kāżūhīkō (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) 情報ネットワーク,
(5) 電子情報通信学会 (情報通信マネジメント研究専門委員会副委員長, 通信ソサエティ和文マガジン編集副委員長, ネットワークシステム研究専門委員会幹事)・IEEE,
(6) ,
(7) インテリジェントネットワーキング技術全般,
(8) モバイルネットワーク, 無線マルチホップネットワーク, ネットワークアーキテクチャ, 自律分散制御, 経路制御,
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 伊藤 照明, Teruaki Ito,
(2) tītō (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 准教授・博士(工学),
(4) 協調工学, ヒューマンインタフェース, 医用工学,
(5) 電子情報通信学会・American Society for Engineering Education・The American Society of Mechanical Engineers・社団法人 人工知能学会・情報処理学会・日本バーチャルリアリティ学会・ヒューマンインタフェース学会・社団法人 日本工学教育協会・日本口腔インプラント学会・社団法人 日本工学教育協会・社団法人 日本工学教育協会 (編集・出版委員会委員)・社団法人 日本工学教育協会 (編集・出版委員会委員)・Association for Computing Machinery・IEEE-CS・American Association for Artificial Intelligence・日本機械学会 (Editor: Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing)・International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services・日本機械学会 (日本機械学会中国四国支部・第54期総会・講演会・若手フェロー賞審査員)・日本機械学会 (日本機械学会生産システム部門講演会・座長及び審査員)・日本機械学会 (日本機械学会2016年度英文ジャーナル編集委員)・日本機械学会 (設計工学システム部門第93期拡大運営委員・講演会活性化委員会委員長)・日本機械学会 (設計工学システム部門研究発表講演会2015セッションオーガナイザー)・日本機械学会 (日本機械学会誌トピックス委員)・日本機械学会 (第54期総会・講演会・若手優秀講演フェロー賞の審査員)・日本機械学会 (日本機械学会生産システム部門第92期運営委員)・日本機械学会 (日本機械学会生産システム部門第91期運営委員)・日本機械学会・日本機械学会・日本機械学会 (設計工学システム部門第92期拡大運営委員)・日本機械学会 (設計工学システム部門研究発表講演会2014セッションオーガナイザー)・日本機械学会 (設計工学システム部門研究発表講演会2014実行委員長)・日本機械学会・日本機械学会・日本機械学会・日本機械学会・日本機械学会・日本機械学会・日本機械学会・日本機械学会 (日本機械学会生産システム部門第94期運営委員会委員)・日本機械学会 (日本機械学会生産システム部門第94期技術企画第3委員会・委員長)・日本機械学会 (設計工学システム部門・学術誌編集委員会幹事)・日本機械学会 (設計工学システム部門・総務委員会委員)・日本機械学会 (設計工学システム部門・講演会活性化委員会委員),
(6) International Conference on e-Engineering and Digital Enterprise Technology, e-ENGDET2004・13th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN2004・International Conference on e-Commerce Engineering, ICeCE2001・International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future, CARS & FOF2002・19th European Simulation Multiconference (ESM 2005)・20th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS 2006)・2nd International Conference on Electrical/Electromechanical Computer Aided Design and Engineering (ECAD 2006)・The 4th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA '06・21th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS 2007)・財団法人 とくしま産業振興機構・Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications (I-ESA'07)・Asia Modelling Symposium (AMS2007)・International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services (Editorial Board Members)・Asia Modelling Symposium (AMS2008)・International Conference on Manuracturing Research (ICMR2008)・Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation (ISMS2010)・Asia Modelling Symposium (AMS2010)・2010 Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering・DEWS2011 (Design Engineering Workshop 2011)・iDECON2012・ISS2013 (International Programe Committee)・PLM2014 (Co-chair of Doctoral Workshp)・iDECON2014 (Panel of reviewers)・iDECON2015 (General/Conference chair)・The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Session Co-chair in ASME/IDETC2015)・ISS2015 (International Programe Committee)・iDECON2016 (Panel of reviewers),
(7) 人間とシステムの調和および人間相互の協調のためのシステム開発に関する研究, 医用工学における仮想空間技術の応用に関する研究, 次世代ヒューマンインターフェース開発のための基礎技術に関する研究,
(8) 協調工学, 医用工学, ヒューマンインタフェース, バーチャル·リアリティ,
(9) 協調工学, 医用工学, ヒューマンインターフェースシステム
(1) 池田 建司, Kenji Ikeda,
(2) īkėđā (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 准教授・工学博士,
(4) 制御理論,
(5) 計測自動制御学会,
(6) ,
(7) 自律分散適応制御,
(8) 適応制御, 分散制御,
(9) 制御理論
(1) 永田 裕一, Yuichi Nagata,
(2) ņāġātā (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 准教授(学位名称),
(4) (@.field),
(5) 計測自動制御学会 (ステム・情報部門 学術講演会 2014,プログラム委員長)・進化計算学会 (論文誌編集委員),
(6) ,
(7) (@.theme),
(8) (@.keyword),
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 光原 弘幸, Hiroyuki Mitsuhara,
(2) mītūhāŗā (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 講師・博士(工学),
(4) 教育情報工学,
(5) 電子情報通信学会 (教育工学研究専門委員会 幹事)・情報処理学会 (四国支部 支部幹事)・日本教育工学会・教育システム情報学会 (第29回全国大会実行委員会 委員)・IEEE,
(6) 財団法人 徳島県地域産業技術開発研究機構 (IT研修委託業者選考委員会委員)・徳島県立二十一世紀館 (協議会委員),
(7) ウェブベース学習,
(8) コンピュータ支援学習, ウェブベース学習, 適応的ハイパーメディア, ユビキタスコンピューティング, エンターテインメントコンピューティング, 情報共有,
(9) コンピュータ支援学習
(1) 佐藤 克也, Katsuya SATO,
(2) kātśūyāś (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 講師・博士(工学),
(4) 細胞バイオメカニクス, バイオMEMS,
(5) 日本機械学会・日本生物物理学会・社団法人 日本生体医工学会・日本生活支援工学会,
(6) 徳島ビジネスチャレンジメッセ2009展示ブース・徳島市市役所バリアフリー点検会支援・徳島市中央公園バリアフリー点検会支援・第13回科学体験フェスティバルin徳島出展ブース,
(7) 細胞が感知する力学環境の評価, MEMSデバイスを応用した細胞バイオメカニクスの展開,
(8) 細胞, 細胞力覚, MEMS, バイオメカニクス, 細胞, バイオメカニクス, 機械工学,
(9) 細胞の力学刺激感知機構の解明, MEMSデバイスのバイオ分野への応用
(1) 河内 亮周, Akinori Kawachi,
(2) kāwāċhī (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 講師・博士(情報学),
(4) (@.field),
(5) 電子情報通信学会 (英文論文誌 "Special Section on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications" 編集委員)・電子情報通信学会・電子情報通信学会・電子情報通信学会 (英文論文誌"Special Section on Foundations of Computer Science"編集委員)・電子情報通信学会 (英文論文誌"Special Section on Cryptography and Information Security"編集委員)・電子情報通信学会・LAシンポジウム (事務局)・Workshop on Quantum Computational Complexity (Satellite Workshop of ICALP 2015) (Organizing Committee Member)・ELC Tokyo Complexity Workshop・The 8th International Workshop in Security (IWSEC 2013)・ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest Asia Regional Contest・Organizing Committee Member, The 7th International Workshop in Security (IWSEC 2012)・ELC暗号理論秋学校 (実行委員長)・情報処理学会第73回全国大会・The 22nd International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2011)・LAシンポジウム・The 6th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS 2007)・The 2nd International Conference on Provable Security (ProvSec 2008)・The 13th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WAAC 2010)・第10回情報科学フォーラム(FIT 2011)・The 15th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WAAC 2010)・The 7th Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM 2013)・The Workshop on Quantum and Classical Complexity (Satellite Workshop of ICALP 2013)・The 9th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC 2014) (Progam Committee Member)・The 25th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2014) (Progam Committee Member)・The 10th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC 2015) (Progam Committee Member)・The 21st Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP 2016) (Progam Committee Member)・電子情報通信学会・電子情報通信学会・量子情報科学ウィンタースクール・電子情報通信学会 (コンピュテーション研究専門委員会委員)・電子情報通信学会 (量子情報技術時限専門委員会委員)・第24回量子情報技術研究会(QIT24),
(6) 文部科学省 科学研究費補助金 新学術領域研究 「多面的アプローチの統合による計算限界の解明」 (事務局)・文部科学省 科学技術政策研究所科学技術動向研究センター (専門調査委員),
(7) (@.theme),
(8) (@.keyword),
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 西出 俊, Shun Nishide,
(2) ņīśhīđė (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 講師・博士(情報学),
(4) 知能情報学,
(5) ,
(6) ,
(7) (@.theme),
(8) (@.keyword),
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 伊藤 伸一, Shin-ichi Ito,
(2) ś ₍.₎ ītō (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 助教・博士(工学),
(4) 生体信号処理, 生体信号処理, 人間科学,
(5) 電気学会 (高度センサ応用による人・環境親和システムに関する協同研究委員会, 高度センサ応用による環境・機械・生体の計測制御技術創生に関する協同研究委員会, 人間モニタリング技術の社会実装化協同研究委員会, 第2次・人間モニタリング技術の社会実装化協同研究委員会)・電子情報通信学会・社団法人 日本生体医工学会・IEEE・ヒューマンインタフェース学会・日本知能情報ファジィ学会・日本認知心理学会・日本交流分析学会・電気学会 (論文委員会(C2グループ)主査),
(6) 社団法人 精密工学会 (動的画像処理実利用化ワークショップ2011(DIA2011)の実地実行委員会委員)・The Asian Conference on Engineering Education (2nd Asian Conference on Engineering Education (ACEE2011), Local Executive Committee),
(7) 生理心理工学とその応用, 脳波解析とその応用, 最適化手法の可視化とその応用,
(8) 脳波図, 個性, 情報可視化, 実験心理学, 脳波図, 情報可視化,
(9) 脳波分析とその応用, 脳波分析とその応用, 遺伝的アルゴリズムの可視化とその応用
II.1.3.2 研究業績
【著 書】
池田 建司 : システム同定, オーム社, (都市), 2013年9月.
Yiyang Li, Ryo Nakagawa, Chiyomi Miyajima, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Content-based driving scene retrieval using driving behavior and environmental driving signals, Springer, (都市), Feb. 2014.
Teruaki Ito, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Nevan C. Hanumara and Alexander H. Slocum : Teaching Creativity in Design Through Project-Based Learning in a Collaborative Distributed Educational Setting, --- in Cloud-based Design and Manufacturing (CBDM) (Dirk Schaefer, Ed.) ---, Springer-Verlag, London, July 2014.
下村 隆夫 : 個別指導・評価に役立つe-ラーニングシステム, 学事出版, 東京, 2014年8月.
Masahito Hayashi, Satoshi Ishizuka, Akinori Kawachi, Gen Kimura and Tomohisa Ogawa : Introduction to Quantum Information Science, Springer, (都市), Sep. 2014.
