IV.6 国際会議・学協会等の開催
IV.6.1 建設工学科
IV.6.2 機械工学科
Hitoshi Takagi (International Science and Advisory Board Member) : Far East and Oceanic Fracture Society, main sponsor, 9th International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solids, Jeju, June 2013.
Teruaki Ito (International Program Committee Member) : Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, joint sponsor, International Symposium on Scheduling 2013, Tokyo, July 2013.
Teruaki Ito (Session Chair (Service Engineering)) : ISPE, main sponsor, 20th ISPE International Conferenc on Concurrent Engineering, Melbourne, Sep. 2013.
Masashi Ichimiya (Local Organizing Committee) : 第4回噴流,後流およびはく離流に関する国際会議組織委員会, main sponsor, Fourth International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, Nagoya, Sep. 2013.
Hitoshi Takagi (Scientific Committee Member) : Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics, main sponsor, 4th International Conference on Innovative Natural Fibre Composites for Industrial Applications, Rome, Oct. 2013.
Tohru Ishida (実行委員) : Manufacturing and Machine Tool Division, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, main sponsor, 7th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), Matsushima, Miyagi, Japan, Nov. 2013.
Teruaki Ito (Reviewer) : The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, main sponsor, ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, SanDiego (USA), Nov. 2013.
Teruaki Ito (Program Committee Member (Design & Education)), contest referee of innovative design Official ((@.role)) : Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, joint sponsor, Design Engineering Workshop 2013 (DEWS2013), Kitakyushu, Nov. 2013.
Hitoshi Takagi (International scientific and advisory board member) : Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, main sponsor, First International Materials, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Conference, Johor Bahru, Dec. 2013.
Hitoshi Takagi (Advisory committee member) : The Society of Materials Science,Japan, joint sponsor, Eighth International Conference on Green Composites, Seoul, May 2014.
Hitoshi Takagi (International scientific advisory committee member) : Wessex Institute of Technology, main sponsor, The 2014 International Conference on High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials, Ostend, June 2014.
Teruaki Ito (Co-chair of Doctoral Workshop) : the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 5.1, main sponsor, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) 2014, Yokohama, July 2014.
Hitoshi Takagi (International Technical Committee Member) : Korea Marintime and Ocean University, main sponsor, 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance, Busan, July 2014.
Teruaki Ito (Reviewer) : The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, main sponsor, ASME 2014 International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2014), Buffaro (USA), Aug. 2014.
Teruaki Ito (Panel of reviewers) : Faculty Of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tknikal Malaysia Melaka(UTeM)), main sponsor, iDECON2014, Melaka, Sep. 2014.
Hitoshi Takagi (International scientific and advisory board member) : Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, main sponsor, Second International Materials, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Conference, Bali, Feb. 2015.
Teruaki Ito (大会委員長) : TokushimaU-UTeM Academic Centre, main sponsor, 1st TMAC Spring Symposium 2015, Malacca, March 2015.
Teruaki Ito (大会委員長) : TokushimaU-UTeM Academic Centre, main sponsor, 1st TMAC Design Workshop 2015, Malacca, March 2015.
Hitoshi Takagi (Scientific committee member) : Tokushima University, main sponsor, International Forum on Advanced Technologies, Tokushima, March 2015.
Teruaki Ito (Program committee member) : Japan Society of Mechanical Engineer (JSME), main sponsor, International Symposium on Scheduling 2015, Kobe, July 2015.
Teruaki Ito (General chair / Conference chair) : Japan Society of Mechanical Engineer (JSME) & Universiti Tknikal Malaysia Melaka(UTeM)), main sponsor, iDECON2015, Tokushima, Sep. 2015.
Teruaki Ito (大会委員長) : TokushimaU-UTeM Academic Centre, joint sponsor, 2nd TMAC Autumn Symposium 2015, Tokushima, Sep. 2015.
Tohru Ishida (実行委員), Tohru Ishida (Electrical machining セッション オーガナイザー) : Manufacturing and Machine Tool Division, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, main sponsor, 8th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 2015.
Teruaki Ito (実行委員長) : TokushimaU-UTeM Academic Centre, joint sponsor, 2nd TMAC Design Workshop 2016 Training Seminar, Tokushima, Nov. 2015-Feb. 2016.
Teruaki Ito (大会委員長) : TokushimaU-UTeM Academic Centre, main sponsor, 1st TMAC Lecture Series 2015, Malacca, Nov. 2015.
Teruaki Ito (大会委員長) : TokushimaU-UTeM Academic Centre, main sponsor, 3rd TMAC Symposium 2016, Malacca, Feb. 2016.