Noriko Uosaki, Hiroaki Ogata, Li Mengmeng, Hou Bin and Mouri Kousuke : Guidelines on Creating and Implementing Successful Seamless Mobile Learning Environments: a Practitioners Perspective, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 2013.
Takao Shimomura and Adriano Montanaro : Platform-Independent Courseware Sharing, International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, Vol.5, No.5, pp.1-9, 2013.
Yuichi Nagata and Shigenobu Kobayashi : A Powerful Genetic Algorithm using Edge Assembling Crossover for the Traveling Salesman Problem, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Vol.25, No.2, pp.346-363, 2013.
Sangkon Lee, Masami Shishibori and Chia Han : An Improvement Video Search Method for VP-Tree by using a Trigonometric Inequality, Journal of Information Processing Systems, Vol.9, No.2, pp.315-332, 2013.
Kazuhiko Kinoshita, K. Kawano and K. Murakami : Joint Spectrum Sharing and Routing for WiFi/WiMAX Interworking Mesh Networks, International Journal of Multimedia Technology, Vol.3, No.3, pp.74-79, 2013.
Shin-ichi Ito, Yasue Mitsukura, Takafumi Saito, Katsuya SATO and Shoichiro Fujisawa : Visualization Method to Confirm Relationships among Optimal Solutions, INFORMATION, Vol.16, No.7(B), pp.4893-4906, 2013.
Xiao Yao, Takatoshi Jitsuhiro, Chiyomi Miyajima, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Classification of speech under stress based on modeling of the vocal folds and vocal tract, EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, Vol.2013, No.17, 2013.
Andrej Bogdanov, Akinori Kawachi and Hidetoki Tanaka : Hard Functions for Low-Degree Polynomials over Prime Fields, ACM Transactions on Computation Theory, Vol.5, No.2, 2013.
Takao Shimomura : Extensible Sharable Learning Architecture, International Journal of Web Engineering, Vol.2, No.1, pp.21-35, 2013.
Takao Shimomura : SEMANTIC PROGRAM VISUALIZATION WITH ATTACHABLE DISPLAY CLASSES, International Journal of Computers and Applications, Vol.35, No.2, pp.1-9, 2013.
北岡 教英, 押川 洋徳, 中川 聖一 : 単語認識と連続音節認識を併用した音声認識とタッチ入力を利用した姓名音声入力方式, 電気学会論文誌C (電子,情報,システム部門誌), Vol.133, No.8, 1565-1575頁, 2013年.
川渕 将太, 宮島 千代美, 北岡 教英, 武田 一哉 : 楽曲間の類似判断における個人性データの収集とその分析, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.54, No.4, 1350-1361頁, 2013年.
Teruaki Ito : 1/f-Fluctuated Illumination to Deliver Implicit Emotional Message, International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science & Technology, Vol.14, No.4, pp.22-28, 2013.
Xiao Yao, Takatoshi Jitsuhiro, Chiyomi Miyajima, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Classification of speech under stress based on physical modeling, Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol.34, No.5, pp.311-321, 2013.
福島 信純, 永田 裕一, 小林 重信, 小野 功 : Distance-weighted Exponential Natural Evolution Strategyの提案と性能評価, 進化計算学会論文誌, Vol.4, No.2, 57-73頁, 2013年.
Tsutomu Hashizume, Kitagawa Hiroshi, Lee Hokyoo, Ueda Hisatoshi, Miyamoto Tadayoshi, Ikuo Yoneda and Shoichiro Fujisawa : Evaluation of Physical Load While Propelling Manual Wheelchair on Cross Slope Road and Wave Road, Assistive Technology Research Series, Vol.33, (号), pp.183-189, 2013.
Shoichiro Fujisawa, Miyazaki Tatsuya, Shin-ichi Ito and Katsuya SATO : Continuity of Tactile Walking Surface Indicators and Audible Pedestrian Signals at Crosswalks, Assistive Technology Research Series, Vol.33, (号), pp.647-652, 2013.
Maeno Tetsuya, Shoichiro Fujisawa, Shin-ichi Ito, Katsuya SATO, Ogawa Takehiro and Ishimoto Hiroh : Research on the Occupational Ability Evaluation Technique in the Group Work of Intellectually/Mentally Handicapped Persons by MODAPTS Method, Assistive Technology Research Series, Vol.33, (号), pp.970-975, 2013.
Ikeda Norihiro, Takahashi Kazuya, Yamamoto Genji, Kimura Yuki, Shin-ichi Ito, Katsuya SATO and Shoichiro Fujisawa : Verification of LED Blocks used at Crosswalk Entrances for Persons with Visually Impairment, Assistive Technology Research Series, Vol.33, (号), pp.982-987, 2013.
Matsubara Kayoko, Shin-ichi Ito, Katsuya SATO, Masayuki Booka, Oku Hidehisa and Shoichiro Fujisawa : Difference in Road Surface Recognition by Disease and Grades of The Low Vision, Assistive Technology Research Series, Vol.33, (号), pp.988-993, 2013.
Dani Yuniawan, Teruaki Ito and Effendi Bin Mohamad : Calculation of overall equipment effectiveness weight by Taguchi method with simulation, Concurrent Engineering, Vol.21, No.4, pp.296-306, 2013.
光原 弘幸, 三木 啓司, 角川 隆英, 宮下 純 : 物語分岐と競争を取り入れた実世界Edutainmentシステム, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D), Vol.J96-D, No.10, 2476-2487頁, 2013年.
Tomoaki Kashiwao, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Estimation of Transition Times of a Hopping Machine Based on Wavelet Analysis, SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, Vol.6, No.6, pp.396-402, 2013.
中島 雄太, 門司 亮, 佐藤 克也, 南 和幸 : 高精度細胞伸展マイクロデバイスの開発と引張りを受ける細胞のその場観察, 電気学会論文誌E (センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌), Vol.133, No.12, 350-357頁, 2013年.
金西 計英, 光原 弘幸, 三好 康夫, 松浦 健二 : 自学自習における学習意欲の維持へのTwitterボットの活用, 日本教育工学会論文誌, Vol.37(Suppl), (号), 69-72頁, 2013年.
Effendi Bin Mohamad and Teruaki Ito : Integration of e-learning and simulation to user training programme of SMED, International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services, Vol.3, No.2, pp.121-136, 2013.
Dani Yuniawan, Teruaki Ito and Effendi Bin Mohamad : Characteristic mapping of overall equipment effectiveness elements through simulaiton and the Taguchi method, Journal of Human Captals Development, Vol.6, No.2, pp.1-11, 2013.
Effendi Bin Mohamad, Teruaki Ito and Dani Yuniawan : Quantifying benefits of lean manufacturing tools implementation with simulation in coolant hose factory, Journal of Human Captals Development, Vol.6, No.2, pp.13-26, 2013.
Kuramoto Nobuhisa, Shin-ichi Ito, Katsuya SATO and Shoichiro Fujisawa : Electroencephalogram Analysis of Mechanisms Underlying Brain Activity during Voluntary Movement, International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics (IJBBB), Vol.4, No.1, pp.49-56, 2014.
Madoka Miki, Norihide Kitaoka, Chiyomi Miyajima, Takanori Nishino and Kazuya Takeda : Improvement of multimodal gestrure and speech recognition performance using time intervals between gestures and accompaning speech, EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, Vol.2014, No.2, 2014.
Norihide Kitaoka, Yuji Kinoshita, Sunao Hara, Chiyomi Miyajima and Kazuya Takeda : A graph-based spoken dialog strategy utilizing multiple understanding hypotheses, Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Vol.29, No.1, pp.1-10, 2014.
Takao Shimomura and Kenji Ikeda : Two Types of Deadlock Detection: Cyclic and Acyclic, Intelligent Systems for Science and Information, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol.542, (号), pp.233-259, 2014.
Teruaki Ito, Effendi Bin Mohamad and Rizal Mohd Salleh : A framework of UT-UTeM mobility program based on digital engineering and deterministic design, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.8, No.1, pp.13-26, 2014.
Norihide Kitaoka, Daisuke Enami and Seiichi Nakagawa : Effect of acoustic and linguistic contexts on human and machine speech recognition, Computer Speech & Language, Vol.28, No.3, pp.769-787, 2014.
Yusuke Mizuno, Takanori Nishino, Kazunobu Kondo, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Effective Frame Selection for Blind Source Separation based on Frequency Domain Independent Component Analysis, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E97-A, No.3, pp.784-791, 2014.
陳 伯翰, 北岡 教英, 武田 一哉 : 発話セグメントクラスタの評価とそれに基づく改良ボトムアップクラスタリングによる話者ダイアライゼーションの高精度化, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D), Vol.J97-D, No.3, 540-547頁, 2014年.
Akinori Kawachi : Proving Circuit Lower Bounds in High Uniform Classes, Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Vol.20, No.1, pp.1-26, 2014.
濱田 直希, 永田 裕一, 小林 重信, 小野 功 : BS-AWA: Adaptive Weighted Aggregationの目的数に対するスケーラビリティの向上, 進化計算学会論文誌, Vol.5, No.1, 1-15頁, 2014年.
Yiyang Li, Chiyomi Miyajima, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Driving scene retrieval with an integrated similarity measure using driving behavior and environment information, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol.134, No.5, pp.678-685, 2014.
Kazuhiko Kinoshita, N. Yamai and K. Murakami : A Fair and Efficient Agent Scheduling Method for Content-based Information Retrieval with Individual Time Constraints and Its Implementation, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E97-B, No.5, pp.945-951, 2014.
Kyohei Hirono, Tatsuya Miyazaki, Shin-ichi Ito, Katsuya SATO and Shoichiro Fujisawa : Research on continuity among assistive devices for personal mobility of visually impaired persons around crossings, Assistive Technology Research Series, Vol.35, (号), pp.435-436, 2014.
Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito, Katsuya SATO, Shoichiro Fujisawa and Minoru Fukumi : Preference Classification Method Using EEG Analysis Based on Gray Theory and Personality Analysis, The Online Journal on Computer Science and Information Technology, OJCSIT, Vol.4, No.3, pp.276-280, 2014.
柘植 覚, 大橋 宏正, 市川 賢, 北岡 教英, 武田 一哉, 北 研二 : 音声ドキュメント検索における種々の検討および線形補間係数を自動決定する検索質問拡張, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.55, No.6, 1625-1636頁, 2014年.
Kengo Ohta, Norihide Kitaoka and Seiichi Nakagawa : Modeling filled pauses and silences for responses of a spoken dialogue system, North American University Union International Journal of Computers, Vol.8, pp.133-143, 2014.
Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito, Katsuya SATO, Shoichiro Fujisawa and Minoru Fukumi : Preference Analysis Method Applying Relationship between Electroencephalogram Activities and Egogram in Prefrontal Cortex Activities, --- How to collaborate between engineering techniques and psychology ---, International Journal of Advances in Psychology, Vol.3, No.3, pp.86-93, 2014.
Takao Shimomura, Kenji Ikeda and Montanaro Adriano : Distribution and Sharing of E-Learning Courseware by Weighted Keywords, International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET), Vol.5, No.9, pp.698-703, 2014.
Kazuhiko Kinoshita, M. Nakagawa, K. Kawano and K. Murakami : An Efficient Spectrum Sharing Method Based on Genetic Algorithm in Heterogeneous Wireless Network, International journal of Computer Networks & Communications, Vol.6, No.5, pp.145-156, 2014.
Teruaki Ito : A proposal of body movement-based interaction towards remote collaboration for concurrent engineering, International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, Vol.7, No.3/4, pp.365-382, 2014.
Hiroyuki Mitsuhara and Masami Shishibori : Hybrid textbook: fusion of digital textbooks and traditional learning tools, International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Vol.14, No.3/4, pp.237-255, 2015.
WANG Dong, Hiroyuki Mitsuhara and Masami Shishibori : Nearest Neighbor Search with the Revised TLAESA, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E98-D, No.1, pp.65-77, 2015.
Yiyang Li, Chiyomi Miyajima, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : An evaluation method of aggressiveness of driving behavior using drive recorders, IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol.4, No.1, pp.59-66, 2015.
Eiichiro Fujisaki, Akinori Kawachi, Ryo Nishimaki, Keisuke Tanaka and Kenji Yasunaga : Post-Challenge Leakage Resilient Public-Key Cryptosystem in Split State Model, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E98-A, No.3, pp.853-862, 2015.
Akinori Kawachi and Ikko Yamane : A Fourier-Analytic Approach to List-Decoding for Sparse Random Linear Codes, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.Vol.E98-D, No.3, pp.532-540, 2015.
市川 賢, 北岡 教英, 柘植 覚, 武田 一哉, 北 研二 : 種々のテキスト検索モデルの頑健性向上による音声ドキュメント検索の高精度化, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.56, No.3, 1003-1012頁, 2015年.
木下 和彦, 山崎 公敬, 井上 優也, 廣田 悠介, 戸出 英樹, 村上 孝三 : ネット ワーク制御を一元化したサービス提供プラットホームの提案と実装, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(B), Vol.J98-B, No.4, 345-356頁, 2015年.
浮田 浩行, 吉田 敦也, 寺田 賢治, 藤澤 正一郎 : 大学生主体の小中学生向けロボット教室「徳島ロボットプログラミングクラブ」における科学技術教育, 日本ロボット学会誌, Vol.33, No.3, 22-31頁, 2015年.
Takako Ikuno, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Lost Property Detection by Template Matching using Genetic Algorithm and Random Search, Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Vol.3, No.2, pp.59-64, 2015.
Peng Zhang, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Development of Eye Mouse Using EOG signals and Learning Vector Quantization Method, Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Vol.3, No.2, pp.52-58, 2015.
Shun Nishide, Harumitsu Nobuta, Hiroshi Okuno and Tetsuya Ogata : Preferential training of neurodynamical model based on predictability of target dynamics, Advanced Robotics, Vol.29, No.9, pp.587-596, 2015.
Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito, Shoichiro Fujisawa and Minoru Fukumi : Method to Classify Matching Patterns between Music and Humans Mood Using EEG Analysis Technique Considering Personality, The Online Journal on Computer Science and Information Technology, OJCSIT, Vol.5, No.3, pp.341-345, 2015.
Katsuya SATO, Yuki OGAWA, Shin-ichi Ito, Shoichiro Fujisawa and Kazuyuki MINAMI : Strain magnitude dependent intracellular calcium signaling response to uniaxial stretch in osteoblastic cells, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol.10, No.3, pp.1-11, 2015.
Norihiro Ikeda, Kazuya Takahashi, Tomoyuki Inagaki, Katsuya SATO, Shin-ichi Ito, Motohiro Seiyama, Kiyohito Takeuchi, Hiroshi Ogino and Shoichiro Fujisawa : Visibility of LED Blocks Mounted on Crosswalk Boundaries for low Visual Capacity, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol.217, pp.512-517, 2015.
Shoichiro Fujisawa, Kyohei Hirono, Shin-ichi Ito, Katsuya SATO and Osamu Sueda : Walking Characteristics of Persons with Visually Impairment Crossing Intersections with Audible Pedestrian Signals, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol.217, pp.633-638, 2015.
Jiro Yonezaki, Maki Ikeda, Takuya Tsubaki, Katsuya SATO, Shin-ichi Ito, Osamu Sueda and Shoichiro Fujisawa : Development of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Assessment Tools for Patients with ALS, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol.217, pp.805-810, 2015.
Masayuki Booka, Ikuo Yoneda, Tsutomu Hashizume, Hokyoo Lee, Hidehisa Oku and Shoichiro Fujisawa : Effect of Pressure to Physical Workload at Operating a Manual Wheelchair, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol.217, pp.929-934, 2015.
Ryota Kurozumi, Toru Yamamoto and Shoichiro Fujisawa : Development of Safety concept of electric wheelchair driving support system based on assessment of risk, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol.217, pp.984-987, 2015.
Xiao Yao, Takatoshi Jitsuhiro, Chiyomi Miyajima, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Modelling of Physical Characteristics of Speech under Stress, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.22, No.10, pp.1801-1805, 2015.
Norihiro Ikeda, Kazuya Takahashi, Tomoyuki Inagaki, Katsuya SATO, Shin-ichi Ito, Motohiro Seiyama and Shoichiro Fujisawa : Emitting LED block at crosswalk entrance for visually impaired persons, Procedia Manufacturing, Vol.3, (号), pp.3147-3151, 2015.
稲垣 具志, 藤澤 正一郎, 高橋 和哉, 池田 典弘, 竹内 聖人, 荻野 弘 : 歩行実験に基づく視覚障害者の道路横断のための方向定位支援ツールの提案, 交通工学論文集, Vol.2, No.A, 166-173頁, 2016年.
木下 和彦 : ディジタル無線通信のこれまでとこれから, 電気学会誌, Vol.133, No.5, 294-297頁, 2013年5月.
永田 裕一 : 多点探索アルゴリズムの基礎と最前線, オペレーションズ・リサーチ, Vol.58, No.12, 708-715頁, 2013年12月.
池田 建司 : システム同定における非漸近的信頼区間, システム/制御/情報, Vol.59, No.5, 192-197頁, 2015年5月.
光原 弘幸 : ICT活用型防災教育を盛り上げるには?, 人工知能学会誌, Vol.30, No.4, 517-518頁, 2015年7月.
伊藤 照明 : 「設計工学とシステム工学の新展開2015」特集号発刊にあたって, 日本機械学会誌, Vol.81, No.830, 15頁, 2015年10月.
【国際会議 Proceedings】
Xiao Yao, Takatoshi Jitsuhiro, Chiyomi Miyajima, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Estimation of vocal tract parameters for the classification of speech under stress, ICASSP 2013, pp.7532-7535, (都市), May 2013.
Motonari Kawagishi, Shota Kawabuchi, Chiyomi Miyajima, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Analysis and modeling of entrainment in chorus singing, Proc. ICASSP 2013, pp.7795-7798, (都市), May 2013.
M. Yamazaki, Y. Inoue, Y. Hirota, Kazuhiko Kinoshita, H. Tode and K. Murakami : A New Service Platform Unifying Network Control and Its Prototyping, Proceedings of the IFIP/IEEE Integrated Network Management Symposium (IM 2013), (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), May 2013.
Satoru Tsuge, Ken Ichikawa, Norihide Kitaoka, Kazuya Takeda and Kenji Kita : Spoken Content Retrieval Using Distance Combination and Spoken Term Detection Using Hash Function for NTCIR10 SpokenDoc2 Task, Proceeding of the 10th NTCIR Conference, pp.597-603, (都市), June 2013.
Kenji Ikeda : Asymptotic Properties of MOESP-type Methods, Preprints of ALCOSP and PSYCO 2013, (巻), (号), pp.92-97, Caen, July 2013.
Akinori Kawachi : Circuit Lower Bounds from Learning-Theoretic Approaches, ICALP 2013 Satellite Workshop on Learning Theory and Complexity, (巻), (号), Riga, Latvia, July 2013.
Dani Yuniawan, Effendi Bin Mohamad and Teruaki Ito : OEE measurement by Taguchi method with simulation, International Symposium on Scheduling 2013 (ISS2013), (巻), (号), p.1A-1, Tokyo, July 2013.
Teruaki Ito and Tomio Watanabe : ARM-COMS: Arm-supported embodied communication monitor system, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.HIMI/HCII 2013, Part III, No.LNCS 8018, pp.307-316, Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A., July 2013.
Xiao Yao, Takatoshi Jitsuhiro, Chiyomi Miyajima, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Classification of speech under stress by modeling the aerodynamics of the laryngeal ventricle, Proc. INTERSPEECH2013, pp.837-840, (都市), Aug. 2013.
Teruaki Ito : Implicit emotional message representation with 1/F fluctuation for ambient interface application, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, No.12807, pp.1-8, Portland, Aug. 2013.
Noriko Uosaki, Hiroaki Ogata, Li Mengmeng and Hou Bin : Supporting English Vocabulary Learning with SCROLL, International Conference on Collaboration Technologies, pp.9-12, Sapporo, Aug. 2013.
Shota Kawabuchi, Chiyomi Miyajima, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Modeling subjective evaluation of music similarity using tolerance, Proc. EUSIPCO 2013, (都市), Sep. 2013.
Chiyomi Miyajima, Hiroki Takeshita, Hiroaki Ishikawa, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Measuring driving behavior on different types of vehicles, The SICE Annual Conference 2013, pp.1172-1173, (都市), Sep. 2013.
Y. Inoue, Y. Hirota, Kazuhiko Kinoshita, H. Tode and K. Murakami : A Prototype of Service Platform Uniting Network Control in Multiple OpenFlow Domains, 15th Asia-Pacific Network Management Symposium (APNOMS 2013), (都市), Sep. 2013.
Teruaki Ito : An approach of boby movement-based interaction towards remote collaboration, Proceedings of the 20th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, Vol.1, No.20, pp.1-11, Melbourne, Sep. 2013.
Effendi Bin Mohamad, Teruaki Ito and Dani Yuniawan : A simulation-based approach to decision support for lean practioners, Proceedings of the 20th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, Vol.1, No.32, pp.1-10, Melbourne, Sep. 2013.
Tomoaki Kashiwao, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Identification of a Hopping Machine Based on a Piecewise Affine Model, SICE Annual Conference 2013, (巻), (号), pp.501-504, Nagoya, Sep. 2013.
Masataka Mori, Chiyomi Miyajima, Takatsugu Hirayama, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Integrated modeling of driver gaze and vehicle operation behavior to estimate risk level during lane changes, itsc, pp.2020-2025, (都市), Oct. 2013.
Kengo Ohta, Norihide Kitaoka and Seiichi Nakagawa : Analyzing Effects of Filled Pauses and Silences in Responses of a Spoken Dialogue System, The 6th World Congress: Applied Computing Conference, pp.71-77, (都市), Oct. 2013.