Teruaki Ito (大会委員長) : TokushimaU-UTeM Academic Centre, main sponsor, 2nd TMAC Design Workshop 2016, Malacca, Feb.-March 2016.
Hitoshi Takagi (Scientific committee member) : Tokushima University, main sponsor, Second International Forum on Advanced Technologies, Tokushima, March 2016.
IV.6.3 化学応用工学科
Kitayama Tatsuki (大会委員長), Koichi Ute (実行委員) : IUPAC, main sponsor, IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization 2013 (IP2103 Awaji), Awaji, Sep. 2013.
Tomohiro Hirano (Local Comittee) : IUPAC, main sponsor, International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization (IP2013), Awaji, Sep. 2013.
IV.6.4 電気電子工学科
Yoshifumi Nishio (Review Committee Member) : IEEE, main sponsor, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'13), Beijing, May 2013.
Yoshifumi Nishio (International Scientific Committee Member) : NDES'13 Organizing Committee, main sponsor, International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES'13), Bari, Italy, July 2013.
Tetsushi Ueta (Scientific Committee Member), Yoshifumi Nishio (Scientific Committee Member) : University of Zaragoza, main sponsor, International Workshop on Nonlinear Maps and their Applications (NOMA'13), Zaragoza, Spain, Sep. 2013.
Yoshifumi Nishio (General Co-Chair), Yoko Uwate (Secretary) : IEEE, main sponsor, IEEE CASS Shanghai and Shikoku Chapters Joint Workshop on Circuits and Systems (SSJW'13), Shanghai, Nov. 2013.
IV.6.5 知能情報工学科
Akinori Kawachi (Organizing Committee Chair) : 科学研究費新学術領域研究「多面的アプローチの統合による 計算限界の解明」, main sponsor, ELC Tokyo Complexity Workshop, Tokyo, May 2013.
Tetsushi Ueta (Scientific Committee Member), Yoshifumi Nishio (Scientific Committee Member) : University of Zaragoza, main sponsor, International Workshop on Nonlinear Maps and their Applications (NOMA'13), Zaragoza, Spain, Sep. 2013.
Kenji Matsuura (プログラム編集委員) : KES International, main sponsor, 17th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Kitakyushu, Japan, Sep. 2013.
Kenji Matsuura (プログラム編集委員) : APSCE, main sponsor, 21th International Conference on Computers in Education, Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 2013.
Kenji Matsuura (Co-Chair), Kenji Matsuura (プログラム編集委員) : APSCE, main sponsor, 3rd Workshop on SKill Analysis, learning or teaching of skills, Learning environments or Training Environments for Skills (SKALTES 2013), Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 2013.
Kenji Matsuura (Technical Committee Member) : IEEE Section Puebla, main sponsor, International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers 2014, Puebla, México, Feb. 2014.
Tetsushi Ueta (Vice General Chair, Techinical Committee Member) : The Research Institute of Signal Processing Japan, main sponsor, RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), Honolulu, Feb.-March 2014.
Kenji Matsuura (プログラム編集委員) : KES International, main sponsor, 18th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Gdynia, Poland, Sep. 2014.
Kenji Matsuura (プログラム編集委員), Kenji Matsuura (実行委員), Kenji Matsuura (Technical Support Chair) : APSCE, main sponsor, 22th International Conference on Computers in Education, Nara, Japan, Nov.-Dec. 2014.
Kenji Matsuura (Co-Chair), Kenji Matsuura (プログラム編集委員) : APSCE, main sponsor, 4th Workshop on SKill Analysis, learning or teaching of skills, Learning environments or Training Environments for Skills (SKALTES 2014), Nara, Japan, Nov.-Dec. 2014.
Tetsushi Ueta (General Chair, Techinical Committee Member) : The Research Institute of Signal Processing Japan, main sponsor, RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP'15), Kuala Lumpur, Feb.-March 2015.
Kenji Matsuura (プログラム編集委員) : KES International, main sponsor, 19th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Singapore, Sep. 2015.
Tetsushi Ueta (General Chair, Techinical Committee Member) : Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, main sponsor, International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'15), Hong Kong, Dec. 2015.
IV.6.6 生物工学科
IV.6.7 光応用工学科
IV.6.8 共通講座,工学基礎教育センター
Koichi Nakamura (実行委員) : The organizing committee of 19th International Conference on Solid State Ionics, main sponsor, 19th International Conference on Solid State Ionics, Kyoto, June 2013.
IV.6.9 エコシステム工学専攻
IV.6.10 フロンティア研究センター