K. Katsumoto, Kazuhiko Kinoshita, N. Yamai and K. Murakami : A Bandwidth Assignment Method for Downloading Large Files with Time Constraints, 5th International Conference on Emerging Network Intelligence (EMERGING 2013), (都市), Oct. 2013.
Takao Shimomura and Kenji Ikeda : Waiting Blocked-Tree Type Deadlock Detection, Proc. of Science and Information Conference 2013 (SAI2013), (巻), (号), pp.45-50, London, Oct. 2013.
Ken Ichikawa, Satoru Tsuge, Norihide Kitaoka, Kazuya Takeda and Kenji Kita : Spoken document retrieval using both word-based and syllable-based document spaces with latent semantic indexing, Proceedings of the APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (ASC) 2013, (都市), Oct. 2013.
Dani Yuniawan, Teruaki Ito and Effendi Bin Mohamad : A proposal of total productive maintenance training system, JSME No.13-205 The 13th Design Engineering Workshop 2013, (巻), No.12, pp.1-5, Kitakyushu, Nov. 2013.
Teruaki Ito, Rizal Bin Mohd Salleh and Effendi Bin Mohamad : A Student Mobility Program through Cross Cultural and Technical Exposure, JSME No.13-205 The 13th Design Engineering Workshop 2013, (巻), No.13, pp.1-6, Kitakyushu, Nov. 2013.
Effendi Bin Mohamad, Teruaki Ito and Dani Yuniawan : Lean Manufacturing Tools Training System, JSME No.13-205 The 13th Design Engineering Workshop 2013, (巻), No.14, pp.1-6, Kitakyushu, Nov. 2013.
Takako Ikuno, Yohei Takeuchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Abandoned Object Detection by Genetic Algorithm with Local Search, Proceeding of 2013 International Conference on System, Process, and Control, pp.113-116, Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2013.
Zhang Peng, Yohei Takeuchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Implementation of EOG Mouse Using Learning Vector Quantization and EOG-feature Based Methods, Proceeding of 2013 International Conference on System, Process, and Control, pp.98-102, Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2013.
Takahiro Horiuchi, Yohei Takeuchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Creation of a Panoramic Image by Genetic Algorithm, Proceeding of 2013 International Conference on System, Process, and Control, pp.113-116, Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2013.
Y. Maruyama, K. Kawano, Kazuhiko Kinoshita and K. Murakami : A Spectrum Sharing Method based on Adaptive Threshold Management between Non-cooperative WiMAX/WiFi Providers, 13th International Conference on Networks (ICN2014), (都市), Feb. 2014.
Akinori Kawachi : Derandomization and Circuit Complexity, Proceedings of Computability Theory and Foundations of Mathematics (CTFM 2014), p.6, Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 2014.
Masataka Mori, Chiyomi Miyajima, Takatsugu Hirayama, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Use of driver gaze information for detecting risky lane change, International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, pp.441-444, (都市), March 2014.
Daiki Konishi, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Comparison of Poolong Methods in a Deep Neural Network, Proceeding of 2014 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, pp.285-288, Honolulu, March 2014.
Tomoaki Chika, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Personal authentication system by using Kinect, Proceeding of 2014 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, pp.289-292, Honolulu, March 2014.
Akiko Sugiyama, Momoyo Ito, Kazuhito Sato, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Analysis of Driving Behavior Caused by Hiyari-Hatto Event Focusing on Head Motion, Proceeding of 2014 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, pp.705-708, Honolulu, March 2014.
Hirono Kyohei, Miyazaki Tatsuya, Shin-ichi Ito, Katsuya SATO and Shoichiro Fujisawa : Research on continuity among assistive devices for personal mobility of visually impaired persons around crossings, Proc. of 5th Inernational Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes (ADCONIP 2014), (巻), (号), pp.247-250, Hiroshima, May 2014.
Akinori Kawachi, Benjamin Rossman and Osamu Watanabe : The Query Complexity of Witness Finding, Proceedings of the 9th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR 2014), pp.218-231, (都市), June 2014.
Teruaki Ito and Tomio Watanabe : Three Key Challenges in ARM-COMS for Entrainment Effect Acceleration in Remote Communication, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.HIMI 2014, Part I, No.LNCS 8521, pp.177-186, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 2014.
Kenji Ikeda : Error Analysis of PO-MOESP Algorithm, 21th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), (巻), (号), pp.545-550, Groningen, July 2014.
Shoichiro Fujisawa, Norihiro Ikeda, Kazuya Takahashi, Tomoyuki Inagaki, Katsuya SATO, Shin-ichi Ito and Motohiro Seimiya : Research on identifying LED blocks mounted on crosswalk boundaries for persons with visually impairment, 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2014, (巻), (号), (頁), Krakow, July 2014.
Hiroyuki Mitsuhara and Masami Shishibori : Digital Signage System for Learning Material Presentation Based on Learning Continuum, Proc. of International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (ICSLE 2014), (巻), (号), pp.121-128, Hong Kong, July 2014.
Natsuki Inoue, Yosuke Tanigawa, Kazuhiko Kinoshita, Hideki Tode, Koso Murakami and Takashi Watanabe : Cooperative Routing Method with Shared Nodes for Overlapping Wireless Sensor Networks, Proceedings of the International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2014), (都市), Aug. 2014.
Teruaki Ito, Eiichi Honda, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto and Midori Yoshida : 1/F noise-fluctuated cozy lighting system for concentration improvement, Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, No.34335, pp.1-10, Buffalo, Aug. 2014.
Kenji Ikeda : On the precision of the plant estimates in some subspace identification methods, Preprints of the 19th World Congress IFAC, (巻), (号), pp.9516-9521, Cape Town, Aug. 2014.
Hiroki Matsuyama, Yuya Inoue, Yusuke Hirota, Kazuhiko Kinoshita, Hideki Tode and Takashi Watanabe : A Traffic Load Balancing Method for Component-based Service Platform with Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks, 16th Asia-Pacific Network Management Symposium (APNOMS 2014), (都市), Sep. 2014.
Tomoki Hayashi, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Investigation of robustness of deep bottleneck features for speakers of a variety of ages in speech recognition, FORUM ACUSTICUM, (都市), Sep. 2014.
T. Sasaki, Yuichi Nagata and Isao Ono : Improving Estimation Accuracy of Particle Filter by Efficient Interpolation Based on Crossover, Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2014, pp.1216-1221, (都市), Sep. 2014.
T. Shioda, Yuichi Nagata and Isao Ono : Improvement of Convergence Properties in Adaptive Weighted Aggregation for Multiobjective Continuous Optimization, Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2014, pp.1210-1215, (都市), Sep. 2014.
Yuichi Nagata and Isao Ono : Random Partial Neighborhood Search for University Course Timetabling Problem, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, pp.782-791, (都市), Sep. 2014.
Kenji Ikeda : Error Analysis of State Approaches in Subspace Identification Methods, SICE Annual Conference 2014, (巻), (号), pp.1685-1690, Sapporo, Sep. 2014.
Tomoaki Kashiwao, Mayu Hiura, Daigo Hara, Kenji Ikeda and Takao Shimomura : Effect of Optical Properties of Components for Light Extraction Efficiency of SMD LEDs, SICE Annual Conference 2014, (巻), (号), pp.1936-1940, Sapporo, Sep. 2014.
Yuta NAKASHIMA, Tin YANG, Ryo MONJI, Kazuyuki MINAMI, Katsuya SATO and Yoshitaka NAKANISHI : Monitoring of Cellular Behavior to Receive Mechanical Stimulation Controlled by Microdevice, Proceedings of IEEE PEMC (16th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition, pp.761-766, (都市), Sep. 2014.
Teruaki Ito : Sustainable design towards life innovation, International Conference on Design & Concurrent Engineering 2014 (iDECON2012), Melaka, Malaysia, Sep. 2014.
Maharof Madihah, Jamaludin Zamberi, Minhat Mohamad and Teruaki Ito : Review on Cutting Force Compensation Techniques for Machine Tools Application, International Conference on Design & Concurrent Engineering 2014 (iDECON2014), No.139, Melaka, Malaysia, Sep. 2014.
Zhang Peng, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Development of EOG Mouse Using Learning Vector Quantization, Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2014, pp.38-43, Kitakyushu, Sep. 2014.
Takako Ikuno, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Lost Property Detection by Genetic Algorithm with Local Search, Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2014, pp.245-249, Kitakyushu, Sep. 2014.
Yiyang Li, Chiyomi Miyajima, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Measuring Aggressive Driving Behavior Using Signals from Drive Recorders, ITSC14, pp.1886-1887, (都市), Oct. 2014.
Panikos Heracleous, Pongtep Angkititrakul, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Unsupervised energy disaggregation using conditional random fields, ISGT Europe 2014, (都市), Oct. 2014.
Masafumi Nishida, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Development and preliminary analysis of sensor signal database of contiuous daily living activity over the long term, APSIPA ASC 2014, (都市), Oct. 2014.
Norihide Kitaoka, Tomoki Hayashi and Kazuya Takeda : Noisy speech recognition using blind spatial subtraction array technique and deep bottleneck features, APSIPA ASC 2014, (都市), Oct. 2014.
Takako Ikuno, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Object Search by Template Matching using Genetic Algorithm and Random Search, Proceeding of the 2015 Joint Conference of the International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT) and the International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA), No.OS.25, pp.1-4, Tainan, Jan. 2015.
Eiji Hase, Katsuya SATO and Takeshi Yasui : In vivo visualization of collagen fiber produced by cultured osteoblasts using sensitive second-harmonic-generation microscopy equipped with a 10-fs mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser, BiOS 2015 (Photonic West 2015), San Francisco, Feb. 2015.
Katsuya Sakoyama, Chiyomi Miyajima, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Tracking Roadside Signage Observed by Drivers, NCSP'15, pp.429-432, (都市), March 2015.
Yuto Dekiura, Tetsuya Matsumoto, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Hiroaki Kudo, Noboru Onishi, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Fast Separation and Accurate Recognition of Overlapped Speech --- Separation by Spectral Subtraction and Acoustic Model Training using Separated Speeches---, NCSP'15, pp.1-4, (都市), March 2015.
Taito Mori, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Analysis of Driver's Eye-gaze Movements at Near-miss Events, Proceeding of the 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), (号), pp.330-333, Kuala Lumpur, March 2015.
Koji Miyai, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Fundamental study for driving scene classification using Bag of Keypoints, Proceeding of the 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), (号), pp.342-345, Kuala Lumpur, March 2015.
Takuma Ogawa, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Detection of Abandoned Object by Pan-Tilt Camera, Proceeding of the 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), (号), pp.278-281, Kuala Lumpur, March 2015.
Nao Tsuzuki, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi : A Method to Detect Uncomfortable Feeling of Listeners by Biological Information, Proceeding of the 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), (号), pp.481-484, Kuala Lumpur, March 2015.
Iwama Satoshi, Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, Iwaka Kazuhisa, Tanaka Kazumoto, Yasunori Kozuki and Masami Shishibori : USING AR AND HMD FOR DISASTER PREVENTION EDUCATION, Proceedings of the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2015), pp.6681-6687, Madrid, March 2015.
Kawai Junya, Iwama Satoshi, Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, Iwaka Kazuhisa, Yasunori Kozuki, Tanaka Kazumoto and Masami Shishibori : GAME-BASED EVACUATION DRILL SYSTEM USING AR, HMD, AND 3DCG, Proceedings of the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2015), (巻), (号), pp.6688-6698, Madrid, March 2015.
Manabe Keito, Hiroyuki Mitsuhara and Masami Shishibori : INTERACTIVE DIGITAL SIGNAGE USING KINECT AND ITS EXPERIMENTAL USE, Proceedings of the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2015), (巻), (号), pp.6674-6680, Madrid, March 2015.
Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, Hiroaki Kangawa, Keito Manabe and Masami Shishibori : DIGITAL SIGNAGE FOR LEARNING MATERIAL DELIVERY FOCUSING ON STUDENT FRIENDSHIP, Proceedings of the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2015), (巻), (号), pp.6666-6673, Madrid, March 2015.
Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, Takehisa Inoue, Kenji Yamaguchi, Yasuichi Takechi, Mari Morimoto, Kazuhisa Iwaka, Yasunori Kozuki and Masami Shishibori : LEARNING BY SCENARIO AUTHORING: WEB-BASED SCENARIO AUTHORING SYSTEM FOR DISASTER PREVENTION EDUCATION, Proceedings of the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2015), pp.6699-6706, Madrid, March 2015.
Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Feeling Evaluation Detection for Auto-skip Music using EEG Analysis Technique, International workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2015), Vol.IS3-2-3, pp.1-4, Nagoya, March 2015.
Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Method to Detect Impression Evaluation Patterns on Music Listened to Using EEG Analysis Technique, The 10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2015), (号), pp.1848-1853, Kota Kinabalu, May 2015.
Kenji Ikeda and Hiroshi Oku : Estimation Error Analysis of System Matrices in Some Subspace Identification Methods, Proceedings of 10th Asian Control Conference, (巻), (号), pp.1-6, Kota Kinabalu, June 2015.
Takahide Funabashi, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : On-line Recognition of Finger Motions Using Wrist EMG and Simple-PCA, Proc. of Asian Control Conference 2015 (ASCC'2015),, (号), pp.2182-2186, Kota Kinabalu, June 2015.
Kasim Shahir Mohd, Haron Hassan Che Che, A.Ghani Jaharah, Teruaki Ito, Ali Amran Md Mohd, Bakar Hadzley Abu Mohd and Izamshah Raja : Trade-off between material removal rate and productivity based on multi-objective optimization during milling Inconel 718, International Symposium on Scheduling 2015 (ISS2015), (巻), (号), pp.67-72, Kobe, July 2015.
Izamshah Raja, Kasim Shahir Mohd, Mohamad Effendi, Ali Amran Mohd, Hadzley Mohd, Teruaki Ito, Nasir Norazlin and Teoh Siang Yong : Scheduling of machining parameter to optimize productivity in medical implant fabrication, International Symposium on Scheduling 2015 (ISS2015), (巻), (号), pp.73-78, Kobe, July 2015.
Teruaki Ito, Kasim Shahir Mohd, Raja Izamshah bin Raja Abdullah, Nasir Norazlin and Teoh Siang Yong : Cloud-based project supervision to support vitrual team for academic collaboration, Proceedings of the 22th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, (巻), (号), pp.81-90, Delft, July 2015.
Daiki Hiraoka, Momoyo Ito, Shin-ichi Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Hand Motion Discrimination by Support Vector Machine Based on Electromyography of Wrist, Proceeding of the 2015 International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, (号), pp.358-366, Sapporo, July 2015.
Teruaki Ito and Tomio Watanabe : ARM-COMS for entrainment effect enhancement in remote communication, Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, No.47960, pp.1-6, Boston, Aug. 2015.
Saito Kensuke, Kazuhiko Kinoshita, Yamai Nariyoshi and Watanabe Takashi : A Distributed Bandwidth Assignment Method for Large File Transfer with Time Constraints, 17th Asia-Pacific Network Management Symposium (APNOMS 2015), (都市), Aug. 2015.
Eiji Hase, Katsuya SATO and Takeshi Yasui : In situ visualization of collagen fiber produced by cultured osteoblasts using sensitive second-harmonic-generation microscopy equipped with a 10-fs mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser, CLEO Pacific Rim 2015, Busan, Aug. 2015.
Tomoki Hayashi, Masafumi Nishida, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Dayly activity recogntion based on DNN using environmental sound and acceleration signals, Proc. EUSIPCO 2015, pp.2351-2355, (都市), Sep. 2015.
Hiroshi Ninomiya, Norihide Kitaoka, Satoshi Tamura, Yurie Iribe and Kazuya Takeda : Integration of Deep Bottleneck Features for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition, Proc INTERSPEECH, pp.563-566, (都市), Sep. 2015.
Ali Amran Md Mohd, Aziz Sanusi Abdul Mohd, Bakar Hadzley Abu Mohd, Salleh Rizal Mohd, Izamshah Raja, Kasim Shahir Mohd and Teruaki Ito : Effect of CNC Milling and EDM Die Sinking Process on Surface Roughness of Core Mould Surface, Proceedings of International Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference 2015 (iDECON2015), (巻), No.5, pp.1-6, Tokushima, Sep. 2015.
Nasir Norazlin, Teruaki Ito and Hashim Yusairi Bani Ahmad : Agent-Based Communication in JADE Platform for Manufacturing Processes, Proceedings of International Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference 2015 (iDECON2015), (巻), No.8, pp.1-5, Tokushima, Sep. 2015.
Rahimah Hamid Abdul and Teruaki Ito : A Proposal of Wire Bending Mechanism for Dentistry Applications, Proceedings of International Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference 2015 (iDECON2015), No.10, pp.1-8, Tokushima, Sep. 2015.
Maharof Madihah, Teruaki Ito, Jamaludin Zamberi and Watanabe Tomio : A proposal of ARM-COMS control based on the combination of local and remote interaction, Proceedings of International Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference 2015 (iDECON2015), (巻), No.12, pp.1-6, Tokushima, Sep. 2015.
Teoh Siang Yong, Teruaki Ito and Perumal Puvanasvaran : Analysis of bottleneck processs impact on the whole processes in the production line, Proceedings of International Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference 2015 (iDECON2015), (巻), No.13, pp.1-5, Tokushima, Sep. 2015.
Kasim Shahir Mohd, C.H. Hassan Che, Perumal Puvanasvaran, A.Ghani Jaharah, Teruaki Ito, Mohamed Bahri Saiful, Izamshah Raja, Aziz Sanusi Abdul Mohd, Ali Amran Md Mohd and Ibrahim Zabidi : Surface roughness of common industrial material bars: Analysis of the influence of the feed rate, Proceedings of International Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference 2015 (iDECON2015), (巻), No.17, pp.1-6, Tokushima, Sep. 2015.
Izamshah Raja, Zulhairi Mohd, Ali Amran Md Mohd, Kasim Shahir Mohd, Mohamad Effendi, Mohamed Bahri Saiful, Bakar Hadzley Abu Mohd, Aziz Sanusi Abdul Mohd and Teruaki Ito : Development of Variable Helix Cutter Design for Machining Thin Wall Aerospace Component, Proceedings of International Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference 2015 (iDECON2015), (巻), No.38, pp.1-10, Tokushima, Sep. 2015.
Izamshah Raja, Affendi Helmi, Aziz Sanusi Abdul Mohd, Kasim Shahir Mohd, Bakar Hadzley Abu Mohd, Ali Amran Md Mohd, Sulaiman Amri Mohd and Teruaki Ito : Modelling Effect of Cutter Geometrical Feature for Shoulder Milling Of Thin Deflecting Wall, Proceedings of International Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference 2015 (iDECON2015), (巻), No.39, pp.1-9, Tokushima, Sep. 2015.
Attan Hassan, Boejang Hambali, Harun Hatiqah Nurul, Kasim Shahir Mohd, Izamshah Raja and Teruaki Ito : Feasible Study on Dental Restoration Using Time Compression Technologies, Proceedings of International Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference 2015 (iDECON2015), (巻), No.41, pp.1-7, Tokushima, Sep. 2015.
Sahroni Roni Taufik, Boejang Hambali, Loong Ann Win and Teruaki Ito : Design Analysis of Anti Crimping Roll Position, Proceedings of International Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference 2015 (iDECON2015), (巻), No.43, pp.1-8, Tokushima, Sep. 2015.
Sahroni Roni Taufik, Lau Ying Li, Loong Ann Win and Teruaki Ito : Design of Welded Joint based on Transient Thermal Condition, Proceedings of International Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference 2015 (iDECON2015), (巻), No.44, pp.1-8, Tokushima, Sep. 2015.
Mazenan Nizam Mohd, Tan Swee Tian, Soh Samson Sarah, Azmi Azhim Noor Azran, Hirofumi Nagashino, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Izamshah Raja, Kasim Shahir Mohd and Teruaki Ito : Malay Corpus Design for Articulation Disorder Patient for Early Screening Diagnosis, Proceedings of International Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference 2015 (iDECON2015), (巻), No.51, pp.1-11, Tokushima, Sep. 2015.
Kenji Ikeda : Consistent Estimate of Kalman Gain in Subspace Identification Method, The 2015 IEEE Control Systems Society; Multiconference on Systems and Control, (巻), (号), pp.151-156, Sydney, Sep. 2015.
Satoshi Tamura, Hiroshi Ninomiya, Norihide Kitaoka, Shin Ohsuga, Yurie Iribe, Kazuya Takeda and Satoru Hayamizu : Investigation of DNN-based modeling for audio-visual speech recognition, MLSLP2015, (都市), Oct. 2015.
Yurie Iribe, Norihide Kitaoka and Shuhei Segawa : Development of new speech corpus for elderly Japanese speech recognition, Oriental-COCOSDA/CASLRE, pp.27-31, (都市), Oct. 2015.
Satoshi Tamura, Hiroshi Ninomiya, Norihide Kitaoka, Shin Ohsuga, Yurie Iribe, Kazuya Takeda and Satoru Hayamizu : Audio-visual processing toward robust speech recognition in cars, 7th Biennial Workshop on DSP for In-Vehicle Systems and Safety, (都市), Oct. 2015.
Bohan Chen, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Effect of speaking rate and speech complexity on transmission quality during driving navigation task, 7th Biennial Workshop on DSP for In-Vehicle Systems and Safety, (巻), (号), (頁), Berkely, Oct. 2015.
Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, Takehisa Inoue, Kenji Yamaguchi, Yasuichi Takechi, Mari Morimoto, Kazuhisa Iwaka, Yasunori Kozuki and Masami Shishibori : Web-Based System for Designing Game-Based Evacuation Drills, Procedia Computer Science, Vol.72, pp.277-284, Surabayai, Nov. 2015.
Junya Kawai, Hiroyuki Mitsuhara and Masami Shishibori : Tsunami Evacuation Drill System Using Smart Glasses, Procedia Computer Science, Vol.72, (号), pp.329-336, Surabayai, Nov. 2015.
Erdenesaikhan Lkhagvasuren, Kousuke Mouri, Hiroaki Ogata and Kenji Matsuura : Let's Find Suitable Word Using LAD, WIPP & PP Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management, (巻), pp.7-8, Osaka, Nov. 2015.
Shu Tamura, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Method to Evaluate Similarity of Music by Music Features, 42st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2015), (巻), (号), pp.2574-2577, Yokohama, Nov. 2015.
Satoshi Tamura, Hiroshi Ninomiya, Norihide Kitaoka, Shin Ohsuga, Yurie Iribe, Kazuya Takeda and Satoru Hayamizu : Audio-visual speech recognition using deep bottleneck features and high-perfromanc lipreading, APSIPA ASC2015, (巻), (号), pp.575-578, Hong Kong, Dec. 2015.
Masafumi Nishida, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Daily activity recognition based on acoustic signals and acceleration signals estimated with Gaussian process, APSIPA ASC 2015, pp.279-282, Hong Kong, Dec. 2015.
Bohan Chen, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Relationship between Speaker/Listener Similarity and Information Transmission Quality in Speech Communication, APSIPA ASC 2015, (巻), (号), pp.1190-1193, Hong Kong, Dec. 2015.
Shuhei Segawa, Norihide Kitaoka and Kazuya Takeda : Elderly person's emotional state estimation in conversation based on speech features for spoken dialogue systems, 12th Western pacific Acoustics Conference 2015 (WESPAC2015), pp.299-301, (都市), Dec. 2015.
Duo Feng, Shun Nishide and Fuji Ren : Automatic Facial Feature Points Extraction and Expression Recognition Based on Video Database, Proceedings of 4th National Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, pp.1525-1530, (都市), Dec. 2015.
Daiki Hiraoka, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Japanese Janken Recognition by Support Vector Machine Based on Electromyogram of Wrist, Proceeding of the 2016 8th International COnference on Knowlodge and Smart Technology, (号), pp.114-119, Chiang Mai, Feb. 2016.
Takuma Ogawa, Daiki Hiraoka, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito and Minoru Fukumi : Improvement in Detection of Abandoned Object by Pan-tilt Camera, Proceeding of the 2016 8th International COnference on Knowlodge and Smart Technology, (号), pp.152-157, Chiang Mai, Feb. 2016.
Eiji Hase, Takeo Minamikawa, Katsuya SATO, Mitsuhiko Takahashi and Takeshi Yasui : Observation of tendon repair in animal model using second-harmonic-generation microscopy, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.9712, (号), p.97121R, San Francisco, Feb. 2016.
Oki MATSUBARA, Eiji HASE, Takeo Minamikawa, Takeshi Yasui and Katsuya SATO : In situ quantitative evaluation of osteoblastic collagen synthesis under cyclic strain by using second-harmonic-generation microscope, SPIE BiOS 2016, p.9712-71, San Francisco, Feb. 2016.
Perumal Puvanasvaran, Teoh Siang Yong, Teruaki Ito and Nur Syafilla binti Mahamud : Hidden Wastes in Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) under the study of Maynard's Operation Sequence Technique (MOST), Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Oprations Management, (巻), (号), p.450, Kuala Lumpur, March 2016.
Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, Masami Shishibori and Akihiro Kashihara : Preventing Web Page Plagiarism in Investigative Report Writing, Proc. of 7th International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies(ICADIWT2016) (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications), pp.162-171, Taipei, March 2016.
II.1.4 感性情報処理
情報検索システム,自然言語処理,多言語機械翻訳と情報検索,文書 処理, マンマシンインターフェイス,感性コンピュータ,感性情報処理, マルチメディア情報検索,音声認識,など.
II.1.4.1 教員組織
(1) 氏名,(2) メールアドレス,(3) 職名・学位,(4) 専門分野,(5) 所属学会(役職名),(6) 社会活動(役職名),(7) 主要研究テーマ,(8) キーワード,(9) 共同研究可能テーマ
(1) 北 研二, Kenji Kita,
(2) kītā (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) 計算機科学, 情報工学, 情報検索, 自然言語処理, 音声言語処理, メディア情報学,
(5) 情報処理学会・電子情報通信学会・言語処理学会・国際計算言語学会,
(6) 国立国語研究所・国際電気通信基礎技術研究所·音声言語コミュニケーション研究所・独立行政法人日本学術振興会・独立行政法人日本学術振興会・大阪大学サイバーメディアセンター,
(7) ベクトル空間情報検索モデル, 確率的言語モデル, マルチメディア情報検索, クロスメディア情報検索, オーディオ指紋に基づく音楽同定, 脳波による感性情報処理,
(8) 情報検索, 自然言語処理, 計算言語学, コーパス, 潜在的意味解析, 多次元検索, ハミング空間検索, オーディオ指紋, 音楽検索, 画像検索,
(9) 情報検索に関する研究, 自然言語処理に関する研究
(1) 泓田 正雄, Masao Fuketa,
(2) fūkėtā (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) 自然言語処理,
(5) 情報処理学会 (四国支部幹事)・言語処理学会・電子情報通信学会・IEEE・社団法人 人工知能学会・日本医療情報学会・ヒューマンインタフェース学会,
(6) 株式会社 言語理解研究所 (取締役)・徳島県消費生活審議会 (委員),
(7) 情報検索システム, 文書処理, マンマシンインターフェイス,
(8) 自然言語処理, 辞書検索,
(9) 音声対話システムの研究
(1) 柏原 考爾, Koji Kashihara,
(2) kōjīkāśī (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 准教授・博士(工学),
(4) 医用生体工学, 生体信号処理, ヒューマンインタフェース,
(5) 計測自動制御学会・IEEE (SMC)・日本生理人類学会,
(6) ,
(7) 高次認知機能の評価,
(8) 制御工学, 脳神経科学, 循環器, 自律神経,
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 森田 和宏, Kazuhiro Morita,
(2) kām (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 准教授・博士(工学),
(4) 感性情報処理, 自然言語処理,
(5) 情報処理学会・IEEE (Shikoku Section Membership Development Chair),
(6) 社団法人発明協会徳島県支部,
(7) 情報検索システム, 文書処理, マンマシンインターフェイス,
(8) 自然言語処理, 辞書検索, 知識獲得,
(9) 音声対話システムの研究
(1) 大野 将樹, Masaki Oono,
(2) ōōņō (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 講師(学位名称),
(4) 知能情報学,
(5) ,
(6) ,
(7) 音楽情報処理,
(8) (@.keyword),
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 吉田 稔, Minoru Yoshida,
(2) mīņō (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 講師・博士(理学),
(4) (@.field),
(5) 言語処理学会 (正会員, 全国大会プログラム委員)・日本データベース学会 (正会員)・情報処理学会 (正会員, 論文誌「数理モデル化と応用」編集委員, 情報基礎とアクセス技術研究会運営委員, 論文誌知能グループ編集委員(2011年度副査, 2012年度主査))・社団法人 人工知能学会 (正会員)・AIRS 2008(Asia Information Retrieval Symposium)・ACM SIGIR (プログラム委員)・言語処理学会 (代議員),
(6) ,
(7) (@.theme),
(8) (@.keyword),
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 松本 和幸, Kazuyuki Matsumoto,
(2) mātūmōtō (@) īś ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 助教・博士(工学),
(4) 感性情報処理, 自然言語処理,
(5) AIA International Advanced Information Institute (秘書)・情報処理学会・言語処理学会・電子情報通信学会・電気学会・情報処理学会・情報処理学会 (電気関係学会四国支部連合大会現地実行委員)・(@.academicsociety) (the 10th IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, Publication Co-chairs)・2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (Technical Committees)・2016 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC) (Conference Technical Committee),
(6) IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering,
(7) 人間の発話文からの感情認識とロボットの感情創生に関する研究, 機械翻訳技術を応用した英作文支援システムの開発,
(8) 感情認識, 英作文支援, アウトカム管理,
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 康 鑫, XIN KANG,
(2) kāņġ-xīņ (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 助教(学位名称),
(4) 情報学,
(5) ,
(6) ,
(7) Learning natural language representation through deep neural networks,
(8) 自然言語処理, ニューラルネットワーク, 深層学習,
(9) (@.collaborate)
II.1.4.2 研究業績
【著 書】
Fuji Ren and XIN KANG : Employing Hierarchical Bayesian Networks in Simple and Complex Emotion Topic Analysis, Computer Speech & Language, Vol.27, No.4, pp.943-968, 2013.
Abdunabi UBUL, Atlam EL-Sayed, Hiroya Kitagawa, Masao Fuketa, Kazuhiro Morita and Jun-ichi Aoe : An Efficient Method of Summarizing Documents Using Impression Measurements, Computing and Informatics, Vol.32, No.2, pp.371-391, 2013.
Fuji Ren, Changqin Quan and Kazuyuki Matsumoto : ENRICHING MENTAL ENGINEERING, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol.9, No.8, pp.3271-3286, 2013.
Qingmei Xiao, Saito Narumi, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Luo Xin, Yokota Yasushi and Kenji Kita : Index Compression for Audio Fingerprinting Systems Based on Compressed Suffix Array, International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET), Vol.3, No.4, pp.455-460, 2013.
Masao Fuketa, Toshiyuki Tamai, Kazuhiro Morita and Jun-ichi Aoe : Effectiveness of an implementation method for retrieving similar strings by trie structures, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol.48, No.2, pp.130-135, 2013.
Kazuhiro Morita, Hiroya Kitagawa, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe : An incremental construction method of a large-scale thesaurus using co-occurrence information, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol.48, No.2, pp.120-129, 2013.
Takuki Ogawa, Kazuhiro Morita, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe : The Determination of Affirmative and Negative Intentions for Indirect Speech Acts by a Recommendation Tree, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol.4, No.8, pp.228-235, 2013.
Shun Watanabe : The Rate-Distortion Function for Product of Two Sources with Side-Information at Decoders, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.59, (号), pp.5678-5691, 2013.
Kazuhiro Morita, Takuki Ogawa, Hiroya Kitagawa, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe : A method of extraction and visualisation for relationships among objects on web, International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Vol.12, No.3/4, pp.316-327, 2013.
Masao Fuketa, Kazuhiro Morita and Jun-ichi Aoe : Agent based communication systems for elders using a reminiscence therapy, International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Vol.12, No.3/4, pp.254-267, 2013.
Keranmu Xielifuguli, Akira Fujisawa, Yusuke Kusumoto, Kazuyuki Matsumoto and Kenji Kita : Pleasant/Unpleasant Filtering for Affective Image Retrieval Based on Cross-Correlation of EEG Features, Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing, Vol.2014, 2014.
Koji Kashihara, Kazuo Okanoya and Nobuyuki Kawai : Emotional attention modulates microsaccadic rate and direction., Psychological Research, Vol.78, No.2, pp.166-179, 2014.
中川 祥平, 鈴木 基之, 松本 和幸, 北 研二 : 合成音声を用いた特徴量の正規化による感情識別法, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D), Vol.J97-D, No.3, 533-539頁, 2014年.
Misao Miyagawa, Tetsuya Tanioka, Yuko Yasuhara, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Hirokazu Ito, Motoyuki Suzuki, Fuji Ren and Rozzano De Castro Locsin : Methodology for Developing a Nursing Administration Analysis System, Intelligent Information Management, Vol.6, No.3, pp.118-128, 2014.
Yunong Wu, Kenji Kita and Kazuyuki Matsumoto : Three Predictions are Better than One: Sentence Multi-Emotion Analysis from Different Perspectives, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE), Vol.9, No.6, pp.642-649, 2014.
柘植 覚, 大橋 宏正, 市川 賢, 北岡 教英, 武田 一哉, 北 研二 : 音声ドキュメント検索における種々の検討および線形補間係数を自動決定する検索質問拡張, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.55, No.6, 1625-1636頁, 2014年.
Koji Kashihara : A brain-computer interface for potential nonverbal facial communication based on EEG signals related to specific emotions., Frontiers in Neuroscience, Vol.8, No.244, pp.1-12, 2014.
Masao Fuketa, Hiroya Kitagawa, Takuki Ogawa, Kazuhiro Morita and Jun-ichi Aoe : Compression of double array structures for fixed length keywords, Information Processing & Management, Vol.50, No.5, pp.796-806, 2014.
Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Kyosuke Akita, Xielifuguli Keranmu, Minoru Yoshida and Kenji Kita : Extraction Japanese Slang from Weblog Data Based on Script Type and Stroke Count, Procedia Computer Science, Vol.35, No.2014, pp.464-473, 2014.
Yan Sun, Changqin Quan, XIN KANG, Zuopeng Zhang and Fuji Ren : Customer emotion detection by emotion expression analysis on adverbs, Information Technology and Management, pp.1-9, 2014.
Misao Miyagawa, Katou Kaori, Yuko Yasuhara, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Motoyuki Suzuki, Takebayashi Takako, Tetsuya Tanioka and Rozzano De Castro Locsin : Reliability Verification and Practical Effectiveness Evaluation of the Nursing Administration Analysis Formulae Based on PSYCHOMS®, Health, Vol.6, No.21, pp.3013-3021, 2014.
Sun Yan, Fuji Ren, XIN KANG and Changqin Quan : Developing a Japanese Adverb-Emotion Corpus to Investigate the Effect of Adverbs in Japanese Sentence Emotion Classification, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence (IJAI), 2015.
市川 賢, 北岡 教英, 柘植 覚, 武田 一哉, 北 研二 : 種々のテキスト検索モデルの頑健性向上による音声ドキュメント検索の高精度化, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.56, No.3, 1003-1012頁, 2015年.
Fuji Ren, XIN KANG and Changqin Quan : Examining Accumulated Emotional Traits in Suicide Blogs with an Emotion Topic Model, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2015.
Koji Kashihara : Hybrid intelligent controllers for a multiple drug delivery system in acute heart failure, Biomedical Engineering : Applications, Basis, and Communications, Vol.27, No.5, pp.1550043-1-1550043-14, 2015.
Fuji Ren and Kazuyuki Matsumoto : Semi-automatic Creation of Youth Slang Corpus and Its Application to Affective Computing, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Vol.7, No.2, pp.176-189, 2015.
Masao Fuketa, Kazuhiro Morita and Jun-ichi Aoe : Double array structures based on byte segmentation for n-gram, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol.52, No.2/3, pp.110-116, 2015.
Kazuhiro Morita, Masao Fuketa, Jun-ichi Aoe and Kiyoshi Yasuda : Improved dialogue communication systems for individuals with dementia, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol.52, No.2/3, pp.127-134, 2015.
Shunsuke Kanda, Masao Fuketa, Kazuhiro Morita, Akio Tomotoshi and Jun-ichi Aoe : A new compression method for double-array structures by a hierarchical representation, International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Vol.14, No.3/4, pp.221-236, 2015.
Masao Fuketa and Shunsuke Kanda : A construction method by divided double array structures, International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Vol.14, No.3/4, pp.273-283, 2015.
渡辺 峻 : 情報理論的に安全な秘密鍵共有と周辺話題—データ圧縮と乱数生成のコラボレーション—, 電子情報通信学会 基礎・境界ソサイエティ Fundamentals Review, Vol.7, No.1, 38-50頁, 2013年7月.
柏原 考爾 : 特集 医療分野における工学技術利用の動向 「知的制御に基づく薬剤投与支援システムに関する研究」, 電気評論 2014年6月号, 40-45頁, 2014年6月.
柏原 考爾 : 特集 近赤外線カメラによるビジョン技術 「ヘルスケアモニタリングとして静脈を高精細に可視化するための画像フィルタリング手法」, 画像ラボ 2014年8月号, Vol.25, No.8, 39-44頁, 2014年8月.
【国際会議 Proceedings】
Satoru Tsuge, Ken Ichikawa, Norihide Kitaoka, Kazuya Takeda and Kenji Kita : Spoken Content Retrieval Using Distance Combination and Spoken Term Detection Using Hash Function for NTCIR10 SpokenDoc2 Task, Proceeding of the 10th NTCIR Conference, pp.597-603, (都市), June 2013.
Shun Watanabe, Shigeaki Kuzuoka and Vincent Y. F. Tan. : Non-Asymptotic and Second Order Achievability Bounds for Source Coding with Side-Information, (誌名), (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), July 2013.
Shun Watanabe and Shigeaki Kuzuoka : Universal Wyner-Ziv Coding for Distortion Constrained General Side-Information, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), July 2013.
Shun Watanabe and Masahito Hayashi : Non-Asymptotic Analysis of Privacy Amplification via Renyi Entropy and Inf-Spectral Entropy, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, (巻), (号), pp.2715-2719, (都市), July 2013.
Iwase Masashi, Takahashi Keisuke, Minoru Fukumi and Koji Kashihara : Development of an Android Application for Imaging of Superficial Veins, Proc. of SICE Annual Conference 2013, pp.1515-1517, Nagoya, Sep. 2013.
Masahito Hayashi and Shun Watanabe : Non-Asymptotic Bounds on Fixed Length Source Coding for Markov Chains, Allerton Conference, (巻), (号), pp.875-882, (都市), Oct. 2013.
Himanshu Tyagi and Shun Watanabe : Secret Key Capacity for Multipleaccess Channel with Public Feedback, Allerton Conference, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), Oct. 2013.
Koji Kashihara : Intelligent controllers for a multiple drug delivery system in acute heart failure., Proceedings of International Workshop on Human-Machine Systems, Cyborgs and Enhancing Devices (HUMASCEND 2013), (巻), (号), Manchester, Oct. 2013.
Koji Kashihara : Automatic Design of a Novel Image Filter Based on the GA-EM Algorithm for Vein Shapes., Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (巻), (号), pp.3897-3902, Manchester, Oct. 2013.
Ken Ichikawa, Satoru Tsuge, Norihide Kitaoka, Kazuya Takeda and Kenji Kita : Spoken document retrieval using both word-based and syllable-based document spaces with latent semantic indexing, Proceedings of the APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (ASC) 2013, (都市), Oct. 2013.
Masahito Hayashi and Shun Watanabe : Non-Asymptotic Analysis of Privacy Amplification for Markov Chains,, ICITS, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), Nov. 2013.
Motoyuki Suzuki, Shohei Nakagawa and Kenji Kita : Emotion recognition method based on normalization of prosodic features, Proceedings of the APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (ASC) 2013, pp.1-5, (都市), Nov. 2013.
Mei Chen, Qingmei Xiao, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Minoru Yoshida, Xin Luo and Kenji Kita : A Fast Retrieval Algorithm Based on Fibonacci Hashing for Audio Fingerprinting Systems, Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Advanced Information Engineering and Education Science, pp.219-222, Beijing, Dec. 2013.
Takuki Ogawa, Kazuhiro Morita, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe : Effects of an Algorithm with a Recommendation Tree for Indirect Speech Acts, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT2013), pp.113-117, Paris, Dec. 2013.
Masao Fuketa, Kazuhiro Morita and Jun-ichi Aoe : A Retrieval Method for Double Array Structures by Using Byte N-Gram, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT2013), pp.155-159, Paris, Dec. 2013.
Kazuhiro Morita, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe : A Cloud Based Communication System for Elders Using Dialogue Control, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT2013), (頁), Paris, Dec. 2013.
Qingmei Xiao, Chen Mei, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Minoru Yoshida and Kenji Kita : Improvement of Indexing Methods for Audio Fingerprinting Systems, International Conference Data Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineering (ICDMCME'2014), pp.65-71, (都市), Feb. 2014.
Fujisawa Akira, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Minoru Yoshida and Kenji Kita : Identifying who drew the illustration focusing on the eyes of the characters, Proceedings of 20th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, pp.82-89, (都市), Feb. 2014.
Masahito Hayashi and Shun Watanabe : Non-Asymptotic and Asymptotic Analysis on Markov Chains in Several Problems, (誌名), (巻), (号), pp.1-10, (都市), Feb. 2014.
Yoshia Bando, Hitoshi Tokushige, Jun Asatani, Kazuhiro Morita, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe : Soft-input and output Decoding using Minimum Distance Search for Reed-Solomon Codes, 2014 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, (頁), Honolulu, Feb. 2014.
Koji Kashihara : Automatic creation of an efficient image filter based on the genetic algorithm for evaluation of veins, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2014), pp.506-510, Angers, March 2014.
Koji Kashihara : Restoration of archaeological artifacts by a genetic algorithm with image features, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2014), Vol.1, pp.691-695, Angers, March 2014.
Minoru Yoshida, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Kenji Kita and Hiroshi Nakagawa : Unsupervised Analysis of Web Page Semantic Structures by Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling, Proceedings of the Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD) 2014, Part II, LNAI 8444, pp.572-583, Tainan, May 2014.
Kiyoshi Yasuda, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe : An anime agent system for reminiscence therapy, The 9th World Conference of Gerontechnology(ISG 2014), (頁), Taipei, June 2014.
Yutaka Kameda, Minoru Fukumi and Koji Kashihara : Development of a Healthcare Monitoring System Based on Pulse Wave Analysis, Proceedings of 2014 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2014), pp.44-46, Tokyo, Oct. 2014.
Koji Kashihara : A Driver Support System to Prevent Traffic Accidents Caused by Optical Illusions, Proceedings of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp.3582-3587, San Diego, Oct. 2014.
Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Fuji Ren, Qingmei Xiao, Minoru Yoshida and Kenji Kita : Emotion Predicting Method Based on Emotion State Change of Personae according to the Other's Utterance, Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems(CCIS2014), (都市), Nov. 2014.
Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Sasayama Manabu, Qingmei Xiao, Fujisawa Akira, Minoru Yoshida and Kenji Kita : Reranking the Search Results for Lyric Retrieval Based on the Songwriters' Specific Usage of Words, Electronics, Communications and Networks IV Proceedings of the 4TH Internationa Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks, 12 15 December 2014, Beijing, China, pp.1045-1052, Beijing, Dec. 2014.
Yu Haitao, XIN KANG and Fuji Ren : TUTA1 at the NTCIR-11 Temporalia Task, Proceedings of the 11th NTCIR Conference, pp.461-467, (都市), Dec. 2014.
Minoru Yoshida, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Qingmei Xiao, Xielifuguli Keranmu, Kenji Kita and Hiroshi Nakagawa : Extracting Corpus-Specific Strings by Using Suffix Arrays Enhanced with Longest Common Prefix, Proceedings of the 10th Asia Information Retrieval Society Conference (AIRS 2014), LNCS 8870, pp.360-370, Kuching, Dec. 2014.
Koji Kashihara : Development of a Real-Time Analyzer for Peripheral Venous Evaluation During Blood Pressure Measurement, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, pp.88-92, (都市), Dec. 2014.
Shunsuke Kanda, Kazuhiro Morita, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe : Experimental Observations of Construction Methods for Double Array Structures using Linear Functions, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT2014), (頁), Barcelona, Dec. 2014.
Masao Fuketa, Kazuhiro Morita and Jun-ichi Aoe : Comparisons of Efficient Implementations for DAWG, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT2014), (頁), Barcelona, Dec. 2014.
Kazuhiro Morita, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe : A Method of Music Retrieval Using Impression Keywords, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT2014), (頁), Barcelona, Dec. 2014.
Daiki Hiraoka, Minoru Fukumi and Koji Kashihara : Estimation of physical burden in daily living activity by wearable sensors, Proceeding of the 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP), (号), pp.473-476, Kuala Lumpur, March 2015.
Hirokazu Ito, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Misao Miyagawa, Yumi Kuwamura, Yuko Yasuhara, Fuji Ren, Tetsuya Tanioka and Rozzano De Castro Locsin : Professional Nurses Attitudes Towards the Introduction of Humanoid Nursing Robots (HNRs) to the Hospital, International Association for Human Caring 36th International Conference, New Orleans, May 2015.
XIN KANG, Yunong Wu and Zhifei Zhang : Learning Salient Samples and Distributed Representations for Topic-Based Chinese Message Polarity Classification, Proceedings of the ACL-IJCNLP 2015, (都市), July 2015.
XIN KANG, Wu Yunong and Zhang Zhifei : Learning Salient Samples and Distributed Representations for Topic-Based Chinese Message Polarity Classification, Proceedings of the ACL-IJCNLP 2015, (都市), July 2015.
Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Minoru Yoshida, Qingmei Xiao, Luo Xin and Kenji Kita : Emotion Recognition for Sentences with Unknown Expressions based on Semantic Similarity by Using Bag of Concepts, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'15), pp.1428-1433, (都市), Aug. 2015.
Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Kyosuke Akita, Minoru Yoshida, Kenji Kita and Fuji Ren : Estimate the Intimacy of the Characters Based on Their Emotional States for Application to Non-Task Dialogue, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2015), pp.327-333, Xi'an, Sep. 2015.
Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Minoru Yoshida and Kenji Kita : Sensibility Estimation Method for Youth Slang by Using Sensibility Co-occurrence Feature Vector Obtained from Microblog, Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC2015), (都市), Oct. 2015.
Koji Kashihara : A driver support interface to detect optical illusion places on a road map, Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp.1476-1481, (都市), Oct. 2015.
Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Minoru Yoshida, Seiji Tsuchiya, Kenji Kita and Fuji Ren : Slang Analysis Based on Variant Information Extraction Focusing on the Time Series Topics, the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 2015.
Yoshio Kan and Koji Kashihara : Automatic detection of ST depression on ECG, Proceedings of 2015 IEEE 4th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2015), pp.655-657, Osaka, Oct. 2015.
Shunsuke Kanda, Masao Fuketa, Kazuhiro Morita and Jun-ichi Aoe : Trie Compact Representation using Double-array Structures with String Labels, Proceedings of 2015 IEEE 8th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Applications (IWCIA), (頁), Hiroshima, Nov. 2015.
Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Minoru Yoshida, Kenji Kita and Fuji Ren : An Approach to Refine Translation Candidates for Emotion Estimation in Japanese-English Language, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Vol.2, pp.74-83, (都市), Nov. 2015.
Koji Kashihara : Dynamically Assessing the Arterial Baroreflex by Examining Ramp Responses to Vasoactive Agents, Proceedings of 2015 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2015), pp.965-970, Nagoya, Dec. 2015.
XIN KANG, Yunong Wu and Fuji Ren : KGO at the NTCIR-12 Temporalia Task: Exploring Temporal Information in Search Queries, Proceedings of the 12th NTCIR Conference, (巻), (号), pp.247-252, (都市), (month)2016.
Sun Zhuoran, Minoru Yoshida, Kazuyuki Matsumoto and Kenji Kita : A Study on the Review Analysis for the Automatic Evaluation of the Product, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Information Technology, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), Jan. 2016.
Zhang Guodong, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Minoru Yoshida and Kenji Kita : Pedestrian Re-identification using Color Feature in Multi Surveillance Video, Proceedings of 54th The IIER International Conference, pp.23-26, (都市), Jan. 2016.
Chao Li, Fuji Ren and XIN KANG : Verb-object Selectional Preferences in Chinese Based on Distributional Semantic Model, 18th International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Computational Techniques and Intelligent Systems (MAMECTIS '16), pp.59-62, Venice, Italy, Jan. 2016.
II.1.5 情報数理科学
数値解法の開発, 数理現象の数値解析,偏微分方程式の高精度数値 計算法の研究,関数解析, 超関数論,解析学, 微分方程式論,代数系 の数値解析,非線形楕円型方程式の定性的研究,非線形双曲型保存則 系に対する時間大域解の研究,パターン形成に関する解析,など.
II.1.5.1 教員組織
(1) 氏名,(2) メールアドレス,(3) 職名・学位,(4) 専門分野,(5) 所属学会(役職名),(6) 社会活動(役職名),(7) 主要研究テーマ,(8) キーワード,(9) 共同研究可能テーマ
(1) 竹内 敏己, Toshiki Takeuchi,
(2) tākėūċhī (@) pm ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(工学),
(4) 数値解析学,
(5) 社団法人 日本数学会・日本応用数理学会・日本TDM学会・情報処理学会,
(6) ,
(7) 数値計算法の研究,
(8) 数値計算, シミュレーション,
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 高橋 浩樹 (隅田 浩樹), Hiroki Sumida-Takahashi (Hiroki Sumida),
(2) hīŗōkīt (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 教授・博士(数理科学),
(4) 代数的整数論,
(5) 社団法人 日本数学会・社団法人 日本数学会・American Mathematical Society・徳島県数学教育会 (副会長),
(6) ,
(7) 代数系の数値解析,
(8) 代数体の岩澤理論, 代数体の数値解析,
(9) 代数系(体)を用いたアルゴリズム開発
(1) 深貝 暢良, Nobuyoshi Fukagai,
(2) fūkāġāī (@) pm ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 准教授・理学博士,
(4) 微分方程式論,
(5) 社団法人 日本数学会,
(6) ,
(7) 非線形楕円型方程式の定性的研究,
(8) 微分方程式, 解析学, 非線形,
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 香田 温人, Atsuhito Kohda,
(2) ātśūhītō_k (@) tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 准教授・博士(工学),
(4) 数学,
(5) 社団法人 日本数学会・日本応用数理学会,
(6) ,
(7) 解析学, 微分方程式論,
(8) 偏微分方程式, 爆発解,
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 水野 義紀, Yoshinori Mizuno,
(2) mīżūņō (@) pm ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 准教授・理学博士,
(4) 保型形式と整数論,
(5) 日本数学会,
(6) ,
(7) 保型形式の明示的研究,
(8) (@.keyword),
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 岡本 邦也, Kuniya Okamoto,
(2) ōkāmōtō (@) pm ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 講師・博士(理学),
(4) 微分方程式論,
(5) 社団法人 日本数学会,
(6) ,
(7) 非線形双曲型保存則系に対する時間大域解の研究,
(8) 発展方程式, 関数解析, 作用素論,
(9) (@.collaborate)
(1) 坂口 秀雄, Hideo Sakaguchi,
(2) śākā (@) pm ₍.₎ tōkūśhīmā-ū ₍.₎ āċ ₍.₎ jp,
(3) 助教・修士(理学),
(4) 応用数学,
(5) 社団法人 日本数学会・日本応用数理学会,
(6) ,
(7) パターン形成に関する解析, 数値計算手法の研究,
(8) パターン形成, 数理モデル, 反応拡散方程式系, 並列計算, 数値解析,
(9) (@.collaborate)
II.1.5.2 研究業績
【著 書】
香田 温人, 長町 重昭 : 理工系 ベクトル解析, 学術図書出版社, 東京, 2014年9月.
Yoshinori Mizuno and Matthes Roland : Spectral theory on 3-dimensional hyperbolic space and Hermitian modular forms, Forum Mathematicum, Vol.26, No.6, pp.1763-1806, 2014.
Humio Ichimura, Shoichi Nakajima and Hiroki Sumida-Takahashi : On the $2$-adic Iwasawa lambda invariants of the $p$-cyclotomic fields and their quadratic twists, International Journal of Number Theory, Vol.10, No.2, pp.283-296, 2014.
Masahiro Watanabe, Noriyasu Fukuoka, Toshiki Takeuchi, Kazunori Yamaguchi, Takahiro Motoki, Hiroaki Tanaka, Shinji Kosaka and Hitoshi Houchi : Developing Population Pharmacokinetic Parameters for High-Dose Methotrexate Therapy, --- Implication of Correlations among Developed Parameters for Individual Parameter Estimation Using the Bayesian Least-Squares Method ---, Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, Vol.37, No.6, pp.916-921, 2014.
Yoshinori Mizuno : On characterization of Siegel cusp forms of degree 2 by the Hecke bound, Mathematika, Vol.61, (号), pp.89-100, 2015.
【国際会議 Proceedings】
Azjargal Enkhbayar, Wada Naoki, Hitoshi Imai and Hideo Sakaguchi : Numerical Computation for Smoothness of the Solution of a One-Dimensional Hyperbolic Equation, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education in Developing Countries, pp.78-87, Mandalay, Nov. 2013.
水野 義紀 : Dirichlet series of two variables arising from real analytic JacobiEisenstein series of matrix index, Zeta Functions of Several Variables and Applications, Nagoya University,, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), 2015年11月.
竹内 敏己, 土屋 浩一郎, 阿部 武由, 福岡 憲泰 : 薬物動態パラメータの推定方法及び薬物動態パラメータの推定プログラム, 特願2014-63011 (2014年6月), 特開2015-181853 (2015年10月), (番号) ((年月日)).